Show I 1 1 Copy copyright rIgI i t sec see ared HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH OCTOBER 1841 I 1 ile lie exola explained ined the d eiffer differ if ference enca between ll 11 an anggi and a ministering ilg spirit the one a resurrected t ed or translated body with its spirit ministering to embodied spirl spirits ts the other a disembodied spirit visiting and ministering to disembodied spirits jesus christ became a ministering spirit while his body was lying in the sepulchre tahe to the spirits in prison to fulfill fulfil an important part of his mission without which he could not have perfected his work or entered into his rest after his resurrection he appeared as an angel to his disciples ac translated bodies cannot enter into rest until they chev have hare undergone a change equivalent to death translated bodies eire are designed for future missions the angel that appeared to john on the isle isie of palmos palmas was a translated or resurrected body jesus christ went in body after his resurrection to minister to translated and resurrected bodies there has been a chain of authority and power from adam down to the present time the only way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask it from books but to go to god in prayer and obtain divine teaching it Is no more incredible that god should save the dead than that he should raise the thedeas dead there is never a time when the spirit ia a too old to approach god all are within the reach of pardoning mercy who have llave not committed tha iha unpardonable ahle alile sin which hath no forgiveness neither in lit this world nor in the world to come there la is a way to release the spirit of the dead that is by the power and authority of the he priesthood by bidding binding and loosing oil on earth this doctrine appears glorious inasmuch as it exhibits the greatness of divine dom gom compassion passion and end benevolence lil iii the extent of the of human salva tion this glorious truth is well calculi calculated ted to enlarge tile the understanding and to sustain the soul under troubles difficulties and rind distresses for illustration 7 suppose tile the case of two men brothers equally intelligent in t ellie n learned virtuous and lovely walking in u uprightness pirl piri lit ness and in all good conscience EO fo far us bs tile tiie they had ad been able to discern duty from the muddy stream of tradition or from the blotted page dathe book of ofaatu nature mature re one dies and is buried havin having never dever heard the gospel of to the other the message mes bessae sae of salvation is sent he hears bears and embraces it and is 13 made tile beir heir of eternal life shall the one become a partaker of glory and tile the other be consigned to hopeless s perdition Is there no chance for his hid escape esC lipe tipe sectarianism answers none done none none such nn oil idea is worse than atheism the truth shall break down and dash in pieces all such bigoted pha Phd naim the sects shall be sifted the tile lol ici iest lest ir ill irl heart brought out ana and their theli priests left in lit the midst of their cor manx Many objections are urged against the latter DAV dv saints for not admit admitting til ue ae validity of or sectarian baptism and for withholding as olom om sea FeA sectarian arian arlan churches it lit gas was was like anding new wine into old bottles arid and putting old vine into new battles dottiest bott Dott lest iest what new revelations in the old churches ei new revelations knock out the bottom of their thir bottomless pit new wine into old bott bolt bottles lis ils the bottles burst and t the I 1 to win wine I 1 0 r runs out what sadducees ii in the new church olf old wine in new leathern bottles lollies wil will wk through the tho pores and escape so the sadducee Sad ducep saints mock at authority kick out of the tire traces and run to the mountains of perdition leaving the long echo of their braying behind them he then contrasted the tilo charity of the sects in lile llie denouncing noun houn cing all who wilo disagree with them in opinion and la in joining in the saint saints who believe that even such ruell may be saved in this w world orld orid audin andin ani and in the worl boru to come corn murderers and t apostates ipos tates excepted thia this doctrine pre renis aenis in lit a clar opar light the wisdom and mercy of god in preparing an ordinance tor for the tho salvation of the dead being baptized by proxy their names recorded in li liven lj paven ven and iid ild chev judged according to the leeds seeds done in lit the body this doctrine was tile the burden odthe of the scriptures scripture thebo those saints who neille neigle neglect rt i in lit behalf of their deceased relatives do it at the peril of their own salvation the dispensation of the fullness of timis times will bring to light tile the things that have havil been revealed ineil former dispensations also other havo bavo dot zot lew before revealed ile ha shall send Elijah eiljah ah the tha prophet ac and restore all things thines in lit Cf iriSt 11 president joseph smith then announced there shall shail be no more baptisms for the tilee dead until the ordin ordinances ancel can be attended to ilithe lilethe in the font of I 1 the Lord lords house sHouse and the church shall not boid hoid hold bold another general conference until they can meet in said house for thus saith th ezord eLord prayer by president hyrum smith adjourned for one hour n PM conference opened by the choir singing hymn blymn and arid prayer by elder lyman wight president B young addressed tile the elders at some length on the importance import ince of teaching abroad the first principles of the gospel leav leaving ing the mysteries of the tilt kingdom to 0 o be caught a mon amon the saints also on the propriety of many of the elders remaining I 1 at home and working oil on the lords lord I 1 s house houge arid and that their labors will be a as acceptable to tile tiie lord as their going abroad and more profitable for the church that those who go abroad must take a re recommend from the proper authorities without witch kiich they will not be fellowship fellows clipped pea and that those who go and those who remain make consecrations more abundantly than heretofore elder elders lyman wight followed with remarks of a similar purport resigning his hi mission of gathering means for tor the temple and nauvoo house the conference appointed elias eilis higbee john taylor and elias Sin itly to petition oil congress for redress of wrongs sustained in missouri and elder john taylor to present tile the petition I 1 closed bv the tile choir singing hymn and prayer prater by president john smith monday 4 this morning conference as sem semb bled ld prayer by elder george A smith president joseph smith madd made a lengthy ex exposition 0 of the condition odthe of the temporal affairs affair lof of the church the agency of which had hid been committed to him bim at a general conference in quincy explaining the manner that lie had bad discharged the duties involved in ill that agency and ani the condition of the lands and other property of the I 1 church on motion resolved that elder reuben me bride be vested with power of attorney to settle the business at kirtland left in lit an uncertain condition by elder oliver granger deceased prayer byeller by b elden elder lyman wight t adjourned for one hour PM conference opened prayer by president john smith I 1 elder lyman wight spoke at some bome length on the tha subject introduced irl in the former part of the day and on the old debts and obligations that are frequently brought up from kirtland and missouri one of which in the form of a 50 note lie he held in lit his band and proclaimed as his text on motion voted unanimously that the trustee in lit trust be instructed not riot to appropriate church property to liquidate old claims that may be brought forward from kirtland or missouri president hyburn smith presented to the tiie notice of conference some embar embarrassment growing 14 out ut of his signing as security a certain obliga obligation don in kirtland in favor of mr eaton voted that church property here shall not be appropriated to li liquidate said claim president B young made some soine appropriate and weighty remarks on or 1 the importance of more liberal consecrations and more energetic efi eff efforts orts to forward the work of building the iha te temple tempie mple amplo at and nd nauvoo house and after purchasing elder text by paying paving him fifty cents tore it in pieces and gave IC it to the winds saying go ye a and nd do likewise with all old claims against the church choir sung hymn and pres preb president ident smith closed by prayer j tuesday 5 COD oon conference ference opened by the choir singing prayer pratt i elder eider orson pratt by request of president joseph smith read a letter from smith tuttle esq one of the proprietors of the hotchkiss purchase in reference to some misunderstanding in lit the adjustment of thelt their claims and conciliatory concilL tory of any auy hard feelings growing out of S such euch tech misunderstanding pres president ident brigham you young it g spoke oil on theaon the contents of the letter and expressed bis hii earnest desire that that business might inight he be speedily adjusted and a proper title obtained by the church elars lyman wight and smith dilo followed we d wi with t I 1 I 1 appropriate to remarks on motion voted that president joseph smith write it to ON mr I 1 ir hotchkiss on the s subject u abject on oil motion by president joseph smith voted toted that the twelve write an epistle to the saints abroad to use their influence and exertions to secure by exchange purchase dona donation tion tiou ac a title to the hotchkiss purchase president B young presented an appeal from the fhe he decision of or the elders quorum gudrum on a charge made against elder john A hicks by D B huntingdon kingdon for a breach of the ordinances of the city for falsehood and conversation after hearing tile tiie th testimony in the case cage it was voted iha tha elder joha A hicks be cut off from the church closed hy by the choir singing hymn prayer by president brigham young adjourned for one hour V PI VAT AT conference opened by the choir is singing hymn and prayer by elder orson pratt who then read the minutes of a special conference held in nauvoo augi aug 16 1841 i president joseph smith made mada remarks explanatory of the importance of the le ie solutions and votes passed at that time lime I 1 on motion voted that this conference sanction the tile doings of said special conference 11 1 president brigham Brig harn young proposed to the congregation gre gation that those who would take laborers an the Lord shouse to board whilo while thus thas labo labeling ling ilog should manifest their willingness by rising and giving the their thein ir names n about sixty persons arose conference closed by the choir singing hymn and prayer by president brigham young conference adjourned sine die although the conference commenced under discouraging circumstances owing to the inclemency mency of the weather heryet yet a vast number of brethren and acid visitors from abroad were present and oil on saturday and sunday the weather having become favorable the congregation was immense tile the greatest unanimity prevailed business bascon ducted with the most perfect harmony and good feelings and the assembly dispersed with new confidence in lit the great work of the last days I 1 JOSEPH SMITH ELIAS SMITH Tir ri r i i president clerks HILLS HULLS J an earthquake at constantinople occasioning extensive destruction of property elder joseph beebee writes from new yo york rk illila jias been reaching preaching li in that cit yand has baptized wenty pine nine 11 Wednes wednesday dai day 6 elder woodruff arrived in nau 0 elders vo kimball richards and woodruff laid hinds hands hands on president who was very sick when he recovered thursday 7 elders brigham young heber C kimball orson pratt lyman wight john taylor wilford woodruff and willard winiard richards of the quorum of tb the twelve apostles assembled in council at the house of elder john taylor voted that elder john D lee go on a mission to jackson and rutherford counties tennessee elder david evans to augusta Augus tx iowa territory elder elisha H groves to iowa county wisconsin i elder hiram clark dark to pae pike brown and aid adams counties illinois elder uder joseph baleto south america elder harrison sagers to jamaica elder eider william williim bosley to utica ulica new york elder amasa lyman to new york city i elder arza atza adams adorns kingston canada elder lyman stoddard to go with E 1 0 I groves wisconsin I 1 elder eder phinehas IT if young to ohio elder abraham palmer to chicago illinois elder george IV gee to td pittsburg Pitts pittsburgh bur 9 it pennsylvania I 1 1 elder james blakesley to nauvoo illinois eldr eldar J D parker to new orleans louisiana voted that phinehas 11 young be ordained to the high priesthood and recommended accordingly I 1 that daniel carns cams be nominated for president of the fhe elders eldera i that a conference be held at father Mor morley leys at pit lima on saturday and sunday the and dinst that a committee of three namely brigham V young OWN willard richards and arid john rohn tayon taylor be a comm committee attee to draft an in address to the eastern churches as is dir directed jedby by the genera coni coue done conference nence pence adjourned to bishop ill ili lil lillerd lerka lerla to tomorrow morrow eve it 6 B YOUNG president W rt RICHARDS andai clerk |