Show neu NEW T ADVERTISEMENT SW eor FOR va n salu SALE tf i A A ROTARY KNITTING machine 31 a c h i L IL from nottingham england tr for ne ants Drawer sp under and Over shirts socks ad 6 12 price or a good rood yuke i uke oke of 0 catlie cattle it 01 GEO jitt jilt n at eer NOTICE I 1 IHA HALVE VE in my care a sorrel HORE 12 years oid old ld no brands visible 1 I 1 ast teft 21 r also aiso alcoa a brow brown n OS OX 8 years old branded on thell theli jit jig hip ails with a lorse horse norse shoe and has a off the crop left lel beltar tar par and linal alk all u on the right hath the owners are requested to prove property and take them away JOUN JOHN sos SOy t ll 11 at pound KV epa 0 D asi as neward REWARD I 1 E W A R D 1 I 1 v 11 strayed from the over kj llon aon ton ivyon savl yon about the itt of may hyt 03 TT TT i lna ina i branded deil dell on the near hip the left ili lit hind 4 tiff the abat reward toward wil wll be tie pa paid id by ret 71 ili iii ox to I 1 J M hoc nOC hockaday KADAY 16 1 ne fit ll 11 at P r W L JOLLY y aa T Y UMBER MERCHANT 1 isip rep arad to purchase good lumber roi foi for jilt pay ray pari part cash i M sa s1 B IV L J can be found dally daily at a t 0 te east temp temple I 1 est st N W L J has a on hand band constant lya iya sa supply of well weli ii asso assorted te ason abon lumner LUMBER PICKETS ac and is alo prepared to execute aders to any amount OB on very arery reasonable terms 1 0 yes conic ami rian nian TOOT foot PA OOT fe ADAMSON would inform JL JL their old customers aind find friends in general that y have got their prist grist mill in ope operation ra tion at union for 4 cottonwood they have new stones and geerin gand a new Sj Si nutter and feel sa satisfied tied fied that do djs gad work as the best iest v 1 adli id li ri sabe the above property Is offered for sale ba on reasonable tenn terms enquire of foote ADAMSON ll 11 at uma UNA ara STRAYED oil STOLEN ston STOL edd ON the night 0 of the leth insi out af pf the pasture on spring creek creel tot tit utah a h county ji with a short tall tail t be the points of her horns cut otil ofil years year sold old oid branded with on the left hip I 1 tais AW ablack 3 year old heifer very large branded G S any person that will return the above to jolin jolla I 1 lott at ill lehl lehi or david brinto brinton on biff Cottonn cottonwood 66 NO shail shall i be liberally rewarded ll at JENNINGS wyn WIN wynder WINDER del DER 8 TN IN addition to the DESERET MEAT ji IL PROVISION STORE on east tempi st syia IVIA bai tai taken en THE MEAT RIETi MA marieli fa corner of union square where a choice alce 0 at ProvI hiona blona will always be on hand band ja va t 1 11 11 part pirt ol 01 the city can be supplied on the sa I 1 a ti ab sfa sta I 1 t tor for y term ummi 11 j r au ni 9 N X bour B our tannery la Is now in full ope gation and xe jve want BARK BAHK HIDES ulles AND SKINS lf itt liff S tilt A F eprom roli roii whites fort two miles teof JL jordan the of april a large e 4 irye pd white cow unusually unu anu ushy long horns the horns tuu tua the M W I 1 viki f points quite high branded 8 on the ag isaid eow cow Is about nine or ten old did years Is near das pas as a calf an any person having baving bile a cow co w jil ri th e I 1 4 ss ss n orwill or will give gilie information where she bile maybe maybe be liberally rewarded by the subscriber in rd lur tur to r john irwin whites tort port ual uyi ernek ernen E 1 ll 11 at i i r rrie abic wile tile quorum of evon seventies ementie eVen bie tie S n HE the members of the I 1 JL quorum ax ate are e hereby notified that meetings arinow held beld on the first and third sundays in each in month I 1 th in the th upper room of the council house I 1 a ebli te lter iter the afternoon atter alter noon meetings in the taberna cleon h th t I 1 above 0 v e days attendance of all who are in the tb cleyr d eich elch boyhood Is particularly requested members tr W write out their biographies a hort imort f their lives and send them in to the clerk I 1 bv order of or the council JOHN G 1 d 21 at NEW S U attraction J the subscriber has opened opposite opposites er as a pro vinion vinson store a clothing Cb thing F in einab kament consisting of a tine fine lot lotof of blacke black dress and frock ock boata ats i atis a th satin and dounn youns young american me clan ves vest super Embr embroider olde buff boff B q plush silky silks and valencia know pants black and ami fancy yancy baseness Ba siness and overcoats napolean Na polan poian and albert alhert aj shirt hosiery no lery lerv iery and a general genne GenOe mena outwitting outfitting Out fitting store yf wyt wry t I 1 wiil will still continue to can carr on the vallo olt g and execute to order in the abt jea lea style ol 01 articles entrusted to my charge trimmings for sale I 1 will sell low f for tor or cash produce and lumber and I 1 invite tny iny old friends and new ones to calls call cali see sees seey buy and be satisfied dont forget opposite 0 P hi clydess eles lies provision store GEO |