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Show , . , ,... -. 1 - . . 1 1 , , D ' , -, - , , -- , , . 0 , - - Heroin 4c, 1 or Al ' - , '' ., , 4 ,,,, 4 ' - -T 1s111,!,--- t: -- lig ; LI , ! , , to.' , 1 - 4 ,,- , i .......-- -- , i I 2 - ,, , , ' 1 I .' , -- Dobbs,-.Tulsa'- , , r , I - 4 od -- - - - ' -i . ist. -All-Star - ' . - - - - -- 4 , ' -- - ' - - - - ' - , , , . ' - , : . - e4 , - , ' 1 - - , - . '.', , . 1 . - ' - c, ! ., . , I '; , d . , . 1 4 , -- ' -- -Ii- -- ik,,--1.-k --- I ,., , CRAZYLEGS TAKES OFF:- Action like this will probably be the order of the day when the Rockets And Dodgers meet tonight. Elroy (Croxylegs) Hirsch, former Wise - ar game.---- I ., ; - 11 , ;,- - -- , , , i , Hirsch won 'the award for rs years,' his feats in leading the Some 30,000 - football- - hungry to a II to victory over the Los Angeles Rams. 1948 Utabns are expected to climb National Professional Football , into , the enlarged Utah University Stadium, and that number League champions. Coach Harry Stubldreher of will constitute a new record for Wisconsin made the award attendance- at a football game in,. half-tim- e cetemonies at: the state.- At last reports goott :during annual - All-St- Iseatw were atilll available, how41 the- - fourteenth' All-Sta- ' - ' I , The great Glen Dobbs, whose has stamped him as one of the most talented players the game .has ever seen, will match his throwing arm and vaunted kicking toe against a galaxy of stars that include some of the nation's lop collegiate running and passing backs of- recent CHICAGO .(Crazy Legs) Hirsch of Wisconsin and Chicawtsos altwo:rkdeet; fame, Wit i the. "most valuable player" college Ali- -, astrargdaymfeth. ',let! -- - ) - enit. - -- - - t - Valuable,1946 Player - , ,, , all-tim- s et i i . . '', - ' , ' - NE'S DYNAMITE FOR DODGERS: Glen great one of the cynosures in ' A game. tonight's' :Dodger-Rockdeadly accurate passer and one of the : most effective punters in football, Dobbs will capture much of the. crowd's attention and be S. marked '.. man defenses. for the , Rocket's - ' 4 ' ' --' - , 1 , '. , , . .' '''' , , ' , - ' . Sy Deo Chipman King Football, thernonarch of all sportdom who ascends his throne when the leaves begin to color, fall and crackle, makes his first royal appearance tonight in the Utah Uni. Chicago versify Stiadium when the Rockets and Brooklyn Dodgers tangle in a battle that should e gridiron thrills for the Beehive State. produce some . One of the featured Centennial , 1 1 , sports attractionsof the year, the battle will match two evenly rated teams which boast some of the pation's top gridiron tal- - ,, , , -, ; . s - I . 1 . , ,. ' : - 'i , 04 4IP - , .., - ' - .,,,- . ' By Charles Einstein . ' A dark ', ' CHICAGO(INS) ', thunderbolt , named. Buddy Young ancrhis college All-St- ar 06 0.1Tearnmates wrecked the favored ', ' Chicago Bears, le to 0, before - ,4, , -' -' ', ', , 2 no less than 105,840 sweltering fl, .. football. fans at Soldier Field . last night. , Stepping off : blueprints , ably etched liy Quarterback i George Ratterman, who dated f , ', , ''l IN bOibstitute for Dancewicz ' , . at Notre Dame, Young high- - 1 ', jack ' ; 6 his lighted evening's work with , a pair of first-peri' runs that , , ' ' led to two quick touchdowns. ,,,4, , - When ' 2' Bears had stopped the f ' the All-Sta-rs had done t - - - ' - - -- -ice the damage the Bears were 1. ' t pposed to do. That was more 44 .', an, enough, George RalaslNag. 1 ,.. ' ' lional Football - League champs i never saw the other side of their i 2 -- - ;" . . . 12-'- - .4 ILZ IZSLtZT August 23, 1947 BatUrdaY, - s Gridiron Debuts 044.1 "' -- ,,,,,--- . .,,,,,-- .. ( , (4 Favored Bears Reversal h., . , ,. .s.,,.....,..... ,, 4 -' , 11111 Tilt is Aw . - ' ' in ' - -- ' - Co , , , ' I . , - , ' . " se rill , ,, , ', . - , - - ' tYou ' - . - fir NI -- ' - Hirsch termed his winning the award "the greatest thrill , In mtr - ,: Centennial Event the Notre Dame I, be one,--othe men to watch - : The is which protussle, s , S'' tar;:'infortg uat: in being charge of the ' in the Chicagoans' great galaxy of backfield stars. moted by the Centennial sports IF it was in a man- - ,., , -: , - . - committee,under the direction of b oL speaking,Leahy's night i , Chairman-- Thorton -- A, (Snide)- .- in a turkish bath. But the heat . I Morris - and Manager Jimmy , 85 1 i degreesdidn't stop Frank Hodgson, will be the first major I Dodger-Rock- et Leaby's Collegians either. r , . . IMMO 1 I in Lake Salt pro game , league 1 I I kW . VIctOry Stet City and the lint in the state i ROCKETS -- - KICKOFF-8- :30 P.M. tOr4ZIS since several years ago when the Specificall - here la what School and Name No. Wgt. Brooklyn Tigers and the Wash- No Name and School WO. tog; 210 200 LE 53 Hlinois, McCarthy 58 .Northwestern Morris, National Redskins of the ington , , 4 rppened. first period altnost , , 250 220 LT A. it 51. Ruby 43 .Texas met ': Northwestern 43 in ithe Stars moved Bauman, League Ogden. 82 -- - 235 LG 215 --.- Illinois, Bernhardt 31 fans will be watching, 35 Hecht, Alabama.--....- . yards for their initial score. The Tulsa, Gibson 21 critically, the new "standing of- 29 Rothrock, N. Dak. St., 190 C 215 ... . , big thing was Young, who took Bob Lewis 4urvived a stem fense" conducted by Brooklyn 30 a flat pas' from Ratterman and 210 RG 210 . Ok: A. AL, Buffington 33 Col. Marshall Pearcy, challenge by Dan Treed yes- Coach Cliff Battles for his hefty 44 pushed his'way 34 yards to the Georgia, Williams 44 McCollum, Tulane ... 245 RT 241 terday to become the fourth- - of linesmen this season. The .,,. . Bear. 38... On , a Jake pass play, Tulsa, Judd 53 .. 225 RE 210 52 relltisYlvenia a of Quillen, quartet it A Inight well 66 Georgia's Charlie Trippi slam- ; . :Tulsa, Dobbs 90 210 .. 180 .. round to semifinal enter Cornell.. QB 71 ei Dekdebrum, footcause today's a minor revolution in Ined from the 26 to the seven, Intermoun60 in McDonald 38th LI1 annual the 190 201 so .; Wisconsin ...Tulane, ball's offensive systems. Hirsch, and Jim Mello of Notre Dame , - taht Tennis Tournament at the , smacked over - for the touch64 Hoernschemeyer, Ind- 192 RH 180 Auburn, Gafford 80 Tennis Club. Lake Salt ", down. 210 FIS 224 ... Miramonte, Colmer 13 71 Daley, Minnevola Lewis, Stanford University let. Minutes later the , Stars got They'll be watch ing, lust as Rockets Dodgers the tirman this ros spring, joined 203 , going from their own seven. avidly, the talents of such boys Average backfield weight ... . . ,.. 193 - lb. ' Richard of War. ranks Ratterman-YounOnce again il as the Rocket's Bob (Hunchy) respected g 22112 lbs. 218 line lb. weight Average Linn Rabin and ner, Hippenstiel the flashy 21214 lbs. Noernachemeyer, Navy and In- - Average team weight ..... lbs. 205 Rockwood. , Tóday's semifinal diana ' Jeteral produced,of with Illinois Negro 20: Moulton, 22; Arens, 23; Doukas, 30; Bill Daley. DODGEM HISEKVESSearrington, 37; 48; MessCallahan. Wets, 36; airingi1ats.Eipenit1el against Allen Dekdebrun, Rocket Ray 6thannon, 32; Jones. 34; Jeffers, 35; Kenny, luminary. whizzing 42 yards to Losisolo, 45; Martinovich. 46: Morrow, 51; Nelson, 62; Rockwood and Warner, defend- Ramsey, Colorado's Brett Clay kowski, 51 Schneider, 82: the Bear 47. Then, with two 52; 61; Tuckers, 57; 114; Kowalski, with and Ernie Lewis, and the former Goodman, 83:63; Adams, 70;Gamble, 55; 71:Paianelli, ing champion, . matched' Bear backs watching Young on Polanski, 73; Atkins, 84 Harm, 621 Brinkley, Perina, Laurinaills, 92. 1 Lewis. 111; Tarts, 83: IfeKwel, 80; Jones. Wiscosin super-dup- er the flank, Ratterman hurled a antelope, Nygren, 25; Jame, 24: tamana, 21. Beinit, 27: Pittman: CHICAGO RESEKVESColeman, Hippenstiel and Warner will Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch. long one to Notre Dame end, 33: O'Neal, 48; Sumpter, 34; Voids, 31; Durno, 42; Huneke. 45: Kumar', Orneben, . be favored today as both have Jack Zilly, who caught the ball Wilkin. 46; Wassernatk, 48; Dove, 55; Harrington, 40; n e 41 al t t Verry. that backfield 59; ijokliky, 56 Thompson, 59; Mulready, 111: Altepsrd; Bass, played the best tennis of the sea- -- Coach Sleepy Jain Crowley has 87 plea? on the Bear 'even and 99 Benson: Clay, 85; Cos, 65; Oloden. 12 Jacoby, 91; Jefferson; Xe.ilaghtr, 24,, Lentils, tournaI current colson the over "vent for the second during on assembled Rocket the 4 lege score. 3 Morrison; Perkin8; imiey. 88 annum, 84 Sandberg, 84 &gnat, $7; Schroeder, , ment. Hippenstiel, Ft. Douglas is something to behold, andsquad the 50 Vatanti, 89. I , Ernie - Case of UCLA, added recruiting officer, has alreadyof Conference mem- beaten Rockwood in the finals the point here where he'd failhers - are expected to look long this year . ed before. , at - w a y a- - and and : same players dominate meansstudiously The ' of the various stopping , Field Goal : doumen's today's semifinals in can combinations that Cowley Rockwood-Freeon d take bles. Later, early In the third pent"nrow at them. Battles and his d' Fred-anBob, lid, Cue booted a the Lewis twfris; the first I f"leld goal from placement for the play Dodgers get starting atopportuniwhile Hippenstiel-Warn- er 810 p.m. tytonight, Bill. other 3 point- s.-the Koch brothers, Bob and ii1'..R.O.gibil-014.röiiiiii.'1.1..rldsfeted. The 1051 Kat. The Brooklyn!, however, aren't (AP) 14.tdthe score might. -- have Semifinals in women's, jun. was first. 'Worland's to- with-- waya means. ant sin4; exactly. the --spotlight been even greater it the Bears Pitching Will la lor; boys', and junior girls' tour runs in Honolulu-scored even obvious the . Semi-Prdiscounting doubles o hadn't checked their opponNational in the gles and junior and boys' day sixth on just one hits by potency .of Mr. Dobbs. In the ants twice within the ,:.:. are also docketed today. the the Pitcher Hasegawa, who had carry, throw and Baseball Tournament after 'line ' in the final -chapter. Fred and Bob Lewis were ex- - backfieldthe first run with a -tt-- was sort of a- poetic throwa departmentBattles can winners of three games last night knocked in the quarterinal kick tendedin their----. teams from Salt Lake have all Denver Hawaiians ended it call forth such effective' - as held the losers to a total of one double.-Tb- e matchtut By Brent Goates Toernemoot. doubles V." T "IrlDack to last year, when the 1946 men's yesterday the bolstered their lineup with a few in the seventh with two rnore, who weighs over All-St11:114 II Today and tomorrow beat the thenSporting Geode vo. by the veteran brother comb'. Mickey Colrner, rule. under the eight-run-ledocket in the Utah State Soft- newconiers, as allowed by soft- Ranks Imekery (Ogden). National-agu- e of Fred and Sanky, Dixon 220 and is as fleet as a stream- - -- - '':' College nation, Champion the held Thorton Cowboy Tournament lists games in ball regulation for tournament I. p.va.rinney 1istribotint7 won 5, Line score: Bcoab Peorsishnat,a lphrtiendceltoocon moxtiv finally Provo, Angeles Rams by the same score. ball loser's but Americo& No. to Imes& fr:TT, have added Bert Kirksville, Mo., Red Roosters bracket, but tomor- play. Zinik's ; RALE. 3. 'Things were just the same to-- the and Joe outfielder, I' Bob Kendall scor- - ball as well as Dobbs: Elmore two hits as the Alpine, Tex, Worland ....000 000 0- -0 4 4 was more row night the top undefeated Hardy, there East High's except night,' P ' 1 010 014 2- -8 quarterfinals Demke, infielder-pitche- r. Pinney Lost Night's Results ad an upset in junior singles with Harris, the little (in comparison) team started off the parade with Honolulu in ,receipts' .... teams vie in the money .,' of the winner's bracket. The fea- has come up with Ray Fredover Don darky who has outrun World a 0 win. The loss was KirksLucas and Harkins; 3 R. H. Z. a 3, Stine, more more peopleand victory Buddy 3 Record Holder Herb McKenley ville's second and eliminated the Hasegawa and Kaulukuktd. ..... ' tured men's games tomorrow riksen to belp Doug Borg with Ridoont Inn American Fork. 3 4 0 Brewer of .,)tifiroung. Bears, (11) --1--iron the the pitching duty, while the Jon -Americas dash many times, in the 440-ya1 al . night will be combined with -- --(It) -004 Durrant. sae WIT S ' Mame Beck Smiler; nes Y esterucl I . ;,;, Raeseaugh and on down a welcomed )e...13koglund (N a) Girl's Regional Softball Tournadan Valley champs ha Stogie ,.... Deets Stan Feldman gave up only Sariregen (Purdue) ritA Igen's ment to present six of the best two new moundsmen, Pete O'- Goners Stool Bob Lewis detested Dan Pried, IA list. - ,, Drolis .., Haase (Illinois) Ig .11 1 Loses Poulos Motor five hits and one run as the Fort contests of the White Park sea- Brien and George Berea. ...... Yurnet (Indiana) Pitulmt and ' Morris The and Lines Belson ?we won from Billings; Electrics ' Divides New's Ind., Wayne, one on son program. ((ttDiel!)) 12- Koch defeated Lee Tomorrow Night's Slots: Bob- Koch-Hs. Thr-- c - In the lines, there Is little to the Portland, Ore McEiroys, rne 8Wen11014 64, Two clubs kern Denver will (Ga.) Sprinkle , ,,,,rs...Terieabluski . 4:110 lindeetrial Bank-oPeanien Cleaners detested choose. The Dodgers, however, 1, and in the final game Fred n RoMiwood ' DSn (N. Luekman .,,,, .gb.ltatterman the 1) snd Olen four-hitt- er Market. Withogban and Valles; challenge Regional ((arra McCullough Padgea a ' Hale, George Fisher, former Davis Young (Illinois) seem to have an edge, though it Hasegawa delivered the National. Tournalmenl). , (Caen Hato)--- --oeRicNird Warner-RobHippensteil deAll Ifigh- - Schol pitching act, has (Armyy right to a berth in ftllarbtaU Hawaii, the as Honolulu, lonel 6:80 Zliertema-Mewould have to . be considered Donsidlon, Keith the tested Adamie (Ohio St.) Girl's Softball Tournament, 1 1 3 IludY Headlund. Valley Lunch - , ... , .......0 Is .- 0.-.. ' ....tb,.. :- t, Saxon Judd and Jim Mc- Stars - won from 0. the Worland,of the regional meet which record, of two games won 4:30 p.m.Mortal bets va:iordan Val- Park City defeated Na Tad& slight. i.uiit;ti'atd 1,4 tone Bears '.,..,.. 0 : 5 )0 -0 prize 'carlann; and are a pair of hefty, ver- Wyo.,- Indians, Wilma the Carthy Mink Lake for Farm, ley Lee Knell. has come to Salt three lost in seven outings end times schedule (all vs. Hain 2;110 Don satile ends, and the tackle comTonight's detested Lewis Bob , first time in history. , with the Ponca City team in Dixon-Fre- d Ho 14, Dixon, bination of Martin Ruby and Ed CST): Cracks JRISIOr Slagle N. Y, the ' 6 Girl's Games p.m.Jamestown, Mieszkowski difficult would be Lemsr defeated Rawlings, Ray Herper . National Swim Mark to beat anywhere. George Bern- Steel Partition Bombers vs. League, according to Owen Opening round pits the DenBob Kendall detested Diu Brewer, hardt and Idaho Lakesiders Martinez, team business man(AP)';-- - HOI cmaAcro Harry Buffington will Coeur d'Alene,loser ver Industrial Bank against eiiminated). round, e.,-, :,4h Nel Van Vilet shattered at Doubles with ' (third open Nome.'. probably ager. guards Utah's McCullough Market nine, Cardinals ' Okla. Beckett detested Ruth either Caleb Warrington or Joe Tipton-Ka- y 8 American recBally farm club of a off p.m.Enid, Ponca is g Shamrocks pair City and 64.- - Harris. vs. Jacksonville, Fla.,- Terminals erd today as she easily (1111111 the Brooklyn Dodgers and the - - Hunsaker de. Gibson holding down the snapDenver's Katz Distaibut Emma Lou Warner-Dian- e against NtoChrysial-JoAfled In the 200 meter breast Via Hort, per post. This Dodger forward (third round). league has a Class D classiftes3ted 2. , 10 p.m.Carmichael, Calif., ication. Fisher has given up 40 i, stroke event wall averages close to during trialsNa-of The showdown commences In Girls Stogies Junior Inthe second session of the Janet walker detested Bertries 1IP110116 ...Just about all man and a yard Firemen vs. Worland, Wyo., hits, 24 runs, 19 walks and the men's state tourney tomor' dians (third- round, loser eliminwide. tional Women's Outdoor whiffed FT. row night, as eight unbeaten Championships. Marvin Eyre who signed ated). The battle, which will officiallteams fight for the advantages ' eswimming 1 Finishing 17 Tards ahead of Hawaii's All Stars won easily with the Boston Red Soxand - seay-openpgt Utah's of four semifinal. spots-I- n gridiron Wilson of Chicago, winners' bracket of the double game of the evening, was sent to San Jose in the (Jeanne son, will be the final exhibition in the final of California State League has BROOKLINE, biass(AP)While gaining their sixth straight :' second best qualifier, Miss Vap elimination meet. -- Castle Gate , for both teams before they open beating , Worland Indians Vilet was clocked in 3:03.4i plays Rudy & Headlund; Moffat women's national doubles tennis titles in a row, w4th a yet to take a turn on the conference campaign next Wyoming, 8 to 0, in a seven-innitheir ' ;, bettering the American mark game to advance into the mound. week. The Rockets open at home Bees meets Jordan Valley Mink 5 victory, Louise Brough of Beverly Hills, Calif, and Margaret 1:06.8, established by Clare Goods en- Osborne of San Francisco, avenged their Wimbledon setback Los Angeles Dons Zinik the Sporting against Farm; AnDennis of Australia at who hold an exhibition decision counters Banks Smokery of Og- from Doris Hart of Miami, and Mrs. Patricia Todd of Hidden ' - felts in 1912. , - over the Brooldyns.,The score -den- and Pinney takes on Ameri- ' at Longwood.' Calif., today Valley, 2. No. 8, was close, however, Post can io Legion ' I CHESTNUT HILL, CHICAGO A copy- Sleepy Jim expects to get an inCommence'. Champs Get Test (INS) - r''outhpaws y,-.- . isli,,..114(01 4, dication out of tonight's game upset struck the He cracked in The fourth set right story in the Chicago (INS)Another " 1.....E DA-N A ''Ls ;r State Golf Tournament Jordan Valley, defending National Doubles Tennis Tourna- - with his team leading --- stated - unequivanent the chances his aggrega, I nouGli For aouthpaWs only, the State champions, appear to have the ment yesterday when third- and second ocally yesterday that "Jolly tion has in its league inaugural. The '' I'll'T' enGrimm in Jk al is to out of Cholly bowing Golf ,Wournament, roughest match I vcsvES 114Lt 75 ,, Sid- - seeded tennis teams advanced iI Lelthander's be seeded Bill Ta)bert and Bill (Third Baseman) Stan Hack as opened today at Nibley Park gaging the Moffat Bee in into the final round of the bead Davis American eliminated today well Chinen of of ' Lak the ' are the Salt staggering a record total of 'partici- - Bees 4' Women's National Doubles Tour. 0 , ... 0c' , 0 ,,, 0,0, 0 Ms. The portsiders shot (mai-- , the State League, with a few adclippers a n d, second seeded nament at the Longwood Crick- cago Cubs." i' a 0 ? c,,A 4tSq.,,,,,,,, The 0'1, mound 0 a 000 ,3DocSpecial story, penned by ,, Frankie Parker and , Gardner et Club with tomorrow scheduled ci hying rounds today, with meda' ditions, featuring strong 0 0 ,..., ., f: Roy Topper, failikl to 0 0. I I '',(',I, (Red) Fox; Fred P00, semi-fin- al match. ' to be almost a repetition of the Writer I . rounds slated for tomorrow. Pro- staff inandHarold ........ 0 0' 0 t.'00; 0 0 (0 0 0 0000 0 00 mention when the projected ' A full "Gunner" Gunderson. Mulloy in a ' races fessional Tom McHugh is direct Aste, has of ' program Wimbledon , final. 3 () score was 3, o The :: Wt h ü 'i 1; .'' 64, 1 -- int the event- - change was to come been 0 0 0 00 0 0 quaTtet of ,,, The for the Hippo0 0 - -'' - managerial .s. lig 7:5.- It was the second time Tal- - Champt Advance 0 t sr about and met with an imme- drome scheduled 0, 0 co ,:-Midget Auto 'track to.'u team of Louise diate denial from Cubs' Owner The from Wilmington, DeL, and morrow night, beginning at 8 c beat 1 a IIIZL, K. -- ---Philip Wrigley. P -. Walto Vince "" Brought Beverly Hills- ,- Calif., o'clock, I according I . Wrigley said: 1 1111111 . . Sidwelk from Sydney, Australia, and Margaret Osborne, San 1111111kliebtlilli4 A 0.Vc-race promoter. The slate 1 story that Charlie Grimm ton, Ali' races time with seven will upset a favored team in the tour- Francisco, U. S. doubles cham- Is "The bring , .. ,itili3a leaving the Cubs is complete.. trials, an Australian Tag Race nament Yesterday they ellin- pion a for the past five years, I is in there as l Mated the top Australian Davis moved ahead by defeating third. ly untrue. Grimm as 4t:'4'' an and the added attraction, can as and stay manager long seeded 20-lShirley Fry, Akron, 0., as he wants to." route. feature over the Cup duo of Jack Bromwich and -ict,k ;;CHICAGO--(INSan Naoccurred Franincidents and ;Barbara 1?S) said the ,,,,....,,,J,,...."..,..t,. The 'Close, Colin Long. L It Crashes marred the speedsters ,,. In Boston with - the Cubs, c ts, 0. efore he took office and promised Talbert and Sldwell will meet cisco, 1, ! Vona' Collegiate-Athletithe whole thing showing Thursday, but ,a large Grimm declared, ! ti tomOsborne of The him would if Ted Schroeder, Brough., colleges field of 12 cars have been lined notify . to me," and added: tion received a promise in that ,.,,, of such activities in the future, Glendale, 'Calif., and Jack Kra- - bination needed only 25 minutes was "news , , contract says I'm set un- up for the program tomorrow fi'My to win. Loa yesterday that the the the deals would be stopped. of mer, Angeletin ,, ,,,..,..V-,-k,' ' team of til the end of this year., What night , The second-seCdThe meeting was the second on nale tomorrow. t American Football League will professional-collegA. will another bring nobody v year . and ' won :t,r-e, Doris . e Kranier Miami, in col.. Hart, and . Fla., with Schroeder problems rel recruit players , tw title round Mrs. Patricia Canning Todd, La knowsnot even Mr. Wrigley." e eligibility In the future.-- their way Into-th- e days.- - Bert - Belr, - commisFuson Wins on I.;,1 ' i -- The downadvanced story 4, 2 victory 6, Calif., by Kenneth Li. (Tug) Wilson, sioner of the National Football with a 1, , , ' Jolla, I', CharNEW 'YORK (INS) .. to Will Grimm insisted that Gladman "Pan"go Mr. Francisco unseededo 2 '7AA secretarY, said that colover the Marjorie before ing League, appeared , , N. .,,,,, ,,,, ,,, it 1 eho" Segura of Ecuador, and En- Buck, New 'York, and Mrs. Mag- Cleveland to rejoin his old bud- ley Fusari,, Irvington, out Adm. group yesterday. ; I e representatives asked CornJoe ; ' 2. ' '' '.11:1"7"'....''.--'.-..- - Outstanding recruiting prob- rique Morea, of Argentina. days, welterweight, knocked dy from Milwaukee t, da Rurac, RoMania, 2, s las Ingram, ' ' Di MI, of Martino, Bridgeport Conn; 4 ( ' i ,.: The two teamc that play each (Cleveland Indian?, owner) ,'' , t r, ,sioner, about dozens of cases lems included the signing of Parker Cracks ": t'l ' ,1' 'I ,t' Other tomorrow met last July ly Veeck." Topper said later at'2:12 of the fourth round of t of college players who signed Buddy. Young of Illinois and 10 of bout scheduled a feature Grimm vicin the Wimbledon final with the this was meant to infer In the Talbert-Sidwe- ll the league while they still George Ratterman of Notre HaArTodd team defeating the would succeed Lou Boudreau as rounds at Madison .Square GarH k by the tory, It was Parker who was American playing time left In college. Dame j den- - last - night.. , kept telling you we needed a n car for doubles champs. , manager of the Indians- .broken at the crucial moment that Ingram League. t, 'Nilson Soest10-Yardli- ne - - - - - -- - ,.. ter onsillistl-Americart-w- Seede . 1 -- ill linollng r 911IP - -- , .... Semifinals . . ... .... - ....... - -- .... - ..... .... - , s Otstrttox . - -: Utah-- S 4 o 1,,t , elle.:.5-4;--leshei. . , mul Tournàthoñt: ICIIERS STAR IN three-tournamen- ts SEmipRq....To.,voly: 30-ya- rd , , 1 Ad. 40'..Sötb,0.1.i'At-.'..,.0..,t.i..0.:.';.'- rd istriblitiat--101si'lDoliolla an Is ,i ad 7-- ,k 6-- 2-- 6, 6-- 6-- - , rd rt us long,-Illustrio- 4 Fisher 9--7. ',-.- - I , Wins Two aimel-Ve- al 4-- ver Dupler-Shamroc- "'reed-Lin- ks 4--3. 6-- 1. Heywes-gliewor- th in --- -- .i , :- 6-- 1. 1, 8-- Werner-Bloperiste- il 0- Naar Lewis-Pie- d 6--3. 5. uri National Tennis Doubles: , Parker. Mulloy 1 3, 220-poun- ds GtibtdaIn,Ubiét:::-.::::- 6-- 2, 6-- 3, 5-- 7, ; 5-- 7, Leyte-Carol- 7-- Is 6-- Giimm to Be Replaced Says Reports ng Chat Smith TIME OUT 17-1- I - --- -- Herald-A- t top-seed- ed ra fth , I merican 4-- 2.- Midgets Scheduled To Race Tomorrow - ,J ts " it te 1 -,- - L; . 6-- 8, 6-- --,- ---- top-seed- ed - Rai LEAGUE - top-seed- ed A -- -- - ...,,L,..., ap -- 6-- , , o t ed , ( -H- 6-- 6-- 4-- , 6-- eraM-Arnerican- , 6-- reported n ,.,......; ,,,,, 6-- top-seed- ed -- 1 ,,,1 CHECKS RECRUITING ti ' co 000 ()A" 6-- J, ( t . , , ... ... -- s ? : ' ' ' ,, |