OCR Text |
Show f to. t 4- i : TIES DZZZZZT NEV3 9 Cte:MZ8 CtMf 1 Mvtfe Tmpn ii4 Dolly KihH ?! V t'rTf, - P Rlr(i. PlfU MplM. if. Om r Wjrtaitiii; apply ntw tttet nrBaciuj'Tum p4 mlfW'llcus may k irnn, win yield to Om AIIw rMirulourty r;) Mf'd wiih (lie d image U flsmaa Industry sod eomnieiv, And wfcen pooplq to y that M retard nratj b bad far Oarma ladoatry and rwnmcrce, I hay Ulk foAltobly, for U to only by Jit snereM of trsriqpn Industry sad Uitl the Allis rw hep tah paid at llL ......tit . .1 ru ed!W COOls rnla-.4 itnltuaul TflE SIMPLE . ICITOE M is i.i:;ri t'h " . - A 4 s . 5 IV t r Proaldoncy. CLOSING IT 0:i: I j t: OHIO RIOTS AND THE STATE MILITIA. THE RANKS. -f TylTH neither unseemly hsfle.ooc unnecery delay, the Fint.Prestdeney of --.the ' Oireh has been reorganized arid billed, foltow--u tif Ih vacancy created in (la ranka by the death of President Lund, The importance of "Hi labors of this council or quorum, and the qjaitudg and multiplicity of Its responsibil--KU- s, are such that anf hnpalrjrieat of Its aven-- a abort time- - would - be a!3elenf or to tha manifold - iniemts of tha Tirioua and Ha welfare. The near approach of H General Conference, with lit inevitable, teeraasa of subjects and policies 'requiring careful consideration, to another and a special Ciaon far baring the presiding aothorUyfutly A ' iniied and ll In the advancement pf Prgtmht Cbarie W. Penrose to bp first couoseior Presidency, and the salaclkm of Elder Anthony tt. Ivins to ba second counselor, the Latter day Saints both fsr and near will take great Cgsf action and Joy. . Perhaps rarely If aver Mfcre in the histoiy gf the Churfh bave tfis snds of the members been so completely prepared for and agreed in advance - upon the action which was this week iofficially taken. It is as though tha people had raUned already in their hearts and by , their votes President dyint's choice, of counselors before lhe elections were formally made. It to a remarkable instance of tha paopla and their leaden seeing and it is an aeeursnee that when the names are submitted for the approval of tba body of tba Church in conference assem next month, ,tbe vote .of confidence and seoeptance will be enthusiastic, unanimous and ' , - v i UMferved s to the men thus honored In the sight of Sad and men, little need here.be said. Their Jupahave been as open book before during many years They are filled the wisdom and powes that belong 4o ihair high calling, yet they have the patience ikXC charity and the humility 'befitting true ot tbc .M09lJlh.Xheuxiited Jove amt . MfVSntS shot of such mm as President Grant and his sennSeton Prceldeet Perrroe - and ' President v Ins in behalf of the Church and its members, jives assurance oj the welfare of Zion and the yrogfeet and prosperity of all who are devoted her establishment in strength and beauty In he earth. -- y-f- !k alppwitbdelayv. - ? ktr airy nntmng. Woo, ll.SCt.lt w tye-to-e- ye; m ts ah THE' WATTS ON THE RHINE. AMERICAS interest in the Allied occupation German-citie- s in the Ruhr sgion, by way of enforcing compliance with he Indemnity terms prescribed by the Paris ionfmnec of premiers and latr confirmed at London, is chiefly related to the status and lOaiUqn of the smaU American army slilf left m the Rhine, It is improbable that our trqopa eiTTbe AfpectMTo lake any carl i joint miliary BBOvemenls of Ibis eharacter our attitude n the matter having b?;n made clear on a pre-'tooccasion, and there being no retson w hy 1 should now be reversed. Nevertheless, conk sr almost certain to arise under the KClcf to which the Allies arw committed; wad be eetatjtehment of a eustoms frontier at Cob-- k todald seem to make it advisable that this us r-U-ooi it" at as early a datg as posh it to. W pMBwhile (be close of the, ftrat week of tri!J earrjaiioa of Um snhr aiUe brtaga no T a cfaeiocy sohitiou Of Uie eoatro- - 0 rTljr''at 1 ' , ihr tsiaa acygr- a- fjr C7 aye CHai ia-- rHIO stale militia have been called to Moaa, ruT r- -. r- tit. - fur coats r an cloudy lacomra era . fug clou, n puffa.' formation, whTTa flabiSaTTon thte Wirmor of It la Idaat Lhal'ar tough, knotty aa arartaatlng. It la VUlona. IVroama, Longlaga an Hnart-stur- t, aa Ilka brala-atothat, n llll.ir OP , ll'ic . Z.CU.l-MENSSH- - Ta yaa, thaae aplriiaal velaaa Mumbar a fnrTfTTrtwwiiaaacwvartr"wr-tharfca!y eiMailaflad. Tbay ara aa of car Mr n4 ol4 laca. Ton rati yaa aliHWla af mlo prarUraJ-- . . H la eat an Mothlng hi aa rMeeary. wntM ire'mxff' alioavHia v"' Trararrv . hoar." af". k..lha Ibingi yow tan hanSla; aurh. for Inataara. aa joba at III a wank. r al.batraTTUhopa' "ri,nfr.onaa, arrptrra ar fluff. Ihla, ring an , r- t4 sra iny Ihleaa la Kara aar lies foe tha tarmuUtloa W aark Kaautirul Aaatna. I. for oo, aha aoaiiaare. rbh I yvul fat a at 111 a vrasr, as that I rfar MaUa ta hl r faeillrr But. N'limbn Twa, yon ara wraaa. That la eat what I tba traobla woh ou, , Tear troahta. an ateaa I S aot keaw yee I eae ba raSrlr frank, la that yaa ara thlaklag la larmi of Extareal WKmK a tha traobla wUD mot falke 'fisr f-- sprang w la baa 'war. ibo irouMa aHi!! ar ua imw waaae W that w sewlhl kar wiaSUe tot aaarw. InSutata la f - ll Is44 aria wall -- wrrtn. n ah With gleas ysiew .Meatless ' .V nM MM. tM added I euM OfUta skies eaHlr (l1a a Iks eu-eak a etagoamae, um sea naa. IkM, Mow, SMtkw girt ksitti wrliaa la an iku whlla girt Ham bar Om TO SALT LAKE. 1 HE Cnnrrttrtlon of tha slata of Ifah rrquirae In Aritc!e IX, Sactloo L that tha Irylslatura . a( I he aesalon followtnv the anumrrtOon of ! to bwp. Cl. . XL inhrbltsnta of tha slat la I KB and every other o11 Address lenlh year thereafter, and tUo at tha session psbllralien I THE EHITOA. follow1!) the enumeration made hy (he (rncrsl MeKlseef. 11. I'm KtrmlUi . SotrrmiuTit (that is. Iha decennial cenoutt, . ,NWY rs ortle fifth A ll Mlrhtgs rfflre JH eii mires iWhvwaowd!tittt-ttirTrPfl rttowrietr f fo vwtrHt - Trim a MS Hobart Bids . Pan senator and feprearwtalhrve no Iha haoia of nrb emime-alto- n .. Biii'H at tbo poeff- - of Holt tok ltr. arconllnii to ratio to i aiattor eceerdisg u A el 1 Ciajf A;- - and Pcrlim 3 U. f.tcd f.y 9d declare that ImA I, IITI. a hits the was to consist tfair en(i orcinally evctwetrelvterMrted to t 14 member and tha house of 4memScriL" la t tha- - traUiU,r--WM- yl t ap wt tncresSe (be number Of tfca lapalpwa tablfVH sr, a4 acnatprs sn. rr,,pecnUtives, Ah HffMa f NpPbUndol af mve'M etc, (. Wl Iff , TI.Ule 0ltlntkm w adopted by the V A Ill'll 12, IK1 in Xoicmlr IM5;:sad slnre Janusf LAKE CITY. tyXr 1- 1H?C I La cuniiitOnweaTili him been art In under . GENERA, OOMTUUCK NOTICE. , it. without harm cheated, daring all I h 23 year, tha hia r.f representation In srnirdinre ..XhajOnaty-flrat- . Anausl Caatrsl. .Cos. srribtbeThavrt-rcontemplated fsevens of tha Church of Jrril Oirtst fif ' and Indeed required by lbs proviaipna quatad. cesvs Salata la.tfca will It has remained farjhe prrpqnt ; legislature, .limnfcr ; .Tabprsado, Malt La Ira City. aa. Boeder, whkb ts now In Its closing hours, Xo comply m with - April trd. ! o'clock wlihthis con.nuillnnal Pfoi(oi..n4io -- . alaa afTcmeo; Tnra oKnise a fundsmenlal Amerkan principle by dsr and Wadnadar. April Ilk, Itk and (th. Increasing bait represenlalkm in 'A apaclal PrleaOtesd nytini will ba the Irgi.lature to spprotlmaUly iqch number ',lald la lha Aaaambly Ball kfnada? a 1 ee Is justified by Um county's iooreiaed popuand a yontral rrlaatbood maatlac to lation. Perhsps Bali Lake coon ty hge not suf-fer- ed 'tha Twbarnacla Tuaadap iwtlif ai I p.m. any part lculAP Injury Iq 'tbkpaai by raa-a- on It la raaoaatad that In arrsiiflat mlaaloD. of being inaufflelratly rtpresenlad to arr rMtfbMi ata. thero will ba no conflict la a. there is nothing of resentment ta ha Iraasured dktoo H MM Mth Aha forafolny appoint-mantin anpry mamory. But the people's sstiafsflton in having been si last accord ad the representai . KSBBR J. OBAirr. tive tSrights Uo which they ere justly antitied is e. w.Tt-fRcwCHARtei snd will Bttnrally.ht elt tha quite JuaUrie V rvurs. anthojit y? for having been to long withheld. , greater . . Tint . a I eta fM tkr wwini fcjr hates scmi.b ttu.Lt I girt la Wtia weetaO. liiru. Ik rn riuri t4fr. ItatM isll0. pt ftr rl ... t MAFpH 12 1C2J n Cmr!ALS. tree t lspars ttP aatsttmt Mfclt . r Tf fy f bill ( fiATtJ l Hdto'IUrTIOS By SATURDAY adcqual Ncioo MMil . for tha aotectiaa f He hkb tha Alltaa bava fsasasitsd. tieengh tltry mtfht errvt If the K3 vafa c!y MwXsr an. Tba kvytaf of Use apaa iopartt fraai af I oi many, and tha tund,,: Ik Ehteft UWT Sm raU , ff laat. fnrlaln ahrrw 1aa " of Bncrmtea, om asm concnpla of Plato an of flomcr, andur an ahall andura Whn all axiaUni Iron fouadrtna ara cold, and all tha ganarala, mlltlonatraa of onra dominating Oraaea ara blown away . lets tha ditch of oblivion. ArUitnM, Dartuw PtoJamy a a Tlwawe-argona. Thaaa aamra. onra biasing aunw hart fadad Into thn night pf fclatory. But thn Taa Idaaa that ncrurred ta um Moaax fr firing, vibrant, f. roaful I eomprlHng, ftatarday, todar an foravar In humanity, Ko, pat, yon ara wring Oattlng aa doan eat matt ar. A joh nor inesmo. fruit, antnal brlrkhata an gold atuff, mon of. go-d- i "tkma flo not mart. ' But to graap ona troth, to faat thn thrttl of n great Idas, to lova someChlng that to beautiful an somabodythat Is good thaaa "high a ' mattar. i (Copyright, list, by tfOTE. In my jroeont artlolo nftoaa Thing a Toang Lady Want." X SluuofW. tba ypune tody wko rrotamt tba lattar khtl I quota had approprtata thru polnta from pan -qrtlala In tha Woman'a Homo Com 1 . ion. X had not aaaa tbo artlcla, an not know tbla wbfn I prrparo mlna. Cradlt, tharafora, for tbo tlftoan -points thoald ba glraa ta Mias Rsbartso. PRAKK CRAN& Xjb. VATkatoaXcw .Clothing for Men and Young Men that reflects style, dignity and exclusiveness. "In addition to Z. C M. LY ' "Own Make, our luie comprehends the famous ; - - PmCnM) Springfield to quell race riots. Serious rouble irok out between the whites and the ' blacks following the shooting of a policeman a. by a negro who was being searched for Within a short Um a pitched battle wse In progress and at least four negroes bad been shot, one being seriously wounded. Later moment it vnu pOMfbJe to anticipate The resulting values are really excep--: reports said that, fourteen had been shot- - aad tion&L that idme of them would probably die. A rg-Jme- nt the sew. lower level of price the maker TYfZtlTY YEARS AGO. No airee the new price level doe not of - (he : state' gqsrl, was hurtiedly end" retailer - of ' Koppenheimer food Tmean thet assembled nd rushed to Springfield by train . XVoa high-qualithe Fllas pf Th Daaarat Niwh ha Den aacnfloed by The and auto truck. Tha soldiers reached the clothes to five you the bene-fi- t House of Kuppenhdmer. Prices mixht scene of action in record time and took charge even before they derived any of it-MARCH ldtePL. c be lowered somewhat by adultecntloa of (hosituslipn. . Reports this morning said Iha -Oak. formar "and In Harrteon, praalIn worked we Baajamln have other hand worda, cbeapeniny of theae fOOd dOHeB towirwas quiet. " dent of tha Unite BUtaa, , wan reported t House The The incident illustrate hor with of I Kuppenfaelmer near death at bis homo at IndlanapollA jn for h community ordinarily peacefulyaj and lad. Attsadlng phyaiciaaa fasti ed a Abulia-- 1 Irjg obtorvinf 'the narrowest Profit mer-. lie's confidence on a wave of feeling and be rwept -t- faa that tbw symptotna were growing mora , fin In proddctloa and eellihf, and-thn- a bop that ' alarming sad there was tittle toward hysteria and violence. There bad been doing It. Thafir not have been able to briny price down to tha pailenf would aurvlr - many- - boon. In Springfield for two days trouof ' while at any worth rumblings Relatives bad' bash hotlQad. . the lowest poeelble, level down to ble because of the assault by an unidentified of unknown origin oom J An axploaton "where-the- y pricer I should be. begro boy on an yhite girl. Put no pletrly demolished the brewing plant at that the difficulty would retch McKeesport, Pa., killing two persons and " "MOTTR DRUG BTOBB ta AT? the proportions that it did in so short a time. Injuring two others. Tha property lose tru as iza-- south Mans ar H estimated at 100,000. The need of and calmness of The International Federated Union' for judgment to impressively emphasized in the th Independence of tha Boers met at . occurrence. 4 Paris with delegates in attendance from Another outstanding impression Is the ; many European countries, a final appeal service of the national guard in . such an to tha powers In tba form of a ' protest exigency. If press dispatches from the Ohio against alleged violet! ona of Th Bagno covenant by Great Britain wag latued., eity correctly represent tba facts, the quick . A contract for tbo construction of etda-waltrnval of state troope on the scene is chiefly on both aides of Second West street responsible for tba torniinaUon of the trouble. wag awarded by th city board of puhllo Alert sad Fowarful-Va- lue i Iron of Sptoach aa I Fresh outbreak may occur, but if so, the Rich Bad Blood and RovitubaWa Macaw works. This was on of tbo larges sidemilitia boys will, be 'on hand to suppress them. walk extensions undertaken "to date, out-el- d The necessity bf calling these bOys into action e of the hnatpem section. WITH PLENTY OF BLOOD AMD DCOM. TOUR BRAIN to tba meat t ri 1$ bf course regrettable, but the fact that they After the expenditure of thousand of ' dcrfnt thing in all creation bat withoat thee it to nothing-- IRON TALES can be counted on to restore and preserve the OXYGEN' from year hug and carries ft to yrar brain. Without i dollar for surveys and preliminary lbrestl- ,, brain rata no ear aw; aadwilhoot i4 af aiafata hlaad.aW eaytw yew ration, it was announced that the BorUng-peace of rt--s community isviqtont uphssvalJs . brain become dull ana heavy, YOURlM'iELLECT POOS, yoor memory TaOa, TfOtlW would not build Into Salt Dak f eassu ring and satisfying. Thera to in the noli IMV 'YOU FOOLISH dedatona and you realto ameont to make bad DQ THINGS, A complete survey was mad of City. mjr atowal Ohio incident food for reflection on the part y nothing, so fares nceompKahing any thing Ql ' through Emigration, canyon. iMrit r of any state that to thinking aI going away : --Aiao withoat riH TOUR BLOOD BECOMES THIN AMP WATEXTand loaw to open tha door, because that to boilermakeria t Ha with ltd naGOnal guardT75,J4',3-r?i- I powertoebaaga load into livhtg ealls and tiaaui and tharafora nothing goa wortr .. . eatdoaayoa the proper amount ofgaad you da not gai tha full atrangtn sot -- NEW UCZ it. Fta AFLANS. ef 2c To call a plpemau aDd his helper to L CCXPU3CL3 ET TUUX THERE A3tS SO.OW.dM.eeMto to ftps--" of f&V kiTBtaM'vru removalbe blower pipe, beezuse that BLOOD AMD EACH ONE MUST HAVE IRON. , , utilized Friday for the first lime, at least men work; and VVban, aa a result of troa otaraatloa or hWnl Iron whteb i people uaaatty Van Dylca. Davtdooa hi the westv when a Cgllfomie pitn wt utjd - - 3 To call A machinist and his. helper to yoa got up feating tired la tbo mora-la- take. Organla Iron la Uko tbo fawn la. blood aa like Hu Iron la spin- B. Dayton Drag Oo.t when you find you rat If aervou.' year lentils e an ambuIknc,Jt wm impdrative thxl sick remove the tip, because that to machinists' motnilte while aa ach, applet, oaa ouppiy Irritable and ' L work." from tbs ac- Drug Oo.j man at Gazelle be removed ipeedUp And carecan no longer do your day's work tree 0 Just aa lb corneasmall Of ss aside of piece tios strong Now as a matter of fad, we are assured, without being nil fagged out at Iron. Orgeat Iron stay be X from fully to a hospiUl at Trek, 2 miles distant. night: when your digestion nil goo name of PfCX. or yoT hare paisa across your draeglst nndor the liwa The conditido of (be potoeat vu such that he a machinist's helper, or any other handy man Wrong, rep rM sate Zoos looks palp ATD liuik Maxatod tba book aa a big hi bad to he hand tod with great cart and shaken about Ihe yarcto c.ouJcl easily pul onrthe nozzle no drawn, doyour not wall untp you ornaate tree la saak dooa Is go all to ploeao ' aa eoUopoo la a trdtod form that oas as little a poMibto. Bo a soil bed of pitlown top alone, but instead of this simptof economila or- stato of aorvoua pnMntwh ar aa-t- il to bo approximately oqutvalMit to aatlbg half a1 in year xpeJtoaod condition yoa was coaslrueted tor him Id 4 plane, gentle cal and comtnonsense method, six men have goals lra soataat of on or giwoa quart of Mat serious itaeqoo. but eat quart optosab Of hopoff toss made by the arialor, and within 12 t be summoned to get th tip off, and the mors (plaadb and other iron eoathinlng vegetables It --Is like taking extract moat. of of stood Is pound boot tame six or three different pairs called vegetables ond tak organ troa with eating minutes aRfr leaving home be Vu at the ho-pTour moaay srUl fas rafsado by tM them to holp onrtoh your Mood-oback to put the tip on, install the blower pipe revitalise Ot nfaetnZor If roar wornout olhosotod havlpg made dbe journey. in excellent ' MNfKtMrftedk. For onto nerve sure troo But end he portectiv that tko yew dose the deuri ah tieT la or goal Iron an aot aaotaiKO bp oil fangymtec JiNof xlyrtyk, df eOurae, could, uch a trip rate Is it any wonder that freight and passenger Adp, se are aa to he high actnHiiie (iBder coodUJgc ga nearijr ideal as hardship to legit0?4 Gw b4 wH jHCKi thiti but fhw Cts jlhtelrt31 Pomsthing of the imate shipping and travelf And could not Ditpcda , some way be dev ised to eliniinate 4 large ever broadening sHiXbmm pf the man-ma- de prt bird pf th aif--r FrevCJtoo of mueh suffering of this absurd extravagance I - . . 7" arid lb saving Of Rumetotii lived may be among pwsw Trt ft to s . " v -- , o FROM ROUBLES TO TSOLXLES. 1 to fail tea to tti tiene(tetal p ' -- 1 2 " t.ato A or n a 2 w nail .H tea, d.wgato a I nod. A bow tott Soviet bgrnta ah (bid to be piaeiog big . -- A L 'fa clothing orders in Chicago, The first thing any eo knows som hard-p- ut Wtok Y merckeni will actu ACCORWllG lo ICAIIruad Iaformatioa,' tha lato.. a. ia a typical example of aomaof ally b tolling thing to those Mlow-Se- w. ms ar to. Tork EvrnmgPosi. the labor waa to wbteh railroad cocspanie r are eomtantly na kaatusa f regula-tioK-0N2 or op ( t ,j-- jt - Imposed upon ethptoyeaa by" thl ; labor a W 7' organtoattoB to whleh tbey happen to betong. - The inmatrs wf Wands orvirlh Priamt, Ettg-lan- d, : ara to bear a courra of businea Ira tore. In order to recasTt a tartata paezt tip from a vf N as I id o W t J We Mr. Peart of. Plymouth. Mto-rhtacU- a, offer f rttod. Veto Aa A 1 ' loecaoUra It Ja amnaary: . m Tofk I agikAtca fsietoor-I- w id I ca3 IHaatf nd hiiafi Egrai ' m itn.th.shsts ...J, . V V A- r A a, f flre-trm- n . Good Clothes f ty -- buwe'iliilb- peace-kbte-to.r- toe -- . old ted I self-restra- int m Cfo'C3? Why You Must Have Iron to. Malic YourBbdy Strong and Your Brain Keen ' right-of-wa- OII - mbKIi 4r ana &&& ft.Ti g. i sto:.iach eoo-tro- et ikt ail n 5 , frtkasflitl. Er"i Ttt:j .klll'jf p- SaTWko -- Ccrrj rn . ssW.I-Bsmsdtofat- orHilViru cr eptled tPcm fit J4t W-- Vto i to 5. S' V t- - . 7 TTj |