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Show - c) ''' ' Wire Retoidels Octogenarians IS. L: GROUP ' TO DISCUSS Now Available Mark Births MAJOR TOPICS and Mrs. Joseph ' For Home Use of Mr.American Storrs, Fork, will celebrate Organization ,of the tion Seminar of the National their eightieth birthday to I , , , H. - , . : jJ , , s: - 41 t e .. ; ' i - A toss P' I: , 4 , ti. ,,,P; , an". , , .1 -- - "Music or speech recording on this wire has unusuallyhigh delity," Mr. Wissler declared. Mr. Wissler added that the chine can be used In the home for family speaking albums, 'for from disc records and for reproduction of radio rop grams. 1Ul s--- Regents er,L, '::. ::::: ...,..1 ,:',4 :':: , f. t t ''..t,.;.,:,-:t:,,..1-A- ; :' .w --.....,-, -- ' .. ' te,ii:- -- ..-- -. - .! rcan ., on 44 77 - ;- ,stoAz,0 I t Blue Cross Employes, Elect New President 4 ...).., .. tli t:.-7 4,1 4', I 4 ; t :i :,, , :. t' I r4- 4: , ., :" N ...,,..;.. 4,', BoysiCigaret Cause 2 Fires A smoldering cigaret and a small boy .with a box of matches were blamed for separate fires In Salt Lake County last night, which resulted in property damage estimated at $3500. That of the expensive blazes occurred at 5:58 p.m. when county firemen answered a call to a frame chicken coop in the rear of the p- - J. Eby residence. 2782 Blair St, In which househrild re valued at $1000 was stored. According to fire officials, the fire resulted when Brent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eby, took a box of matches from the family kitchen and reportedly' started the fire in the chicken coop. The contents of the building were entirely destroyed, tireinen said. The second fire came at 9:45 p.m. in a tourist cabin occupied 1h3r Dan Wardle, 3038 South State St-- , gutting three tourist cabins and resulting in damage estimated at $2500. According to Icounty lire officials the property is owned by C. L. Dodge. fur-natu- Scandinavians Will Hear Dr. Widtsoe - Elder John A. Widtsoe of9the Council of the Twelve of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will preside at a conference commemorating the 97th anniversary of the Scanctinavian missions tomorrow in the Looan Tabernacle. Missionaries and former residents of Norway. Sweden and Denmark will attend the conference, which will include sessions at 10 am. and 2 p.m. to commemorate the work of Erastus Snow, George P. Dyks and Peter O. Hansen who began missionary, work in 'Copenhagen June 14, 1850. - Executive vice chairmall of the event is Holger M. Larsen, while the committee includes past presidents of the three Scandinavian missions and aFsisting members in Cache Valley. 4 new buying rove-te- nt gat under way in corn shortly beTrade fore the does on the Board today and carried the September delivery to a Mir record peak. Trading was active en the advance. which was Joined by eats. Per a time the September corn Beery sold higher than September wheat, the first time this has happened the current spectacular corn MMus-Cor- n sold higher titan wisest in futures markets for a short time after remora' of OPA ceilings last year. Earlier the market had run Into drivable prolit-Inkin- g. Wheat closed unchanged to lower, September 12.46 02.46; corn was 14 to 4 cents higher. September 112.462.464, and oats were lower to I higher. Eentember $1.101.09. CEICA00---(A18)---- Monument Closed To the Public The area immediatly surrounding the "This is the Place" monument will be closed for SO or days beghming one week from tomorrow to allow workmen to of the placement complete granite seats, coping and other details, John D. Giles, of Grain Futures finishing Range executive-secreta- ry of the monCHICAGO-4A- P) Li WHEAT HA Low , Mono ument cortunission announced Open 2.46 2.46 2.45 ,..2.464 today. , Sept, 2 44 Dec. 2.43 1.45 2.444 Granite will be used for cop2.41 2.41 2.39 1.4034 May 2.3044 21134 - 2.18 2.204 ing arotmd the red brick walks, and 25 huge granite blocks are 2.47 2.46 - 2.3014 Doe- being placed circling the mon221 2.25,4 210 ument for seats. 21634 2.204 126 JU1Y 213 117 1.17 ivy or some other similar shrub cuers will be planted within the area, I OS sevt toe tem tio 1 .07 reed and grass will be planted be1.07 ,, L06 14 - 106 1.00 1.014 Way o1.00 tween the two walk; Mr. Giles .94 94 949k July 13 explained. 110o. 2.11 He estimated that this will be 211 311 211 completed by early October. .17.15 18.00 17.78 00 Sept. II 18.25 . o; fh : - , , ' A, ,,, A . Low-growi- ng - , ov- , Doc , 16.30 - 1100 1610 2010 1110 3L60 , 16.25 Swedish Warden in S. L 1250 3146 Gunner Rudstedt, warden of the - Institution for- - Preventive Detention, Hall Sodertalje, Swein Salt Lake yesterden, arrived inspection day on a four-mon-th tour of United States penal estab. lisbments. bank donna 7,414.17400 f. Yestardars Same day last yeas . 6,12483800 Todes clearings l',216,g53.17 Sante ddI ,371,26696 Week's clearings 41.928,415.61 Sams yea last rear ,35,364.354i9 t, ,,.$ V -EX- - at , 1 , CEPTIO'IAL-OPPOIITUI;ITY TA- largo ' ''' Legal Notices - galiDeber lang-sistablish- ed tife-litsura- ncs - ' H; C, GRANT-HO- TEL- UTAH MONDAY AND TUESDAY i ' 1 . i, i at - - the Pur- Agent. ' NOTICR TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received 67 the Utah State Building Board at 442 State Capitol Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, up until the out of II Friday, August 29, 1947, the installation of a stoker' for fired water.tube heating boiler and auxiliaries, in the Carbon Junior College Keating Plant, Prite. Utah. - and also for the furnishing sad installation of a chain link fence to be Metalled around the Athletic - Field at Carbon- - Junior Coiled. Bide will be in accordance with the plane and specifications prepared - for such work by the State Build-- lug Board. 419 State Capitol Suilt. Lake City, Utah. trig. A certitiM or cashier's check or bid bond for 991 of the amount of the bid made Parable to the order of the Utah State Building Board shall accompeny each bid, which must be sealed. Bids will be Publicly opened and read aloud at or about the Dose aet for receiving the bids- in ROOM 442. State Cap-'t- ot Building. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality or technicality - ear bid la the. interest if the State. , "s - BOARD. WALTZING, Supt. of Construction.-- - The National Insurance Company - Inset. WOO& Clarbe, Jr.t Mowing conditions out December Slit, 11K6. made to the Commissioner of Ine surance State of Utak pursuant to law:, - Real rstate 20000.00 Mortgage and Other Leans, 7,793.00 Bonds and Stocks Caen in Office and Stinks.. 45,93044 Other Ledger Assets 139,2511711 Total Ledger Assets 111,921,510.111 Non Ledger Amite .. 3.990.72 ...... ' Oron Assets Lem Assets vat Admitted $1,P29.206.90 12,779.73 Total admitted Agate $1.916.42747 250,000.00 Contingent Reserve Other Reserves 1,000.0 Unearned Premium Amen" 1.101.6114.11 Net ARIL 'Unpaid Looni sad claims 149,500.00 Dividend Liability 10,000.00 10196.99 all Other Liabilities alfrPlua act $300,000.00 190344-0Fella-holde- - so goi TRI muter TT 1 - --- - - -- - . 1623 SO-- ler ' i , - 001) J I - - . - , -- UtO - ;reokage --- - OF - 17, ams fel Dasoustrmiss , 730,000 totelleados Widows sod lose ' -- UTAII 230 W. 17th So. Phone 7.6228 ALSCO--OF- 4955 SO. STATE neve '' ' I .-- v- TRUCK ... n t,,. took? &A.I Leta I -- - SPENCER ' immkoircan amd 'lessen-- yam -- - - Did h12-Ft.,Speci- CARLSON- 1t111B1rItT , , W. MOT11- Purchasing .- Agent. , I SIMOOOPPI Cleantng VIAOSTLIT C3, MP' BECK ST. 1755 , - di...uodelwi.dom , 'FOR SALE STEEL ' - - TALXS , 4 GAS, COAL, Mar ler Tire & Boot Supply - :AND 500-bus- h . , - -- - New S2C5 EacL''" ' , DistributorsInc. 20 - Level-Tem- 0 p Control - 1 Applionco Co. 42110 . 1 - i - La Fee Tire ft I Repair Company TIRES - ALL ,, , Brit-RI- , SLUR SITREL7 AND 4444 $OUTH STATZ 17S , those $4917--M- or. ''''''"'"--"- " IS trn MACHINE SHOP Irene end Abinniesue Fousdry 4 Die bialw Patient Ebne-,-To- ol Staispinee, ' ,' C. M. ROESTENBURG, AND SONS US W. ITR BO. 4411$ . Sr 01 Ir01 o : ,.i, ' ; 4,,,et.--:- :,.fitl-- ..,''.: mu use so. I 4111011901000010111mPS1 ' - . ;ARE RESULT - GETTERS--;--- THE DESERET NEWS' PRESS Seseettablek 29 Richtch 'Street' Salt u3ke city; utch ' - I 6 , &arrows. 1' a T. 't CO..-2- fi1 . , Dressmaking o Ii Ph. , ' DISTINCTIPSmao,. terations serykar.8 t CA:unitYakut,. rtt.0 lusd rootyling ot clothe& - " Floor Finishing KAKI old floors loot Ilka new. Rent our bigh.spoed float sand.. Low era. edger &nd polisher rates. Western Auto. 142 Z. BrosdwOY. or 1045 1. aist South. - 1 House MOVieg - HAVENS & CO. - HOUSE MOVERS 'Bev us ock ANTIrmnr WO1 ?RFS L9TIALATEA CALL 441111 Oa , 44401S Kodak ts Photo Finishiny 21 , KODAK PINSHING Wit4Aliqle,3 33 Te Ars trrAtt Pficno bisimuots PADA W. so Tempt Lost and Found - $50 REWARD t4t FOR Imformation tPleing to or roo turn or otito and Chesnut if11,0, ' English better. Fh Mar. ' bob East b6th South. REWAR---3 month bd tan choreti Cocker Bpsnici wIth heroes& An- recce by name of au.tv. an Linerti Pork nethiavtibocti. DRYER. Federal Homes - : - So Skoog Pia 21 W.Ind - CleaningDyeing SALT LASS CLSANINO è I as So ; - Phone HoL 523 So t -A ROOFING, , CEMENT WORK AND , nestmknon trerrALLIM IUPstabld Pfc.REAIT011 ,,-- Contractors HOTPOINT RANGES WATER HEATERS DEEP FREEZE - ft -- - Cesspcglls Cleaned Units oleo. è Septio aczspooui od Wo EDDY STOKERS . , , - WANT-ADS- ., . Pi- s- buttons. belts, buckles covered to motel', Sirtimr Sewing Center. 149 11. Wan oe et PRICES $LASHED ON -- DESEREINEWS plow 1131MtriTDCHING ' , - a tt , T .1 at Ilona Vowers OUT greeiti&F-- 170 fith soma at. -- 71k13- kmo, , ROUtul--45.-- 11!uttans,liemetitchin2 ,. Continual Progress in an Art Centuries Old Brings to our Custorneri'-'finest 'guarantee ,of ,tho,, workmanship - and Best' Equipment found in Modem t'tWITIng , t PLOWER At popular Patent Attorneys Guaranteed Instant:aka 4 ExpertaFre. fadarates Specialise la loalre - "We Sprinklot InstaIlatkos " and Itoixdre COMET TEL 4; co. f . ,,, OS$p.QtI7 Tew-- rs ,, ...-- ,, ito,ikkote.- Heating Electrical Service Jean k.? .. vt , ,.,.,... 1 - i lb. f41 i newer) LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS .. - 'Ai - ,,,v Plumbirig Costracting rr ','f'' ' , - t s - I - Id I.) III E. Ist SOUTH 3 , last Orsedwas Phone 1110860M ART "LORALA-Us- e' Funeral rowan OtTt Specialty 419 3 MAIN "RAO PARALsra MUSIC CO. - of,ponoolloGratiJoutTEED $O.," IT SyMMERHAYS Immo US SOUTH IND EAST t ce CALI A a bars served we -- band instrumonto at reasonable DIAL i Pantos. tor Our Punerat Design Quality Mantra Artisacally Arranged nstruments otiose. W. d STN EAST IND 4R-- 214 Jtoss Ask SCHOOL BAND TO BE ORGANIZED IN SMALL TOWN IN IDAHO NEEDS 34 INSTRUMENTS, We an authorized to contact persons wishing to sitIl picryablo ' Wasatch Furnace & , GRETNI3( TOWN Wanted Immediately.. , - - Leon Brown Floral Co. ' 34 Band - 4 b HOaLta. U. S. keg. Patent attorneys. WI besion ' Rids. Phone S4372. III - : p.m-t- rilOMAS 1180 Soutk Kahl Salt lak City 4. Ukda Eliminate (Cold 70) --v' 1207 So. Moja OIL FURIIACES bolted construed. stool. !capacity. -- - 05 LE11110X Irt. &motor by I IL high. Coolidge with Mat bog. toms. coos top., losocirpdows " 1 for services Bowmen will i be et Charge Them. Free Delivery COLONIAL se wog) ks PrlemsAloselcd Pdons Given es Wholesales Iebbess ft. 1 II T, 14 1 ILIUM PHONE I : FLOWERS 017 Coannorcird 4.3041 criNAIE,W1 ' at prices NEW GOODYEAN - IhtSzle 4.75sIS - ; teary. 7De 124- --4-8- ; - Florists ads. MO aid 01540 Army Mao and Tubes. All prim $7.50 to 1110. AU- - slam pow and mod tuck and Passoogor Taboo. 50c and aP. leo Tubber &mai:ad Passonara Thos. 53.50 and U. Good recapped Tiros $5.50 and sp. Nero Yoe lay O..-- Clicapor To $ul V. Ake neve These Nord Os Gee e Steam . Luton Elcig Pb. 9767 e ttMettit flnolireet " ' , TIRES 7.00-7.11- 0z15. : YEAR WIb Bishop Lee W. Dalebout officiating. Friends may call lit the mortuary 200 South Ind end Friday front last Thursday 4 to S p.m. and Bailin:lay at the family residence 903 South 10th last from 10 Itni until 12 - -item, Interment will he In Abu City Cemetery Under the direct. I, lion at the Kingdon 'Mortuary. JOHNSONFuneral services for" Arlen Lucille Johnson will be held Saturday at 3 PM. in 'hit ()rend View Erie Ward Chanel. mitts 2930 South 20th Mast. Bishop H. Cecil Baker atheist. Friends may eel at the mortuary 202 2nd Mast Friday from 4 to fi p.m. and Sabi:Gay from 10 a m. with 2 p.m,- In-Laktrwillenin Fel:till :ender tthshe directioW6s&tchilli el the Kingdon Mortuary. serviced ler ILASTANISFutieral Plc. earn boleros Kasten, 71 ale S. will bet held Monday at , 2 pm. tn the Greek Orthodox Ind Wed end 3rd Church. South, by Rem Antonio Maim. , propouloa, muter. Friends stay call at the family reattlence, ' 3 Weal Jordan. Monday from I m.to I p.m. Interment will ,4 be in lift. Olivet Cemetery anm. der the ' direction et Gott More ISO. 7.00. 7.50. 1.25111. rayon and nylon Truck Tim. 1.00110 Amoy and Tubs Akplano. I. SI! neck, Sr... brood awe. soma at $185 al, , the lACtrand L. D. S. Ward Chace. 1072 McClelland "Street -- that will astanishyout - - ' - ; , Tubes offered - : Imo.!' MONTHS Thomas rine hp Saturday TIRES ' Welding 'aliquot EIMEEMENEWINIMIIMMMIW."-a- l' Steel Cargo Btds mpg OLIVE GEDGE 1119 - TRUCX REDS 4 ' I ',' ,, Custom Built -- Purchasing 1s reserved to secant sr Theright reject my or all bids and to waive ony Intormsalty er technical. ity in any b24 0s, tho, interest of the- , War Surplus Tires and FINS - Tired,-- -: , partmenL , Phone ' ' Heavy Duty I for Slums Archer of 351 'W. 3rti Nortb widow of Wm. Archer. will be conducted Monday at 12 noon in the mortuary, 125 North Main. 4 Inter:Flint City Cemetery. Friends Sunday from I to I pm. end Monday F6ar to loasvicaa the Joseph linitant- Taylor Me- mortat Mortuary. DISPLAY - , 4,11CHSR-4err- irea Coulson's' Exposition Homo Iniustrial Bldg. t I RION trierrAys EstPTEMzElt FUNERALS - - ALSCO'S - ROUsgreEPINCI CARDIN EXCPLIANT 1AiJ YOL RE,t-verroNs cALI. AIN AUTOMObaJ trrAH ASSOCIATION 15N. 44018 , ' - , YOUR VACATION 1101. k - .,, , - : zzAtrurn OP THE , - : : AUGUST AN-ARE Multay Pltilfibir14& Appliance Co. lehn11946 - CHALET.. , Spun Gloss Iniulation IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION ALSCO , ' Immo , Double, Element 40-Gall- .- . MIRROR:LAKE 1 ' t2. t MkNNIS -- - PRICES ipp.q.p.7i:..777.-7-:- ... ...:.,..:y::. I 1 Special Notices Reservations Still Available at .4Tg11.71:S.gATERS:.7 'son wid Whe !;t:" - - "UMW Over Pur120. v"" - -- - I ., (The White Chapel) Mortuary 124 So. 4 E. - r:-- Fro,.,$.12p10,.,$109:-,:- CO.. Room thasing Department, Park Building University of , - --- 44' ' it. F1.11-N- C: , - , Until 1:00 p.m. August 30, 1947. tor ob-as painnting Irmaperassspecifications Da. I 1 ' ......stss Sped, - - ! MN. st the -- , Special Clearance : - . 4 Pottier., Studebaker. Buick, -- Orryskr.--ett.--------- - STATE : ' ' 16 Chrysler. Etc. Ply., atm,4516.. t io 1 E 'admS61.,,,, . . Like' A .. I A IA St' loiit allth 0el.di.ri ' SOLVI,,Y0111 Um 0301012. Bids irM be teceived . '- ,. - - toottooda Receiver. 012.201,' Trust Off ; Data el Drat publication AUSINS , Wear. - - bleb tor ford, Castrate Mete - commtirrAL BANK. MID , Py . tte .,. - ' Teamed- o.:: ' 0 - - .. . ' ' IFLOOR MATSSome at ..,;.$4.50 MATS,: Equipment Type "4 Originat from . .. , ..,, ' .',,,, .SS to $650- , . , - DAROLD , , I, With These New Covers I WHATEVER YOUR SEAT COVER NEEDS-.WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER! , , - Plaids.-.Leathere- Yoeu Feet 4 A L U MI N U A coionssrow OP RAY R., LzAvni. By ROAD a. ety"11!"': 6 i'armo uin11 ' , CO, Specification: Se it known that Somart Foods., Ina, $23 W. Blibeit hawk geet, Chicago. Illinois, being engaged in the business of menu- - lecturing and aelling, adopted for Its vas a trade mark of which the "HOU. following Is a description: ARV', to be used on foods and in. in foods its of dtatrbuUnf grodienta products and used ta ad it. product& , 7 NOTICS TO CISDITORS , Tme Durrittar COURT OP NM v,LAKE COUNTY. OP MAR. MTN , D. a. I. E. ILELIXR and W. P. zzin, Plaintiffs, vs. wasTuts mom burrALuc PRODUCTION CO, ' Cornerstion HENRY prrERsom. MENIAL O. RYER. L. Z. GULL and HARRY TAN latRDSN. Delertdants.'--liniment le order of Court, all persons. firms or corporations -ing 'claims or demands assinst theon Metallic defendants. Western Production Co.. .a corporation, will to ': present claims with vouchers NATIONAL TICE CONTININTAL SANig AND TRUST COMPANY, R. : solver, at its office is Salt Lake City, , Dab at or before the 10th ofday of biro. October. 1947.. under penalty Der baring said claims diesiloired hi thee discretion of the Court. ' E4tek , 'lb ' ' " Upholstery! ) 4 , . I . , a. - ' - , - . . ' ,. -- AFFIDAVIT , aro id Fein being Iirst duly sworn, deposes and says that be k the Secretary of the Honiart Food & Inc, located and , doing business in Chicego, Illinois. That the said Homert Feed& Ina- - le - the exclusive owner of the trade mark described in the specification accompanying this affidavit: that the mad trade mark is in vs by it In the business of manufasture and distribution of foods and Ingredient of foods; and it claims said trade Smirk under which goods or mechandise ars manufactured. prepay...1 ed, handled, sold, or distributed by it: and it petitions that sold trade , Mirk be receded In the ffice of the gecretary el the State of Utah. I with Title IC VMS mordant Code Jauxotated, 1941 t- ' 381.344113 , Total Capital. Surplus and S1,910.421.1? Other Liabllitin S tsts al Utah. County et Salt Lakeest This certifies that the shore samed Company has filed its annual Statement of which the foregoing is a synopsis and has eomplied frith ths laws ef this State relating to insurance and therefore is duly authorised to transact,' the business et Insursaos la the State el Utah until, the butt day of February, Imo. 1 hereunto IN- - wrrHass WHEREOF. Sat any band mad affix ml official seal Ulla lit day at March. IHt .- - oscAn W. Docanisakoner t, , - - (SEAL) , 1 . , ,. '' ''l additketal Information may be secured at the office ot, the State Road Commission. Dated this 15Ut toy at Auguste STATI $1.537,093.14 - 4 Frost r.:: -.- S,c-- t Wit ' sr Sedan.. set Trim! Smart Attractive r Elastic Side Construction for Perfect Fit, - Easy to Install!' Adds Beauty and Protection to Your Cor - .. s. tt' l' Any tei , , Laavrrr- .- CONTSACTORS Sealed proposals wiR be received of by the State Board Commission Cite.- -Utah, State Capitol. Salt Lake Tueso'clock p.m. Utah. until day, September 2, 1942. and at that Urns publicly opened for construction el a 2" Road Mixed BNAIMitIOUS Sur- UTAH, or litz Ambit. STATIIMINT Or , - CAssela , ii. , - Woven of Cool, Comfortable, Long ' - - - ing Fiber!' , - faith and a PISMO. tee that if awarded the contract the bidder will execute tbe contract entreat bond as re and furnish dyNomns - 5,1Ar - ., , evidence of rood - BUILDING Brrrs MMILII- 11 ' set n!x WV -- ' I V.. C),:4 ',ttellsigg Timber Bridge faced Road and over 20 Ft. Span in BOO Sider Coonsection at. that ty. the semr being R. No. 104 beR. No. ill and S. and Zeit Garland, tween Fielding identified as Faders' Aid Secondary (1) PrOjtetil NO. and State ProjecedNo. MS-24- 2 The length Of road to be C000strutted or Improved is 2.470 miles, and the principal items of work am epproximately as follows: 06,000 Cu. Yds. Unclassified - 31.500 Tons crushed Rock or Crushed ()ravel Surface Course, and 135.600 Id. Milos Overhaul. Class "B". The attention ei bidders Is direct- - 11 ed to the Special Previsions peering subletting or assigning the contract. The minimum wage paid to an skilled labor employed is this me- tract shall be $1.50 per hour. The irdnimuns wage paid to all Intennediste labor employed on this contract shill be SL125 per hour Th minimum wage paid to all unskille( labor outplayed en this son.. tract shall be $1.00 per hour.. The attention of bidders is directed to the fact that this commis Mon has been advised by the Wage and Bout Division, U. S. Department fleeced of Labor. that controctors In highway construction 'work are the meet provisions of required to - the FaW tabor Standardi Act tif , 19311. OS Stat. 1060). ore Flans file M the office of the State Road - Commission. Salt Lake Ott'. ant office of its District Sngineer at Ogden, Utah, when they may be re. "Meet by prospeethe bidders. Specification, proposal forms. and plans will be furnished at Salt Lake City. on 4$100, which, will be refunded; 'Providing bidder submits an acceptable bid and returns the the plans within seven days after niust opening of bids. Itch bidder submit a letter from an approved to surety company guaranteeing furnish said bidder with required bond. The right to reject any or all bids Ii reserved. Cash, certified cheek. cashier's cheek. or approved proposal guarlen than five per anty bond for not cent Of total ItO1011114 of bid midis at Prosidontohowart Mooretary Charles Bosworth. Jr. 41ttt Commiesion L. Champs-- , PAO, ,.,' ,---,.. SCIIEN aid SCIIIII teting Purchasing Off1O.4411 Denver lk Colorado. 1 r;k - 82113211T W. MOTU, Some- IL- - , ,,,,,,, -- 47 ,,,c-- ft. varsity,. , ---- . .- - 771,71-ALS- Room 120. chasing Department, Park luilding, University of Utah. until 8:00 pm. August 25, 1941 for general remodeling as per specifications obtainable from the Department. Thu right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or technicality in - sag bid in the interest at the Md. UTAK . 3."1) TO NOTICS NOTIG2 be received 0..,"' ", - Office of the City Recorder. Salt Inks City, Auirust 19th, 1941. Bested propose'i will be recehved CI this office until 10 o'clock Alt., Tunday, August 26th, 1247, for the work 01: converting mats pool at the Wasatch Springs Plunge frost hot water to fresh water pool according to plass as file in the City Engineer's Office. Rids will be opened es or about this time by the Board Citp Commissioner InStructions to bidden, epeciffcations and forms tor contract and hand, together with plans and profiles, when prepared, may be ob- -tained upon application at the oflice al the City BD gineer upon de.. posit of filters (15.00) dollars, which will be forfeited unless a bid I. submitted or plans and specifications are returned hs good condition to the elfin of the City Snginser net lees than terene,four hours before bids are opened. The right is reserved to reject any or aU - BP order at the Board at Commissioner , yRuA P. SITIMR. City Recorder. Pub. August 20th, 147. lit L..st Pub. August 25th, Lett aids will !,......t ell, ' t .1',1';..1810,.,,,-',- 7 - sr- - RAT-- SOTICI- - TO CONTRACTORS - I , 1047. ,- The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.-By Order of- RIO Board Of Comemissions's. MINA P. 1177SCR, City Recorder. Pub. lit August 20th, 1947, Lilt Pub. September 9th, 1947. - .; - - Any additional informition may at the Oft.. et Ms State - ba Mural Road Commission. - Dated thisIdth day et august. the City twenty-Sow- '' - sertified at Coupe or Front Seats , 1 ; or &PPP:wed proposal guartor not-- less than tire T anty bond - bid arisount---st per rent et made payable to the State. Road each must accompany Commission bid as evidence of good faith and I 7: the son. guarantee that if worded tract. the bidder will execute the bend contract contract and furnish COST , s Some , ' k 'I check, ,. , , - : ' ' noDEsT, ,- - . ' - Sass l!p t3 E3 YO3 FLIER AUTO SEAT COYLTIS For Most Cars -- 1935 to 1947 Yes! We Have Front Seats Only! ' 1 '.: I Pitt: di Sptclaily , rotted to the tact that this Conk. 'Waste. has been advised by the Ware and Hour. Division, U. B. of Labor, that contractor - engaged in - highway constrectioa Won t aro required to meat the provisions of the Pair Labor Standards, ---:,Lei Id 1038, (52 8t64. 1060). Pla and specifications are on tile in the Mike ot the State Road the Commission. Salt Lake City, and Di-den. office of its District Engineer at Utah, where they may be re.. viewed DI Prospective bidders Speci.; licatioe, proposal forms, and plans . ...Avid be furnished at Salt Lake City. on depositing- - $200, which will be providing bidders submits - refunded; an acceptable bid and returns the ' plans within 'seven days after the opening of bids. Bach bidder mint submit alettmfront an approved tur.---;- -:-'-aunty company guaranimiag to nish mid bidder with required bond Ths right to .reject any or all bids - oPene Capita 511rP1U0 - .3 , - n- -- dition to the offic- of sot lees than - tours before bids are Total Coe has for well a 'qualified and exopportunity . perienced Lifa Insurance Manes general agent for , Utah. Applicant must hay. organizationexecutiveand sales ability. ' OPPORIVNITT-CA- LL 4 The 73rd anniversary of the founding of the International Red Cross wal marked yesterday by radio speeches explaining worldwide projects, according to C. of Ray Van Leuven, manager the Salt Lake County chapter: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS years. Active members of the Church, , Officer of tba City Recorder. Mr. Storrs served as bishop of - Balt Lake City. August 19th. 1947.2 Sealed proposals- will be received -- the American Fork Second Ward at this attics until 10 o'clock AM. for 41 years and Mrs. Storrs was Wednesday. September 'Otis, 1947. far the work of: installing Lighting especially active In the Relief SoDistrict Na. 22, Yelecrest Arsinus. ciety organization. Mr. Storrs is lgth Bast to 20th last Street. now stake patriarch and presideto plans oa the in the -nt-otthe Office-Bogineoes stake high priests , Bids will to opened on or' about Is also president of quorum. He this time by the Board of City the Peoples State Bank. Commissioners. Instructions to bidders, spotlit. They have six living sons and cations and forms for contract and daughters. They are Joseph B. bond. together with plans end proStorrs and Mrs. Myrl Stewart of files. When preNsrW, may be ob. tained upon application at the atOgden; Mrs. Rosella Miller, Protics of the City Sngineer upon skt N. L. vo; Storrs, Salt Lake; Wilposit of fifteen ($15.00) dollars.. ford L. and Betha Storrs, Amer- - which will bo forfeited sinless a bid le submitted or plans, and specifi- ican Fork. cations are returned ha 100d CO- Corn Clithb th New ea . Anniversary Noted op at Lagoon next Monday. ,, . . Quality Auto Seat Covers - ; ,. Mr: Storrs was manager of bthe American Fork Co-for 18 held II f Funeral Directors Genuine "Car - test"' - . . ''. and Mrs, Storrs - I lti . IsantEurDdasy7ItAtugrusiCtZ2W3S, ' :: ,., , - rT, I ' .,,,,,..!, Mrs. Donald B. Ellison, public relations director, - Intermountain , Hospital Service Plan, was elected president of the Blue Cross Employes Association yesterday a meeting of chatter members. at -- Other- officers elected-include- d: Mrs. Bernadette Atkin, first vice president; Mrs. Grette Good-',; win, second vice president; Miss - . Nona Lorentson, secretary and Garth Walter, treasurer. i4 ' 1 - nts -- f, - ' sso; 4 ' Display Classified , - r Aid Prtlect N. tbi. atTesuct.dissata of road to be mi. tel Mrt William McComb. field 11.9.211. miles, director, announced ant the principal Items et Wert This is the new discussional , are approximately as follows: 46.000 Tons Pleat Mixed Ritual. ,, Nathe program sponsored by end 96,000. Tone v(k3ousraviturfacing tional Delphian Society and is , bidders' TM of is attention to be the twenty-eigh- th direct. chapter to the Special Provisions tom. organized in Salt Lake within . sd the eon. ing subletting or assigning the past 21 years., " tract The Minim:Mil wage paid-till skill. Mrs. McComb explained tkat a ed labor employed on this contract major issue will be analyzed and be $1.90 per hour. ,,,, Mall discussed at each seminar. The The minimum wags paid te sli titof the discussions is to , tormediato labor employed on this object , 1 snail be 111123. per Atour.,,, make women more alert to the tet.minimum The wage paid to all un. basic principles of American deskilled labor outplayed en this eon' tract Mall be $1.00 per hour. We cultural and today, mocracy The attenUon of bidders Is di. she pointed out. e- The following gifts were acA yesterday by the Univt, IlS - cepted at sity ,of Utah board a meeting In the Park Bidg.:-- A sum of $754 for unrestricted accounts and $800 for re- stricted accounts was received through the alumni develop- , - ment fund office- .- ory Restricted gifts include $1000 from CIBA pharmaceutical prod ucts for second instalment on ' the 1947 grant for research in metabolism; $650, Western Clay & Metals Company, research in clay materials; $10,105, Ameri Cancer Society, Inc., re- problems; $050, anner Foundation, cancer research di vision, studies on special gonadal factors in the induction of leukemia; $375, John and Mary Markle, study of intracellular en- t, A: zymes; $63.03, donors from the university A dictionary and booksfgndB; rail, Parke - Davis & Co., research studies in nutrition and- hema' i ,,,, tology; $13,190, ' U.; S.- Public Health Service, research on the , pathgenesis of anemia; $2400, ' Mead-JohnsCompany, studies on amino acids of the blood; $3, W.- P. Jerrell gift, purchase sof t 4., medical supplies; $1436.11, Holy t Cross Hospital, anethesiology re :. Pubsearch fund $34424 . lie- - Health Service, research in of surgical shocks insfesti , . and $2 fillMilton B enn tOn gift re-muscular dystrophy. A i .search , , , i ..!::.' - , ( - Acc-ept-Gift- NI -- ed : .. aries together at an open house Delphian Society in Salt Lake ,...... reception- - Sunday from 3' to 6 will he held Friday, Aug. 29, Ho2 at in the Newhouse p.m., p.m. at their home. nd , -- - annivers- 101' batted proposals will be reesteed by the Slats Road Commission el Salt Lake City. int: 3Capitol. eelock p.m Tuesday. Septesaber E 1947, and at that Ums publicly opened for construction a 3" Plant Mixed Bitunanout eh Satiated Road In Cacho ,County. tbe same being that section of U. a. Me. $I between Line and Wellsville, IdentifCountTe decai En - , Both natives of Springville, Mr. Storrs was born Aug. 25, 1867 and Mrs. Storrs was born ' Oct. 20, 1867. The couple were married in the Maati Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints Oct... 24. 18811. They moved to American Fork in 1898, where Display Classified Disphiy Classified, I 010r1C11 TO CONTRACTORS Orienta- The wire recorder, a lu. . tionary postwar development in the field of radio, was previewed today by officials of Sears Roe- buck & Co. , - i The instrument made its first bow in Salt Lake during a dem-onstration for press and radio yesterday afternoon at the Ho- -, tel 'Utah. It wee demonstrated by Julius Wissler, radio department manager of the store, and Mark C. Brown, Its merchandise man. agar. The new wire recorder, radio and phonograph combination is a development of the Sears concern and its manufacturing sources. When the wire recording sys-tern of the unit is used a spool containing 7500 feet of stainless- -. steel wire is attached to it. This length of wire can be threaded through the machine as whatever is being recorded on it is played into a microphone. When the recording' it finish- on a ad, the wire is silent mechanism and then re.. Played through the loudspeaker. It may be any number of times. Also, by using the machine's electrical eraser, the wire Legal Notices' I , I )i , ;. - ,7 - , Lem. PAIR shoes, size Inte, thorn hchnol, Pew scd, LORTRiikloid. ten lestocc, "Mtn; Paosols. COOLS, Ll'k't ie Ikrzonis gentiti. C. ignneY At tma - |