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Show SECTION FOUR TIIE DESERET NEWS SATURDAY DIAMOND DYES Lady Marys Society Gossip Cmw ' A)r " With Old IWmalJ Who l'rd o lliv. Com by rr(M of Wales. tolling Card (N 11111 Homc-Nursingan- ty Kngttah court --tanked In maitara of aoclal ceremony and oltroma correct n of otkiuaiia. oPt-nr'- third mambar of tha audlanea waa Lqrd I)awar. who uod to ba Blr Thomaa of thpt Ilk, who baa mada hto million out of whuky. Cartalnly thaaa war rnpreeentutlvm of tha commercial artatorrary of tha world. and' threw of -- them, -- Uadr. Llptoa and Dewar. ara bcolamao of . , quit humbla prlgln. Tha muale-ha- ll knight told from tha ory about tha whtaky baron that to geally north recounting. Ha, Sir Harry, want to vlalt Lord La-wat hia beautiful counlry-plac- a near London. Among tna eight that ha waa ahown wara aoma fin pigeon and Lord prraentad Lauder with half h. dozen of them and pakad Mm If thay ahou'd be aanl tifTil. home FOIBLES OF FAMOUS FOLK Health Hints d Nver Streak, Fade or give "Dyed tbok to Garments - or Draperies -- A M IkK M Hit: OF UhT. By M. JEAMK -- (Speqtal CerrMpoadanca ) Oh' DON. March I. Tha Blood-tllavolulla In London ccattnur Its course, and to sweeping aU boloro It. la (ho .HI MARCH 12 1921 (Written by Thdmaelvea.) UQTt'fL uxid rnmTi PONT know what to do for my ."It- doe klraady," Budded tha moth-bab-- ' f. 8h hag had aomathlag to tw kaag "Th thing a ski mors for than Ih wrong with bar skla dry," rent! sued ihs minis- . week, all Over her face and head, ter a helpmate "And r esetade (ha and I am simply deepcrala!" air aa snsh aa possible, home lime --aih.sth tollmoad 'Th Vpeakar a as athln lltfla woman b vr " had trudged down the hill from ht vaally tklaa a maek would" tha mllla ona Iroety morning to th r F Lorwtlyf ona person In tha camp who had. oa b more than one occwaion. How Mm Mako liw proved friend In need tho minuter e wife, i , gaapod the child a molh For such Is tbo freo masonry of th TT " Mountains that tbo "aky pilot." aa ho of lint. I Ihlnk Fhav made "Tee, to called, once h has establtohsd faith of a roll upstairs. Vou may tak with th people pf tha- - camp, must part It. fur I bits no use r it, and it -- BiTi-- i dig la llg. Aaihw, iL ' Barker . . Butler, I. What to your aama tn full? Ana. Kill m 9 Have you ever hed a nirkwame? What wee It f Ana. Alkd iWebuan. Ana. wore eu g iuhinf. I. waa wbv boy? hat your favoiu spurt ! Ui when yew were fn ethoolT 4 hat ainietua did yow engage and Ana. . say latt lag lo. .lakag ow happen to niret your 1 w ife and where did yetntiHTliw. hen Uod made the wot id hi planned met we should meet at Mum , , ratine, Iowa. I. Met te yssr hobby today f Ana, flaking ' n were 1. What wee yowr ninbltton when ygd boy? Aoe,Td be n freai , author. profeoaion? I. H hat event In your life routed yen to rhoowt Ami The imUmUhs that I vss more choomT wnuid yo hat 7lf yeti had yowr ue in tit over, pmfewamn Ana Authorsi.ip. It tn give way? lb, t hat euii yn dn with n million doUaiw If you tied I, How did Ann Tha Austria and than I ha Russian courtd Mood In flrat and aocoad plaoo la oislaalaanaoa and etiquette But now Ixindon, Ilka moat othor roat elttaa of tha world, of tbo ahruna bar ahouldara at unnocoaaary ecnvanttonu contlnua lo live up to eapeciaUun He -Klny Georg atanda aalda ao that. Queen Mary and Prince if.ry may when1 arttiin-nn- a i V'rar - addruw-unr wmilirtta pmcr'UHnll contains dcrecUuna au Simula that it to bear Hh Ih ldlos nrrasi pennsry siihvei eUpula'lime of Ih "rT, lltK the half roll of enow y .... . kA . a room, while aring them hlmaalf mi nAnsv' maa"" fl n ruga or antarln igaii dtamond-dy- e woman to for fun arteeora. any d weM of tw "Ye never know," ald Harry, "ao calla- to no longer considered a prceentatto feed the hungry. And s for hja wife doysotwnd widens waiTA. H aklrta, hided, h shabby blf war I ih ct Churrb. took ng th aarljr feiatorr te SUDPU9C4 to b an fficUncr mUn Thn nacoMity or even a duty in the moat Tammy Dewar coats, atorklnga, sweater, of Salt Lak. filed Elder John H. rllt,lng ,0a three with unfolded Tor aaid ha hoped Aiallad circled, Consequently vlaiuna wfola ma a letter-anAn,lr, rnsosi wverrihlng. hikst opening aud.eiice listened "dx. tottad Tigan" Squara yewtarday. mnii Mn oarda arq qua out of data, and f yoa that .1 Irked them and told ma their coiertngs. no other kind a lawyer merged iuio on. Homumit dlacloslrg Diamond nose. Buy' a and tya" to m mouth, n rout to Great liclla to lo S I ,M r" want la oonllnua your acquatmanca pedigree but Cod bleaa ye tha then perfect results ara guaranteed. Ihey ar all story srconiyanting II and mora Mr. and Mrw. Uto.r . a mtoalon.ry Uwaagroteualilheextram.: were horn again before I got T.U th elide M Tueed.y with a pleasant hnaleaa or aa agree material I your whether . ,, druggist liailao. 4 The foHnrlrr have beep hndrablr" Making wed toota te wno ah floddard left for fan Francisco I Tam- - Wool or "vh letter! Ay a abla fallow-gueanr you Just aay "Look 1 silk, pr Jf It la cotton, linen, or wno aeww (w "Thnirll. or ih TiXaiTrT-ssfrom mlsslnfisrf ssrvfcc-iToutoup' wm sier-mrmAdv- ma up fn The Tefephone 7 book, give ma for Dewar ' Y- sea, he gavg ma Ttom- a mixture. rich color "And th ah you Uun." Alls , tan, th aaid., miniatara Use itoiUaraiasi Aha .Northern totaled mtoelon: poaaJ'murmarwU of oootmro a ring between 11 and 13 ona morn- Ing pigeons."wi.. drawing her worried lltllo visitor Into essily sea hew impMsbia It will l ulMsn b.)d lnetlluia at Lod An- - F.thel Hall of Ovklcy, Idaho, and Mis Wonderful Chippendale Furniture. dovecotes of ing aoon and wa can manage a lunch Mayfair.. King Edward her ahming kitchen and skimming for baby finger to acraich through ((lc March and t. ITomlnant Itenha Dudley of Jensen. I'tah. from or dinner." Tha periodical "card leavAll lovers of beautiful furniture and was one of de Koteral can friend closest material. thla waa thick ah as takbroth aofi. For aha ,Toa ad- - the tooqt lorva cnnftrenr. Elder Alma worker of Loo Angel ing" that waa at ona tlma a fetiah In Of designs marking a certain decora- and I am told that, in spite of hto Ing broth tq apok. Umo to time. mak from masks aero Italian th family Mtimsted drMad TP. h, jt h pollta London aoclety to a thing of tha tive period, prick up their ears wheu royal rank. Ih merry monarch wa th town that ry morning. Aa ah They must b Immarutoia, oiaa a person wvr t( paet! "Chippendale" to mentioned. Like on more than one occasion exceed- akfmmad Ita plly aurfac ah wu die a.g. from tho fac may ratafact BuaUrnd.nc. A rem. Evan tha court haa become much lha "flames - "Sheraton." "Heppla-whllq- " w and th okln. Hera ingly Jealous of th success of "Blut thinking rapid y a Irri.at hastily leaa conventional of recent times. department was maintained and "Adam" people have coma Monkey" In affairs of the heart! and misery d nop hole mouth th for "aick of knowlooga aaratag. acquired war. w, an)J M) vl(l,(1 " to asaocia I e rh lt'flcnUe''. aith .dull; The king haa had a good A ImW, taken-cu- r th gildiim ftotlBii tha wm dq to do Tatelyr tram tha to inneaota ronferrae e I. of Uurtng thstraay.-laU-Vn- k. thts.-?- 1V rti - , always' has something It graccfur chairs and tables and can afty-piall protact lou her. to o( their - and- - Klder (ailh Edaae-Niek- d pinned I a ollarathe Janas May of thwaat1or-man- " about him. and It nop with actual persona. eo that T am on And If Twer you should go workers houses In fhto Syndicate Inc.) I never mw anything 'Ilka it. ' It n to a city and to ton. Wyo., from the Meat Iona coo- fact, that ha dlallkee highly Interested to note that a beau, in patch, and vary Itchy. I home and annotni tha babj'a fac with th and Vulld- - ference. health offices public aa agrees of ceremony add that tha tlful old early Gaorglan mansion oil will BEAVER. can't atop the darling scratching her arel oil. Clean aweet Mi. a Lllty'A. Frederlckson, recently Louisa W. Jones naa Iresident about twenty miles out of London ' Inga consider-ablbores safe him at well aa ton as It's 'Gao head Her fac till It anything. p service from missionary For Inaianrs. In the dayt of which waa at ona time tha residence And in charg of all arrangements and released oa mask. th Then least. faca. neck and on mora her bad. put lt'a earn to Chicago from toL laul. Minn. Continued from page two.) maetlnxa members of the Chippendale famand. ll blaada ba aura 'r-alt to. ,, good old Queen Victoria and even dur- of Tha i akin, rough I toundsy flight March g, tha M alaa for a 'Tear dayw vlett and will leave ing tha Edwardian epoch, whan an- ily has recently come Into tha mar- Munford It." Tboaa praaent were Watkln when ah scratch "Cut Her Hngcrnalto." Improvement officers offered an In- - today for full Lake lty. yone was preeented to tha monarch, he ket. H. C. Tumbow, vole waa woman' John Tha Alvereon, rjr Wordee-tershtrcut InterruptT a her Tha were a fingernail, creating program which Included oe - j The speakers at the tounday evening Chippendales or aha bowed or curtaled deeply and Rr. and Mra. K O. White. Dinner wee In fact, her general aped the little mother, anticipating a re- - lections from th President McMur - jM. I A. conjoint cervices in Logan family of soma eminence and served by the hostess. biased tha aulatrelchad hand of king ona of waa exirem pearance a wlf mark for which th minister rln quartet, compoaed of Lo Angeles toquar rhapei were MUa Bertha Thur. or queen- - Nowadays however King It to aald that Thomaa Chippendale, a George Olirott of Joseph It here . waa Justly famsd. "I hav don oo mtoeionarte. musical numbers by thoi good, Edward Morris. Mias Lilly of tha original atoca, spending a few days with relatives. (toorga and Quean Mary do not expect younger branch Children. Ollier About Horrb-n Robinson atotrra, a talk by President Frederlckson and Kay Kuaaell. Plan sufficient to already." enjoyed prosperity this act of homage They either y De. gnd Mrs. E. B. Fairbanks and and build thto house in five acres Mrs. Then there ton't I another thing 1 McMurrln on Us death of President- ! auioa wars rendered by Ism H WU "It aounda like'ecsema. muad tha M Teitjen entertained at a bow and amlla, or alaa stretch C, can say, except that hope your baby Anthon H Lund, hto Hfe and mini- j llama and Irwin Jensen. out a hand and give you a cordial of fTound as hto country residence. dancing party at the Fairbanks home mlnlater'a wife. Tha place where Chippendale first Tuesday evening. Kefrehments were At th evasion of Ih Mutual Im"Oh, dear m. 1 It catching? I will be better soon, and 1 m aur aba try. and 'an address by Dr. John T. "eltake." Mr. and don't know what I'll do If tha olhtr will." Here served. aa Thoe bis commenced Miller oo the III of Lsurs Bride-mepresent trads a cabinet association on Friday eveprovement It a still however, at maker can still be seen-- la a. little lire. Clifton McShane. Mr. end lire. Al- children And as th mintqldrs wlf watched ning. Vern O. Knudson. president of get IL" And th baby'a mothceremonial banquets at Buckingham court of St. Mre. Mr. Gunn, John and vin th Gillies, Imher way up hdr caller wending Mr. and Mr C. B. Stewart enter- the T. M. M. I. A. and a Martins Lane, Charing Dr. end Mre. Fairbanks. Mr end Mrs er clasped her hand and looked and 1 a lace, that the king should ba served Cross, but It was Uo under her tained th vtsltlncffelrte to th taacher at the Chicago student In hie daya of university, ploringly at the mlniater a wife, who hill with tha rolla of first at table. So a few of tha Harold Hodges. Mr. end Mre. C. smiled than c affluence sbo even-Inhe erected lulls, that arms, on an Relief th her Institute Instructive comforted cighqd eortoty Naomi gave Larsen. quickly. Impromptu adrulea and regulations ara and furnished after hia own Ttetjen, Henrtette Gann, Ur quickly aa ah prapared for her visit of March . About 10 uet as- dress on "Electricity wntfeon ducted liking tha Waldo Murdock and MtlqBaher. It's quite Mill prqaervad avan In thto ravolution-ar- y dwelling-place ill. war who now dtoeaae coma that baa to the Italians an Interesting series of experiment sembled and partook of th hospitalMlee Louise Levi was surprised by Oreg. It la an Inflammatory age. y Into the hands of tha dealers. "I suppose, at least, that my pro ity of tho Stewarts. An Intercstlnc with th usa of liquid air. -her school friends at her bom Friday of the akin, vary Irritating, and It For Instance, you must never turn And speaking of Chippendale de- evening. Ion Win make U iropoaalbl for program w as rendered by members of Thar aertoua fluid. a exudea script O. Patriarch Presiding Hyrum your back upon the king or queen or signs, switches my mind off to anah faca." 111 be deequamatlon too I mean th th child to acraich her tba Blewart family and th mlaaion-arie- a Smith of Ball Lake City 'visited the end Mrs Ira Baldwin ere rejoicany of tho royal family should you other quarter. Lady Victor Paget, ingMr.oer to something." that 'And arrival of a daughter, born akin will flak off In tiny particle." mused. labor Inc In Los Ancele- - Re- Chicago and Milwaukee branches of ba In tha same apartmynt with them. who divorced her husband (he to a to there the Monday, March 7 freshments were served. the Church lain week. 'At the M. I. A. Also you must never sit down In tha younger brother of the of Henry Otten and Mtnnl Edmonds D. Lynn Openahaw of Provo. Utah, Marquis Mrs. Lorenso Walban end children Arisons. Is visiting her. parent. Mr. eeslon on Friday evening he gave an both of Salt lake. presence of tha monarch unless you Anglesey) tha other day, waa before of Salt Lfkt are here for a els weeks' and Mra William Hurst. and L. McDonald of E. are Instructlva address, dealing Iq a hisPrice, MUHcent M and Myrl Porter Prancia receive special permission to do ao. Mr. her marriage Mlee Olive May of the visit wUh.Mre. Walban a parents, of tho torical way. with the offleo o? Patri" L Haggle, both of Tooele. Midvale, and attsndlnc the dental school n Maids Stand Till They Gaiety Theatre. She waa q charm- and Mrs. George Goodwin. MANTI. Griffith Clyde Pugmlre. I'niveralty' of California In thto city. arch from the organisation of th reand attractive are Mr. Mrs. Tolton Grant and ingly looking Dlamondvlll. PreI-dedainty Wyo. Little. Verna moat I. March Church until the present day-- Elder ntxht. May of Wednesday Mary, to tha despair girl who danced most engagingly. Her ceiving congratulations over John Alfred Lambert and Grace and Mrs. Joseph W. McMurrln Smith left for Salt Lake City on Satof her acquaintance, likes standing, slim club met with-M- r. Thw Hopele of a eon, born to them at Parowan In Bali which encased the of both Lake, legs always Pring, entertained the- mlasdnnarlet of Do urday fnorktng. and will do ao for an hoar or mors long black silk stockings ware quite Wednesday, March 2 Glen Ray Hlxoa and Helaa M. Ruby Boyden Tuesday event. Mi J. Frank Pickering, lecturer - on Ancele. Interestlnc fame wer in. vllhout fatigue. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Teitjen enter. C4e CImii and Grate Clark iter both of Ball lake. celebrated and she was known Imwith western topics, delivered a lecture dulged tn. Interspersed find thto habit most distressing, fama as "the girl with the Chippen-to tained at their home Thursday evening the hoetee in enleriainln Idaho Pocatello, Carltol. Carroll Fred In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Deweyi Baker, RefreshMattie Hoygan entertained her end Anna Judkln.' Kansas. Mi promptu musical numbers. for they cannot ait until she does Sunday afternoon under the auspice dale legs." Mra.'Lottle Fearb.Misa Naomi Larsen, Beehive swarm last Saturday Fifteen - Another ment were served to about 11 f uels. of the City of Milwaukee. Win., rule apparently to unalterat Hsnry Charles MaSorensen. Mendon. -' London 'haa alayi bad a habit of and Milo Bakewera Meta. present member Jeaal Brooklne, and sweet of Numerous bunches museum lecture hall. No young man can In vita i fatatenlng aoma sort of nickname to It peas tha- - Publio able of Falrvlew irlalted Utah, Mrs, Hyrum Pollock entertained at Christenevn Earf Mo. rooms d . .decked were A the In him. 1,400 with attendance-ento dance Nearly prin- ceiebriUea and I. waa reminded of herhome Wednesday everting. Those in Manti thla week. princess Ernest Hollcroft and lna Edmiataa. On ths sventnes f March t and many wer unabl to cess intimates that It Is her wish that thle fact tha other day when walking present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunn, admittance Lowrv entertained a num-he- r both of Balt Lakt. Rn,of Dee t. a Mutual convention of tbo ,Los to tn halL Thla waa gala should dancs with hsr. Also along Piccadilly- 1 pmeeed that tam Mr. sad Mrs Gua Fernley, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Pickering's friend Tuesday -svsnlng. Lo Sherman. Elleworth Carnet H. A. Christiansen, Mr. and Mre Arwa Los in held conference wsre served.third lecture In If the king or the FrlncesoJ Wales ara out Portuguese nobleman and courth Museum and Liand Sldnay Baker, Ogden, Utah. Angeles Low, Mr and Mra Dennis White, Th Hopeless Alumna met with Mrs A under th direction of Elder brary hall and ha has also appeared Utah, snd Angeles expected to he present at a ball, no tier, thq Id&rquia de Soveral, who nold Page. JlMr Mre WUl Oakden, Mr wild Mrs Lydis Bowa Tuesday .evening. 6ieclsl MeGeorge W- - Porter. B1 nekton. Utah at- - r artoua t h catrca OIud--- nr Cornwall, superintendent 1nth Wlaeonaln' "dmeing to commenced until ona or tha haa "for many years been known. IS W. and J Robinson, Mr and Mrs Ralph ' sueste were Meedsme Carlyle Munk Laon Calvert Endlcott and 81na So- Friday night a model pro- city. , other arrives, and then-- Hat of names society circles aa Blue Monkey.' Mr and Mr. Melvin Me- - jsnd F. Willard son. Balt Lake. of Hutching, both Hanaen, was phia th of with of th- guest to submitted to tha king aubject When Portugal waa a monarchy d Mr and Mrs Robert White snd glvn and Lily War- gram s the Eaaron Alfred Am feature. Superintendent Mr and Mr. Wendell Stout the prince who then Indicates to Soreral- was - It -- ambassador to the! singer. Refresh pring ren. both of Balt Laka. EPHRAIM. of tho President Madsen I' hostess with whom they will have Court of St James and so dtroted i manta war served by th hostess, Cornwall, and B. Andrus. Holliday,George -HtouM.- conference snd " Presddent WeMunln the pleasure- - of damping wnd--wht ho to London Thkrh haa never left It Is Bertha E Beardshail, Balt Laka. a. Mlee week with Margaret spending and th addressed Kalll Lamon - dances ibey-wiamission and of daughter, W the reserved. Rurnwr John meeting. and holds a sort of unofficial position and Mr. and Mra. Chase Mur leftMre BlanchforBUy. California where they White, both of Twin Fall The "selected buds'- - are then In- as guide, phlloapher and friend to Joseph play were Saturday night two one-sThursday dork eeverai -- week with Mra Out Katoa and Lola Forbes, both of given snd n historical pageant. On formed of Jhe honor that to about to the dethroned King Manuel. Mra Lottie Rearer left for Salt Lake will- wend Midvale. Facta a boat year aaaM Ha Bailey's mother. Mra Catherine Thompbe conferred upon them, and they A very ugly man, de ooveral haa al- Sunday where she will visit relatives plays Th Neighbor by Zona ThompJaulas. MKIIll. .Nv.. and of th was Georg son, and her slater. Miss Agnesthe ft BMaalagi wbeaeo H waa await the fateful moment In a stats ways beet renowned for the perfection Mra, L, A. Harris entertained at her son, presented by th Santa Ana been loam Magna. hav spending who Fotopaulon. and Th Slav of the of high nervous tension. of hto clothes, and although he to old home Friday evening In honor of her toertvegj Its slgU1saea Charles R. Henshaw. EvanavHla.'Ind , missionaries, coast. Mr. BaileyL the yoa Alice thirteenth ona-ab birthday a Balt A Reddick. Balt Lake ne still haa the air of a beau of the daughter Camel" a Mart play written bysupt. .Theatrical matters dohot oftsn-awekr gay aag laekr Jewel. J Bighteew- - -- guests were entertained and. Butcher. Bingham Cornwall, was Interpreted by th Loj Fred --Ttkymond Johanaon Ho earned- - the sobri anniversary Garnet Mra. Edwin a subjects for my --weekly part --regime. ' and dancing ..crtncniUy In honor of the fourth canyon. and Lueil Anderson, Balt Angela missionaries Tho pageant of, f MILDRED MARSHALL tterto you. but 1 "wavhtghly en- quet of --"Blue Monkoy'- prextimably present,,joyed. Th.music waa of her eon, Ry. Lake. lx historical episode of Church bto- -j birthday waanntvereary shaven chin and birthday cake with IScenterpiece tertained tha other evening by 8Ir because of his candles. 2 to gucata served Dinner Echo Brtgga was surprised at her tory were vividly posed by represen- I Harry Lauder at the Palaoa theatre his pndeniable resemblance to xmr ELIZA. Mr. and Mra. (trover Hanson hav home Saturday afternoon In honor of returned ts of as maqy different branches who gave his usual brilliant Scottish Darwinian ancentor. home after spending several The her Elixa to another of th Elizabeth birthday eighth anniversary. f hia In thto porformanco th house in ia and aaid To while program-otlmt Hi Salt Lake City It younger daya time waa song story, week music. in and Anna games Mr spent on box sat Sir Alfred .Butt, tha he waa a terrific lady killer and many Refreshments cycle of feminine names. With the crowded to capacity. Mr. Ella Bailey andafternoon were served. for entertained Sunday I nightly lessee and manager of tha romantic stories are told of him and ingle exception of Mary; there to no Thursday evening. March t. Mr and Mra Cheater George are Frost Peteraon. Twenty enterCharlotte Mrs. H. name In the language of any other Kathan someone and Mrs. Nelson theatres In question, 'In another box hi love affair. Probably rejoicing over the arrival of a son born guests were present wax Sir Thomas Llpton, of tea and will publish his memoir one day, and to them Wednesday, March I tained th missionaries of the Los An- country which has ao many full Independent offsprings El Ira ' Mra. Margaret Wallace of Phoenix. fame, while another there will be a fearful rustling In the Shambocky geles branch at dinner. Four coura CEDAR. werviatd which ar ftrst gtAhc, were served and cover woud aeam to 't Special Correapondence.) bo onlr Elizabeth with one syllable 19. LOS ANGELES. Mre. forMra. March I of Elder has wife waa really-Woodland, ball T. C annual Ths Sophomore' interesting little held Friday exening in the B A. C Utter Hewlett pt Salt Lake City baa Thomas C. Woodland who to laboring history of her own. for faw last week been th decorated waa Th visiting hall name haa who The meant of course, God't auditorium. In Alhambra, at present and with flowers suggestive of spring In with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. been laboring In th mission for ap- oath. Tho dlvlna title known to man W the class colors, old rose and green FXewart. on west Ingraham. 81nce her ai before with to revelation to Mosea in two special vtoltlng year, proximately The B. A. C. orchestra furnished the stay the city Mrs. Hewlett haa ap- her Mra. Woodland's resi- the. hurtling bush waa tho Hebrew word husband music. numerous on at occasions oorrea El. peared which pond to our term dence la at Willard. Utah. The first year domestic aelenee girls In Deity. Thto word served as a prefix rendering vocal gatherings, An athletle club waa organised of the B A. C. entertained at dinner Church room. solos and assisting In the Instrumental th Lo Angeles branch laet week. to many BIbllcaJ names. Tho first was Wednesday in the B A. C dining The Home Economics club met Fri- work with the well known Stewart Harry West waa elected president, Eliaaer, tha name 4f Abraham's stow- -' Mra Ryan spoke on Trio composed of her mother, brother with an executive committee assist- ard who wont to bring homo Rebecca.: day afternoon Woman and the Law," Mrs. Lillie U and sister Later to Elcaxar events and Mra. ing him composed of Ralph Hultgren. and waa th nametochanged Jonea gave current Fhwewew-JotmsmElder Benjamin - Goddard and wife Clive Aaron's sldast sur- applied 8ornon. Gonrley and Haroldfievg--enterEtta Leigh and Kr" to delightful-weekg? and about "Mr.-ikfrv. ' Row T: dust. Light yefreshments were iedr vanga Los Angeles last week. On 8unday tained at a delightful dinner party on Following thto bit of etymological served.. The Junior Beehive Girts of the Elder Goddard and wife addressed tha the evening of March L Elder Mad history, Elisa would seem more likely home of In Lna Angeles Saints their morning West ward held a party at the Woods and Cornwall. the feminine of Eleaxar than n mers Mies Ila Splilsbury Saturday evening assembly. By special request on Mon-da- y penTYeahalm. direction of 8upt Claud contraction of Elizabeth. Tba latter ax- -, Under the and tefrahments -- Elder Goddard consented ed Games Mtxnrion- - Mutual. planet Ion to. however, mott generally- night 'CT Cornwall orrhr were servyd to remain over a day Ibngef and fve uVito-n- . Time in Many Instances. Freabalrn. Wood and adhered to, due perhaps to tha InfluMiss 'Matilda Petersen and the Say It Strengthens Eyesight 50 P.er Cent in One Weeks benflt pf hf S1"4 of. Quayle ence of Elizabethan' poetry and drama.-whic- h class entertained for the f?r. Grant and Sisters Sophronl and at the end of ax , induced fierce headaches, I have worn Mothercraft silo th endeavored to Improve on NEW YORK. Dr. Smith, a well weeks the cnl prepared forjan Bronion left L Any!, nijrht school memben and th1r part-- f Ictnlty oyo waa pronounced saved, i glasses for several years, both for dls- - nera Dx Judklna. A. C autordium Tuesday in B of the good queen, by terming th hold known ey epeclallst.-An- d Ariiona. will tour nd Aleixh-wHhdtit wbrTrfc think Jut Am ytngf H her Ettoa, nfl 'fWn Interesting pro rami kfaaaachusetta pbyalclmn knd medlckt eye means to thla little girl Another theijj I could not read my own name i evienfny ing UfutuaT emwetitltm Include rest of th vniny Th popularity and prevalence of about la that of a lady 93 years old on an envelope or the typewriting on given. ,nThePlxY1" concerts. The Itinerary author, mske thf following report case and dancing tha machine before me 1 can do both Pnt game witb-du- ll me and vision came to Eliza She became in the! southern widespread early 15 places, covering the sfter h thorough teat of a popular extreme Inflammation of the lids and now and hav discarded my century and there ara frebranches and the northern stakes and nineteenth raw After taoce ylaasea altogether I can 6ount remedy for the eyes the conjunctiva waa almost instances of early names being! head McMurrln quent attention o the Dr. on Smith: When President my leaves the the Bays two weeks' use of 'Hd: acrossfluttering tres branch. was flrat called to it I was inclined the street now. whlch for sevgiven In baptism to different children.. normal and her re the party. rule of are as bright ar many of a girleyeof eral ears have looked like a dim green MARRIAGE s It la In the same family. . to be skeptic!. But new treatment a 19 " blur to me 1 cannot express .my joy. mine to give every The aquamarine te Elizas talisman-- ! , at value. It ha done for me what its to chance Having prove tteeeeee The feflewteff aMirrtege ic grm. It promt Tier travel and - specialised In eye work for many year Pr, Judkma Massachusetts phyaicfgp It to believed that thousands who ' were mmmm ty rkrk and many new friends Batur-:-- d change (be author, formerly chief of wear Iwerj I feel qualified to express an intelli bbd medical hj 'can now discard them In glasses the eyes. clinics In Ike Union General Hospital,n a reasonable ay fa her lucky 'day and g her lucky' gent opinion onhaaremedies for time and multitudes mors (be wrk tmmm FHdeyt , crested such a sen Boston.at Mass', and formerly house number. Kince this one be able to strengthen their eyes i or ebset a hat cough If setrf the Nw Knrand Eye and Ear will T you ration 1 welcomed the opportunity to CorTexpdndence I to be so (Bpedal .W illard Oiaen and Nellie Helen the trouble aq and spared throat wit-of Carl sarrneas, Maine, Portland, aays: Infirmary told accompanied test it ( began to use It in my pracexpene of ever getting gtosee. Eye'DaVi. both of Balt Lake, HICAGO. March . Mrs. Emtittle over a year ago and T am tkcVIe, hoarachwa, or difficult brrdthlng, tice trouble of ntftrtv description may b Jacob Warlund add Selma Johnson, or f tout child wakes up during ths frank to aay that some of the reeultg in benefited manwonderfully ily Stewart of Salt Lake CHy, tt thiaay I have accomplished wjth. want quick ner Go to anv drug atnra and get a both of Balt Lake. night with croup snd you connected with the Primary not only astonUh myaelf. 1 but also other bome-maof both-o- f old Dissolve Fred Nellie Blrh tablet. and bottle, Sliney. hrip, try (Copyright. 1SJ9. By Tha Whealat whom have talked one tablet In a fourth of g giaaa of wa- Focal Clio, Idaho. . physicians with association social service work, cough re edr. Anr druggist can upPF Syndicate. Inc. about K, snd I advireevery thoughtful ter uce from and to two four a times Pour of A. ounce Fine. and Smith and- th William 'Hedln and Mafy Weyland. witft Misers Edith the r&me physician to givs day. You should tmtlea your ve clear both of Salt Lake, careful trial I have and there la no tVvnto"0 up perceptibly rirht from tha start ana - Mar Cowler. aito- of Salt Lake, are In that he will come to doubt In my mind and (aura Martha inflammation and redness wit! quickly puffin Lay!! her tho conduMon I have, that It opens the glasses u We ca a usa ctanfi4 molaoti, houev. or 1 Chicago, vtoitlog tho Hull House and of (disappear n of Balt the If and bother Powell, you your ayes you door for the cure of many eye trouble as common as that of the even a little. It is your duty to take4 David Hcnderon. Bevrrldge and cora arruo. instead of angar arrun. if 0,j,er aoclal aetflementa The party which have heretofore been difficult to tooth nniah'- - f am thoroughly convln-- 1 j steps to sfcve them now before U is to Myrtle Mary Logah, both of Rock o Great,, a w.ek cwpo with. I have had Individuals who red from my experience with for thla visit, late leave, blind It Many hopelessly might Wyo, hod worn glarrea for years tell me they that H will strengthen the eyesight at have saved their sight If they had tipring, to coat, - Britain. to a daughter I Balt Lake, Clifford Johnson. Stewart Mrs. af.tlt. and in tsatea the good, with ph them have dispensed through v cared for their eyes In time. Vera Wickla, DeS Moines. Uaa. fV qUM!k of Elder Ceorge Attierfmlth. Rfea-- i Vi my own practice t use of P" NOTE Another prominent physician I Kayold T. Stamp. Loving. N M, and Tto hove reew If 'strengthen the oyerighf whom to "flan Cal tha abova waa article Francisco, Kelly, mors than 9 per rent In erie week's.- weakneaaea and f 'a ident of tha European mtoalon. You ran feel ll.i. tnk. bold many wojvenr glsn-- i miltedv said: Yea tho Bon iio rp A, Mor- Harry A Onell and ! have also used It with aurmenu bitsmc. 4 111 b knodr kccord-fuuffh that pf JG 1 sooth m 4 to a Is that Uodwg ncriptfoit wonderful glad both !daho df aTocsteno, truly prls'lag results la of ee t gan th RbVsin. Smith and Judkins there 1a remedy Its ropgtltuent Ingredients m4 It Heneeit Ogden. fifth Lftk City, t I tah utrcet snd cv WrB cfvk -- -- Infla.-- l Uda, mlar Ing to Dra and Henry Eighth hclp fnr them Many ra well known lo eminent throat trckl and oolht tsd bAl th KfMa Klmmer Milwaukee Wla. Thai eoejunetlvltl.s palnl whose bop smarting, weak-coand widely preecribed eye eye were fiffng say they have specialists 4 .rritated metn brand that line th threat In Chicago for a few days' rtolt On . byj- - Robert E Watson and GUds Turner Itching ya 1 refa', aching.colds, restored thla had V their eyes by . bronchial1 tube with auch prompt 'Saturday and Sunday ha naa In Mil- Idaho hr,m' and dust son. of Pocatello both and JtV amoks, from who once and markable many remedy th' fatatita ( Chae U Hoch.traaeer and Annie wind, watery eye, blurred vision, and laid have wore them say j wanke. VYlaconain. wber be former- they glaese too condition other la fact many atoau "f- V j Oh man a ft after ttang It: A Mid. aaawwM to- mentioneaala tkla haa Jaat ly reside 4 and where hto brother. C.J waa aimest blind. Cnoid net dew that aw and striklag K,t" (rated compound of geniiin Norway L. " Uueckert, waa president or the ," to my attontlaa I that tn read at til Now I can read every brought haa Hnkotk beat : Ha extract, aad ia probably the thing wit heat any glaasea and my ey at ar girl I t yaan nWL Two lofal trlnch vt the Church tor mm pramiqot Arvtd Talrld Rrinck en.4 Angeborg ItiHwra to above. Is not a 4s not hurt any mora. At ftf evrotn mg ssrers patent medicine or JuTfana yc pctoltota, after a thoroulrh Borg both ef Balt l,ak Mr. Rueckert wig accompany j It is an ethical would p1n dreadfully. New they feet secret remedy eolda. sad. cheat am last ton. yar aeeordlng to throat eongha, MrGrtt, Ney Harry IX KyrtskoiwlosMarnn.' tha formula being printed on the eight flu all th timer Tt wa Tike a mireHs imitation hto non. Elder Albert Rueckert, re father, that In order to aava Thera ar many worth! te ms A lady who used tt says 'The tba parVaga. The many fact veers gut. and Teeslo Rodopolou, ad bar right ara. tha toft meat be TV Toung and Hannah of the mixture. To aro.d diaappomL cn!ly released after a successful Hrmett to strengthen eyesight 99 per Whfla awaiting aa111opportanlty atmosphere seemed hasy with or with- ante at Pineg talon, to hto aentem home. k for ?'4 onne MltXt tmth of Ogden, aadacldad out glauoee. but after uaioo this pre- cent In one week's time Id mdny aag at far tha oparattoa bar or refund the money. If la disfor 11 daya verythtug enema Boy Thurman and Adah Carter, hath wtlh fuP direction and don't accept anyMtoelon Preetdent nnd Mr. Winmow fatbar waa told scriptionI ran to If wtadaan. even f rend fine With rant fy ekaoial under Rawlln. Bon res Onarnnteed to Wye y by print perse good r Rmttlr-h- d tkmr el ft waa Id do a barm to aa Mrs Gertrude' Mne Opt. oiear, Aretfeet wko Jamoe AuHutTf,?ifTIBnin, and Naomi aatiafartion InhtofheradThg Tha rtry drwggtete - or money promptly Isa tba tbraa dara a marked lta- - out glaesea bothered Peru, Ind . nn Saturday and flatted Phramm-Johnee- n AT Tt with Nefeon. Bremen. Mas wa both end sard ef the Advert tore. eyestrain IhO. Tt. twna nofked. ki Piae The funded. Wnyaa. Cc, of a confer- occasion on ths caused by evyrwerhsd, tired eyes which Sunday, . Antonia Barer Leone and Gulaep a, yap th toflammatloa anca of tha Northern Ind.aoa Saints piss Laraee Nottl both of Balt Jake. hd. -- Iron-boun- d r -- ar Iear mar sas snss.s tag ksk Tr Y yottrrent 4 -p- - dre, lhnw ur' d a!7J d t, raliia e, Wht-w!ihrbhy- aiy ae 1 t- - ... u lntetid pic. itoto.,. yok tv - ..Ih frv-s- m ' ikt o7TrJSr.1t7'idwJUrafl l: ; . n t. L j gefeg! ,. well-know- f er . blda f . ). , diacour-agemrnt.- da-g- aim-pl- 4. d n. -- com-parati- & uau-all- rj Drop-Quee- nt ta al Har-tun- aeitd ladlea-tn-walt-- g, Fv f.-V -- - - a cor-rslat- - i - uffhal s in a Name V Hn et i ' ' -- bla.-for- 01. m fr -p- eal-io-roe Pacific Coast News lo i' i Of Interest to Utah ? , n - - Eye Specialist and Medical Author Report on Wonderful Remedy - ! ct n Jr nd Eyesight wera-play- I long-dta- J, ' the-nam- -l Bon-Opt- LICENSES 1 Chicacro JNews sur-ren- Bon-O- Bon-Op- to Bon-Op- to , Bon-Opt- o d ..... - Sk'ft: nr.cl Bon-Op- to Lad"rd Bon-Opt- o. sub-Ma- ca wt riA work-atral- ' dcld. hf t , , - b;.Rvw preparation. mo ! , - -- -- ' T: , tfn mia-tae- lA |