Show HE REPORT OF DR 4 I 1 the 12 py ol 01 0 0 dehay regert p dr iane kane commanding r aneli anell i tion in search of sir john fran franklin in to the gevry fevry of ddll flip th e navy our little party have returned iu in health annd aund arid arld safety I 1 We reached the danish settlements of ufler riM kon theah of august after an ail exposing exposit travel rave I 1 of thirteen hundred miles during tills journey which embraced alternate zones of ice and water w wo transported our boat hoat by sledges file decsI and sustained ourselves ourse hes on animal food xia x la ayour by our gun tun wd wa entered port after eith elgh ty four faur davs exposure m iri lri tie tle open air 0 I 1 have tho the honor to subjoin a of of our results ja Ta advance of more m i or i communications t j my previous dispatches des patches make the department with our arriva arrival tat lat at the northern nora fibril sel sol j ti laments of greenland thene e I 1 crossed cros eros crossed sed melville bay without accident and rec reo Jid iid smiths I 1 sound on the 5 ath th of august 1833 1853 1 finding i capo the seat of my lo tended intended beacon 1 shut out from imm the sound by the tha themore more moro prominent primi nent i hadland of littleton Island ii laudI 1 selected chis hitter bitter spot for my cairn erecting a flagstaff flag staff and de positing despatch dispatches drs des patches em I 1 I 1 i I 1 to the north the ice presen preson presented ted a drifting drift inz loZ pack of the heaviest iou jou the ther action si of hum j moc kire in iome pome some instances f reared eared i harrt barrt cades of sixty feet in leichti heich ti in my etoris to M penetrate this drift being heing driven back aud nearly leset et in the p paek pack ek I 1 determined as the only means of coot continuing no ing lug the to attempt d a passage along the land where the tha rapid tides here pf af or sixteen feet rise and fall had worn a precarious opening previous lo 10 this sible step a 9 depot t tf f provisions with a metallic life lifa boi bol Frail francis cis cig was carefully concealed in a larg larz a inlet in ill latitude 78 deg 26 min mid I 1 the T extrema extreme strength ot ue tl e advance enabled I 1 her to PlA siw dustain sustain stain this trying navigation although i aground at aft the fall of the tides abid twice upon I 1 her be amends from the pressure of external ei fernal ice I 1 she escaped any serious disaster after h month mouth of incessant labor cheered ho however weyer by a small dally daily progress the new ice so clo cio closed sed aroun around us as to tomake make a further penetration impossible dul with difficulty we found founds a winter asylum m ath at the bottom of a bay which opened from the coat coast i in Jati latitude tudo 78 38 deg 44 min roin into it we thankfully hi hilled tiled our battered little brig on the loth of september 1853 from this point as a centre issued tha the Po exploration of my party i 1 lithe atho of heretofore unrecorded se so whisky froze as early as november and mercury remained solid for nearly four months i I 1 the ithe range oe of eleven spirit thermometers selected as standards gave tempera temperatures bires hires not yet re I 1 aved of sty nty or seventy five degrees bel bei below 0 w I 1 zaro and oo 00 tle tie mean annual temperature was 5 de dega at 2 min n fahrenheit the lowest ever registered extreme cold colds combined with one hun bun hundred ifred and twenty days of absence of sun give rise jise to an obscure hut but fatal form of or tetanus lockjaw I 1 t the othe exertions of dr hayes the surgeon of th the expedition had readily subdued the scurvy but these fearful tendencies Jenden cies cles to tonic tonie spasm defied our united efforts this disorder extended to our dogs dogg fifty so beyen seyen of which perished thus completely break breaking ingup up my sledge organization i t the operations of search were wera carried on tin inn derr circumstances of peculiar pec peo ulfar hardship we worked at our sledges as late as is the tha novem berand beran beraud berau renewed 0 our ur labor in ih maich march much 61 this travel was in dark darka nest aesT ese esq randsome and some at temper agures as low as 50 deg the earlier winter fravel travel undertaken was wag by myself in person but by ll 11 the aid of a single team of dogs a and edthe tha zealous co i i oile olle operation ration of my officers we were w ere enabled to re place the tha parties as they became exhausted and nod thus continue the search until the of butr it is believed tha that titio no previous parties have been I 1 so ign igo in the heid field brooks mcgeary I 1 pon sall haya has and morton successively coutris contributed I 1 to the tim general the men work edwith fidelity arld slid endur endurance alice allce i 1 I briefly det althe explorations party smith sound has been fol foi followed and surveyed throughout it ii elithe enter extent it terminates to jha th northeast in a a gulf miles dinits in lits bits long iong di I 1 i I 1 greenland hasteen has been traced toils to its n northern face ahe he coast g nearly due east and west E 17 deg N its I 1 bi further penetration towards the Ati atlantic autio antio was arrested b by a glacier glaciers which of offers au zu impassable barrier to future exploration this i stupendous mass of log ica issues in 60 degrees vest west longitude it is coincident with the axis of the I 1 peninsula and is probably the only obstacle to the i insularity of greenland it rises feet in perpendicular cular aee race face ace and has been followed along its tase rase for 80 miles in ift one olie unbroken escarpment this glacier ru runs us nearly dud dua north and nd cements together by ail all anjay icy lcy union tiia tila continental masses bof of greenland and aird america it explains the broken and add permanently frozen character of upper smiths sound its abundant ico icebergs bergs andi audi to a certain extent its rigorous climate agra spec spectacle it vas was one of the hio hin highest hinbest hest sublimity the northern lind into which this glacier as haibe has bas beer tp name named d washington and te bay N which vil vii ich interposes betge between enit it and greenland I 1 have named banned after mr peabody I 1 I 1 pr peabody abod N I 1 b bay bax lyes exit at its western curve iati lati latitude fude 80 deg eg 12 11 min to a large channel wll wil which cli cil ell forms th the most inhere interesting geographical feature of our travel tili thu channel e expands to the iloa lioa northward hward into an open and i ce it s area animal life and presenting every character of an open polar sea A surface hace face of miles was weli seen at various elevations free frony franr dee tee with a northern I 1 boraz ort equally free A north wind fifty tivo two hours in duration failed to bring any drift into th this isaree aree ares i I 1 jt W C i ker kev jar i y it idith with pain that depa men my inability abili t y to navigate A t 1 wat r e hun rd dred antl anti anu ana t ven ty give five mils mi leso ieso r g solid 0 1 I 1 ices so r r 0 u g I 1 i al ita lre ire impassible i to boats p separated 1 ephrat th em j ronar RM ear est southern land tamy J persona 01 forli atrit i in april and may failed to convey one ot of the anra gubber rubber inges innes of the channel ahl abl my party including myself were 1 j e completely 0 lilile tely broken four of them had u undergone nd argone amputation of frost bite nearly all ail erb ere from 1 laud land the sias eti had aa o faw advance advanced d as to render another journey impossible to the af pf ft latitude latitus e 71 deg I 1 17 mill mi the tho shores of the phanuel r became preci preel precipitous itou rd aad nesti estl tute tufe even eveir or passage to the sledge william am morton who with oth one Esqui maux tina sina ail a small earn of dogs had bad reached this jit pit spot ait pushed forward on foot fee A until a mural cape gape wied hi W led hed bed by a heavy beavy bil ail sur rt absolutely checker chepke his 1118 progress I 1 it 11 IV was As git pil the 06 western coasts or tius this sea that I 1 had iid ild ilo llo hoped pe d to find traces of the gall gallant ant anar martyrs ys whose sea search ach this expedition the splendid efforts of dr ray ras giov ilov first known to me would have given sug sup such h a tr travel avel avei a merely geographical balue reviewing conscientiously of rui moy roy party jt it is providential that chat we falier failed in the embarkation the tile iane lane washed by this sea set to tiie the northward ani and westward has flag been en eil ell charted arted as high as latitude 83 82 deg 40 min and lonie longitude ionie 76 deg ti forms ao nearest arm land to the tiie pola pole yet discovered it bears the honored named of mr ar grinnell grinnel As the season advanced it acamo evident that our brig would noi nol not be liberated our immediate katier harper harbor gave few signs of breaking epand up and olia one unbroken pu broken ice 0 o surface expanded ex ended fo to tile the sound it 1 t was now too late to attempt ail an escape by boats our oun ur fuei fuel was deficient ail all and our provisions aitho abundant were in no wise calculated to resist scurvy acu arvy at this juncture 1 started with five vol voli i on ou au attempt to reach the mouth of vh ra I 1 hyped to io meet tile the E expeditions and aud afford rel relief cef to my associates clates during thi journey 0 jirney we crossed the nethermost track of I 1 william larn lann baffin in bu but fi di dinga n iid ild solid lid pack extend extending ipg fro from M jones couill sound ay to hakluyt at island with difficulty regained the brig riz the 1 he second winter was one of extreme trial we were obi obliged aged as a zit measure of policy to 6 live tap the lives of the Esqui maux enveloped 0 ia o walls of moss burning houps and eating the raw meats of the walrus and bear 41 one 0 time every member ot off our party with wilb the e exception 0 of mr bonsall and myself was prostrate with curvy scurvy js and imbie unable to bunk saved sved us als but a p organized buntaro hunt bun tano tand and the aid of degso dogs capro in procuring walrus flom corn the Esqui squi maux the nearest settlement of which people deop was seventy d tant taut from fro frn mour our harbor I 1 I 1 thesel Esqui estul maux a race of the fhe highest in interest teresi we formed a valuable al tiance alliance shaling oar resources and aad mutually depending upon euch other they w were never thoroughly oly Aly to be trusted but by b a mixed course gourse of intimidation and kindness became of essential service I 1 have to report tile the loss of three of my py comrades brave rii ril men meu u who perished ju jn discharge of their dutye two of tiles i carpenter hristian christian J jemmerson jefferson e baker died of lockjaw the third peter abscess following of the foot rot mr M ohlsen was avaiu avalu a valuable able ablo adviser and personal friend frindt lie ile acted in comman command lof of the brig during my iny ab abi gince sence upon tile the sledge journeys I 1 knowing that a third winter would be fatal and blid that we were wera too enuch luve luye seAby I 1 ic for foran ail ati expedit iop jop from the sound souni to liberate lus jus in time tim for the fhe present pres I 1 abandoned tle tie advance ce an anthe the and aud a trivet to the south the gick kick four ill ili number were by our do dog sledge I 1 had to to sacrifice my collection of natural history but saved the tile documents decumen ts of the expedition I 1 the organization of Ws his journey was carefully matured to meet the alternating contingencies of ice and andy andl water lt jt consisted consi of boats cradled upon wooden runners runner ath lesser sledges forthe occasional relief of cargo with tia tim of re ro allo ailo allowance ot of powdered breadstuff and tal low we depended upon our guns gung for food bua but bu a small reserve of or bordens borden meat biscuit uit vas was kept kep t emergencies our oar clothing pas was was tio tig rigorously limited thour to our furs We walked ia w c carpet arik arpe 1 moccasins I 1 our greatest difficulty was the passage of an extensive exten siye zone of which intervened between the brig brigand and the nearest southern water alteio Alt ilo lio this belt e eighty one miles I 1 in a linear I 1 near extent such was the heavy nature a of he the jq ibe and our of tra importation thalius tha that lits ilta its transit cost u us 9 thirty one oue days davs of abor and ail an actual travel of 0 three hundred and sixteen pipes from cape alexander we advanced by boats with only cocas occasional lonal ional ice passages pas saget af the base babe ofala of glaciers at cape york I 1 q c beefed reefed eted a c airn cairn and pennant with dispatches des patches for the he information inform alion aplon of vessels crossing melville Melvil lebay bay and then afert c cutting ut up my spar spare boat for fuei fuel embarked for the north greenland settlements we arrived at as before stated on the tho ath of angust august without disaster and in excellent health ani and spirits throughout this long loog journey m my yi c companions behaved with adgil admirable rable rabie fortitude forti lorti tude I 1 should do them an injustice if I 1 omitted to acknowledge their fidelity to myself and gallant bearing ja in times of eriv privation atlon and danger I 1 from I 1 took passage for england in the danish brig marianne but most fortu tortu i abely touching Di disco ico tco we were met by our gallant countrymen under captain harts Harta hartstein tein they had foun found d the ace ice of smiths i sound still unbroken 0 but having met the esqui cape alexander had heard bear dof of our departure and retraced their steps they arrived at disco but twenty four hours houm before oun our intended departure for england under these clr reir circumstances cum stances I 1 consi dereg derea ecat it obligatory upon me w y s t r y td tc w tedi r pa passage as s 4 a g ii th alari inie inre tind and return eburn wan jt ili ill relea se pal retie ta present season Is s regarded I 1 a shi in se severity e r ty to I 1 ids as thiel thiet ce north 59 Ts fea hei her sape Sapa of til ill e search ing squadron from besetment besel Lesel ment is most providential the rapid advancer br winter had already closed arou abou around pa them the you young ng ice and but for thi the fhe the steamer an and the tile extraordinary exertions or of capt Hart hartstein stein stela an on imprisonment 1 would have hee bee beau u inevitable apt jones es and langcuster Lanc Lan astei custer with will ian jan impenetrable pack but in spite of these difficulties they achieved the entire circumnavigation of bamm baffin ins bay and reached tha th danish ket iet cements de ments by tle the ni t iddle ice i |