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Show ' W ' - t t LV TUB DBSBBBT IfEWS S31ATE REJECTS t rainoms la iwciKha mu ul tln . by sportsl romsiKtso aataral d'aadouty today wap a raport nub- oiiitad. - It waa to tbo offbot that tbo oomoilttso concurred la oil tbo appointment except one. mod bttiotor Peters aad Pallor ootaotttod a minority report. Tbay favored tbo povornora aollro Hat arltb r's a "doala-TlWt- l mabiao tbo to lata that odo yo MPH oaanatlaa m-tan- n to tnooldar tbo appoMbaonu. Tbo cbambar aad tbo potarios vara Virarod and oaly tbo aaoraUry, tbo tatnoto dark and tbo oaryao Vara panaaktod to rpaiaia. (Can t i. - Droeidee? Hobor Orant vllt oc taipy tha pulpit ta tba toboraocla tv taarrav aflat os (bo baratoo rooOUfif vill bo tbo Ural pubUe danrtro of tba .Alharak Maea if tba Krai Praotdoacy loot , Tbaratay wma vbaa Paaltoal Paarooa Mtado flrat coanaalnr ta Praettant Croat bad A. V. Ivina paaaad ooan- prior. nrrdilaiin ftWr Wrifht-Farran- o WM Eff CmI had baoo ardarod. tbo Wbaraopao patroa akorpad M doalar tvo dalloro far bovtay to ana ah op tba lanpa. Coal Xalyht la coal htmp brokia to oaoablo Mr. Ktaboloa aaid Mr. Haaaoalabov. od btaa tbo. oU bo bad taloodod to vaar at tbo prootdoatlal tooovaralloa. MorPl d. Mo aald oftor ho hoard Hamoo bad abot bo root ta tba boopual Joat AMHMOUt-JbtaJUaatta hooa ta tbno to 000 oporoiad ao Mr. mrbolo Idaaiunod a PAKAMOrNT-EMPIUBdab Toar Paolar Dor. Moat ballot ao Mmltar to oo tokao from HaaiM't body Thr dafanao ii buTurtiia' Tout k vartho Mai Pa irkliiift ntm V Clara, Mra. Honan la cooilov oot la Cbtaovo and you bao KnrratA vat Mora. Mr. Nlcbata ouotod rraak I Vara kJm.' T boa la oao vaoapar, ao k. BMOAEWAV ooytav to Clara aftor tbo ahootla. oaaor hao boltod Mo ao boforo hot tbo Manooo fan. 00 taoro dtacrooo !.ntor bo , 'Vhy you talk ao' If I mli fMM appoint- iDtota blbmrmd Ur. Himr tsd that. teeisd Clift M Caption aa' tall you baa bo raallaad be vaa yotny to die, k huaoalf aad ha vlll Me. JOehala taM aa tba btm to yo direct to Through am ottoc, the aapaloa vtab 1!bo .Cm iho (boatloy. MOuptod bay ooato fnanBi bralrod. pietoraaf Ml no PhyEti taboo Ibaa aST baada aara at said Mr ' Mra Jaha todaya rotary gra&re oaotloo etatoa tM Tao?fgMr. vldiv at tba JU'llyaiaa, ba bo tbo doavtinr of Mr. sad lata oU biay. vui bo called aa a waaMm E. A. Q aaaoaacad Hr tbo yuotod Haowo auto. aka yat - MJoa Oroaaoood la tba daughter of as TPat havlny aald. Mr. aad Era M. J. Orooawood. kr. Qraonvood la aa afOcial of tbo Vtab Oil Roflaiag compooy. liy Hum ay T t to ' H' - for rtetur nil aU-M0j 1 rto wo v Fumrd 'of Ak-ro- dla-pla- at hui-bon- d, pataor of tka Proabytarlaa churrb at Okie., vbo officiated at "LaTa call It aa aeotdenf Nkbela lavtoo. a fonora1. aid Hamoo quoted Clara as aaylay Hyoo produce an tbo states after ho bad dlaarroad bar aad eeareh-- 1 ho hadrjf2 tarday," Mr. Proellny da- H ooba floor for tha vsapoa ha I vao knocked front her head after fW Nteholo mid bo triad to buoy up Ha aeon aad told biro they hod yo to Pain Roach. 71a. but Hainan aald that vhoro ba vao yotay, tbero would 2 V. L. ,ria ktm hl badtaSal.wlU I room. i it,. illi lik us oci Md of Utarty riak. royular quorum mart- - ,blrMarch undr. Bon a "4 at 11. cbL I p( m, to brauybt oat that Mr. Nlebola bad not I Tbo royular monthly mootiny of tha told fhartff Oorrott or County At-- 1 Hlyh Priaata Quorum of Bnalyn atako ba held Sunday, March II, 1121, tornoy Brown about Jake HAmon's layod dytny autemant. Ha aald Ha-- 1 at It 14 am. la Whitney ball, tea bal him from aoa - of thT " would not ravoaf tbo atatamont ao W protoct tha nemo of Mr. Hamonfc d JUrckTl? t!Ta.lU ?!1 I aad tbolr tvo children. Mr. N lohola Omniel Htr' Hamon tbo Hid vhBp hoapltat bo tha Ha raid talked rationally. furntihid r. voald ay --vkafs tba Ridurdi hy choir ward mom bora Ta yotay to dla" tha direction of Leonidas richer. -- ,t -- lb aaLJ;. l 1 !. p; 'r4J Hh un-d- of fb; tar paronta Cbarioo J. and Clarieo Hardy, 1044 - sootb atybtb Swt 1" born March II, ills and Is sarrlvod hor poroato aad two olotora PanornlbyarronyomonM ta In ebaryo -of Jooopb K. Taylor, will - ,t,?V Vmtbor Molmotrov Mra Kothor Malnutrom, M, vifo of Joho Atod at O local taopUol yioov.i day sftornooq. Vbo la urrivod by bar buobond aad two oona carl, who to M a boopltal lB Nov Moxtco, Ooear of Salt Loko aad ooo olotor. Mra Boant Toon yot root of Oydon. Tbo body woo bon to tbo C. Goff ondortaklny partora at Mnrraqr pondlny funornl Malm-Otra- aq t taultoo MoCvv. MUo Paulino II. daoybtor of Mr. and Mra. A. MoCom, Zru 77 oxot Third Sooth atrsot. dlod at a local hoapltal at I 14 o, W Io clock yesterday afternoon She waa operated on five days aye for appendicitis. Tbo body waa takan to the O'Donnell nndartaklny parlors pendlna funeral omoyomesta Soonaoob Mooriooa lira Suaannah I Morrison, widow of Tboataa H. Morri. son. died yesterday at Done Beach, Cal I Mrs. Morrison vaa a resident of Salt j Lako and 'lived at 41 Rood even no. J Tbo body vlU bo brouyht to Salt Lata I for burial. will positively be disappointed in your Easter footwear unless you buy VOU This is due to a peculiar situation in the shoe trade The majority of merchants were afraid to place orders early, Vith the result that a big of the shoe factories were e idle or else working only part-timwhen they -- should nave been running at capacity. an abnormal demand for new Spring modela waa created. Many promisee for delivery were made by the factories; yet it is a conceded fact now that very few shoes purchased then wfflbe delivered by Eater, and, . in many caeee, tiy May Or June. pie-porti- on We antidreM tv nry con- ditioc, o tia jw jr one of tite very fcw , complete shoe stocks la the dty wave Later, when the shoe buyers began to rush into the market,' riVS.b9-vqi- .As to Price - . ' . .. .r. ENT - Stunning. rayoaeve mm Hi1 - f - i ,W? are featuring most exclusive and charming creations for women at $5.85, $7.85 and $10.00 speciaL Many of them are exquisite creations designed exclusively for us. tt. o Or ftjtkral yoncii' Punoral sorvlcaa for V. F Oromxr. at Hanafor, I will ta hold at the Honofcr Wsdneaday. ward meetinghouse Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock Burial will ba In tba Honofer came-- I tary. , I Punoral service, for Lynwood Pota'r waa shot and killed by who Peterson, I Mexican baadlto at Dividend Wadaos-- 1 day alokL wiil bo tail at tbv Second ward chapel. Fifth East and Seventh South etreetq at 1.11 tomorrow aft ernoon. Bishop H. B. Elder of tbo Second ward, will have chars of- - the Burial wUI ba in tha City J service I cemetery . , I Funeral sarvtres for Gcoryo Arthur Hill will bo hold at 1 o'clock tomor-- J row afternoon at the Liberty ward I ebapoL Tha body may ta viewed at the I family tame, list Fourth Boot street I from 14 e clock otnUl 1 o'clock oo the I day of tha funeral. Burial will ba in I tha City cametary . -- I .1, who dlad 1 , 1 1 I I Spring is essentially, thetime- - fo- r- Hats. Filmy, lace ancl tulleuche modes vie with mannish sailors, with crisp street hats of cellophane and stsaw, with crepe de chine ! hlh k. -- - INF.RY-DEPARTM- flower-trimmed sports models and charming . creations. u CALLED BY DEATH -tail Raadf Clarice Rath dlod (hlo moralay at tbo bom r -MI vlt-tada- 14-1- , Mil l 7-CL- o.b Flormnco H. Cobh Tbo Wricbt-Fhrran- d Rbop. daollnc man's raady to vaar dotbaorvtll Moo day 1 at aaat Third ITunarat aanHaaa Mr Hra. 'Hornet atraot. ta tbo Jadva buUdln. Tba Baatb Cobb, vbo dlod Xarob ( at a, ara Start foot, offordlnv Ohio, viU bo bold Suaday altar, y for arraavomoot aad aooa at 1 oclook la tbo Thirtieth ward of aMay kinds of vooaoa'a paraL V. C. Wright. tbo aoalar chapel, eorasr of Oolta' aad JafTanoa portoor, vu foratvly with tba otraat rrtaada taaf Wow tba body Wright Bros. of Algtaa, bat now la tbla ett Mr. phrraad ta a at tbo borne of tbo pares ta of tbo deraaldoat of Kav Took. cedent. Mr. and Mra. F. O. Baatb. IIP oooth West Tamplo atraata, from IS Dio Yoriland. oclock aatll II oclock oa tka day of Word baa booa raaalaad In dolt tbo fuoorai. Burial vlll be la tha Lako of tha dootb of Mra. Woodall Waaatcb Lava oaroatary Covaoa. which occurrod Tbarodoy, Mra Cabb to ourrtvod by bar March it, at Portland, Or. Vba la poroato and tbo follovtny aorrtrod by bar boaboad. VopdoU brotbora oad Mot era: Mlaa doala Heath. avooo. aad a bbbx Wl Lako: Mra Rooo H. Dawaoo wmb aaoU kpova do JOM Proro; Prod H. aad O. D.Kartchaor, Heath of faako bartny fonnariy babn a faacbar Sufar City, Idaho; Mra. Haael Hoalb la tba L D. L aafyaratty. Bha Is Hordmaa, Mra W. R. Maaybtv, Sfbo tba daoybtor of Mra. C. B. CbrJstaa-ao- a Ollio Healh, all of Balt Lako. aad of this city. Hovard W. Heath of Roxhary. Idabai Sing rM, f'l niaraha by I Un, -- t Tba at bar day a daaiar dallaarod a too of lamp pool ora-sla- Wm Op n on tSondmy Announc 1 , l Shop, d ) Ctoro Mad told Mao a I OiUlirAifti ebtaf of palteo of I Oklahoma City, oov la tba oal bool-- 1 oaoa. akd bo vao to Pa 00000 oEral g ao tbo bltoraoaa pronodtoy tbo op vblab MotaPO vao abot; that I ho bad tvo drlnba aad Hoaooo thro. aad that Maotoo vao oobor vboo bal todl tbo adkeo tvo booro boforo bo vaa ' FrL Grant U Spaci-A Tabarnmd'SmniyZCr" -; 12 1D21 t m tlaboy. , MARCH Amssizsas toy ; nwMato SATUHDAT . dv aJIaruM inn tblo Per tta frurposa ( MHUarKlkf arnoris oppototmouH tbo Mata aaala Mfuaal to caarur to tbo appotatanasU oo4 Jooaoo laarb II y.atr.tkaMalbaw Udaotrtol ton tbo oloto board of eorr raaaactltalr. far tbo maaa tl that would bo aompollad to roadgn Ibey meiubero of tbo logMotorou All oabor plPolntmenU wore oonflrmad ao roo-man dad tar Otrtrur Cbartao , R. f' Ji ERNEST UUOCXKX Lakes loadlny florist. Hu tafaBOLT ft. eur nsral drains specialty. I41C01 4 N South Malnu Waa ELNO atsaa. FlORAIe tad 114 Mnuif. nu, Wyaiua CO. fa VLOJIAL DESHJNS Evans Floral Co. HI ToL A SPEClALTr State funeral Maaoroag SO. Edddtotow a cal funeral directorsoa 'Others are style duplicate! of the OPEN IN - raoKB MI. IRKIN uWdKBTAJCINU btt th SERV. Mftna4 jwMilmig JHH a Molaaea Undortakl.r ta if jrw ntlf 1" -- DAT AND NVOHZ. ubukkB, E CO, U-- WBilHVaee SeatkWM Broad brims and narrow ones, tricornes and bicornes, Russian tiara and Hindoo turbans there are shapes for every feminine type and every occasion. i 4, it 4 Wf -- fie! A |