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Show w s ft )' i , , Y " t tzz fr-- fGceryatiye' Highvay Building 'And Repair Program Worked out It Administration S.' sards 'By L County i 3)0Xin3gl t- 1- onfe.RMD to M bat ro , ' - Tw- -I was pooMble provsmaal work ,en-tb- o In commenced I ban to maintain them Vnrds ts need by SotorhM lastIn summer, Just begin alng to realised. The policy of the praaawt eouaty sdmlatstrnUoo lo to build good rondo which are abaolutoly fare srenle boulevards ui PaM , ef boul-vmr- st at 1- 1- with slag. 17 - miles with Xravel Tbree- and Id mlln with shale. fourths of a mils of road waa con1 structed with tsrvia and f M miles Three mlln repaired with tervia. raising is aMOt.bg demand ,, of bituminous concrete paving was torPoultry another cash crop for the Utah laid. Other aetivlUn af tha roads ' and bridges department were as fol farpier, according to Byron Alder, Jowa: assistant professor of poultry at the hundred and ninety-thre- e , . One - '(roodes culverts repaired, 11 wooden Utah Agricultural collage and ..speI entvarts constructed. 1 concrete eul- -.ts cialist la poultry husbandry tar tha verts repaired. 1 new concrete V-'c. Kxtegtfea Dtvttes I feet of sectional Installed, Prof. Aider hog lately made extendand t culverts laid. repaired bridges It i . ed form vWU to ttrtobrs sad poultry-me- n fll now brtdgn constructed. of MutnadC Morgan. Devfo, Utah and Juab oouatiaa) nvs hundred feet of protecting Lake, of Utafr oro getting to farmers feet oeh wall was constructed. of poohey ratotag.1 three-Inc- h Sat galvanised pips laid. tha importance T aaya. At Hobday. Utah. Hra. Mary fast of drain tile told. 1 syphon ho 4 mils of fsnea built. Muhlolland after paying for feed, , .constructed. two eonerate flumn eonstrnctsd over rent, and Interest on capital, realised of drain ditches as-- ,, $144 from 74 bans. Mrs. Maillol land canals, t mlln shifts of doss all tha work herself, sad aha ax. oa rated. Than wan eight hours each employed in road pects this year to clear 11444.4 from summer months her HI boast This Is mors than many during the 1, Construction of bard surfasod farmers on earning at the priosot " reads la the county this year cost time from their entire farms 411.14- - Then Improvements com-- a. Prof. Alder la a autttosfiH ehtehea plated paving of tha main artortea ralaer himself. He has proved that a wf traffic commenced by thO former flock of boas la tha bach yard j - N ew equipment and be mads ' profitable if j'; , - m'-- tor they are this work eoS 17.-,- 4 correctly highly .machinery eared for. obtained ushisof way. While Prof. Alder la on his extend principally for the opening of Main ikractchMt tk mrom south from Twenty-flBouth .i,hrTsay toy foods sad cares hie floek. Just as anally and as , Paving of the Bingham highway could do. h as completed, the county expending u(lateetorl Where tha feed aad tha hen hi oa tha project la the .IHM.H are bandy tha house wife aad children - ent roar. care for tha flock much Meath street from the TVeuty-fl. t than the former can. bsnaacs they -'Denvor A Rio Grande railroad tracks ter the west to the Bonneville boule- - ara usually isoff to work. Ragulartty very Important if the feeding .j.vard on the asst wae paved at a cost in beet results ara to bo obtained. 1- - eul-ver- lit l 1-- llli t- m fr m r'm t of (174U.H. had many demands for this type, over prints being, distributed during ihe pmt jreaihv la away eases this type at house bast adapted j for Utah conditions. It la eery easy to regulate the vsntl-Istto- u both to winter aad eamraer. Thla la oaa of the moat Important things to do whoa wo consider that fowls brsath is ehargod with r, thla blad oae of tha ehlaf traps In which water Is aserstad from the body. The normal temperature of the fowl la also vary high, being 1ST F. aa compared with 141 for the eew, 14.4 for the hone and 1 (or tha pig. It lo estimated that fowls more air than require threa times sawa. The type of house semi-monit- or aloe permits eunahina to reach the roasts. Prof. Aider thinks that the chief trouble with the poultry houses of the stato are tbelr lack of ventilation. Without proper ventilation and damp and wet. Nothing Is better for the spread of disease, and fowls nat urally suffer aad the egg production la out down. Sunshine aad plenty of fresh air are tha beat ways of preventing disease. Capons, while not of groat q resent Importance to Utah, ara gradually sralglnag oa aa average of 4 pounds each ware sold tha week before from tha U. A. C. Thadkagtving flocks These birds were all picked by a class oa poultry composed of federal men taking vocational train This demand tog at tha V. A. C. for capons Is steadily Increasing. Foamy Boose At tha state fair tfca to Forty-eight- h Mouth street from the read oa the Weat to Ninth typo of poultry house waa aahlMtad. j Redwood East street on the east was paved at Since that7 time u Prut Alder has distributed of this type of at tll.tlt.1. u cent As an amparlmsnt Mr. Burgon pav house. Tb eouaty agents hate also all others to production of bluo-prta- . Ssvare of this an vord---YE- T V t V czotoii. j- 1S21 to- of egns tstba at poultry pcafocUon. at certain them of Um 'era Is any flank demand r t the South Jordan highway 1 the Redwood road and M COUNTT toe during tsouth West street, a distance of . 2M-raeeaatiag littlo men than half a mile, with "ymr mt by Cooaty Com- - bituminous concrete mixture, ftport formulated xa a base. This piece of okotoMM slag as coot but 11.41 a square yard, conoid-rabl- y tha department Ian than any other sort of dirt tru4swin got hold up and that paving. of far the Mr. says the experiment their malnloaaaeo la law gnats Burgos . m-to moot farmar Indebted-has and lima oaata amro thaw Impi arms sals proven aaliafactary highly oasa without Increasing tease JlmUed that this piece of road la In much of a more perms aaot character, ; poad improvement work to n decldso hotter condition than other posed this reaeea ha adoooataa the iimlnn road roads In the extent this poor. The nlnft Ha mys men of an mala arteriaa of traffic and Instituted by tha paving of tha county. . building procram earns typo will bo dons' nettsvesrs activities will be exerted reaulted in next year, since it means a previous administration de n material ' anl those lines. The a deficit which the county waa called saving to the county. must wait until each time as the according Month county finds ttoolf la poefUoa to hullo In the ease of Twenty-firupon to meet this year, to Mr, Burgos. But, nevertheless, street part of the coot wilt bo borne them, ho declares. The phto to Carry Improve-maof amount considerable is the since a this state a grant seeale state, Invert into the Ja work waa undertaken with by highnay. In other tnsraaeea the eurrouadlag cadwOas however, arailabJa. ware state aid will in not the what funds county , bo forgotten, payment the and Thera at UI miles of roads un- - for the work dona on stats highways boulevards will be maintained in the within tbs county. matntananeo ceneral whan comas to tha than extend ,dar Road improvements on dirt reads. the funds expended la the pastthem, eouoty outside tha corporate limits will sad of Balt Lafca City and Murray and eh her not Including bass bean grading wasted. surfacing '"tha sararal towns. This year t ho .county graded BIS miles, scarlflsd t 7 - miles, surfaced t - mlln rood imprevemsuta . - II, 44. If v ' irT tot- - k daring tha pear. Row hr!' tot 1441- - Ran seal of Wai l county rundg sent I' breeds Farmers would IrafRs If they would seU aogtala aad raise soty one ! i wrW for oaa purpose only. 1 i Mo avenge form flock at Ofr I to ft'soot 40 fowls IT coaid eery epooi 1 r Grows Thick, Heavy Hair kraU, ho toermumd. Under ordinary foot hMmi Hi fowls la a good amt ta have. This many bird can ho kad vary well to aae bourn, aad It re ymy mtla morn time to sara M aamber than If fearer are A- -, a small fleet noear i swam so goad tnatmant ha la given a Cleaned cr Ccidll Lnio Gcn end Ccttbo Ulb Ccst cf 3Scnt Bottle End M aB Dandruff, Stop Hair Ceroioc Out , , t-- U-1- 22 . U tiM pitadl Jh Vwanf CfgMlr IXmtorjr gfvM when aa artldM caa ht dawal, 1 icgalni Mr wbaTt Cm aw. Harag nya ttmmfts, Ern'e when yea caa It tarayrhaek. If M to to ramtwi amm a good toying rafisa mast he fed. This (I) a scratch feed, of wheat, corn, dr oafs It la a good praetiee to food more corn than wheat In the I mors wheat than eora la the saw at to-!) A mash feed of . . ground corn or bar- toy. ( Milk, buttermilk, or some foam af meet meal. The ration is not template without tha mast meal, and thie le ana thing that moat formers do ass Iff) 'Ocnen fsed is also r. M alfalfa leaves sprouted bar-tofvaas oahbagas ets i FS5S?TAXIl)BB5iCTl",MII,l"ll-Ieraae fact ere. repair, remedal and claan aU klada af font Ooa- ef maaufaeturad fora. ?leta stack la Salt Lake. Highest prices raw fora. paid far We k 8TENZEL Well to lighting. Tha BOS at lights In tha boa house does not torraaso the total produetioo f atn dating too year, but tt simply transfers pred action to too fall and winter whan prices ara high. Lights should bn need with caution. 'Three hours a 4fr to sufficient, where they teyger than thla the bens may bo (aresd Into an extra molt. It has bean thought by some that by using lights ton hstchabillty of tha eggs la lowered, but experiments conducted at too U. A. C. seem to prove that the agga tomb hens in lighted coop are Just as fund for hatching as sggs . Mahas old surfeeao Ieoh new and praaei --so eriglnnl fit I shea Insxpeestva. durable aad doao pot eollec duet eta. Statioa StoiUTd Service 14 A hidwer. ur n m rr Hate Bleehad. ClaaaaA aew Jest like I guarantee all my and call aad dsltver if dtatred. Pricaa haads aew. work, work v L " r. matched Wa m raaeonnWe. - Was, MM Thews TePWr TTFKWRITUta A rate The oat teee Mata XU ' FUR CO. Tour e-- ItlFIMM I tinuis hat mhop jure 1M B ad la . Wa raoalr any maka aad sail Best THU Worlds rasft. aaaaa Tim. it47 on 00. --Cash. MM Tnaa the IKS pinnrrvu RBP4IBBB from ualiglrted coops When too overage production of eggs la Utah to new g to 7 doasa eggs per ben par yea?. It souId ha very wall doubled by proper ears and feeding. Bach hen should at toast return ( cram a year above an coats of teed, labor, house, and interest on in- - MODERN ELECTRIC Co. n am. nrara at. was. aor GIFT STOkL ; WE CAN REPAIR ANY PHONOGRAPH v gad Baitotohad Wlcksr Fnraltare to ardor and rapairad. nuik L CB1PP Bpme peaKrymen complain bf tha fact fltat their birds fly too much, eat tbelr eggs or other undesirable things Chickens like men, form habits early in Ufa, and it Is up to the Ten minutes after using Danderine poultry ms a to have them form good habits If ona wing of tha hen is you can not And a single trace at ollpped when ahe is yet a pullet the dandruff or falling hair and your I poultryman will experience no diffi- scalp will not Itch, but what will culty with her flying over his fences please you mote will be after a few week's use. when you see new hair, Plaster eggs scattered about will stop hens from eating their fine and downy at first yes but t own eggs really new hair growing all over the Danderlna is to the hair what Eggs unllka other farm produce, j scalp. have not suffered such a severe slump fresh showers of rain and sunshine ara to vegetation. It goes right to the In the past few years Now Is undoubtedly s good time for Utah people roots. Invigorates and strengthens them, helping the hair to grow long, to start In the poultry business strong and luxuriant. One application of Danderine makes tbln, lifeless Hun! colorless hair look youthfully bright, lustrous and Just twice as abundant. Adr. BtywIeckCiflcCi ' To English Smart Set Believes in Boxing: from page one ) aa woman a campaign candidate, i though naturally she takes kean interest In all topics of especial Interest to women. In anticipation of being elected. Lady Richard, a daughter of the Rev. E. Friestlaad. baa been photographed hard the duties of a mam-bi Far studying of Parliament . Her husband. Mir Richard Ash' mole Cooper the second baronet of bin, tins to one of too ehemlcnl man u tacts ring firm of William Cooper A rNephews. He has represented the Staffordconstituency of Walsall. shire. for eleven years. Sir Richard and hie arife. who were married April if. 1144, have three children, all boys ranging In age from ten to six (Continued Instructive Sport With Give and Take Wa raehargs and repair batteries Ilk. Expert Mechanics Only Employed. gattofactlon GnaraaleeA We are also Igrltlon Expert C. Ttr? h. BEID A BEIB Bit Ptato S. 1 't ency. SO. CB0NE CO. Ferw vty Mattel v PBOWB WAS ST4g I stettee. Aar make Ckerrle livered. Correspondence. ) The spiritual MJNICH, of Obernmmergau has been distressingly disturbed by aa American film producer offering marks for the exclusive rights to photograph the Passion Play next He first bid 44.400.444 and. misyear. taking the horror of surprise for bargaining, bo raised hie ante I to 70.000 000. Then the good peasants of Ober- - j ammergau enlightened him aa to the ' cause of their silence, and realising finally he could not tempt them, ha-p-ut his resplendent person under a. mountain of furs and drove out of the -, village In the showiest car Oberam1 I mergau has aver seen. The vlllrge is trellned to think tt has been treated Impertinently, but tt wee so astonished at the magnificent about apparition and tha easy tens of millions of marks that It forgot to find out who be was, The name of Mr. Brunett-Bmitotherwise "Annie I. Swan. a widely known Scottish novellat. is the latest to be added to the list of women can didates tor parliament at the next genera election. She probably will be adopted aa an Independent Liberal candidate for s Glasgow constitu- Ilk SfAftmlno , nod NUMU4 Motors Stasia Claaasd. Dressed aadTaps Cara lmoalted. Work called for aad detan tueoei Ago omcB rroBE MAhK. Dae. 24. years. bring tt ta ea SI EAST f Special ar Your Battery Need Bepairing? If so, now MntoJtoraJ lake We can aava you from 4 to cent on parts for your can Cabi-n- et Cara broogbt and g Sold a. Bfehorde g 7X4-7- rara Xa. . !8Pm5, URS nptlri B ADI ATOBg .RFFAjnED Ato flneto like Kw cleenel fur rar made to order. Prtei.i rtiwmibie, work Guar tBteed. a ftemedekd. Mtd HARCROrr 4 par -- rate A Fixture Co. - a 9e0 he. AUTO SALVAGE CO. m-TlB- E. Salt C. A. FOWLER Usd , CtitriM Reaeoneble Work ffVflnnteed. TANDAltD AtTO RADIATOR CO. R Wnt 4th fMkh PRTERfOX Fr lhf W p. NN TrTtxrmTinmK co. R. ai. b attentloA fiven to Baktrt, 'Coofeetloflen and ClMtlnv tad Dyelnff MachlnofT. rntuiutioii of all kinds vf maefefa-r- y Model work oleo my epoclolt y, mo for estimate, prices res Work vvemnieed. SR Wood Sth So. Speech for Charity. plsyp work-Marchioness Curaon of Kedleston made s very appropriate and sympaRVBIC CO, DiTTRNwRRRRC thetic pe-- oh at Lady Langattocke Pkese Wa St Sob Mats Stv hones South Lodge. In opening the wile of work there In aid of Ihe CTBB DB. HE1-WE KEPAU AIR Homes for Gentlewomen at Langat-toc- k A XT IKK rex e House, Tulse Hill . The 4CICK wore a beautiful black gown, Bakes Awr musical tawith a scarlet plumaged hat, and rry Reads A her Lady Liangattock .presented ad 4o plat- - Beet X20 A great with a hot quet of rosea. Few te the (Ppeclal Correspondence.) many people were present at South itrxtcAL Wertd 20. Dec. Southern where France, found Lodge, many lleeelfe they 17 West Ivt So. CANNES Villa Nevada here, 'the a. Wee. Sail tractive thins for gate. Princes Helena Victoria lunched Duchess of of the Albany, latety with the Earl and Countess properly Broken Windxhielda and 15 (Hiss Eolae Breaee of New Tork) of nfh?tS5l H If ft DAW Our into dimmers poelttoely comply wftk Royal A small party WM Ancaeter. tke city ordtfissces wo will -seed s mmn diy Chrtet. , vlted to met Her Hlfbnaaa. J" to your hF- t" yo r Mis. Ladenberg of New Tork. met broken windows oa whh an accident when hunting with Pn . Cannes nd wl Qunrn hounds, and Lady Rosa-,the or W. let Oa, mere acted aa hosiers for. her at tha.w"tp Essex Pbewe Mata M. of Countess Adele (Mias dinner r'rty she gave before tha Beach Grant of New Torki has arChesterfield House ball . - rived at her villa at Beaulieu for the LOTR WORK ICqriliM. 1IU Tti Frees fak C , season. BTotstm ed Cannes expects In December two Aad leiulKd. Briti-Field Marshals Earl Haig THE DESERET NEWS dmodiaj oed irtas Oar 'and Earl French and as Marshal it- 1 O IVlISS CanC Retain has bought a villa for hlipaelf. VTKR. , the The Dependable Paper colony looks like taking on a vary RtryHe sad Nodtr J soldierlike (Special CsN Warht, DMsnk) atmosphere. Third Meath fad Blr Richard and Lady LONDON. Dee. 24. Filbert Miller.! Wnaieh last the Riviera, also ara a theatrical producer, sails for New I wait known on soon. very coming KODAK York .board the Olympic on Wedn- - , yor the Cssi no season. M. Cor-da- y " RKPAIRINR ' Wa Paint Your Car Like New with a prominent English actor. I nurhet has again appointed Raynoldo Dvveibpihi sad Basil Rathhone. who win support ; Hahn to ha director of tha opera and ktftnttffcmt Read d your ttivkon ke-d- k PoL" Miss Doris Keane In a new play there ! lo ao FlUiu a"d "V1 the jmw tamoos i.iHktf The Cxarlna." It to a coetome com-'developed os short nlM. .which Into TtofJJUiato peo-I-I. Palat edy in wh'ch the Heroine to Catherine .tv -tke. Sfcap Empress of Russia, and deals with i plsrom all part of hsR'.ri A. M. A AdIK I'D. Ml So. stare ona of the many romantic episodes in arranged for threa U to. Rais , Ww. orchestras MR afternoon for tha special j her rather lurid career. Roe MU Mr. Rathhone will play too part of "d ovning dances in to. reatadrant. FIT VOt a young Cmmek officer. Who falls a I . ir IN1R TRASS PDVT Broken It to aet meSe fa Duyttcatule victim to the Empraaoa fllea. Thl. OCleCtS ym Ad dntd rw s eHor tcitlM v ftr to his first visit fo the United Btatea. lnjlCeSS ae impneto ororscy sad kaatlss hie Mr. Mhler la taking to New Tork Nvynt Trua "V'Ffitiofl fin Ua Were In 14 some beautiful d soigne lor costume j TO.RAMTI year ted vMlvai of the middle eighteenth century for; tirrfTAI Ill. fftqeiremeaui fie production. RSI OR1 H 'TNK Rfn,v Another Olymple po monger to M'es . Ufftkksu,! aad fro-Far R. on re cn. (Ccnf'nood Teplr Marie Corrllo. one of the most noted -. S Kset Nfakwov, of the British ptantota who alio to other nn old French boa on which w making a first trip to America- - She to paintrd a wen of old Paris i WANT ) IQ EE3ULT3 expects to make her first appearance BZL;( took the princess to 'a Queen Mary at the Palace Theatre in New Tork. famous sntlqus shoo, where they Inv Call P50. i (Copyright Hit, IBs Flue, fsk Co.) The orinceee , spected fornkuro. admired some otd Jardiniere 7FWFtment velvet chalra of too oovntoaoth eon- -, . By - -- s lory. Lord Laaraltan vtotted another on-- 1 Is tique shop and ooloctod oovoral pros- - j t- -j onto from which to mnho it final (Sporial earsamsanmoat choice. Then Included beautiful Jada, aoeount by soma ptoooo at wMeli are worth LONDON. Dsn Mrs. Aaquhh 4fto1ar4e dar- 12.40 onto; n auR at four painted -'5eB at 121. had Heppel white chalra wtth a nottoo and ta stake several ling the general ehnagee la the lineup, it keeps s hypocrite bum am i in at Vaatmiatotar a mirror, black fsoeo and a tbs days at f himself that he is hmwJL : of toe new Anne urn. which follows net when te tMFto ' It Isn't the man wt (OopvrigM. Ml The Prase Fob Cal g i , Parliament. was burn acquired xlwxye tnmitlmra toe lolly In a dally MhwUm j9 a fool XtootT no ton foveoly ovuJL knows too fox xxtHug to Why Is n No wamah keen on the right B4o of hie hint girt Once unodom xurraxtx her of thn. , 1 a knot when ho ehene vxnl before txxxjrtxg too rotolhere klmnxlf but aet to tn t tributa her to on too hvV 4C to - v MSB. tlto to her os . IfifolliMB v , .. foOm i . p. f F , ' ( Winter in Russia' Attracts World of Fashion and Wealth March-'onea- - tlmtoni J. "1 finll&ll 1 ol ' thoald I carry accident has Nothing happened to me yet? How often hams you heard, Why insurance? trust it. a small word, and it wont, protect you. Dont , ac- - travel Sie ditiib tad application form on Cb.p:fid ' ' ' V - - - issue. n Gina . n 1 Pte r NWd voM 'v Ai Holiday Present From Fond Fiancee SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE DESERET KEIVS-a- nd receive &is insurance FREE - w n Without Pajrcj One Cent of Premium. " -- dl $1000 ' h Mu-gra- 1 Insure yourself against cident for & arm English Actor Coming tr PCSupport or t Yet is fOih0ft V The horse had never been stolen YET, until, one morning:. ' open. Too late to lock the doorl they found the barn-doHIS automobile had never been hit YET, until,' one day, another car veered smack into it On his way to the hospital in the ambulance he THOUGHT about accident insur- -' ance. But it waa too late to get it j 1 t of this -- - - ; Book 9 Mrs. Asquith Runnirj Aa Serial u Ctisiitji trd is,.. ILAh f )T f Wmtcb Wot At i Tn nth mm mhun ngLht ... . Flea to b Of . , ' ! ( T $ . . , " T A 14 a v , 'Vi i S' to F, .. thnn kFl.h i o 4 1. 1 |