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Show y. 'r ccr a Vi i- - "t r. : 's W tV ,v ' ; ;.l A -- J ' 7 V the pramr y-- W - ::;. oatpbbay BEGuitnairfi. THBES SECTION liiilllMfoo - (Copyrifht, IW1, by - z. the Wheeler Newepepcr Syedkete. 4- - ef hd '4 5 self-assur- v V- - I. er y: known In my wholo Ilf ton mr but I wouldn't marry you. WUllara '' Reeenei.) "I see, sh accepted, with A toueh 1 ", -- dark-hatre- d, full-lipp- ed n, y. wood-flra- a. accustomed beach-comb- r hav aye to my hand, ahe told him, swallowing a feeling of distinct rnnentmsnt before his quiet unaware-nes- s of her condescension. ' "Tou're eat across the table from mo at on or two dinner-partiWhere you mostly smiled at me when you sat down and that waa aU. Bh shrugged delicately. Why didn't you coma aad talk to ms after-wares d! - "Afraid of boring yon. "Are you laughing at me!" Evelyn Inquired aloofly. 8h had a horrid feeling that h was th fooling at nt th edges of bar accustomed hauteur. "Not in a million years! said Carson briefly. "If you know m. you wouldn't nek. Ho flung out a big brown hand to a nuddaa gesture. "Look at that sky' Lord!" said Camon "and those four . people to the house yonder are bony holding spade nnd tb king o' diamonds! H lookod Into her eyas for tho first time that day. "Maybe you'd rather be Tn there with thorn! "Id ratter b hare. ' said Evelyn simply. Bh was going to say, with you, but ehaneod his responding to T-a subtler suggestion. Tonr a bit tired of things like that, aren't you? ho asked i "" naex-psctedl- y. ' gray-cover- , d. u tr .. ed break-Ing-o- be-ll- 1 4 1 ut " -- -- t: i 4 some--thin- heavy-lookin- 5 f t ' w eatf-reapa-et, ' a' te ts.J. YU 1 ' i Jl; '1 V r - 4 i ff 4 d. Dont yon ore, she begged, "I yon after what Ive told cant marry yon ? 1 OH. I Bara very nearly frowned. ehe explained had to hove him, named man "That was a -'hastily. Carson that Carton William B. about Edward bis been Showing course. of lately. From Texts oil, Ho brought Croesus. Hes richer than In tsetses to Edward trm a bank and of eourao w had s Ban Antonio somsthtng for Wn. Ivo lentd jto dohero several times. Quaint, ' him he? That sort of person always Is. I . don't suppose he'd ever bad onhi oil Bing things In his life before . well did you notice that he used the What makes yon think on?" fork for something and anived ' wrong Evelyn stiffened to spit of herself. at his salad without any? I hpd to "Something in your vole, ha told , signal fraatleally to Jfichl lndlfdelicate her, with something to your eye Nothaeked , Evelyn -' ing in your talk. Tou're too careful ference: "What Is he doing In Honotor that . , lulu this Mr. Carson said Where did you learn about Why Just going about, to en hi Mr. Carson?" way "He's sh women,' mocked gtr vaguely.I think. He told Edward him. the Orient. William B. Carson leughed. h might b here a month. I wish us. Just on . and deep, warm with an infoisted been hadn't he Ho quoted dulgent , now, I can sseure you he's s pergood humor. Then laelly: , fectly Impossible personreason at all. no "ah stopped, for 'Now 1 aren't no and ' with th looked at Evelyn In an oddly depro-- , ladles, lower Up. eatery way. bit her For, takin' 'em 11 along, wrinkled her smooth white forehead Tnn never can sey till youve tried s and did n bit of thinking. . 'em, i nky nice'1 tf tli top of And then yon nr Ilka ta be acttied to The others had clear 'mouse-colore-d been head had already wrong. . nUxe. Not really Impossible. that bridge in a corner near a wide, deep-alli. I window, looking toward tb sh corrected herself at last Evelyn was not conscious of starea. The room held a languid wllenoe. " slowly. ing; th commonly supposed herself her-sa- id broken occasional business die to should h by see I don't why coker her personal reactions with , from th plaiera. Evelyn calmly. glased surface; neverthehadn't you! a prettily Bara flushed brightly and her eye said Better get n coat, less, Carson finished with a Canon abruptly-gleamed with the exdtemeht of a The acutely sentttlve: a really cold her. 1 totally new idea. Sh was very well shallIt be never rends Kipling!" warm enough in this,! said rough-nec- k swore the? the Idea was burgeoning ? corrected with 8h a chill sweet in Evelyn's brain simultaneously. Evelyn. She opened th screen door and emlle: "I don't remember ever hav but the feminine cod did not per- - went out. He followed. She observed ing need the word In my Ufe how mit (Wra to say to her cousin, wtthout offending her' "If Juet occurred that he neglected to open the door absurd!" Tou looked it, he eesured her. hen and kept the observation for .to me. William B. Carson might be for chilly pondering later on. Meanwhile "Which Is a lot more pointed, a vary good opportunity for you sh ma Hs got to his feet end on led wet. to hard th the way matrimonially speaking don't you sand nearer the water, set off up the without questioning her wishes In . think?' th metier, reached down a hand to nt n pace not too swinging. Neither could Evelyn reply, frhh-o- beach "Th sir's wonderfully fresh over help her to hern. of outraging all tb tradition en It? side he the of this Isnt Island, "Getting on to supper time, her ass: "I'd Just thought of that ahe offered observed prosaically, morn prosaicsweetly. myuslf. Im getting pretty desperate. H'm'm" said Carson. ally, Evelyn aenaod. than he really you know. Ho may not be what 1 d comet straight aeroaa felt. Ton must be hungry." hav looked for eight year ago, but , You see. It thousand " miles Alaska of I hat to leave this sh murroni now ", In a Une with Seattle, I mured. Mora Between thslr subconscious dives Can always com back, so far a the following conversation may be Ihlrtk, he corrected briefly Evelyn glanced up nt him from that's concerned. g imagined as taking place under the brim of iter delightfully walked back to th house la They at least very like It hung in the old ahe ac- a nimbus of unnaay small talk. brown hat "Seattle, . air of that warm fragrant of "How clever smiling you cepted. asked Bara, 'Oh. back room: If the expected blushing looking up withalready?" a vague err set smlla 'You know. Evelyn, my dear, he to know! her first and of appreciation clumsy waa sunset?" 'How be tbs not sort could but you your may understanding, An weU a could bo expected. do a good deal with two and a half tender, of sympathetic that expectation fell shattered. Bh mitUona Evelyn languidly. "Matter of geography, that's alt, returnedaway to room to tidy her bar "1 know it, Sally and I'm almost said William B. Carson and con- slipped After all, though, before dinner. hair tired enough of my Ufe as It Is now tinued on hie way. not at one pink up brush or to try tt en." eea the sun was sh diddid not ovsn glance at herself Ho's big. of court and a bit Beyond a windy comb, through a sky of translucent to the mirror. Bh stood by tho open g , He's really been to sinking rose A little and clearness. mote, school sad all that. He's nobodys out Into a deepwould overspread the faint blue dis- window and stared was fighting a foot shadow. Bh daffodil-yelloand ening Will ho be clever enough to see tance: rose and elck nf hsrablf and of disgust mauve. It was a world of strange sudden If I go after him?" Ufa her all of delicate shadow ardent empty X No, Evelyn, never In this world' "What am doing? shs thought. of sound - without speech He knows absolutely nothing about solitudes, and flame without eear; a world What hav I com to deliberately women. I the blood stirred to aongs un- pursuing tbi man? If I werent so -- "All the better. Then h won't be where heard to erlea unuttered. It waa a tired of everything If I hadn't just so apt to notice that I'm fading In which, Evelyn suddenly about come t tbs and of my nope that rv. got little lines about my world or wby, didnt my people realised, aha and Carson had been but why, trade? Why didn't eyeof , walking side by aide for upward of Bv me a decent Sim, you always hav charm me to earn a Uvtng some teach - Sh ailencoIn ten minutes said, upon they . and breeding Her mouth hurriedly: other way than thla "If about all X will hare after a the realisation, up.somewhat on that high rock twlntod ' wryly: Charm! oh. Lord! : few mere years like this on. Sally, "Let' dumb Uk a knowlfor K it to axahnngs rd running out Into th water and I think rn d It! He'll probably be there nnd watch th sunset!" They edge f Shorthand Im selling my keen OB position and family not climbed. . thats whet Im doing. The high reek offered an f ham them himself. He'll comfortable -point of 1 dont evda know if I can put th bo flattered by my sympathy probably and at- unexpectedly aver. a hideout thing tn ante That which mo to from th day tention, sad all that It ought to be vantage die. b smirking and noolng and b ' no more Than, to JW. in "Here alt an thla," said Canon, doesn't even teak nt m half the time. straining the race' All questions keep slipping nut nf Ms coat nnd folding If gheatly don't be a fool Evelyn, will you help me. Sally! It Into a dpnblon for Evelyn. my dew Ihn elt nation doesnt require TU help you, Evelyn, don't 811 on a cushion and saw a fla any taisUon an your part To than have every chance worry. Aloud. Bara1 observed, with a cer- seam." she murmured, than burned , , Dinner eras a time of considerable from scarlet chin before brow merriment aver aothlng and much to tain amount pf relevance; "Did you secret correlation of fact and fnacy. t scattering conversation. Carson, for tell me.' dear, that your father's shaltJ-Aa- i wash dudM nor the first time in Evelyns acquaints nee ward to somewhat better shape? yet Thou feed tha etrine,' supplied Gar with him, talked freely and interestEdward asked roe ha's always so son equably. "If w war bask ta ingly nf a variety of thing Ho ted sad 1 couldn't be euro. Ttxa I eoald promise gnu .UN ttrnw-borr- be tor aeeaa time ta Mexico. He wee f On 5the contrary," said Bvntys and nraam n 0rnnhto o the subject of that Father torn quit A hit last cleartE "Ton rott laxee? xed and dynamlt leal also, be tar T-iyeet thing era far from satisfac. ran k Me oi4 attp- - ted-e- t M or a net her tint to hla nf tory, . I really Mf. very asUJah about ptra. , tte eetel rnawnpunt nf a r ii - ff. J - aad Cursor), for both of your million into several more. 1 have Juet com I prop again and my to keep it. Taka me back t th house, there's a dear I'm getting cold and a Uttl tired. One does with ago. H th helped her down at once from beald lofty rock and walked back ' her. "Tou're talking foolishneae and you told he know it. severely, y "Dont you aeo, ahe begged, "that I can't marry you after what I tola had you? I'd never be sure that you ovwr forgotten. I don't believe you'd remind me of it- - I don't Insult you by supposing that. But some day wj might hav a quarrel and back Ot tha anger In your eyes I'd sea, '8h Sh Married me for my money broke off with a little shudder. "I see you don't want to marry me I hadnt much hope you would. I took a chance, that was all " She made a little gesture of de. pairing finality and Went before him up the steps and into th house. Humphreys was shuffling aa Evelyn cams Into the room. He looked up with aa abstracted smile. Sara gestured vaguely toward tho olj davenport before the Are. she eald. you "Tou must be cold. two. It's really quite chilly. How was the moon?" Evelyn came and stood behind Sara's chair, leaned her arms upon th back of It. Laura Grayling lookod up as she did so, with a smile ot not unfriendly mockery. "Yes," she. drawled, "how waa th moon Intoxicating?" -, Evelyn preserved a ateady lmmobil-In a lty, but small flame of color grew either cheek. There waa not a human not guess being In that room who did week-enwhy ahe had come upon the ot chair Laura's back Carson, standing and directly acrosa th card table, saw that sudden flush and a deeper line came between hla heavy eyebrows. "Tou want to watch your step, Car-so- n sitting around on these lonely beaches with a girl like Evelyn. Grayling put la unexpectedly, "she's got a long line ot scalps hanging to" her belt youre not any too safe Evelyns hand, tightened oa tb back of Baraa chalJYlisr eye grew a trifle strained "Evelyns .a dsnasrouk person. said Laura sweetly. She lifted a languid glance that missed no slightest shad of Evelyn's wincing smile. I Carson, hands In hla pockeU, aaw and beard what an hour before would have bad no moaning for him. Ha said abruptly: "Tou're right all of you.. It's the most dangerous kind of a moon. I've Just asked Mias Anthony to marry me and have been refused. "Oh! cried Evelyn on a long-drabreath. 8h looked straight into hla eyes over the beads of those four carols kindly cruel people and her heart rocked In ber breast from th Impact of his word That he should save her facet so to speak, at such a cost to hla own pride. shocked murmur: Bar aald to "How how unfortunate! Im sure, ah did not aay of what she Evelyn" little was sure. Laura broke into two husbands were awkThe laugh. silent. wardly Aa if tbs four about tha card table had cried tt aloud, Evelyn knew what they were thinking Bh could not bear that William B Carson should tor hor aake expose himself to their smirking snobbish comment Ho waa man. was William B. Carson more man than Edward Humphreys of and stupid fat little Grayson rolled together any womanEhemight bo proud held hla look ot a man Jlke that! across ths table. . "Ho's Jesting, ehe eald. Tve done nothing of the kind' Please somebody say something pretty to us now or has th cat got all your tongue chil-- the feeling that ail her little pipe sentries. dousasa bar play of charm aad taut fall sway from his unpolished aortas Ilk arrow failing to on tar am iron shield. Wan H a skidd? h ' consciously on th doftodvot FWh h oonddarnd him from under lowered InahsA h said bruakly: Tva boas trying to work out what tt I that's mppoasd to ranks a baaah aorabnr ad a man whs ha gate into a plans Uk thto Ho wont on. a if to htaratlf : "It gats you to a kind of way, nf naaraa. B a an touch sky an wash aaad without any Jab boring humaaa to track tt on aad moil tt. You think paapte qpoU things? aha anted kindly. Tito tlmsu out ad ton do. Irs not oftoa yau som to thoy a placo Ilka this whuru yog ana alt down on a rock and look at a aoaast without nooMbody olo hotwssa yog and It " ba awopt tha horteoa with a glsnos that waa almost thnts th answer to the hungry Ho gats back to tbs mod likely. fundamentals back to ordinary animal Jor of living and tt makos th aquabbia to th cttleo look dck. Ton dould novor bo a teach comber," raid Evelyn softly. Ho replied, without looking nt bar: How do yog know X couldn't?" id gajammt,o before eh spoke. "Who . t else, Bally?" Only a amell party th Graylings perhaps Edward and Mr. Caradded eh ton you end me "that would lofve u four naively ' for bridge. "Which four? inquired . 'Evelyn with her nocking smile Bh spared her cousin's Instant embargtasment: Very nice so far as I'm ppneerned. old dear!" It was also, so far as on could Judge vary nice for th Carson 'man. Ha accepted with, for him, unusual demon ration. j Evelyn looked forward to thug week-en- d with mingled emotion.! She had seen Carson again nt on or two dinner partlee. She knew him no bettor, saw him no nearer, appraised him no mors definitely than upon th first flight. He was n large rather stolid seeming man, dark-eyesmooth-shavewith a mouth but sardonically firm above an ominous Jaw. Ha said too Jlttla for bar to be aura ef either his vole or hla mentality. I shall undoubtedly find out mors before the week-en- d Is over, aha said to herself with a tremor almost ef dietsale. "Two day of him! Bh took along walking things and, at tb test, supped Into her bag a n Affair ef blue and amethyst chiffon weighted with Jade lame he en never knew, on a honpe-partJust what sort vf thing on might want. On might want to have tea before the fire with th other playto n coning bridge somewhere veniently distant background men over were apt to be sentimental and overtook ghame passed her la th midst of these planwhere I "No matter may nings. ehooa to marry my soul Hvea to a place by Itself," aha defended and held her head higher than ever. of , soul and But th separation body, Uk tb separation of man and wife. Involve a rending of fiber, n tearing of sensitive tissue, no matter how deliberately and willingly don. Evelyn, walking up the steps of Walhale, after a long colorful drive along the edge of unsullied beaches Upped by a singing een. found herself teasing the tips ef her fingers and shrlnktqg vary little back upon haraalf because Carson walked up th steps beside her. She said, with her moot perfectly controlled amatl smile, a graetouenesa: "I mb a bit ttrad are you! That's omhlng of a drive. roads for a place this Pretty good observed Carson. f i.Evelyn's curled so faintly he Up could not havn known. "Wonderful color. ahe murmured. I waa Interested In seeing how your cousin's car took thoaa- - grade. he replied, admitting color and other accessories with n nodj Tra thinking of a car Ilk that, myself-?- -' Inter, in spite of n contemptuous realisation of what such action on her part might mean. Evelyn drifted up to him. white ho stood looking over n book lof old kodak pictures and suggested n walk. "There's a heath a bit up th road, rd 11k to show you," she condtocend-e"and the sunset might bo gather d, f i , unooaeeatod dledala Car . S homely ataslle. 1 don't wuppes yon enr old slipper,' offered Carson, looking steadfastly out to saa. , , "How absurd avnryoaa , ut 1 cant say 1 like them. . 5 rou v. mlasad samathlac. They fell Into alienee agate. - He waa not, Evelyn reflected aaonMly, a ready maker of oenveraatioa. Urn -- J anymore. Her hair van twnty-ftv- a 4 wasn't hrpnMl with a ruddy glow in the wave of It , It was pal but straight and she ' brown, thick wore It In the rood of well, say, several years! ago not exactly a PrnIt form of padour, bnt a modified with a pale marcelled and crowned her rather of brown knot on top r J haughty head, Physically speaking, ah faded Into disa world of women Bbwithout abrows tinguishing not. eyes, full of a . delicate disdain. Her nos was straight and-' fine her mouth, a thin pink prettlof humorous ness, with poeaiblUUes sense oos understanding, but with ho was slim Bh mmender. v softness of to the point of threatened angularity; , and ehe dressed delightfully. after Too sensed, ten minute ehe meeting her. that at eighteen That roust have been rather lovely. f tremendous a been t she mutt have biigcms M A dlbOtAfitC1 beciun had the air, still, of drawing men by an eyelash. That her people had - position at least three generations deep. That marriage was the only considered occupation ah had ever con- adopting or that had over been sidsred for her. That she was not bed recently been happy. That she Irf 111. That last was, point of fact, the reason why she bad com t Hwo-- : lulu. She visited Bara father'. I . Humphreys, cousins of her and lived Humphrey was a hanker ? well up Nuuanu vulley In a big grJ with himself busied He stone house. community affairs, dna eye on Washwith her filled day wife His lngton. 4 another an parties of on sort orbeet feminine was accounted the lb her especial set. brtdge-plsy2 When Bara Humphreys heard that Evelyn recovered elowly from a win she , ter of bifluensa and pneumonia, ; wrote at once' Como out to us, my I should love to hsv you. end ', dear, our soft sunshine will make you over, r Bo .Evelyn came. to Bara after that ftrd , She saiddinner-partThe man testifying neat to mo at dinner tonight Mw - roe If I hadn't been 111. v Well, of course you hs vs, dear. -Tea, said Evelyn dryly "but ' hate to think I look It. 8he shifted sensitively. the beside r that subject rather heavy looking man Laura Grayling! I couldn't seem to remember Urn and I never heard his E)te J. aelf-reepe-et i VELYN ANTHONY her name sounded like trtijrtWm ah wesat. She wasn't alghtaea site wasn't tweMj ehe wasn't Si All J ' coat-sleev- , . T hu- A. to be moved by the sheer clean ' ' i man nes of him. . "I do believe, oho. mid half Tt'Ji tb her breetb- "1 do bettevp youmarry me yet." If you'll hare me, said Carton ' V ' simply, - 8h put out a hand aad patfoqi hla A lit- with e, again laughed vote to her break charming tie -Well I won L 1 Ilka you, Juat at thla moment better than anybody I have ' Dy FANNIE HEASLIP LEA f WV town ta Texas, been of a Tv been going around looking at about It! traveling circus, and ridden range in thing end people and place j "Im not Joking Its true. Erery- Learning what money can buy and ! body in that house back there knows It j it. what can't They're keeping out of tha way approaching Evelyn to the half-hoto lv m Chance. Didn't you hear "What can't tt buy she asked him Mrafter dinner, murmured conI Grayling advise you to look out fidentially: "My dear, he was really with a delicate grlmnes Didn't hear Laura very Interesting. I waa surprised. He things I ts wuntcd pretty . Graying laugh when you wo came out? has poratbUttlea, don't you think? " Her kind, anxious eyes added: I thought everything had Its price." j Dldn t you notice that Bara He He brok " deeply, almost roughly, may not be so bad after elL It was "No, you didnt you only think It's to tb eyes that Evelyn replied: for God's aake? What j But why If smart to say so. on like that sort or thing Never-kneSmart! She swallowed a groan. jcould 1 woman like you you don't can 1 bt1'r ? end Sara knew, "See her" said Carson abruptly. Tour money eald Evelyn . "Of that th hunt was on, after a manner "I brought you out here to have a b- To Te ot, Tou of speaking, talk with you about eomethlng and , II Mnptattoa to women like Evelyn heart failed her before th nowtowe re her I can t eeem to lead no tt gtocefully. Will you let me !Tbo1,bTi?"t unscrupuloae effort of the thing, but up She honest way. ate floggod herself forward. 8o ah talk ot you straight from the should- smiled a bitter little "Does grimace. er not be offended tike most end smiled encouragingly at Carson when It surprise yon so Other women he looked aero the room at her and women would? It's such a serious mast have tried it before this, laid an Invitational hand on th back thing to me I can't watt for the prebe told Hush' her sternly. "Not of th davenport on which she eat. liminaries" women like you." Evelyn harbored a wild thought and "But Carson cam and sat beside her. He cast Insisted you see, Evelyn. 1 It out again, incredulous. "oti fle2chi? aid rather slowly- - "It's e pretty night course I II listen." nDf.1n.cb'nc hr. bn she told Fall moon. Wind's died down outside ly. to know the you want to' say to . least the sort of woman I waa inwhen anything . It's etlll ns the middle of e pine wood. met arms . me. I been Tt I'd tired. hi u Evelyn waa. not going to discuss the weather. She lifted n delloeto eye- his big hands deep to Ms 'pocket lean- - i B Enough tomattwy Itnlcaof'vou brow. it nJnV mn to think "In aptte of which, she said, thee and staring straight out to 1 loved me. Perhaps one or two hen had an Idea, all my Ufa of the sort j artr a fashion people will be back at their stupid , Bnt you are the first bridge Inside of half an hour. (Craa of woman I wanted to know and go j t j,.,. known- who wanted he wound with. I've known a lot of the? to marry my dearl she eald to herself, me. And counts kind good and j cheap bad and I was meant for that what fails to get that ) Girls of He did not fall. Apparently he found ' passed 'em up not because they my class 'usually marriage. we are If don't the bait good. Tou dont play? he II weren't pretty,,, nor amusing, nor achieve It, were considered failures sometime even satisfying but bo- - which is neither asked thoughtfully. nor profitBhe told him with vast relief In canse if I ran with them I spent what able Some of uspleasant get out and learn to be decently momentary sincerity: "I hat card I when I found her. Ana I had a call ' hadn't even courage and "Play poker? It a hunch that I was going to find She shook her hoed. for that. Tou " aho choked enough Ho said uasmlttngty: "I'll teach her some day. Ton might aay. Ive back a wistful ghost of a laugh been working toward finding her all You looked like a direct answer to yon how som day. "Id Ilka that --very much. eald along When I came into money I prayer." "Did you " Carson stopped and Evelyn, and looked at him trustfully. thought this la my chance . Ill get H added, regarding her critically; out and travel Ill get to know peo- began again as if he feared the an"Tou're got a good poker ple who haven't lived In th rough way swer to his question: "You didnt Uk "I'm glad I Bar that I have Ill meet women who me at all" She murmured: On might sand it. noma Urn or oth- - have been brought up rightly who're "I very nearly disliked you fax (he had traditions handed down to em beginning," she told him nakedly. i Yet you were willing " Suddenly ha stood up. "Let's go who've learned the tender eide of life More than. willing outside shall I gat yea a cloak?" and the beautiful side and the fine she said It '' between said ids her teeth "I was eager, "If you will. Evelyn softly. "Don't!" groaned the man. Hla voice shook a little. He went on She passed th other already hov"Well you asked me. Too want after a moment: ering about their small ' I sort of made np a composite th truth now. dont you? I could have table, threw them a casual explanation: Wn're going down on tb beach woman and went out to look for her. lied to you. I could hay said yea I wanted her lovely to look at, but I'll marry you. I could hare let you Its a wonderful night. . Don't toko cold, dear," urged Sara. most of all I wanted her fine and think I was the noblesse oblige lady been looking for all your life. for out look this want to "Tou clean and and honorabla. you'd Ton might forgive me ererythlng else warned Everything dignified Hawaiian moon. Carson. beet In life that I'd on the the ground that I didn't. As It Is new ha(1 Sort of a noblesse oblige Grayling with olumay facStlouenes free to go on for Evelyn went out Into the .moonlight. lady, with a high heart and the sort heryoure end I've still got a looking and shame with to head foot hot from of standards nothing could shake. 80 rag of pride " he stopped and began again, left. She laid one slender white hand Mntmeot. that on hla You've had a very MLt's ro back to our rock, Carson a trifle with a kind of narrow knee. escape. Mr. Carson. I could aid. "I v brought a rug for you to clumsy ehjrneaa curiously appealing laugh to think of my tt on. Tho sea had flattened out and "so that my son If I waa ever you so grimly, so relentlessly,pursuing and all the was a dimly silvorad ahlsid. No clouds enough to have one could startlucky life tima were Juat you waa froxen moon waiting you said marked the sky. Th with her fineness and nobility and from the first night, dldn t you?'. In a dresm. Little wave hissed upon sweetnea to make any well, any "I did," aaid Carson doggedly. th pebbly sand. Th big rock which stubbornness and Juat Moonlight toy cold about them, cold had been black at sunset was now straightness that I might be ordinary able to In the steel-gra- y shadow Cold on full of sharp aray shadow band to him down worth while. I've pallid beach, coldest of all on Tou're th Amt woman I've met had a kind of dream of her and him. the that . sea silent Uncannily elnc I left Texan that I could Ulk to, Tv never had what yon could call a "I looked to you then like like he told her bluntly. home I could make one now for her the woman of your dreams? In Texan woman a 'Was there books and picture and music and "Tou don't look anv different now" that you could talk to? era Flo I and thing but see. "Ah, pearls you she assured him. "My old school teacher ehe' about think of pearls for her, someTm not what I look? Haven't I exnow but ehe elxty-fiv- e go, a mind how to plained that you very thoroughly? like chained lightning," Why ere you telling this to me?" I don't believe youre as grateful to ("Oh asked "Tou don't nor tor women me as She not should you Eveljn. be. spoke loudly "what heraelf. Evelyn. she waited to I don't feel tike laughing about It bpt with an odd clearness. It we of a flagrant opening!") -- If Just the eburas, that's what you mean " yet appropriate queetloa. "No rv newer eared for women "Do you think I feel like laughing?" "Because, that first night at Mr. much nor they tor ma. Iva been too Humphreys' ahe 1 watched answered with a sudden passion dinner busy they've bee too well. I reck- you across th tab la.party, and tt was ilka that waa Ilka a flam ta the dark. on they've bona to busy, too." one's got to carry it off, preta corns out 'Only alive of Its seslng picture But you'? sympathetic and frame the tily somehow." There was something turned ndetrelghttorward women like proQt Hu- - way you In the m'xtd dignity of his unspoken you all that.' g your beautiful hands there Isnt a Pro eh that tore at Evelyn's "Women who's teen hurt do 8he said with aa exquisite genabout you that isn't fin and 8ho winced at th neamesa of th thing and tleness: proud you'ro Ilk a whit Pleaae "Ton'll find her. some day thrust drew Away Into more Imper- high don't be discouraged. Lots of oo untouched you're "Have yau sonal channel alway rose you'ro women are like white rosea to me!" wonderful th you're liked books? He folded his arms tight and never onwilllng wisdom of her added IrreI learned to road when I waa "but looked at her. - Evelyn aald, lower sistibility youd belter look for twelve rv like ora since then. next time, under thirty." before, her hands locked her, "Twelve!" alto could not bold back even than Carson aald about knees: her "Are rigidly you have found her qplthouta moving "I th shalterod 0 cry of horror. Im ma My mother dlod when I was four asking "I'm asking you to marry ma, aald man.That' , woman that had My father married cruel. Can't thats silly B. William Carson as if he quickly, three kids of hag wn aad didn't car not boar that aha should hav you aeo that what I've told yon mates Whether I wand to aahnal or not. I could any question ft marriage between us dldn t go tin th eouaty mad me. , to com even so ter to meet him. He utterly Impossible Then yo war wmiderful at learn- added on on uaatoadyhoto of bumor: T can aes that ft you werent th "Aad doing tt darned badly. I know. boaeateat ing. I can gtMMM, woman God over nude you1 "I got thr A, te aald without ef- Bat If yau laugh at pa It'll hurt won wouldn't hav (old me. fusion "Had ter too to ot high school tluuv I caa toil you Bh gasped, word lea Ha went on "Oh. Im not laughing! aald Eveeven. Had t ,step and go to work, quietly: "Any other woman would then. I read llwjlMlf I caa lay- my lyn. "Pleas!" hav kept her mouth shut aad taken moment In a ant Carson Ha silence. Ivabat hav hands on got ma up on tt." , JWya aald at teat: Well could you thlak book no education Oh. you are aa Incorrigible Ideal-ltofjt tt? Or have 1 frightened you Uk cried Evelyn. aren't yoa Except he ear Evelyn scoffed, of A a man fool? never aaw yoa clumsy charmingly 1,eehlhe., len t that only show" an id Canon, as if ao ago, talking to yau aheTthud weak a ar until , not everything?" apoken, "that xru ar : . taM Caraoti. aad about marrying! Nta Juat what I thought you wore" r Evelyn sat very stilL" (the did not But to marry without love your htewptlr. stopped 8he lure ? t t t tad ter aaar of apeak antil b touched her c leaped your dream-lad- y would not hav don d way to a maa'a band with a etaataily careful forefinhimself tV i tei"Well . Ite ffwaad briefly. ger. Then ah looked up at htaa. mouth when tt earn to the last, liking. Hat ." eh balked at It "Until tbog I M thajaad my aat, aye somber. "Heveat you aho?" asted ate aaid ttrodly. "that that to Jaat what William B. Canondidnt father left with a touch of Aeeqpla ot . down to, APTthtog 1 rvateea trylaetodb tomarry yaar tohMtant humor. Thor touted at each e-- vt to A 1 doaT know what yau aaaa, ha other straight for th first (tagl and could get tea yAra itor TDauEJatehter tt was trapiaethte a aat . hxlf-own- er , hn, ur at 'ut '' him-gen- t- a.. i - if wUl-pow- er facw green-cover- lower-voice- d, ' dren? She carried it off with a high hand; accepted their hurried stumbling felicitations with the loveliest grace in th world allowed herself to bo kissed by the two women while Carsons fingers were violently wrong. Carson managed somehow to detach her from the rest. "Now," be aald. "why did you do tt? We've got to come to a showdown." Evelyn pnt out her two hands aad he took them Into a crushing bold. Tt I kiss you and you draw away from me." he told her. "Im likely to kill somebody. Don't you think you fear your fate to much? whispered Evelyn. He kissed her. And she did not draw him. Peace, Uk a kind aaay from Into her atifled heart. She air, flowed JaY. In his arms and jheld np her face v to him to kiss ber again. I knew you were somewhere, he Now w can said to her very low. begin to live! "Oh, I began aa hour ago! aald ,, ' Evelyn. (The end.) i- j -' ' ja aj nf heart-strin- one-wom- an -- et tT - a Ends StubftornCoughf inaHurrn Per mlteetaerttveuM. Mb s kes as way aad cbeaolr i sM evsal, put Teuli never know bow quickly a lad cough caa be eoaquered. until yau try this famous old home-mad- e remedy. Anyone who has coughed all day all sight, will say that th Immsd-flt- e relief give is almost like magi, tt take but a moment ta prepare, and really there is nothing better lor coughs. Into a pint bottle, put Slh eases ot tai rinex; then add plain graaalatod auger syrup to mate a full pint. Or you caa us clarified molasses, honey, ar core syrup, instead of sugar erraa. Either "way, the full pint save shout two--' third of the money usually apart far eonarh preps ratio, aad giro you a raara positive, effective remedy. It hasps aad tsetse pieaaaat chUdlnm Ilka it ?J ran tod earthing and thla take bald (uataatid, healing the membranes hi all the air passage It anatptlylaaaaoa a dry, tight rough, moi VouYhJ notice the phlegm this aat aad thsh disaaoeer altogether. A day1 nee wilt nsoaUy'hnak up aa erdiaary threat ar H Ss alto eptoud.l f hranehitto. croup, hoa reraise, aadhrua-ehi- al asthma. Plato to a meat valuehto eeuesrtratsd compound of genuine Norway pto M- - m 1 ' , t it Y v - t , ggsaasan J A - Y 'r i 2 f Q u |