Show THE BUFFALO BERRY BEBBY j or sh ep herdia berdia el the buffalo b berry erry being a native of these re regions ions ioni is well worth cultivating as a a hardy ornamental tree and for its fruit which Is a good substitute for ille the red currant having familiar qualities tor for fo doln doiA domestic estic use the berries may be used as tarts gartand tar tand ana and why wey wheat made into jamy jam or preserve rhu rau much ch resemble the redcurrant red red currant and aie ale are also good pod for tor making mating via vla vinegar egar I 1 they have been cultivated in the F astern eastern states upwards of 30 years and were first discovered and made by teat that indefatigable botanist nuttall when on his tour of discovery 6 to oregon with captain wyeth of boston mass mr N gave the seeds to the WinshIp sy nurses in brighton mass and they have cultivated and sold told thousand of trees which hard bare been sent to all parts of the states this tree belongs to the class clocea of botanists 3 and annd like the hop bears distinct male and female sowers flowers on separate plants hence the male plants never bear bea r fruit I 1 those who desire to cultivate bearing trees should set ou thial ale and female plants always letting the female or berry hearing tearing trees outnumber out cut number the male tor for the mia of the vegetable ege table kingdom kingdoms like the animal Is alwa always ya the tin most numerous on the female gaan I 1 it may be well to say says to those who believe that the hop often changes from the male to female that there are no spell buch such incongruities in fit the natural alora organization niza tion of the vegetable kingdom and it Is ab absurd s u rd to tol itri suppose pose any such changes in 14 its eternal organization E SAYERS |