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Show I II' - ELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD SLCTION 7,A7- - Twelve Prepared Under the Direction of the General Priesthood Committee of the Council of the - - , , Recording Priesthood Ordinations - , -. , i . , II ' z -- -- 4 1 , , - t I -- - - . -- ' , ,p ,I,Aiorwomok-oll- - , Li ; . Li : , t z ,. le , , , , , lc ,1 i ,, , ti w.s,,,, t 1 s , , ,., , ---; , , X,I .,,,,,,, -- , 4, f .44,, ' '1" , ,, it g,t;1'.; 4- ' . ,..,, , , ' o .0. tt,,e) 4 ,,, 4 it ,,,, - k , 4, , ,,, ii,,:, I "';', - ;''''' 1 , fel ,i fi , ' 1 A ,,,,, ,i,,, ' I ,,,... 4 s .....' le ,, , - , 's - - - ,.! 1. t 1 Melchizedek-Priest- hood on the stake and ward rec. ords.- - Some,. inquiries would in(Heats that proper use is not being made of "Certificates - of Ordination." Feeling that some clarification and emphasis may be helpful in this matter, the are here- following suggestions with presented. , In the case of priests being ordained to the office of elder, a Certificate of Ordination sign- - ., -- -- - i ,,,- , -, . , ', tA -- '6, t. , 4, . 't f N t f - I . , ' , ' , , z' - A,- l ''' , - ' ''''' - "t - , -- , , ' -- ' ',,, , ,, i',, .r.-- - ., ..,,:. t1 - ' - , - ' ' I 4 t-- ,.tv - f- ,,,, ' , , 'A - r A I- ' , ie '114 . , , 1 .- , , --- 1 - " t i t ' f . -- ' m i, - L ,, .. - , s' , , . , 3, 1 , roe , .7 - . 1 , , - - - .41k..., ., t ' , .. - w 1 ,14,. , , quorum-pres- ident and secretary should be to the sewly ordained ' ' candidate. The "Certification of f Ordination to the,Holy Priest- hood" attached to,,this ,certifiweldonated a heifer as a nucleus for a stake cote, should be delached ,, and A GROUP OF MOON LAKE STAKE MEMBERS of the Priesthood, all of whom mailed to the ward clerk for his fare dairy herd. The action was taken at the stake conference held last Sunday at Mt; Emmons, Utah. In the picture are Presiuse In recording the necessary dent William M. Brothersen, his counselors, Leon M. Burton and Bernard Winkler and other members of the Priesthood. All who information on the ward records. gave calves were not available for the picture. Also in tele picture are Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Twelve and The stake clerk can enter the T. C. , Stayner of the General Welfare Committee who was in charge of the welfare meetings at the conference. on tbe necessary information stake records from the complet- - - . , I -' - -- --- - " - --f - - ed recommendation for ordination forms which should be , placed in his hands for filing. Where elders are ordained to the office of seventy, a certificate of ordination is prepared by the First Council of the Seventy and mailed directly to the brother who has been or dinned. A letter then is sent to the stake clerk, with copies for the bishop of the ward and president of the quorum in which the brother is to become a member. - These copies are to be mailed or , delivered by the stake clerk to the bishop and quorum president concerned. From them the necessary entries in their records may be extracted. . The procedure outlined for priests being ordained eiders , will be followed in the ease et elders being ordained to the office of high priest or seventies - bible-- - likewise eedained, except that the Direst- dent and secretory of On high priests' quorum will be re- 'possible for laming and sign- - - - Int the "Certitleate of Ordina- -, , - -- 1 1 I - 4 , - - -- Every member ordained to an office in- the Melchizedek Priesthood is- entitled to reCiive a 'Certificate of Ordinption." Such certificates should be carefully preserved as an evidence of , ordination. Those brethren responsible for these matters are requested to comply with the in-' structions here set forth. 1 - acgrowth tivity even thogh its quorum membership has remained ,relatively small. After two years of ictivity the quorum is comprismembers. Four ed of thirty-eigof these brethren are on full-tim- e missions in Great Britain and the United States. One is attending the university away from home, thirty are actively engaged in ward and stake activities and only three members remain on the inactive list. Thirty-foof the thirty-eig- ht members strictly comply with the Word of imilom,--eighty per cent pay their honest tithes and their average attendance at Sacrament meeting consistently exceeds fifty per cent. AU thirty of the active members living in the stake hold numerous branch, ward and stake positions, having eighty-foassignments in ail. Thirty-fiv- e of these tasks are duties In which seventies should preferably be engaged. The other caUings include a Scout Commissioner, members on the Sunday School Board of the stake, quorum per cent of its membership engaged in missionary work, that's news and evidence of a real achievement. When, in addition, ninety-tw- o per cent of its members are actively participating in Church activities, each one averaging three Church or stake assignments, an example has been set which merits congratulations and emulation by others. Such is the enviable record of the 345th Quorum of Seventy, which came into existence some two years ago as the North Carbon Stake was separated from its parent organization, the Carbon Stake. This new stake covers an area about fifty mires by twenty miles wide and is comprised of five wards and four bfinches. As is the ease in all newly formed organizations, there was a period of "education" for the leaders of the quorum and its memlierk4which has resulted hi W fifty ht .,,, ur ,,j.: ' ',.;::.:;:,.,::-:.',.-.-- f.:. ., .::::::::.:: , '..,:',...': 1....;.....-- ''' ,,,' e,,.... , , , , ... '. .? 1 , : t.:,!....:, .. -- ' ,. 7.3 4 '.,:. : F , : -,, .. .,. I .. -, ,, ! ' ', - ,:1' .,' ' i.. , 4. , - ,,. , -- , .. ' ' I - , ' ';:il i of Moon Lake Stake, held Saturday and Sunday August 16 and 17, thirty members of the stake agreed to each donate one heifer as a nucleus to a Stake Dairy Herd in connection with the Church Welfare project planned in the stake. It is expected that butter and cheese and possibly some other dairy products will be produced on this project in behalf of the Church Welfare program. With a single request made during the meetings, the thirty men instantly volunteered to donate the thirty heifers to make 1 , the contributions are as follows: Joseph H. Swasey, Leslie B. Goodrich, Rue Miles, Glen Mohlman, Ward Evans, U. B. Winkler, Rand O. Rust, Chad Evans, Floyd s, Case, Claud C. McDonald, W. A. Barton, Faye Maxfield, Leonard Wall, Lester Maxfield, Linford Marfield, Elton Pace, Willie Rust, Earl Case, James J. Bird, William O. Larsen, A. M. Burton, Hosea Lisonbee, Clinton Ames, Billy Stevenson, William N. Claud Murray, Brothersen, Lawrence Burton and Gardner 9oodrich. Ed-tile- By-At- - ur . - - On Moon Lake Stake Project the conference up the herd. Those who made nURING tendent, wariL clerks, assistant ward clerks, counselor, in the branch presidency, genealogical stake committee, ward Sunday we!-- s school superintendencies, Iare work and other ward po- sitions, all of which are in addi- tion to the local and foreign mis- - sionar. There are stake twenty-on- e missionaries, of which sixteen are seventies. Four additional quorum members being on the e missions has regular resulted in twenty of the- thirty-eiglit quorum members be Mt superin int engaged in missionary service. Opportunities f r ' presenting the Gospel exceed . :,?':' :', , . ,' ,.' ,',:- , ,,,,,' '7, ,':,, ., ... .':,: ,,, ,,.?,:, ,,, the abilities of missionaries to contact all those desiring to .:::::: :',: (.::: ',:..., :::: ,:::: .:C bear the Gospel message. !:.7 .)::,,,,'!..;-..,:: e-- N ;;; ::,: 1 "4::;.;:.::Z Last April, through quorum : ''' f ., ; r .,,,,' efforts, a mission Sunday School ir, J ,',..:,wil .:4., é , . ,.'" : at,,... t was 1 ,,,,. ,!.;,:''',..r, ,', ,' ,... :..,,, organized at Carbonville, 4, , .. adjacent to Price. It has been ' ......' ,,o'' ? 0,:::. r: '7.i. 4:7...A.:!: , held in modest basement home and has attracted as many s Sixty-tw- o, consistently averag1 ing an attendance of forty to ': '. ' k ' ., .'' ': ' $;.'e::' , ,t, ' r:,:,:.i,...,,,,,,, l lc.; ' , i A fifty. Only one or two were i active in any way before this Sunday-Scho- ol was inaugurated. ,: Preparatory work toward baptism and priesthood advance, ment is being carried on by ast:1..... signed missionaries. .. .. , To maintain interest in ,. , .. ,.. .. quo,:.4,:, 1 rum affairs, a fifteen-minu- te .. radio program of Gospel weekly ., 4,: talks over station KOAL at :,:: .,, Price has been sponsored and ,... e,'. ..: ;: .. ,, t ,, ; .:: ''' :. -i paid for by the quorum. OpporI ' tunities have thus been afford"kI ,oe' "" ; -, , ..1 '44 ed for most of the quorum memk '... , bers- to participate . in this activity. The i4eatedly , ,,- -..,o,,quorum in--tends to continue these programs indefinitely. .,, , .. .. The quorum presidency meets .. . .. ... , weekly. Each of the seven presi.. .. dents has been assigned a spe, .. cific responsibility. Three are .t1 '2;iii4111114.41,"i,iia. Ai lig ke , delegated supervision of the three standing quorum commit- A UNIQUE WELFARE PROJECTThe Turlock Branch of Sacramento Stake has a peanut tees. The other four are each farm. They Intend to make peanut 'butter for the Church Welfare program, and thus far report given the responsibility of one .that things are going very nicely. On the top row, Glenn Watson, Stephen E. Busath Stake Pres. of the following activities: radio IdentThomas fl. Birchallprenton LWlUianii and C. Floyd Popo meet with Maurice J. Graham, programs, arranging stake meet-- . under the direction of the Parry L Tingey, Res Ferrell and Boyd R. Todd (bottom) to Inspect the crop. It looked good ings stake mission PresiSeventies, --- I dent, and miscellaneous-activi4- P , , ' , , : , . , j ties. The quorum has also estab-' . lished a nlissionalltundto as- page 4August 13,1947 ' - . 30 Donate Heifers for Herd Achievements of 345t6 Quorum of Seventy of EN a has over this commendable - , , , -- . . , , , i 1 A's s ' ' 11 yt,, e ., 44, li "1 ..,...; - -- I ; 4 J .. , I rICCASIONALLY misunderstandings arise as to the proper procedure to be followed ordinations to and within-t- he , , 44 , I , a.poom,,,,,,,00, . t I - - tiV1 I 4 - ......::. ,.. full-tim- - nellef-Societ- y A - - A nnounces ., Conventions RELIEF Society Conventions to be held within the next two weeks will be conducted in Canada, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah. ' Representing the General Board of the Relief Society, Leone O. Jacobs and 'Anna B. Hart - will conduct the conven-- ,tions in Canada. On August 20 the Lethbridge, Taylor and West Canadian Stakes will meet at Lethbridge for their meetyfgs. On August 21 the Alberta take Cardwill hold a conventio ston - Mrs. Lillie C. Adams and Margaret C. Pickering will conduct conventions in Wyoming with the Lyman and Woodruff Stakes meeting jointly at Lyman on August 21. The Star Valley, and Bear Lake Montpelier Stakes will meet at Montpelier, Idaho, for their convention on August 22 and the Bighorn Stake convention will be held at Lovell, Wyoming, August 26, under the direction of Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Pickering,' On September 6, Mrs. Evon W. Peterson and. MrsFlorence G. Smith will conduct a convention for the Benson, Franklin, Oneida Stakes at Richmond, Utah. - -- - . - -- -- -- gist those engaged in this - ac- tivity. ' Being mindful of the old proverb that "All work and no play sMakes Jack a dull boy," a balanced activity gram has been thoroughly proen- tecently a anquet for the members and their wive, was held, activities In bowling have been enjoyed for some time and a family gathering is planned for this the The quorum is encouragement that is constantly being extended by the , stake presidency -and the recent words Oscar or counsel A. Kirkbarn..of the First' Coontoenfth.ul-f- ent l -- citoitheSeventy, . |