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Show $ . . f ? , , J, CtJ ' ' r . ,. Aw;J9r((i ' - wmct - I mvJlZ. ehp'-lB'- "4 . ' 1 . v - 4' Jm ' ' v , ' - . fe t f . , ad om News Want Ads for returns, phcnt ad to Was. 50. t tzXsZxtexy v,- 1. - FOUNDED -- your 1S50 V :" i SALT . EnaftoftEae Scpiat1 0ATURDAYDECEMBEB LAKE CITY UTAII i r 31 - 1921 SEVENTY-SECON- Elko Bag Frolic YoBngkft : Paeftarie 2 aft . ; NT! ATI D But one, HEKS tstto He coouO , p BjMaic. 8 v Quartette juRt ooA ML AN TONSIVi, i i 1 , : 3 ; Federal Government EXPECTED Tariff Qcsstba ToBeDbccssed Probes High Prices FROM IB M BWIKIIID T I nt I Ike "J1?' I lttl ,ovrnnnt llonTTthed ! st Pt(ws. u . 7:00-7:1- $, 7:S0-7:4- 0, 7:40-7:5- 0, al 7: f - of At 7 ' Take Advantage Of Our ROUGH DRY IRONED rvice, which irons those pieces in the rough dry bundle that require ft. The tional cost is infill. dr if J s nvri: gauntdry DhctiT Ycrfr mrxw ; r.x IE niiLtu. :; lr t - cntornliimnyV-- $ vl rt ,4 ii Sri 1 J - r ii 4 51 ' Burglar 1 -- 3j, 'VU' 'r .Vv,jr !w 'j , : x - S- ' - !r -- ,- ; rjf 1 - f o' ) ; t r i SifeadVarfcs IbftsRepcrtd ByBnsEki Ths government investigation Into action Utah had taken In giving ashigh price, which was launched by sistance to federal officers. Informafrom good authority eras that evGen.. Atty. Harry M. Daugherty tion assurance had been given of Its ' Representatives of local organisaIn full ery (throughout iha .nation.. hi to Justice tion affiliated with ths United State owing in Balt Lake. While depart dealers who Insist bringing war prices that Chamber of Commerce, will meet at ment of Justice agents and United should obtain at the present time. Diet. Atty. Charles M. Morris Ithe The state law of Utah In this re- at I Commercial club Friday o'clock tonight will bring B.m. to disctl: to state this morning what I sped is said to be very effective, so TWELVE , refused referendum $7. end a strenuous year and .... . .. . . oent Progress had been made up to the effective In fact that at the time It , w br,n con against nsher In a new. ,t U generally eon- - wt1 wr What, m,thod ,d?cldd , Ing the American potash Industry lr . oeing pursued matter Than win b concern which were ceded by every Interest of city, stats running down viola-- 1 opposing the contract, entered Into tore of the law. they intimated that alleged to have engaged In profiteer-wlt- h and nation that lilt has been two representatives each from a a on was German Interest urged campaign against profiteering in ing In the spring of 1120 It was a lod of struggle, a bard climb on ths tho Balt Laks Commercial dub, ths And Utah was being vigors author!- Utah's eongitvlonal delegation todayi qulon with government haT Downtown, the Hotel Utah Grill Is Cth A"oc,a,d Indndrts the Maaj W?uld k .lndl1eUnn,J tablyb2!tem".dJhwi.th,,,7 develop-by Governor Chari. R. Mabey. In ths Ogdaa state or a for a 1 nfclurer' association, 1 of by preparing merry-throng makers who will welcome telegrams to the severgl delegates theiments within a short time. , , (Jury. with 'Chamber of Commerce and the Logaa Pointed out that fn Its original . It Is announosd from the pfflca of Governor urged them to use their In-- 1 mDhFoM?hravia!lnr.' TJ12 E' Chamber of Commerce. While ths In atates that th K!?rlT attorney general tll Is deal, whh eight different Knl.c .? Lrrlh.T.Tu!7!KbSked" act. but since that time as It haa been In Utah, the process eantry the passing of ths old ear and proposition the main questions to be thorough investigation reported that practically 100 per cent has been of probing alleged profiteering casenthe entrance of the new. The Balt considered ar the American valna- and the decision will be similar to that followed In the Lake Theatre, the Orpheum and oth- - tion of Imports and provision for tem- of the nation's potash would be lm- - ijw .w anti-trulaws could be used building trades .probe In Chicago. r playhouses are all featuring as against permanent tariff ported from mines operated by Ger- - '.Pat man Interest The governor points Jnrou',af country in prosecut-- , Federal agents will gather evidence c,aJLbm,t legislation. It was stated today fhat Induced ths attorney, and "work up cases which will then Christmas oat that the Industr, to Utah haa tree Jn effort will be mad to have on com"hy unch drtv- be laid before stats authorities for the City and County building grounds opinion on ths subjects from all the grown to one of an Investment of more I While was it . win not be announced what prosecutionthan $,000,000 and conaequsntly ths lighted tonight for tho last to forward to Um this year, the lights to bo turn- - j Utah organisations slate will suffer if this contract is al Washington. R being believed that If ed off aa 121 steps Into the vMa of tho lowed to go through. Resignation Announced Seixed. Chamber of Commerce Rational Special Liquor Before the midnight hour, ; te to gain anything by such a refer- The telegrams come in support of pssf year Of Chief a Field will however, bo staged eadmn, there most bo practically one tho stand taken by the Utah senator program Deputy On quart of mustlka, a Greek In- on the In attacking a contract entered Into grounds beginning at $ oclock opinion front tho business men of tho The resignation of George A. Blake toxicating liquor, was confiscated last as follows: between American fertiliser companies chimes from tho Town country. sher-locwho nse about SO per cent of tba pot- aa assistant chief field deputy hi tho nlht b John Hancock, deputy dock. ash consumed in the United States was found The offices iff at of liquor Magna. internal revenue, was 7:1 $0 band concert. L. D. 8. Early Resident Dies and tho Deutsche Kalyayndicate. Under this agreement, 7S per cent of the announced today by Collector James by the deputy concealed under an old band, Clarence Hawkln leader. Home Daughter East .High school mixed potash la to be furnished by the Ger- H. Anderson, Mr. Blake leaves the wagon aeat In a field at the east end of Main street at Magna. Deputy chorus Lisle Bradford, leader, man monopoly. The remaining 2$ per Mr Anni P. Meyer. 41. died this 'rnmnt wrvfc to ntf Prtv Hancock turned the Uquor over to the Wesi High chorus Row-en- a cent is to be furnished from the mines i Korns, leader. In Alsace Lorraine which, while coder business as a public accountant, spa- - sheriff today. at the bom of her daughmorning 7:50-- 8 00. carol singer Jordan ter, Mr Ann B. Richard French control, are German owned. dalixlng in federal income tag reSI K Leone Junior leader. high. The contract provides that at any turn Stump, Charged With Forgery. City commission and officials will street- - .Mr Meyer was a native of time a better price is offered than that ' During the administration of D. C. be In attendance. Holland bat had resided In Balt Lake specified, the foreign Interests are to Dunbar, as collector of mternal reJohn Green, If. was arrested at his New Tear's eve will he celebrated 4 year She bad been active in sohave the privilege of meeting this venue for the district of Utah. Mr. Balt of members Laks Boris Mo. cial dretss and was a member of price. In ths opinion of local authori- Blake held the position of assistant home, 1140 Second avenue, today by by IT, Fraternal Order of Eagle with ties this contract would prechid the chief deputy 'and was later made Detective Carl C. Camtenaen and costume ball to be given la ths dubI Banner Review No. 11, L O. T. M--. possibility of tho Utah Baldnro dancing and of Naomi Rebekah lodge No. I. chief collector. When Mr. An- lodged In the city Jail on a charge of will be Member In chary oTf Besides hsr daughter Mn. Meyer Is Since dersondeputy enjoyed. pony marketing Its product. to assumed office in the forgery. he According officers are Joeeph A. Thor nrrirsd by one sister. Mrm. Agatha the arrangement Utah In 120 waa1he largest produc- wsa again made assistant August field de- Green has cashed several forged ! Aehettler er of potash of any stats in the coun- puty to T. A. CalUster. Previous of Salt Laks. and two checks ranging from $10 to $2$ ach. to one of peculiar sigbrothers, TVsd Peters of Murray and try, the matter is j As aa far the the service Mr. Blake was entering police have been able nificance to the state. of Bountiful. Peters R. John Parry. of Kansas City. employed In ths auditing department to learn, clone to $1S0 has been ob- Grand secretary of the n&ttoaaf order wThs body Is at ths SL D. Evans HoTlegt of Telegrams, i of the Utah Power and Light com- tained by him in this manner. of Eagles, will arrive In the city o dertaking establishment. The telegram to 8enator Reed pany and the American Smelting and Feb. I, according to word received by tho local order. A committee of offimoot reads: ,Refining company. cers and past presidents will be as Have observed your splendid ef- The vacancy caused by the resignapointed to prepare a reception la ks tion of Mr. Blake will be filled by honor. It was announced. appointment from Washington, acNumerous other celebrations fa hew or ef the passing year and the birth cording to Mr. Anderson. of ths new one will be staged at hotels, cafes and cabarets a boat the forts to protect American potash In' city. It being expected that as ssmI tercets and on behalf of potash !n the principal downtown streets will dustry In Utah desire to commend you t be given over to the merrymakers and express appreciation. who will choose serpentine and roe If contract ' with German combine fettl as their means of welcoming listed materialise Numerous watch our potash resources will be made In gomes f are scheduled-- , where parties dancing, nugatory. Industry here already repand a general joroua welcome suppers,' for the resents Investment of more than six next Sti days will be staged. In aft,? million dollars and payroll which 1922 la comfng tonight to bring to hoi means existence to many hundred ' majority of cltisena end all,' U hm i" people- - Plans made for further activhoped, better cheer, better baotth.! ities and development would consegreater happiness than any sueeoefw addiCar Us year, better world wtde conditions be quently have to bo abandoned. We all humanity, pear and a rebirth A fees sorts sincerely hope that your Industry, a blarser loyalty, S fessr endeavors will result In penergetic oar sad Repairs hops for the future. rotacting American potash at and oats-plproducers agriFord serrln is culturalists from destructive German We Invtts yes An Evening WithProfZzX monopoly and tnaka pooxlbl whole-m- e to1 visit competitive condition' "An Evening with ths Prog-r- i To Senator William H. King, Governor Mabey wired: seph Smith, President Rrieham Is the title Of . ths Pioneer "Potash Industry In Utah lave ment of more than aterepresent Jclal feature depleting the SK 4 million of the Church atrsared and peof dollars and resources several huned by Mr. and Mr B. M. 3 dred time that. If contract with GerFord Dealer. which will be given Tuesday o. I man producers becomes sffsetire cur Utah Industry will he entirely extincommencing at 7:29, at a JoUt$ y of thu Mutual Improvement guished. In fhoe of ths general ecu-- I lion of tho Thirty-fourt- h dltlon of depraarisa wiiw. re cannot af--t taro music, songs and tho ford to permit foreign ooa petition to Eyiari . j ' such ufw in combined a sSavy stifle our Industrie On behalf : $0 $oD tho bsglhnlngs of tho Utahs ttata. proviaot . M4, atthq S) Attempt to Opa ths safe In f 4$ 1 BETTES attempted to break Into tbs General Auto Service 11 S seal company's establishment. Pint South street. Friday night but left without completing the Job. The N a rainpt,!nt nrom to by N. Cl handle broken from the dial and Chrlstrneen, of tho oTTorta had boon made to break Into ch of lh fhr tho combination. Tho only things taken were n couple of tools. of tho United Cigar Stores company The home of C. 8. Grow. 154 oast I were raided by deputy sheriff polk w officers and city constables yesterday Friday night by burglars who stole' several pie a kodak and a ring. The : nCrrnoon. Simultaneously tho offi-plwere estea in the bouse. entered each of tha stores ia trance as gained through n side win- - search of cigarettes. h and thor- ha1 In 11 about $30 carton, of rigsr- - V AJ . ii eo t,u' ''T1 - rt ir 1 ee - En-jee- rs h" j&zrs itfrss had been nt enul and 1b fvSIH 81 Ths More In Bngar House was entered by burglars and several musical inFriday night struments ware stolen. Tbs rear door of the establishment was forced open by tbe burglars. B. Stringham. 74 east Blxth South strwet, waa held up by two armed men no ba was walking near Fifth South and Seventh East street at 2 o'clock this morning. The hlrrhway-me- n obtained $14 from Strlngham and ordered him to continue on his Suspect in Omaha Wanted in Salt Lake At tor- - on " issi found. rrton ts In asking for tho complaint Mr, Chriatenasn said ho had purchased The stores. the each of st cigarette, companys defense is that ths cigarwere owned confiscated ettes privately and were merely being held In tho stores until called for. None were for sale, the local agents of tho company told County Attorney Arthur E. Moreton today. Mr. Moreton has sot1 decided whether complaints Win be filed against the clerks who are claimed by Mr. Christenson to have . made sales to him. Anti-Aircra- ft Supplies Received at Armory Requisition papers on tho governor Nebraska were loaned today by A carload of 'uppMa Gov. Charts R. Mabey for ths extrs- - for uao of tho headquarters detachment tho of of combat train tho Kith dttloa of Clyde H. Ash toSalt Lak Is charaed with gmad hr-- ! . whwj.e recerveu xoe aa Been at w armory, the m BannM. for tho American Express company, j adjutant generaf, office mmswri traced Ash to Omsk It is alleged that Ash stole a Math- ..... ,s- er handbag which was the property of fj., nn h IL Margaret Creer while tho bag was in -lVc to the the custody of the American Express MssL at Fort ChL. fur his company. The hag contained Jewelry Jfftcr and - valuables reported to bo valued at upwards of $$$. of anti-aircra- ft . i Health Report Skates Contagion Decreasing Only $$ rases of contagious and hr factious diseases were reported to the city health department during the week ending Friday, December It. according to a report Just issued for cases that period. Of the reported, 2$ of chicken pox; 1 i of scarlet' fever; $ of smallpox; S of diphtheria and 1 each of msasls typhoid fever and mump Tho report further shows 48 births and 38 deaths recorded during tho Of ths children horn. $1 wars hoys aad 2$ girt in the same parted of lilt, there were M births and 1 rAtdeaths the end of the week. S3 hens Jn the city were nader quarantine ha of scarlet lever; 18 borause of bocauas of typhoid fever smallpox; sad A because of dlphthacte- - CuBkncfr Ddzk rata.2te!i tH MM tmrm CCij m4 oxhra IMA. ho i |