Show cabuta n 0 uc the paris correspondent of the IT T Y commerce lal makes mention ot of the pew use uses the french are putting kooc koo chook hoot to one otile of the tile branches of aich I 1 ch attracts at this m moment oi ent a alara large hare bare of public attention in france Is I 1 the manufacture of articles in the application ti of this but Bul istance has received received within the last list few years rears an enormous development and has already made the fortune of several establishments they aye ale ae not con tenta io wever with employing it in its resinous elastic state and have lately imported from the united states a proceeding which gon con consists sits in giving to cam caw the hardner hard nee nea of roods and anil ni metals etal A company eagerly bought the patent and are developing their new art to an extraordinary extent they imitate iron bronze and ebony they form the richest incrustations with a great economy econom over the old material they even propose to replace copper with this new material for the bottom of ships and it Is argued that it possesses advantages oer copper for tor thi this purpose la its greater properties oppre berv atlon alloa to the keel |