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Show ALDZBT L.CLOUCH Kotor Sarrter Dmroau blmtUMd Ms L argst of tko that ll Akfawb Ewr AwccUtj clBteh la raoalts to h VbCoctjVn wear. Wttb tha .. ooetret tka aarolaa brake pllod with tka eta tab engage ' CM to sakeata ara retarding effect of tko aagti eee of la addlttoa to. the araahaataal M Mid THUtr IvlMt efMOT Barrios bfajto pad With toft fcwi for htW kraktag. fTOOM Of BOt to I rakleet Mir 11(0 ooollas iritiBMil to tatorroptlM of fool Im MMif-t- o tko nuwllaf of toera. hat twVwBIlf-fntwater wklck to tko mBSIfteettoa of bmp karo gettea lato tko craak-caa- e Via tko otL A llltia water ordinarily tko M OoUoota la tko oil paa fro Sraaalloa of ittao tkat Mows hr t ptetaa tofkf tkotr axplooioa stroke aa4 targe Baaatlttos of watar eoae-Ma- n lt aa the Mtor tko craak-oaa- o of Sofecttee erltaar-ba- a gaskets clBteh oa the anas' petal. ar through oxtoraal leakage fro tko ternary to spirals system. wklck finds Ha wap brake kp the right awlhl tato tko valve eompartmaat. Moroorar ter mast have a retain lag karo water mixed wllk and the operatlea of sack a lacking fraak oil kaa kaM caralaaalr stored. ratchet, bp the foot, to act regards It If aratar it What finds accaaa to tha crank- as m eoseeataat as kp tka head. , case gravitates to Its low cot point and sparse la tkoro tkat tka It aaoallp takaa Its sopplr as an to t aara to driving np ear, ft spsmeaesd to oil ovaa Ilod , kaap ft tkoaxh tha supply la vary tow or tha ear la rorp block leap aa If socne thing raeght and relanaed thoa and., span examining tko aineoa-atdorabsd. if taella for this reason, end. 1 found tha ring gear brakes. Binaant of water la pntwnt rear I this aad pat In a new bear replaced bo to Monad located right it la likatpa, tag aad alaava oa tha propaltor-ahaf-b tka paay-ktakwhich la aaoallp If and sereea. with a filter takas place, tha screen or tha a pea tog of tka saetloa pips sap " ? ka ekatractad sad as on lair pop hthrleaUag cysts. It or la this Ms warm fee tore for the all pap ttoaif to Oaf to pemirelly toeatad aearlp or atto at tha kotto of tko on paa Mi takaa tta ed eapplp directlyaa tats oll-- It ha totaafi If watar fraeaeo la to aot aaeassM far the pawp or other parts to be brakes M tea too offer whoa r tha aoHoaakla terBad sear, a little llqeld ehoold flag an ' eaaaeo thief he tot set tkraeah the all t . drate-pta- g. m as to tasere that ao wa-t-a likely that, wbae gear broke, the tooth sf Us pinion aeeowelatiBg. wedged la it aad tko pinion shaft, whore the Staton oeata, kenawe cirvcar which wont bring tka plaloa eprnng of tko gear aad Caere theNt aoteo trnswlth w. a. of which complain. If Mis la tko oerrtao brake aad ctatah contra Usd kp eneo, pen pen will aotieo a oartata pedal aadl find It very om-t- t. point at whichprobably Mora is a bind," when Caa yen tall ne why sra pea tara a Jaeked-np mar wheel bp ' of tko oar aaafactnrera do aot adopt 1414 ' M n M 1f -- 'tor wl uf ra-ai- ay oil-po- . lo On Dkplaj. (tooelal to The Mows.) OODKN. Doe. II. AB previous keen krokra by the Mo It!! Ogdon Uvo-t- o trios bo hold Job. I to T, Already" ovary department In tta reports the k Ignat entry ltat history and it Is aasurad . Mat Ma show will bring together tha largeet display ad pure bred cattle. hogs aad sheep aver aasa la Ogdon. Ton orn atatas are reprtoatad to Ma fctbtta ATI Mo comforts ad karat been provided tor M bluoblooda of Mo animal world Mat are to bo on drags pc ads tor the show. : Under the dtraction of Mahggar L-- F. tokltlock a spaotoos coltaann baa baon erected to boose the phow. Nothing has bora omitted tn Mo way of cotrrea-toaoo- o TOO-ba-ve iBa te n un tn v" g...... Questions of gaaornl latere et to the outer let win bo answered bp Mr. Clongh In this colamn. epaee permit If an Immediate answer is Ung. alrod. ooclceo etna envelops, aktaod slntch and serrtco taatnl pewraota tko braking of feat sf the angles fro being atUlaad aad this aa torreoso is tka wear anal .Tennaylvaaln baa tl.tH milas of highway, of which MN miles, or !.( esat, caaatitato .the slate kjghwpy oil mca to tko Halted States,promtaMt tha price of gaooUno will average. ach higher in lit! tl la 1111. In China, eheaffenre and antomokllo meokanlea seem to rota spark plags morn frcqnratip than gap othar parts of the nmeklna . Thtrtsea now makes sf passenger aa tomokltos are luted for exhibition la ebewe Mranghaat Ms United States. According to Jndgs Ooorga K Crle-we-ll of Prank lie. pa. the sanity of a Parana eaaaet bo qnmUonad ' of hie baying a "nsed ear." token his antemobllo went "dead" Me second time, a motorist la Trenton, N. J called an aadartaker. .and offered him Ms car as a gift. Aecordtag to cellmates there are ie.4t7.eee motor vehicles registered la the United State or aa Increase of 111 per cent in the past rear. The words harllaOr 'and Ladaalot." applied to body types of passenger aad natsmobtiaa, are derived from the ciliee of Berlin aad Lon da a, Germany. The first SBCcoasfal antomoblte acees eery axpeoitlon In this coentry was hold la Cincinnati. O. There were load p arcane la attendance... dsrtag the week. It to onlawful to boat In Pennsylvania from an automobile or vehicle of any kind propelled bp any mechanical power. The penalties for violation range from fid to flee for sack offense. passenger automobile, built for we of aa axpxloratlou . acroM the Sahara la Algeria,expedition la being tented la Franco. The rear farm a caterpillar tractor drlva wheels of the car. Aeocrdtaf to the report of the Board of Indian Commissioners, the American re see. their first Indlnu.inmnny re erode of the rale of spend tribal lands for aatomobllae and a fall emplement of aeceaaoiiaa. The American Rubber association, oapased of all tire manufacturers In the ease try. la planning to entirely H. Digest ;;"" Ns aatomokOs dtamra IdM A to -- S I fljdd ftrat oiaas pstoaeobllo - 001018 garWllI a weak.Japan, antoasbltoa arc to re- Wftoul fines carriagaa at tka imperial palaso Tekto. ' la Thro aghast tha Pod fie coast states, tkoro to aa aatoawbUa for every f .1 tag promt: it to of conetrns- tbs Unite highway States. No Bader Id pears of age be mated a lice nee to drlva a motor vebfeto la Penneylvnnla. In motor Temmp Milton, race driving, hsldaprominent tko national speed ahamptoaahlp for the pn pear. A now type of paaaangor antomoklto having aa air cooled engine, la to be toaaafnetnred la Philadelphia. Pa. i Two aatomekllee were among Me neawrona gifts presented to Mnrehnl Pock dsrtag bis meant visit to this Pa entry. Motor tracks, with donkls decked bodies, am ased la Kansas City. Me. for kSBltag hogp aad aheap to live stock Mtkpfcjg A now fabric Vurheea be rem rated to tbs metal tcowblto bodies to give tko appearance hf leather. - . . lp ed takejJJjkejHpexllrajejnarentraiq and tooUItteo . i l I ftr lit tifu a lit Centi are taf ttlJur to Nar, yrffsao 1 rtd, at tit mil tfrit read, tU ear 5 cl Stabear, aenp lit iifintji, m vnaimwt, mi as lit mmUi if imairtit a ittlm tit Idrasptesl : Jtg " tikS ' Tha Kda carte adaiHaael Bafhad!. aide ad tks ahow a ad Much is beta diva to tka entries mads by bops aad gWF elub ad which tears ara a eawatdarabla Chib mambacs will be given ovary appmrtaatty to view tka oUk tta and tha show will give Mara a valuable lesson to livestock fudging. Included la Ma Uat of notable entries are mm of Mo finest aalmala over raised to Mo woaf. One that will undoubtedly attract grant attention la Laarsl Frtaea. grand aharaptoa Berk-ahlr- a boar at eight akowa. Ho wtO bo axhlbttod by Mo Ashland ran Orova. Utah. Joara Rich-ardasarotary ad Ma skew, will ara hMt hto hard of prtao winning hog rat ay of which arc near the interna, ttoaal championship etara tom Mtaalo W. Miner of Tkonraad ranch. Idaho, will show her Hampshire aheap which roeratiy node a otaaa swoop at the International Urantoek ahew la Chtaag. high grads entries have alas rtvsd to Ma past fsw days toook Fortlaad. Ora aad othar Pra , -- . steam-engine-T- - . er- ' In Me womens auxiliary Mr Sam wax started president: A. R. Teepl .Mr past president; Mr E. H. Clarke, ranter vice presiMr H. McCracken. Junior J. dent; vice preaidant, an Mr Fred Barnes, ehapitlDr There will be a Joint Installation oa the night of Jaa. 14 of the officers of the Q. A. ft., the Womens Relief rorp Me Spanish American War Veterana and Me ladlee a axil I ary. : Anderaon Wxecntlve mmmlttw. Oaden F. ' If. K. u Vea Meter, PJara Bra Reaeeker. - A Htoekley. M. R. Hap-m- . C. O. AAmy. Ctrltht. tHraeeere. Oplra-Che- rtra H. Bertea. R. M. Rews Jeeee A Rlrhsrds J. Ureeeee r. B. M. Fox. H. H Hlleel. R .W. J- - WkHlec Term. C-A.- F. Btreyer. J. U. Bldredae U. L. A Fetter; Oylvraer Grew. Heete-tmvpi- rt Tl. ; Jobe I. CexWr. Wells Kev,: Kxn, J FJetexed. Rleckteet, Ids; Freak Sierk-'lI. O. Welter. Bert Ml. Seeley. Peerant; o. F. FT, ..Ha; Merrttt. Riebarad; Dr. R. wt Regeee. Sell ie: Or. W. A. ateebewee. Salt Use- - a Blackley. Mteckley. 'i1" I v what every Dun And woman wants to what thdr fortunes will be during eomln rtk jmr. Nobody can tel BUT one thing you do know, end that la. If you save steadily, persistently, youll be good deal bet-toff at the end 'of 1922 than you are at the bo ginning. Thats positive. ' ' ' Me er ' (Speolal to The News.) RUPERT, Ida Dee. !1. A Joint convention will be held by the Idaho tha Idaho Society of Architects, chapter of tha American Association of Engineers aad the Idaho Irrigation Congress hare: Jan. if to St, inclusive. As these throe branches of engineering ara mntaally Interested In tha growth of tha Industry, tha practice. of holding Matr conventions has gone a long way towards of op. bringing about a eratlona necessary to the rapid development of tha natural resources of tho country," skid T. W. Halllday, chairman of tha program commute rtoday. During tha Weak'! program, about 15 speakers from different parts of the country will appear. Their topic to be announced later. Aa a feature, a manufacturers exhibit of engineering speeteHles and equip- ment la being arranged for. Nobody ever succeeded without acquiring the Saving Habit. Ita not bard to acquire, eepeciaily when you have an INCENTIVE to save. Something to save FOB thats what you need in order to obtain the benefits of the Saving Habit : of er la Faria, paaaangor automobiles. Recording to tha prorant fad. ara being labeled Ilka Pullman cars and toehto- - Imposing ears are seen on Me highways bearing on the radiator w aides, names such as Paulette. Susanna, Tvonne. ate. . , Perhaps you want a home of your own perhaps you want to send your children through high school and college mavb von want to take a are scores of things you want to do if only von had the monev. Start NOW to get the Save! Save every dav. every' week. money. ' month. Get one of our Thrift Banka to every droo poor coins into. We give you a Brass Coin with this Thrift Bank. and. at the end of the year, if youve saved and deposited 325 in one of the banks listed, youll receive $1.00 for your Brass Coin, besides regular interest at 4 per cent Theres jrour INCENTIVE. Theres something definite to help you acquire the Saving Habit. Get your Thrift Bank TODAY at our office, or by mail, for only 60c. ? - trip-the- Involving an annual raving (Special to The Nswa.) at IMS, resulting from 1. As the Na BOISE, Ida, Da salary and wage reductions of approximately IS par cent applying to tlonal League of Woman Voters la office and field forces effective national scale tha now en a doing Jan. I. No rad action In the number cf em- work that tee Ceusell of Women Voters was organised U do In Idaho, ployees baa bean ordered. Following are tha salary redue the latter body, at a recent meeting, tione on a monthly basis: Dlroctor of decided to dissolve as aa organlxa-hlghwa- y 111 to (leg; office n and to enter tha national body as ' The accom-t- e to till; bookkeeper, Individual member aaatatant l!k; bookkeeper. IlSl-i- a pllahment of Me Connell of Women to (111;- engineer draftsmen and i Voters during the eight years of its 1117 20 to rasMeat engineer existence to IHbo will be compiled (III; and truck driver 111 to (ilxtrUiitad axseag member ante men for ' Wags working on tbs' estimated ! man-jtto- - . - (1. Amer!:-- 1 143-15- 3 Sodal Cal An. INC. (SpaC'J FhmWa tn IDAHO Echriii Fla Gticrbj ... T Resoiutioan Dig tertor A. I Et Rupart conatrucM dam wars RUPERT. Dae. lU, represent tartaaa fra Barley. Twin Palls sad gallon oa total am axpsetod at a big ley held J oabtinlsd" bp tbs teas! slab gathering, for Wed-- i W. O. 1 ' ... j II, of ref t tdrartto Uoveraer Tew Davies ef prasant I BU --l bs aae sf Ma at Waaki I. Pt , - ape-ria- R, Born THAT Highway District Salaries Are Reduced (Special to The Nows.) TWIN FALLS, Idau Dec. Il.Df. Council of Women raetora of Me Twin Falls highway district have announced a retrenchment Voters Dissolved program RICHARDSON-DOWE- CHiriNin in , Joint Conyfiotion of Engineers at Rupert oil till Pubblo ' Whats in Store for You -- plaee of tha graraataa. a standard for d material will be offeree. btabwt elaaood cara, coating tl!.M. axhlbltod at Mo ro. coat Olyarata. In London, tho grral m. llfl Salt Laki Crrr F.lfft News.) (gpaetal POCATELLO, Ida, Dae. Al. At the annual meeting of tha Santa - Ana War camp of Spanish American Veterans Wednesday night, J. H. McCracken was made commander with Fred Barnes, past commander; A. R Teeple, senior vice commander, and Jack William Jahior vice command- Fad in Faria a CmftnAm) ; a Nw,b Burn i Ctimad Dnnm Griat Falls ' PoCfitfiDp VetefUd tff lugnlnh A mdiriran War K. Barton, pceeMwt: M. If. Rowe. Jeeee Richards ere rex a treasonri U. P. WhMIeck. ary; aa- - AM Albuquirqui . first-ban- SnlauL' . THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY EVERY DROP THE SAME Tha show this year will bn bp far Ma bant wa have pat bald to Ogden." declared goeretary Jaaa Richards. Its excellence In - made . poanlbta through the splendid so operation Which baa bran accorded .bp officials of tha association and business men of Ogden. Special attention bps bran tovaa to tha oducationa! aids of Ms Hvastoek Industry and tho araootation will do ovorytblng pooelblo to arouoo tho toterrat of boys aad girls clubs la better livestock. ... attention than usual la being to Mo hog departmont. Farm a of Utah should raise more d I believe every farmer who Mo Ogden show. . sera tha animals on display and obtains d Information of Mo money to bo made la Mo industry will coma away oonvteced Mat he will do well to put more pure breed porkers on hto place. Officers of the .Ogden show are: o. Af . a. Chart will if you use Conoco Gasoline, and, furthermore! you be the first on the road on a frosty morning. No long spinning of the motor or stalling on the hills. Conoco Gasoline is the best that science can produce. If there was better grade, we il would sell itj. f CONOCO Gasoline is made with a sufficient proportional fractions which Yaporize and ignite at a low temperature so that the motor will start easily and pick up speed quickly, even in the coldest weather. CONOCO Gasol ine con tains a sufficient proportion of fractions which boil only at high temperatures so that your engine will give the maximum power, and a sufficient, proportion of fractions which boil at temperatures between the low and the, high, so as to mak a perfect unbroken chain of boiling point fractions, thus giving smooth acceleration and that powerful. irresistible , ; push to the pixtoo. . . CONOCO Gasolinels uniform in power, too. It is clean and always dependable. It is the standard quality gasoline with a score of years of refining experience behind It Streaky motor fuels usually fall down when put to a real test of power. CONOCO Gasoline is all power. Try it Send for a copy of the new booklet on gasoline or ask our Service Station attendant for one. YOU t-- tor taking oM Mooting Antot operating cost S' -- ' ! Do You Get Full Power, in Cold Weather? of tka oa tries, aad tka interior baa keaa, atrsaged also wtth a view to ranking it easy tor tha public to view tote Low r ' . ad t La re Bxis CuSt ts Tha ttsera) I- - rwtoq Saey. of la Beseret r. t u w! r . I V 4S V . 4 I |