Show sketch of the e life and andl services of doctor I 1 eane kane we cp nider this a particularly appropriate time to lva eive elve ive a brief sketch of the lifer of dr kane xane nov now that he is the world in a more conspicuous position than hp he has ever occupied before hewis born lit iii philadelphia anth on the ad of february 1822 so that he it iq at present about thirty three years year old in 1843 he graduated after a vear vears chirse of studies esq at the pennsylvania vania vanla medical university and soon after he en tp edthe united states navy as assistant sur surgeon geon peon while whilo acting in ulm HIM capacity lie he was appointed as as physician in the first embassy to china from 1 thi th i country f his naturally disposition dispositions di low 1 iad lad him to project a visit to the interi interior br but the iii tie werf were weri so numerous that he could not accomplish his purpose as fully ashe desired hiie ulle however succeed succeeded id in traveling over a large section of the country antl anti anil zand before his bis return he vis the Phili ceylon ani and other islands in that tu region and add ea even succeeded into the I 1 his ravels gravels through which were rt a adventures dvar luiis oa an ate riis but bit perils to a man of Doctor kanes kanels appear only to havethe hav fathe effect if bf making allem more attract 1 ivr ive india he he ilie crater of I 1 the ta el of berzon suspended by bv a bamboo to rope from a projecting crag which hovered above ei interior scoria scoria and debris over two hundred feet this act of daring nearly cost him his life for the I 1 natives regarded it aa as a sati act which could only be effaced by the cupi c pi cou i offender dr kane ein eln pious pins pius vengeance and after ards went to the sandwich islands with the celebrated baron leo of prussia cherp he be was attacked by a whole tribe of th the savage those isla isia islands islan plis ls against cheehe he successfully defended himself but bui the hardships lie lle and his companion subsequently underwent were more than thin the latter could en dure dare and he lie sunk under them dr eane kine alone passed overdo egypt ascended ascend pd the nile a as far as the he confines s of rudia rudla mhd remained during burink a whole season among the ruins ruing of ancient egypt in rian riar research leaving egypt he TS cited greece next which he ile traveled trave trover ped eed edon edom on foot the tile united sates in 1846 when whew i e arnved his love of 4 adventure would no tallow him to remain inactive and he applied almost immediately after his ret Tet return uril to tho the lh government for a commis commission tion to mexico failing Fi iliin to he accepted an appointment onboard inboard on board ota ofa united states vessel bound to the african coast arriving there he be could not the temptation to see the slave slate marts of whydah but bat was gas met indis in his ja journey jounney urney by that terrible enemy of mhd ewhite th white manya manjA ile lip african fever I 1 i he was brought home in a state of extreme ill health and emaciation but almost unable to move he made his way to Washington frota philadelphia against the earnest entreaties of h hlin w family pres presented engedi himself with shaven head bead ada arid tottering limb i to to precedent Pre presed ent polk and demanded a what had bad before been refused him thim a commission goin doin mission to mexico the president could conid nat deny bid bis request and entrusted him with important dis patches for the commander in chie chief general scott cotti he way wai given as an escort through mexico mexica the notor notorious ions company of colonel dominguez who start started edwith with him from vera cruz aniz As they were approach approaching ib nopal ica near puebla they were informed by ri a mexican mexican that h a large body of mexican soldiers were on their way ta p intercept them and at that time lime were but rt short distance off dominguez Po refused to proceed any furt further lieT ond and was wa about retreating when dr kane commanded hm via to remain wi with ili ill him threatening I 1 the vengeance of his government gov emment if hh hil company should leave him bim hit 1 haying succeeded succeed in preventing him kiln fro ni turning his back on the enemy he finally indu induced gel gei cel him to attack them flading the bead head of his escort dr kane took advantage otia ofia rising ground to sweep down i upon the mexican who were then thrown inta confusion by the intrepidity r of his charge ral rai lying h ahey mad made a stout resistance and it was not until after a severe kirmish kirmish that they wery and the tim I 1 principle rin ciple martof par of them tak taken ep prisoners onera the consisted I 1 of a number of distinguished officer in the he mexican army who ivere on their tay way wax to join join their commander among them hem was wa s general who led the cavalry at buena bista I 1 and nd major general antonio gaona gona anil hi his son sor The jatter wa dangerously wounded jy by dr kanc kane who in a personal e encounter ric 0 ter ran hirn through the loav with his sj IV tjien flen ilen the skir skirmish mish was ov over oven r I 1 h i rs dine jine aba lt his was as seriously J nilore a had F eto ils lis surgical cie cit skill I 1 to T save gave xe hi his s life and the result proved that it was basof of no ardi ordinary pry clia cila character with no other instrument than ad nhe ohe the bent prong of a fork and i a piece of packthread ead lie tied up an artery from which I 1 the het fife of th the young 5 oung soldier was fast fasl ebbing and ana placed him in a condition that thit hp h coil coti could libe be conveyed safely to puebla no sooner however had he be couch concluded ded jed this humane acl han han ban he was informed by jonne in gaona that he overheard Domingi doming iez lez say he P e would wo ul hl take he the life of bis his father because be he T had ady adi pt ode oue time put pit him m rn prison soil dr kane J instantly i hit nit antly interfered placed himself between en hi hs s escort and his prisoners and threat ned to the first man ohp attempted 1 he life ilfe f 0 noi Ga gaona oria niia dominguez Domingi lez iez became bec ame in irk furia r or aad ted ordered hn men to charre charge 1 but hut llie first man of the comP company arlys named Palf tse z fal before the fire of dr kane wh a plied fill led his revolver with fatal effect upon all A who came its reach with a severa lahce wound in his this hh managed ige d to i keep hem them I 1 at bay and saved his b is prisoners riso nerg ners from their hoir ho ir fury unil le be arrived in in where they thoy were wae under the he charge of col childs dr karlie kane whose woun wounds 9 were opre very vety serious yas yas was detained here for many days ays ayt duding during which he was wag attended and nursed wi with the tha most tender caseby care cane bj the family of major gaona who ia is the t e most ardent friends and admirers of 66 and gifted countryman ther is J one thing in this ibis romantic adventure adv wb which ich we e should not omit td mention di dekane tarie tarle thought though tn and aid still thinks more ce ahe which he displayed at that s skirmish armish than of his ca capturing tyirin the tile prisoners to or defending the th treachery trea Irea chery ap his le eort cort cort I 1 I 1 M i |