Show russian version of the capture of se ba the first russian version of the fall of sebas I 1 opol is s contained in the following general order addressed by prince Gorts chakoff to hi troops and ana in an incomplete report of the progress of the siege published in the In valide russe GENERAL ORDER ADDRESSED TO TIIE THE ARMY AMY OP tiie tile SOUTH AND TO an fn LAND ND AND SEA SEI TROOPS IN THE CRIMEA HEAD of inkermann in the vicinity tv of sebastopol sevastopol Seba aug 30 sept 12 valiant comrades op the fhe he ci 0 september last year yr a strong enemy s army appeared before the walls of Seba sebastopol sevastopol Sebasto poi pot despite its numerical superiority despite despie the absence of obstacles which science science might have opposed to it in the town that army did not riot dare attack it openly literally with an open force and undertook a regular siege since then despite the formidable force at the disposal of our enemies who by their numerous ships shin constantly received reinforcements artiller artillery 1 and ammunition for eleven months and a half half a all ail TI their efforts failed before your bravery and firmness it is a fact anex unexampled led in military annals am that a town hastily fortified for bifid in presence of the enemy should have been able to hold out so long against against a force the means of attack of which have ve exceeded everything that hitherto could have been foreseen in calculations of this ila iia nature tue tu e and with means so enormous enor moni moui and of such a description after the ruinous effects of an artillery of colossal dimensions continued con tinned for nine months the enemy having fre frequently e had kad recourse to prolonged bombard bomhard bombardments bombardment men ts ol 01 of the town firing on each occasion many hundred thousand rounds they be became convinced of the iri irl adequacy 0 of f til their efforts and resolved to take sebastopol sevastopol Seba by a combat on the ath of june they made the assault on different sides entering courageously into the town but you received them with intrepidity and they were driven back on all points in thi the most brilliant manner anis check forced them to return to a conti continuation rhu riu of their first plan of siege multiplying their batteries and increasing their activity of their trench works and linins operations since 0 be o memorable day upon which you repulsed the assault two months and ana a half have elapsed during which animated by sentiments of duty and of love to the throne and to your c country i yon you have heroically disputed e each a ch inch of groll ground n forcing the assailants to advance on only I 1 Y foot by foot and paying ying ting wilh with torrents of blood and an incredible loss s of ammunition for each yard of ground they gained in this obstinate defence your courage did not flag on the contrary it rose to the highest degree of geif felt denial bur but if your intrepidity and your patience were without bound there are such in the nature of the possibility of defence As the approaches of the gradually ad advanced their batteries were erected nearer the walls the circle circie of fire which surrounded sul sin rounded Sebas lopol grew daily narrower i and sent death and destruction upon the courageous ageous defenders further into hito the town taking advantage of f the superiority of their fire at hort short rance ranee the enemy after the concentrated action of their artillery for thirty days w which hi ir h cost our gar gan garrion rigon rison from to 1000 men berday per ner day commenced that terrible bombardment bombar dement dl denter clenter enter from their innumerable engines benl enl in es of war and of a calibre hitherto hit herto unknown which dest destroyed royed roved our de fences which had been te repaired paired at with great labor laboe and at great lo 10 loss g under the incessant fire of the enemy the principal I 1 work the korniloff Korn Ko ileff redoubt on the malakoff ff hill the key of sebastopol sevastopol Seba as a point dominating domina tinz tine the whole town having experienced considerable erable and irreparable damage to continue under these circumstances the defence of the south side would have been to expose our troops daily to a useless butche butchery and their preservation is today to day more than ever necessary to the emperor of russia for these reasons with sorrow in in my heart hut but with a full conviction I 1 resolved to evacuate sebastopol sevastopol Seba and take over the troops to the north side by the bridge constructed beforehand over the bay and by boats ats meantime the enemy beholding on the of august angust ath of september ep timber at 1030 the half ruined works before them and the korniloff Korn ileff redoubt with its ditches filled up resolved upon a desperate assault first on bastions no 2 kor oi ni lerf leff and no 3 redan and after about three ho ur bastion go noa 5 ana anki the Belkin and schwartz of these six attack giva five were vere gloriously rii ril re pulsed some odthe points of attack like that on bastion eastlon no 2 on which til tile file enemy had succeeded in bringing runs guns by flying b badges bid having haying at various times been taken and retaken re taken remained finall finally yours burs ours but the korniloff korn ileff redoubt mor more damaged than the others by the bombardment wa w a taken by the french who brought more than men against it and could not be re taken after the great losses we had summered suffered at the he commencement men cement of this combat for it would have been necessary to ascend in the midst of the ruing a very steep incline and then cross a narrow ridge rid e above a deep ditch on the rear face fare occupied by the french such an undertaking might knight have prevented us achieving the proposed object and would have cost us without wi t hout bout the slightest doubt incalculable losses the attempt was the more needless as na for reasons already mentioned I 1 had resolved to evacuate the place therefore as the success of the enemy was confined to the sole capture of the korniloff Korn ileff I 1 ordered that no attack should he made on that redoubt andio and to remain in front of it to oppose any continuation of the al backon the town itself an order which was executed despite all the efforts of the french to 10 get beyond the gorge of the redoubt at dusk the tiie troops were ordered to retire according to the arrangements previously made the examples of bravery you gave during that day valiant com comrades aroused such a feeling of respect in the enemy that despite the knowledge they must have had of our retreat by the explosion slon sion of our mines mines which our troops exploded one after the other as they gradually retreated they not only did hot fiot pursue us in columns but lut even ceased firing with their artillery which they have continued with impunity valiant comrade comrades it is painful it is hard fo to leave sebastopol sevastopol Seba in in the hands but remember the sacrifice we mase made ii on the altar cf c our country in iri 1812 moscow was surely as valuable as sebastopol sevastopol Seba we abandoned it after the thie imin immortal ortal battle of borodine borodino Bo the defence of Seba sevastopol sebastopol during days is superior to bo B rodi rodl n 0 and when the enemy entered moscow in in that great year of 1812 they only found ha heaps eaps of stones stories and ailles likewise it is not sebastopol sevastopol Seba which we have left to them but the burnine burning rains dains of the town which we ourselves set fire to having maintained the honor of the defence in such a mant tr that our great grandchildren n ma may recall the 1 re remembrance thereof with p pride dla fla e to a all ail T posterity sebastopol sevastopol Seba kepl kepi u us chained to its walls with its fall we acquire freedom of movement andai and a commences comment eq a war h in the open oven field that most congenial to t the b e russi russian a n soldier dei det lei lef ns us prove to the emperor let us prove to russia that we are ar estill still imbued with the inspirit spirit which ani animated matea our ancestors in oui ur menio menlo memorable rable rabie and patriotic struggle strum le wherever the edemy enemy may show himself we e will present our ofir breasts fa to 6 him and defend our out native lana land as vve we defended i it t in 1812 valiant warriors of the and aa gea sea corces torce iii in the name of the emperor I 1 thank you for th the e unexampled courage firmness hirm firm nets neis and constancy yon you have hare displayed during the siege oil cil or sevastopol alere here follow the names of the who most roost distinguished themselves j in thus expressing the gratitude your worth worthy commanders are entitled to who ure ere are still livin living let us also honor comrades those who hive have failen fallin honorably for our faith and for our gur country on the ramparts of sebastopol sevastopol Seba let us remember the immortal namo names of na lra chimo chimoff fr korniloff Korn ileff and Is tomine fomine for nine and let us address addre s prayers to the mo mot most t high that he will grant thih them peace and eternalize their memory as in an exam example pie to the he future generations generation of russians we take the following f from rom prince G ortall 3 kops kovs dairy of the siege aur aug 24 sept 5 at 6 am the enem enemy opened a very violent cannonade and bombar bombardment against the first and second sections of our line of de defence fente fende their bitte batteries rles rits fired by salvda we replied from our works bon ton the riphot flank of bf our line of defence by an equally well sustained fire the fire slackened abola about S pm and stopped towards evening evenings in the 24 14 hours ad according cording to the observations taken from the telegraph tele grap gnap li the enemy fired about cannan balls and shells I 1 I 1 I 1 this terrible fere fire caused grat damage to bur our works especially to the fhe schwartz redoubt to bastion no 5 and to the belaine battery i during the despite the well sustained fire of the beijers bei bel egers ezers the garrison of sebastopol sevastopol Seba te re paired as much as possible the damage doneit do a portion of the dismounted guns guris were replaced I 1 the works of the besiegers did not advance ad vane vanc they busied themselves in ite pairing repairing 11 the damage done to their bat batte feles leies ies les I 1 after affer r describing the fire on the ath and th ct ef september the diary alons at the th with witty the observation that prince gorf chakoff will send a special report of the events of that day the diary adds that on the I 1 lith I 1 th of september the following vessels were sunk by arder of aki te commander in chief mhd vladimir crimea C Cherson ep P Bes sarabia eldorous Elbo Elb orous danube turk and bronzy their guns were firs first t taken out of them the report i concludes as follows aug 31 sept 12 11 an the sepu cepl 13 the enemy fined fired but little they to open fire with mortars placed at the landing place called Graf starre on the same day the advanced posts of our left wing bb observed served that two camps had been established in chevalley tho the vailey valley of near the village of the cos Gos cossacks sacks on tile the road from to in which were six squadrons of cavalry and five battalions of infantry with artillery of op tim eulor on the of september be the emperor of russia addreen add reed ed the following yik rik to copat military governor Gorer gover nor of mos oiw lac ay count arsen arson since my accession to the throne of my ancestors it has been my tilly desire to visit my ancient capital that loyal ind and beloved residence where I 1 was bom and where I 1 received baptism under tinder the protection of the relics of the blessed alexis the of moscow having today to day satisfied that desire i I 1 have wit nead d with the greate greatest it satisfaction sati faction the cordial and anti sincere hilt elit which the inhabitant inh abitanto of oa moscow have shown in their reception of my elfand all my family a traditional welcome which russia has always given to her sovereigns I 1 charge you to espre my sincere I 1 to all cladies of the population of moscow and fo 0 o I 1 assure them of my good will my happiness would have been complete if i recent events had bad not dimmed dimmei the satisfaction bt of thede sweet moments my bly order of the day to the russian armies ha bat already made public that after an unexampled siege kiece of or eleven months the garrison of sebastopol sevastopol seba deba after having agven unheard of proofs of courage and self denial and having successfully repulsed six desperate assaults as has crossed over to the north side of the towny towns town only leaving blood stained ruins tn the enemy the garrison of sebastopol sevastopol Seba has done all that man could do to I 1 accept past and present events as the impenetrable decrees of providence which has given a year of sad trials to Rt russia issia but russia has supported still greater tri trl trial aits alts and the lord in his creat great merey mercy y has always given her his tacit support te let ei us therefore now also place our trust fruit in him ile he will defend orthodox Ri russia issia who has up tip arms for a just cause for the tile cause of christianity it is a great satisfaction to rne me to see the unceasing proofs which all men are giving in their rea rca readiness diness to sacrifice their property their families and even the last drop of their blood for the maintenance of the integrity of the empire and for the national honor it is in the man min m f station of thee thep the P sentiment sentiments of the nation and in these acts that I 1 derive strength and consolation and uniting myself inseparably with witty my heart to my heroic and faithful people I 1 repeat putting my trust in the hein bein and grane grace of the almighty the words of the emperor alex prider I 1 where right i is therm there ii is god also I 1 in am ever and invariably yours ALEXANDER the polish journal czas thus describe si the p of the ru russian rusian sian army in the crimea on tie fie of sept the russian forcest forces occupy a line forli fortified fied by art and nature forming a semicircle round tile the position of the allies and extending extend mg from the telegraph ele elp graph and fort constantine situate at the he 0 extremity of a small promontory to the impenetrable chain of mountains of 0 dash the m anin tin vin force of the russians consisting of three it division i posted behind that line on the plateau of I 1 the lie lle belbeck and facing the abe sout soul south b the right is composed of a considerable corps occupying aln on the north side of sebastopol sevastopol Seba the citadel el of Se and forts catherine and the telegraph the left wing holds the fortified defiles of and the chain of the kerman as far as the source of the belbeck and the mountains of yalta the a army rpy of reserve is is stationed at Bakshi seral and sa sim opol rapol other troops maintain the commil commit communications between the principal army and three other cora for a namely the one before bertch with wit h its right wine wing wine at kaffa and its left at araba another in in i observation before En natoria and the ahbol of at least men protects Pe the rusian troops in crimea still two roads toads by which they can communicate muni cate with russia the oie pa parsing sine sing by bv otje itemus of Pe and the 0 other othen her hen by y the bridge of ongar across the putrid sea |