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Show - , - 'Y - . 4 . ' - . ' ' , . t '' . ,. , .. , - . . , . . , , ' Fa rewells . ,:,4Slated- for I 4 I . I - Iii ... - 4 Chape1,1621 if 1. 4, South F th East St, prior 4 " t? to his departure for the North- Cr n States Mis- - ; -, - , ' ow, .i, ' ,e,A, ' L.,, . con. Cider Schoenfeld The program ', , -- , will feature talks by E. A. Childs, f the Emigration 2..,,,Dtkrie, D r. oL Bennion and Bishop L. A. Minviaring. Vocal v. seledtions will be rendered by, 'Hulbert, Keddington and instru- - mental numbers will be by Inez will be offer- , Corry.- - -Invocation - 7 ed by Paul Christiansen - and benediction by A,E. Schoenfeld. U. Student Ttlrormer of South High, El; der Schoenfeld. also attended the University of Utah, where he WAS affiliated with Lambda Delta Sigma fraternity. He also serv, ed two years duty in the U. S. Navy. Grant H. Mortensen, of the McKay Ward, will be honored : at 7:15 p.m. in the ward chaed. - 1621 - SouthFifth- - East prior to his departure, for .the : Northern States 4 MiSSiOn , iv, p-- . qi' L 1,.. ,, .,i,:::;..,,...;',.,.....y,1. ,. . ',.,7.4., l'',4i,1::: .licji,'';':"'1;:,:,:i'4 t .I:::::140:::14 t .e ,II I.: ,,,, ' '''''.. kiiiij '' - , t4'4 Elder Rose Elder Mortensen Pres. Thomas E. Tow ler and Bishop J. T. Buddell, will be 1 the principal - speakers. Musical selections- - will be rendered by Mrs. Cecil G. Christensen, Blanche M: Christensen and the A Strings of Deseret. Marimba se- lections by Mrs. George E. Eason will be featured. Prayers will be given by Pres. Elias L. Day and H. Hooper Mortensen. . , Going to Britain D. Wayne Rose, son of Mr. , It and Mrs. Donald E. Rose, 745 Ave., will be honored at 5 p.m in the Marlborough-Wa- rd ,,tchapel, 1469to South Eighth East his departure for St., prior the British Mission. Y Remarks will be by Pres. El- bert R. Curtis of the Sugar Stake and Bishop O. E. ,4).1-1ousJorgensen of the Marlborough Ward. Musical selections will be -by Donna Mit) and Evelyn Rose., ' Geraldine Jacobs, Bruce Bieshi, ger and Lee Purrington Jr. Invocation will be offered by Charles E. Rose and benediction pronounced by ThomasK. I , finger, Guivers to Note 4 Wedding Date -- -- Mr.,and Mrs, George D. Gui- firer, 163 M St., will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary Thursday, Aug. 28. They will be honored at an open-hou- se reception from8 to 10 p.m. Thursday at the (home -- , .1 , , , ', f .,, 1.1 4, , , ' ' - ..! i kti 4, .,,,...... '',:. .,. i , c:, Pi', , '4' k; - ':::,:.; .r., o, - 2 , ,- 1 ,. : '- - ' ' .. , - 1 "' at -- - 41,...-.- Mr. and Mn. .. ,. Guiver. their daughter and son-i- n- ' law, Mr. and Mrs. R. friends All 221 M St. ',:, diniton, t. Auld relatives are,invited to at- tend,. i IL-led- 14, ' ' , de ...M. &WO 4C deed tweed en )t , Got All Your VICTOR pote1011211 DILL GOODVIIII , moo agent. 6:00 p. nl. ABE BURROWS - lilt sotrrit - ' ,,,,, .., - G 1, - - -.- teed den 1611 no one nom , di S.' 1.70: -- - - DR. E E. KELLER' - - -- Paul-Cobu- rn ---'-- - -- - -- - - - - -- - (Upstairs) - - - -- - ' , I. g -- - - lin' vi .:4 N , l Show 14 II - News Re- known-dici-ence Jim New Comedy ter? Concert f - 6.- - a '- - - . . . s. .... .. ! , Quart, et Are Mezie Bout . Um .... .. , at the Army Church ot Nevereas Voice of Messina with Dr. Stiles Mondial Bundtp Varied with Al Variety biusis and Merry Quips Drop Eirs a Liao. Min. Masterpieces. Chureh or the air. l'he Sternal Whit leewa Portrait ha Melody Chi. Round Table. Strvicce from Pral amnia Church Russ Cass and His Orehbatra of Stant James Melton. in Marna iknamaste 0 to0 Jean Mablon Show. Andre Loot Janet silvor TbeeWt, :3 0 'Pause IS ,15 1 ono Ws ,,, our Family 2gT 3 4 aCarmen Cava nor. and Orehettra 0us Use's Itamt Ir. Orchestra. 4 II . :1350 - Linn 553: ISPado of Wats Kids limo Freed", Church of the Lit Retell to Visioning Too '11141Pla num& Cos-eeri- er Across Footlights Carousel. with Ray Bloch.. , Vast Fear Pam. as J. Feldman's On.. . Moms Western Round Int A Farrell Adventure of Sam BeS linden Modena , Meandering, bs 0 Melody atbstob Mono Kt. Re. ...Pheturing cording by world. famous Symphony rho Ale 'romp ton 'hos, Front è Debtor. Dorothy !amour Vesper Service... My Serenade , Yours Nowt TWA Refresh oi km& hilver'gtringo Guest 8 tar (Treat) NAO Symphony et the Air, erith Mee. Oen Autry Show t3 0 14 0 Cava lewd Ti lbw Titles with King Harmoe Lutheran Hem . .... a Shows-- All Ina :30 8 -- - LIn sale MO L. D. , I ilit TOO id I Music , -- 100 3113SO vi07. U lin Concerto HALL for litude. A Fun Hour of Top Tunes at tbo Doh Top Sands Oood Night ... .. its I. Chu:4a 4: .... sail Lake Tabernacle IL C. X L String rnaemble Sunday Yvening on Itiournar...:: ,, , 40 :40 I I The Big Break. Bd. me wis Dowling, Ylleri Queen ..- .-... -- ' - A...AA Goodnight ... . What's New en of Melody Harmony Haven The Catholic Ilcut Bymph. Hens - - ...Latest - ke: in pops with youg ItVieWT of Hite. view - IINAIL Sign-s- ''' il ........... s omonoiAstalio61.61.1600noilib Musls You Want Melodies PrCM th. - Classics .. News lilt a.m. los .e. Band of tho Day.. Trio Tune Time.. It Goes Like This. F.Mrearlddl:nmrunetoi. o, Melody glow and siogome, ygom . arty park . The Wayne King Show , at ,Pipes . U. . (11:65)-New- MO , . . . . . Sweet Chariot HOU -Z- ion Travelers. Itusical (toms .... Boston Blackie aw,......mnnmlr Concert Hour ----- -i--- 1 Shale Inn Doulazi COUCIITInuPril. II I id . , World Biwa Little Concert . MCI Sons 0 Guns . enuonoo Amigos .. . Concert Hour lierts Familiar Musie Take It or Leave It Biondi:: il II 1 . :IS ogt Manhattan , MB ItriClin Album et - 7'he Wasi k , :so KALI. Scoreboard D agbeheoglhme-hcm- ye till 130 :4 - -- Hsi's- -. Voices from 11'woed . Latest News Pictures in Musie Albert Shepherd . Baseball Warmup. Baseball Cisme ..... Salt lAke Sees vs. Pilots ot Bois. Derk'S Field ...s. -Songs 1 r o :4 S Tonl Mattis . . Show Xavier Cugat show . NOW SOO 7 Ilya. - .. Meet C. Arche- r- n5 :30 A . IGO . ... ... ' anewoomookomemaIneol Good Night Monday Morning W ake.up - HALL of the Wed R'up Town Patrol to 7:20 - News Road Information. 7:211.8have Time . H. Worsen. News.. Top 0' Morning . Breakleat Club Don McNeil. J64 Owens, Aunt Pan- ny, Sam, Guests ',realities 13 Hollywood . Odes Drake 'Teo Malone 'Weems Travelers , . , siistentn, post - gimps gam Over The nom ..... Beek -- -, Me True limy ..e du..,....s.se s:-....- ..- ' gruTAN 42:85-News Mums Nancy Cra lir Walter Kiernan Paul Whiteman , - Club. Music. no 1 Western and Pori. lar Music Hour orMN Farm Joumk Bing Crosby Sings. Bob Wills Music ... Latest News . Tex Ritter Music , ,,, Breakfast News Birthday Club Heart's Desire, ten Alexander MC Kate Smith Sneaks Richard Maxwell , Phyllis Parry..4da. lied Variety Cedric Poster. News Lyric by Lorraine ,.,.. Art Baker Meat on Table ... Queen for a Dee . prow- - Hollynood,.. Martin Block-- Muata at Its Belt be - America's 110. - World News Oklahoma Rotmdup Perm Breakfast ---:. Roundup World News Bengt. cd H. Mart Potluck Part? . News. Petersen Arthur Godfrey 200 6 7 0 fil :30 :49 :00 - 11 130 i4 S 17 I :3011 14 :00 . IS :30 .411 MO :III di :so 1 KM st Is .., :30 14111 Crlows:LUZ Tun, latest Must , 3,141dusts Plows - rl 0 0 --- KALL--9- 10 11 - 1I 2 '. 130 t4S t1:30 1111 Ifeelen 'Winton Esse Aces t4111' House 2,13:, :DO 3 ,s !30 5,3: Tim. Hews ,- - ...... ....... ,. - , Joyce - Pettersen Out of Gold. Wert Business of farm. Moss of me Dream' Doubl sr Nothing': News, 4:00 Bleek's Alone Hlok Club...Three Hottrs of Wake-u- p - - Musle- .Popular Dane Bands, Va. Combolb ealists . :4 0......... ,., Id The Old Corral... an Relit and a Hslf of Western -Tuna: bp Recruest And Farm News, With Will Wright Jordan . News Digest Fred Waring and ' Pennsylvanians ., . Alarm Hiok Klub .. cont'll.Musio and Kiwi Jack Birch . Morning time , .. .. .... Lore Lawton . . fROSeinill - . Road of Life Beams of Blessing; W. Warren, News .. with Dr. Stiles . Patti's Bong Shop Aunt Jenny's ere. Fos tbs Bolen Trent Songs- -. Morning Something Date With Melodp Ladies Our Oal Sundsy ' Cookin' With Col: 'rake It lasy ;Big Sieter line Ma Perkin. , .,..., ' Town Crier Midmorning News. 0Toung Dr. Malone Meet the Band Believe It or Noe Guiding Light - ,,.; 82nd Mrs. Burton . Sugar Rouse Morn. Today's Children in g Melodies Woman in Whit- e:Terry mason .,,,,, Lone Joumet Pop Tune Pareds. Masquerade Itivem.-To-m Musical Ameriesna : Light of the Wotid Ivory. - Aftemoon- - 100 8 I Post Woman. Pafis Perry Como Sings. 3 a nit y Goodman Moue Quest, Hour, Ons Hour of AMOTICS'S Finest rddie Duchin r of Ina Day Music Neva.Voice et the -"'. KALI, of the West, What', Doin-7-- Tex Bitter and Lathe? Cactus Jim With Itrttio lino green Western Music Prom Itoetivoon Lediem Be Seated Tops in Tunes With Johnny Oleen Top Popuntr Tunes to :udy RooLettere Uncle Woodre ' ord Shop 'onongs and Stortat. 'attopHarilsan "Terre end PlirsUe Melody 'Theater &Sky Mai Adventure Parade. "leek ernistrour Tom hfla ITrenresare Jed :: tist. , Tiii Dams tidnit allow Lane Memory timmor Zlectrie Er 130 . Rackridge Show-M- usic , 6.. Show ldmund Mulls tc4 Wall..!::. Goodnight 'Til Backus Quiet Pleas - Hymns of Churches News. W. Fletcher 351----;---- Bible :Soriano I. ... .. it All Muffle h$ . dAM11110111 111L.fAKI .... NOWS .. Mendor zo , Alt. Curtin itymph 2:Rai MorMyrtory News ,.. S-1- I of Melody.. ' Pipes World Kinn Bob Reed Binge Merle To you - ' - A Real Thriller !True Detective Mystery Show am. Shadow. it PAid Thriller Abbott Mysteries., A New &triton, These,- - Webster; Americo et Rome Nick Crater. We. ter Detective MyWriouo Hour, Pro ram of Religious Musts do Sermon. . A (Rs ,...Ir't...:i , , tit. r. Ai& Shot'? "Mai" Starring Pst O'Brien is Salt Lakes only' 00idfla Cl mighliyhts Ow - People." Platform. :IT 3 CI id :143 Noun se Mystery scsdhholl. --g- viva' , - try , Bus loring the Ca. tillibl Reporting-. A VI ib n 145 Owl Wilt Good Night World Rowe Morn. Rollo. Rory'. Invitation to Loots. :111 Mys- Sunday Evening Hour, Walter Pool Conducts. Detroit Symphony , Three View News.. Louella Parsons -- . , r Jimmy Fidler Prelude for Strings Pull Hour a Music Modern Version of Old Fashioned irwAUG. 29 - - SOUTH - :00 m 14 - . MO .4 Church of the Als Newa,, ..... News Treetop's Tavern Tiinkersiers " Matto , Popular Bastion, with hews As Baseball limes Wings Ova Jodui 8. I. TIAN, Choir 8100 , Parade ---- -'rune of Iteeerd Sunday ,.911 I Range Your America 4 , Must. Churot in the Wild.. lunch at 0 Coilan. Orate ' eons V Guns Pews I 7 14 I 1 Edgewater Good Plight --- - :CO - dritina ; Charlie Chan, Brightor Tomorrow O. Heattor Crime ClubBest Mystery of Week Voices of ellorinks Mon. LAGOON BAND I - L)0.World News n5 Biggs Or. :30 ' sr. POWer pi's --- rrbo Johnron IP. S. 13 cult Curt Trouury Salute .. Pro ludo to goads . ' -1. 1- You Rem Melodies e- Greatest ionise lever Told ldr. President, crith ltdward Arnold Sensational Years Authentic Lim Waits Time r PERSON SUMMERHAYSMUSIC CO. Latest sew. 3 1ALIIV, NI . waif, Pastor-- - lit z - .. gte"Tefilreretnettree01.714 ."1 Candid Microphone raVOrit Mel Wyman and - -1.. You Loos ,a Classics soggy pecgcon the Uniyerlity of Utah IIF - - ' --- ) , tad elialmob - . - - 12ns Rev. C. Lutheran Bout Dr Meier Mutual Music Hour Music at ita Best One Hour et Music , School bond to be organized in small town in Idaho needs 34 instruments. We are authorized to contact - persons-wishin-g to sell . playable band instruments at reasonable prices. DIAL Of CALLAI- -- -- I . .- :-, ..-- . 7,AVANtE671MMEalATELT777.77 15 E. - -- . kW. nee 334.'T'DAIIIIIISTIIIILlEtITS-."'-':- ' - Game - ! 1 ill, kill IT News Sunday Evening ll 0: , - Radio Bible class Grand Rapids Voles c Prophecy fhb Day Adventist. Young peoples Church of tha Atr. Faith in Our Tim Christian &tones Pilgrim Hour, Sammy Kaya'S Serenadd ... '' ' Pro-Footba- -- - .. ilib ITIL - SHOW 9:30 I m of - ROCKETS VAUGHN .MONROE . oesp .,o,ktpo,AtIA Darts for Dough From Hollywood.. Counterspy, Mystery drama Deadline Mysteries I CHICAGO on , ,.., 4 114 7 MEN.NMEN DODGERS and songs like "I Looked a flock and found Yew:- - r.141A f,11(6fl "n11 INIMMESIM BROOKLYN- - THE STROUD TWINS - MB NNW The Spot for Sports Brings You The 7:30 p. nl. SWEENEY & MARCHE -8:30 p. nl. Inn'11011111110L : MIK . Om, k1.14.:1 den ow rint S.:S....ZS c...1:00 , .tt. rK A i MI Murray Jones from Saltair ........... H:WorldCrNews Ouni ,.... ..10. BM Sudo Orch..-- . Time SO donee . Sunday Morning Thrilling Mystery .. Lamle Mind Pinter, Retribution, Pay. Drama. are Those Our Children? Lee Sweetland I - I I , Sot on Mr cd Prophecy 12:25 Moors D a rk Ventur- - SHOW Tytlttlars .8 filErt AO nominee. ado oboe lbe oedet Ins ode ...... - !,tECONDS SUMMERHAYS ' It Vint -- u imallmtiOnitoblAir4 III 11 OANis0 Sunday Afternoon 1320 ON YOUR DIAL wit Symphony, Memorial HOW Bing Crosby An Orchid Ter Tog Jo Stafford iv t - , 1 '100 - Pull :Boar of Dance Mulls ag Popular Tunas Good Night Berrk Melodies - "..e,.,-,-' Pia- Mouerisky tures st lxhibit.. IALL tor Mule a Raymond, Swint.. Sunday Monolog co. Music r7'..DIgrg Utah Worship Nowa UTAH POWER & LIGHT - Hom Um, ShowaAll Pitt. Arts Quartsk, KSI , Satire - Under , KALI, , Presents Pop. Voic To You By - , at 7:00 pane- -- GEORGE - AT - ' Brought . - Quiz Sensation of the Nation , . donned end - De4 by Mal .... ' -- lonst te the Moran' Popular nules Iona e Carleson, News American Farmer. Road Information Labor. URA. -- NAM summer Show tl.P. e A.P. News What is Truth Southernatres TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT DR. KILLIR ASK& SCAN YOU HAD THisr 20 Urn. .. . Bible Scheel .11 sm. Kerning Worship 'Christ Died ior Our Sins" Young Peogk's Gospel lorries ..... Prayer llootirscb Monday...I:00 pm - - SUNDAY 1:30 P. M. .- Good Nita Till 6:00 , Sunday Services - ,: National Dance Banda of the Day Until 1:00 Dann on After. "The Church With cm Open Bible and a Christian Welcome" - Radio 700 - ular Broadcast From Liberty Fork 'with EVERY ASO Sunday t:1 9 pi ci. ORCHESTRA . G. Baynes; : , and WOODY HERMAN r. part-tim- - ..;... . E R 11 SU1GTU21: - PEGGY LEE Saints, by Biehop Oirvin Stott. Friends may can at the family home Saturday evening and Sunday prior to services. Burial will be in Mint! City Cemetery under the direction of Buchanan Mortuary. Mr. Cox was born July 23, 1676. at Mast i. a eon of Byron O. and Susan Henri. Cox. He mirried Luella Madsen Sept. 26, 1906, in the Menti Temple. He attended the Brigham Young for-- three years. An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-da- y Saints. Mr. Cox filled a mission in the Southern States from 19041 to 1906. Be was a high priest at the time of his death- - lie wee fermerand stock include his widow; two sons rant-an- d and two deughters: Merlin Co. and Mn. Chole C. Buchanan, Manti, and Mn. Vivien Stanfield, Palo Alto, ld one Calif.; nine grandchildren; and brother, George B. 952 EAST 9TH SOUTH $3 6 ill Aporta; From Logan, DAVE BARBOUR'S . , , ' GEORGENE - - Starring MANTIFuneral services for William . , o ur Dail Of the Utah Taleet Hunt Ster N GIFT CEEITE11111111. lit sr I G II I ;The IIEW flectric'Hozr . part-tim- , 0 1 atription "Wyman SURE TO TUNE IN M. Cox. 69, who died Thursday evening of a heart attack. will be conducted Sunday et 2 p.m. in the North-Wa- rd Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Chard 1 CostIn a , OGDENFuneral services for William Raymond (Ray) Wilson..47. 1742 Washington Blvd.. proprietor of the Standard .. Neon Sign Company. Thursday at 10 p.m. in an Ogden hospital after a short illness, will be conducted Monday at 1 p.m.. at Larkin lb Sons Funeral Chapel. Friends may call at the mortuary Sun- Cox, Itanti. 9 p.m. ,and Monday be,. day from fore the service'. Burial will be in OgEmma E. Ellis den ,City Cemetery. 1900! lit. Wilson was born Feb. ANTHONYMrs. Emma le Ellis. In Des Moines, Ida., a son of Charles 80,ST. St. Anthony. died Thursday evening H. and Mary Loretta Warren Wilson; at her of a lingering Bloom home The family moved to Ogden when he She was born May 2, 1887. in Kansas. 11115 a baby. He married Edith Z. Chap I daughter of Charles M. and Jane in Sall Lake July 2, 1923. White g. Beamon, and moved in childhood Mr. Wilson had worked in Steel to Marysville, Kan., where she was to Frank A. McKenna. March married two Survivors include his widow; sons, 1886. Ray William and Paul Elmer Wilson, Ogden; one grandchild; bis mother. Mrs. They moved to Indian territory to farm Mary Brewster. Ogden; a brother and In what was then known as "The Strip," sister, Clyde E. Wilson, Idaho Falls, Ida., now Stillwater, Okla. In 1900 they went and Mrs. Boyd M. Fronk. Ogden. to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where Mr. McKenna died that year. In 1904 she was married to Charles A. Ellis Charles D. Terry at Pueblo, Colo. Be died in 1913. In the PROVCPwaitral services for Charles spring of 1915 she homesteaded near St, D. Terry, 61. itho died Thursday in a Anthony. She was a member of the Provo hospital alter a three-da- y illness, Methodist Church and Royal Neighbors will-b- e conducted. ,Monday p.m.! of America. in Timpanogos-Genev- a Ward Chapel. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Church of Jesus Chridt of Latter7day Dorothy Ellis Campbell, St Anthony, and Saints, by Bishop Wilford larson,!- - of Mrs. Ruth Belle Lushinsky, Pocatello; a Geneva Ward. stepson, Prank Ellis. Atascadero, Calif.; Friends may call at the Fairbanks seven and four great--. grandchildren 7 in Orem. after p.m. Mortuary Sunday and at the family home Monday from grandchildren. 10 cm. until tizpo of services. Burial Funeral services will be conducted will be in Provo City Burial Park. Sunday at 2 p.m. in the St. Anthony Mr. Terry was both Oct. 22, 1885. in Community Church by the Rev. William Union, a son of Otis L. and Sarah HowPranks of the Ashton Methodist Church. ell Terry. He married Mary Ann Hurst Burial will be in the Riverview Cemetery, in 1906 in the Salt Lake Temple. She SU Anthony, under the direction of the died In 1932. In- 1934 he married Eunice Hansen Funeral Nome. Rasmussen in the Salt Lake Temple. She died in 1945. An active member at the Church! cd Ada E. M. Hanby Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, Mr. TWIN PALLSMrs. Ads Vie Morris Terry served on a mission- in the Central States from- 1911 to 1913. He via' Hanby, 53, resident of Twin Palls since president of the Y. M. M. I. A. of 1944. died Thursday morning in the Timpanogos Ward and later was coml. home of her father, Daniel Morris, , selor in Sharon Stake High Priest Quo, a long illness. rum. She was born Dec. II, 1593, In Hen7- Survivors include a son and six daughters. William C. Terry, Murray; Mrs. ville, Ark., and came to Idaho in 1914. Fenton Prince, Mrs. Mont, Burr, Mrs. living in Twin Palls since. She WIWI a Dwain Peterson And Miss Tarim Terry, member of the Baptist Church. Orem; Mrs. Lloyd Mohiman, Seattle. Surviving aie her husband. Floyd HanWash.; Mrs. Mac Halliday, Provo; 18 by. Twin Palls; five sons and daughthree brothers and five ters, Mrs. Dorothy ifoepneck. Ray, Roy .grandchildren; sister', Willis IL Terry, Mn. Irvin and Weever Hanby, Twin Palls, and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Farley and Mrs. Floyd Reba Arthur, Detroit, OM; her father; ton, Orem; Oscar Terry, Salt Lake, and a brother, Howard Morrie, Twin Pahl. Walter Terry, Jerome. Ida.; three halt and two grandchildren. brothers and a hall sister, Merlin and Twin Palls Mortuary will direst funeral Andrew Terry. Provo; Ed Terry and ilervicea. --- , Mrs. Emma Dotty, Murray. Bethal Baptist it - "THE HANDCART. PIONEERS" 9,00 FALLS---runer- T:. , .1: Play. School co. - - , p eter,,Elabbil , 'ith William M. Cox - ne' IDEAL 11111 -day William R. (Ray) Wilson W. si.. 8 30 p . ill services for William Scaler,, St, Louis, Mo.. who died Tuesday in daho Palls of an illuess. will be conducted Sunday afternoon at Salem, jU. Burial will be there. klis widow and two daughters, Mrs. Easel Reed and Mrs. Lillian Crawford, sc. companied the body. Two sons, J. IA. and William A. Scale. left earlier. IDAHO Emma CHICAGO - - , rat", il u; 1 T PROVOOrsiveside services for the infant son of Walter LeRoy and Donna Bingham Norman, who died Friday at birth, were to be condusted Saturday at 10:30 cm. in Provo City Burial Park. Survivors include the parents and four grandparents, Mr. and Mn. George A. Norman, Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bingham, Tucson, Ariz. Graveside services for Rodney Thomas ld son of Eddie R. Proctor, and Jessie Faye Page Proctor, 1405 Parkway Ave., who met Thursday at 10;30 p.m. in a Salt Lake hospital of prematurity, were to be conducted Saturday at 10 cm. in Murray Cemetery. Survivors include his a parents; brother, Teddy Proctor, and four grand--. parent', Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Proctor. Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas Page, ()when. T. A. Cline, Weldon Terry. Milton Andrus, rasmu ssen, Lloyd P. Stone, H er- bPrt Nichols, Phil' Whet ma n, Clyde Crane and Harry IL -- WAAJOIJ.11,MALIAILS.t.- Rodney T. Proctor lieutenee burn J. Dow, e - t; Willard S. Day, - tenant r al (junior grade); 0Scott , RICHIMIji, ...., yrs.Anw.aviOs 141111nds died 1! --- ---of --- -- 1 vtritt."11. Lar, I 'It"p.m. ttrq"io'. - I al William Scaiefe 1 THE DESERET NEWS' 13 1947 Saturday, August '23, (eit OODIENFuneral services for Ilithard Kirkham, 42, 7 Washington Terrace. who died Wednesday, were to be conducted Saturday at 3:30 p.m. in Larkin is Sons' Funeral Chapel. Stutal was to be in Ogden City CemeterY Mr. Spilker came to the United ditatea in March, 1923. a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. He was naturalised in 1936. He was a high priest in McKinley 'hard and was employed as a baker at Holsum Bread Company for 16 years. Survivors include his widow; s son and lour daughters, Clarence Henry Spilker, Mrso, Bertha 8. Schuh, Miss Erna Brinker, Mrs. Hilda 8. Dautel and Mrs. Elfreida S. Pamir!, all of Salt Lake; one brother and - three sisters. Henry Spillter. Salt Lake;- Mrs. Johanna Janssen, Murray; Mrs. Helen Reich. Sandy, and Mrs.,Paula Strattman, Germany. DRAPES Temporary of twelve members on the recently organized Draper volunteer fire department was announced by 'officials today. Those appointed include Ray- Amanda M .S. Blemquist 'inn Welcome 16, 1909.: Draper I Firemen Volunteer - t -Richard W. Kirkham -- services Henry, Hollinderbiumer Spilker,, 60.. who died Saturday at 4:10 cm. at his residence, 1952 South Secdnd West St.. of a heart ailment. will ,be conducted Tuesday at 12 noon in McKinley Ward Chapel, Church of Jeans Christ of Letter-da- y Saints, 1740 South- State St. Burial will - be in Salt Lake City .. Cemetery. Mr. Spilker wag born June IS, 1887, in Wilsendorf, ,Germany, a son of Henry and Caroline Hollinderbaumer Soaker. He married Johanna W. Stelbrink, April of Lake Temple of the Church of tatter 4 day Jesus Christ Saints. Mar Weil" Meekaigi. bta Josuat, services for Horace D. ABob l McNeil, 37, who died Thursday, will be conducted Monday at 13:30 in the Francis Ward chapel. Church pin. s. of Jesus--Chri- at of -by Bishop Millard Crittenden. Friends :nay ,call at the home of Thomas McNeil any lime prior to sere-ice- s. Burisi will be in Francis Cemetery, directed by Olpin Mortuary, He 'William H.H. IlUCHriniDICIIS I I 1 Horace D. (Bob) McNeil .FRANC114--Funer- Iota May Cleave' Mechim re , Ms. Bay Temple. Ha vas active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-da- y Saints, serving as a missionary in Texas from 1906 to 1908. as Sunday School superintendent. counselor in the bishopof Sunday ric, stake superintendent member Of the high council, School, eounselor in the stake presidency and d stake president. Survivors include his widow; three sons: Ellis Vermont Bay, Kingston; Elmo D. Bay, V. Bay. Panguitch, and Then Richfield; his mother, Mrs. Mary Z. Bay. Junction: seven grandchildren; seven brothers and sisteres Ira U. Bay, San Diego. Calif.: Mn. Ethel B. Hutchings, Mrs. Celia B. Vantleet and H. Earl Bay, Salt Lake; Leone Bay, Eureka, Nev.; Francis' L. Bay, Stockton, Calif.. and bars. Edna B. Butler. Richfield. - Earl' DeWitt Pearson. 59. 145. Third East St, industrial arts instructor at Jackson High School for the past 20 years. died of a bean ailment Friday at 1:60 am. in a Salt Lake hospital after illness. a three-mont- h He was born Jan, 26..1888, in, Kansas and City, Kan.,- a son of Matthew Carbline Davis Pearson. His father Wes superintendent. of Kansas City public schools. lie married Ida Hyderman in Kansas City in 1909. She Stied Sept. 30. 1940 Pearson taught in Kansas City, Mo., schools for live part before comto Salt Lake in 1913- - He taught in ing Salt Lake 34 years. He attended Kansas State Teacher a College. Pittsburg; ma well as summer session at the. University of Utah. -d Mr. Pearson-studie'transportation as a hobby and conducted a class at Jackson High. He was in charge of visual education equipment used at the school. Survivors include a son and daughter, Earl M. Pearson, Salt Lake. and Mrs. Helen -,Westphal, Tuba City. Calif.; his father;-- three sisters, Mrs.' Dorothy Williams. Nampa, claw Mrs. Claudia Berg- strom, Kansas City, Kan., and Mrs. Myrle Schulte. Wichita. Kan., and two grandchildren. Itit. I ,, 'Y Lake lot arfilit n-Tica- rt ', 3, June the Salt E. Tait 1909, in Earl The couple were married re-atPleasant, Utah, and later endowments in the Salt , '- ,e, 'la 1 MEP - I She Waabwl JulY 11.186t She w wee II member Cl the Church of Josue 'CadeS 7-airticonim:' Gil 11:Winlilldwitalm onFrettlellYillantes::413willpmbi's ..0..outp....11.erry"."----ptt'rat Latter-da- y of Saints. services for And-Many, Born April S. 1864, lo Walhington She was born May S. 1911, at Survivors include busband. ThemaS ducted Sunday at 2 p.m. in Midway a daughter of Jelin Henry end County. she was daughter of Os and Mn. Emma Windley Sims, 79. who died Sims: three sons her , and two daughter Second Weld chap- Ous,, - , Ilisalseth Slisbury. She married ,Ay4., Ellen Allen Glean. at 12.40 a.m. wodnesoboy at boo hem Everett amt Mitchell Sims sod Urfa el, Church of Jesus Oeeel 21. W. March her 1889, lave Bloinquoist were 4 to be Lisette Setterthweite, to Survivors. inocludl nu incident Garden age. 'or Christ of Latter-da- Y , City: ellornducted '1'. .., lidos. John., in the Monti Temple. She 'lee settee 1. Mecham: 1 Saturday at 1 pm. in Garden Archie Sims. Mantua, and Mn. Viola t Saints. by Bishop , , , in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-D01111$8 end Dean Mecham, all of Sigurd; , ,t ' , Woofinden., Clearfield. , , , City. Joseph Jorgensen. ti. et, o , , eivie her mother. four sisters, Mrs. Florence day Saints and orgatisieiols. , ' ; uro. at'o'lpnid: 1.1roarYtu,1,7, ', tz---,, Lprrs",,,,...agyaktuyrids lleron;.larrarlt and duregogrhsu:rnac.1uderaly !La Priela csomxlk , '',. and Heber, Saturday D',, Salt' Lake; a grindmother . Mrs. Isadore Salt Lake;; Vern A. Blomquist, Bountiat the family home t . ful; Mrs. Mena Thee, Birmingham, Allen, St. George, and Mr. grandfather. I bi Midway Sunder. Mrs. Lomeli& Fournier. Mrs. Marvel Alai 'Previa. John Allen, to service. it prior twin bold Monbe I and Reed Blomquist. Richfield. StriiCSS .....4 Funeral Burial will be in v.' ' , at 2 p.m. at the Sigurd Ward than. ',,,,, t Midway Cemetery. t ' day e', Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y He nos born Jai. A , Saint& under direction of Bishop L. A. tI . , , Burial trill be et the Glen20, 1936, in mid; , Dastrup. ' , i P , , Enroll NI9V1 ke FALL YERMI g wood Cemetery. way. a sot of Alma 5, I A ' , prod and vivian ,r 1 Priends may call at the family boats I Re..'14:17:1;4rt; f for , the 10 a.m. time i Durtschi. until from t Monday Nisonger 1,441 A ,1 A member or the . : services. Services will be supervised by !.' 4 otz Church of Peterson the I Mortuary, , ,.' f ''", , i7' Christ of Latter-da- y 1 Saints. he was e 111'4''' ..,":4"'411?.,, ji , ... or A Grant Darter!'" guide in the Trail tkr- , Builders' class of the Primary In Mid1 Be would have , , way Second Ward. glo,ses, ( ' been in the sixth grade this fall. two Survivors include his parents; knowiy opened educational brothers, Alma Penton and Gerald N. a Pied Mrs. Durtschi; , project for tha, "Critical Durtschl. Midway, and a grandmother, , - By I. S. INAPHUS. NOTED ARTIST , Years, Mrs. Dave H. Nisonyer. Belt Lake. "-3 to 5. , ----- , .. Plaster or bronze, cream either 10 PHONE ' Iris K. Steele C. O. O.Postage Extra ,' 11" t 1 ., r. , :.r ' ' OODENFuneral services tor Mrs. Iris ir OBTAINABLE AT 274 I AVE... Dial for Pamphlet K. Steele, 50, 616 Patterson Ave., who . , died Thursday night sot burns suffered . earlier that day, were to be conducted IMMO, 11111WMIIIMEIMMINIMMOIMI . , . , , Saturday et 10 sm. at Larkin & 80118 , ! Funeral Chapel by Dr. John ldward , Carver, pastor of the First Presbyterisn , Church. , , Burial will he in Ogden City Cemetery. 11 ' Mrs, Steele was born Nov. 15, 1896. ... . ,,. , , .. In Nebraska, a daughter of Ci. S. and --" I came to She Kopp Ogden Agee Marjorie AT e t She mar16 years ago from Wells, , Npt. ' - Saturday- - Evening 16, 1915, In ried James A. Steele .:. .... :, 1I , 11Valley, Neb, She was a member of the -. Church. 8 KDY10-13KNAK-.1400- 1 Presbyterian I'KUTA-570 - KSL-1- 160 I - KALL-9- 1010 a -Survivor' Include her husband; I. ,- 'rho No. - - Bill Goott-,-7- -: witout lilt Porodisr, 1 6014- daughter and two sons. Mrs. .- Krneet nhe o'clock ,6 Modeto. .00.T. Johnny, Maio. f -Perkins. Stephen and James A- Steele , .-win Show -- wow; L... Continues lPier23...11ystery - ' . Jr.. Ogden; her parents, Long Beach, 7 -4 cecreit Top mutle:ene serenade ,,, Sweeny, & liaithe7 idici el Deal tie crime. , scarlet Queep7 -, Calif., and nine brothers and sisters", Newa and ePerfa.. ,1--- - hilYstory--.--- Dili altiraS, 4.es -- II L 7:Serenade Western Scotland Yard Vat. Night Oanabustara J. Roundup. - Mystery Mani' O. Tingey . . murder Basil Rathbons- - . Favorite' - BRIGHAM CITYFuneral services for ws alYrit 'Abe'Burro Ilerand and old In Western Musie.. tiii Plat. Murder and Danny ''''' Merit Orson Tingey, 53 who died Thurs' Tammy With Red Foley '' IL Lawrence O'rOutfits , &Woos 1 day, will be conducted Monday at 1 p.m. BROOKLYN DODGERS , 'oramoul 00 ',Jan Garber Time to done ,Orch. Ward Sixth Sports Roundup In Brigham City Chapel. Jury Trials W. w. Citsplin Courtroom drama - - - Pooball 0 a m a -- 0. ', ch8 Ill ' ' -- ' ' Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Myth. and; Rhyme se Showcase of To Jenson. Announced,. Melody :BO Brooklyn Bodgart Winning. Saints, by Bishop Floyd Brooklyn Chicago Friends may call at the Harold B. Oppose :411 ' Chicago ROCKETS - Pro Football Game ,i. Pelt Home Sunday from I to 9 p.m. Lehi: Vast Mono Ran Rocketa Meet Old .,e in Mush) .From Bornething Moknrs, Salt -- . and Monday from 10 cm. until time Oams at bit,ion s Cowan. Somithing New City of services. Burial will be In Brigham Imutodlatoly knowing the great I . Chittison rir. Trio. Monroe nial birthday Ora.. Sporting U of U etadium.( City Cemetery. Ditto With Rhythm Saturday Mite Mystery Show& eery Party wide - it I i 1 ' 1 . - ., :' Bay Juk.noNFunerni Grant N. Durtscht I IIIDWAYPuneral ..p.i4rAn I it'"Irtliii"eit 11, who died a - Dor:doss for Willard 1111is B ahomo died of a hert attack at his were 'conducted Wednesda;tein Juunction Ward Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of tatter . day Saints. ' ! 71, tiorrAigh.griaf'wcit ,: ' in Junction Cern. ,, , , tory. ' Mr. a y was ' ... , owner of the June- :::,,,, "-, 1 3ts ;:.tion Roller Mill in ', , , Kingston arid for. merly managed the ' '''''' 's Piuto Cheese Pee- ,,,,,,", ; 'i tory. He managed the Studebaker , , , , , Company in Rich- A field for soma time. He was born Sept. ,g '' 1 ,,,s, ,,, 7, 1888. in Junction. a son of James Willard and Mary IL LeBaron B a y. He married Mary. I Lake City Cemetery. 'le' 't Mrs. Archer was born March "ee.' , 18; 1857. la Saint Neote. England, a daughter of Gabriel end , Mary Quinn Tit- -I mut. She married I -' , William Archer June 8, 1884, in Saint Neota, Re died Nov. 1. 1937. Mr. and M r S. Mn. Archer Archer arrived in Salt Lake in July, 1884. Mn. Archer was a member of the Twenty-secon- d Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. Survivors include two sons and three daughtera, Charles W Archer, Los Angeles; Frank Archer, Mrs. Lou A. Squirm and Mrs. Ruth A. Beddow, Salt Lake, and Mn. Birdie A. Olmstead, Glendale, and seven Calif.; six grandchildren 4 ' I. etli I ' 1 t:diermyredaa. 7 Btrriral will he In the Belt s - - Notices Obituary , Emma T. Archer Willard Ellis - 'Funeral services for Mrs. 1mma T. Archer. 90, 357 West Third North itt.. who died Priday at 1:55 p.m. at her home of C4111801 incident to age. will he -conducted Monday l'''.?".,,er', twe,1i.! at 12 noes pt 125 , ,, No141114.11ainmalf. , ::: i- call T lit the trace of , SertiCOS d ay , i ' from 6 to 8 P.m. it et - ' : 1 ,I Church of Jesus Saints miswill be honored it fare!40 :11,.ilonariis ie ) 1,4 Sunday prior to ,' their departures for mission , ' fields. , ' Stanley Scho- mqk enfield, son of , Mr. and Mrs. 1 James T. Scho- 44 11 enfeld, 454 Bry- . . ., s an .. Ave., will be 1 honored at- - 5:30 I 9, p.m. in the Wa- - '',, I 1. terloo Ward y,., . ' , .... 1 Parts Oland eltni Meet the !Abair' -Sevareid, News David Sarum Sunset and Vine sit Mott let, Newt Miladys Journal alozandort Viaa, ....". Pepper Young Right to Happiness 0Backetnee WU Stalls Dialog Lorenzo Joni, ,. aY. Wicider Brown. ',When Girl Muriel; Porils Faces Lito Just Plain BIB PreM Peg Iran Bob bad Vittoria Nova Aunt Mary Dr. Paul This Woman's See. Newsroom Music of Moment gt,oz; in Was; 'Wet Out Take Fire Story Pr Income In'alountain Nowa. Benny Baker . Henry Cassidy KSL-1- 163 Wastorn Lilo Can Bo Boma Ma Perkins News KDYL--13- 23 a",s Kea a Clones Bourta Ray Play Your Paverlta WestAms Requosa Records. bad Two-6s- ta ' Yours et prom. Defiles. dictobl Anything Cats Rep. dots , , penand Jars Ptetter Party, Aiwa Fruit, Your . .... .. Reeord It Parade with "South Roan,. Black part Street" In store window Jamtboo with We Els Fat Satchel run Of Ut Rea. Mello orde Grooete Bands Flits, bite Or infra KNAlc;-1- 4,;) . . .4 |