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Show v THE DESERET NEWS SATURDAY MARCH OUTLAW THE; JU Sz 7 cf Ml, n 1M aaat lar. mf -- Jwt Jiiihida Ifcns ft aw,"!S!L I Ma . 6h I faiaf through my aaaatljr aa tha director had told na la da It Yt Mar tha maaetftag a IWt Wed to Merry.. Krtb XI XVII. I (all aura I had my fiaht. Tb fnmar mm, wtm had Ihrmlsnod la tfcaa ata out of focus a ary lima ana Mara hka if did at feta diasar taniatlo. eartataly aw laafead ffw lenity flaw Ins ha saw tha prM4t at tha that Mr. lm company. araa taking Cfcampt da cortaiu at my aid, I v an. tf ' aaall fat another man. I had War had aa haJ aad rahaaraad dlraataa.aad DHCKY- I Kin! m i IM (lm pU U lilt M VK yo cot egoaw aciae I MO 50, WHAT WHIN HR -- BACKL HR CAME DID, AND WAf 1 BUSY DO D'XA'RY; AAID I;- DOING? AXE-VO- By Sinnott - leiARNtNtS THE ROPES. YILLID. Ml IN CHMWE, TitUNC MR TO MAtfS MY511F FAMILIAR..: WITH THZ PLACE. la narrow d m - DXPPY'S AdO.AjnriR cmowiwc tea. 'Jwt, A TVtf TMIMCf; TME BOMLtirr - i r Mr Dayton looked at ma. 'SKvmoKC' 1021 12 r B "Ok. Ym, I remember him," ha aald. lima freak newspaper guy wh knew It alt Ma dost 4a anythin without nonsuiting Mmt ka 11 pmd far that?" ratlauulr far tna I didn't fat tha rail meaning of thia allusion. Nn." I laid ha ta a Baa hr haw W hwtoa hmd for monay thaa f hava, aa ha aid ha would attend ta tboea thlnfa for nit hl -- w4," iWmarkad Mr. lloylon, lowly , lla, Je - four laaUamaa m Da .fmond-ad-mto- Mr. Dayton. tha had laalatad It waa tmpoaetbls foeoa; that Ibo aompoay . aa IdMi.f hundreds at faH al dUm frtmd da lithllnf af what tha maa waa drtvtnf at wnrtamrl wmr t hrred how Dora, tha tataphana ftrtlh to aatrmtrad ftp ttotlaa to ramambar ay aatwral tha fart placr In which f had worked, ttmldtir. la a Dam at rag. I had had alraya aofarrad ta tha moa wh yoar. Tat. ham yea ara ereeplnf up I ho whola aomm unity may ha huddlal PI meeting begin el ? 41 oVIaeh. fte f. evealag ? II I f Bonder manses am The Wednaeday avcnlng aaralaae . tir Ueerg K Imvlva will wtwach the 1 . . and II tald Mr. ttaytoa tha aetaal (acta and Benda, erSeci at ara bald at a clock. hto menay aad foweia aa har on my aalary toot. Ton'll bant me. , tofetbar, and benedict) am. It at now JhaiMad that t ha give antlaman frlonda to roao wreiing aa ttedaeedey hecand Ohurch of IThrlat Bdeatlet "I know." I aald quietly. trial "It Do birda return year aflatr to Mrmn I'reyer . A I pm fallowed I clock. J at the B leering tti wit Baulk Tempt eeraet. Waadai a by evening from with awathar cawara tna a. I had wua my face fluahad. I doeon'P doc aooiB falr It?. " . Thewnte. of --. . I MY Mint Zjr rnarriva 1 1 irrioctr a m Korrtay ariiw Iny chair. I know, tna. that If lm to fot on , Caaarregariawal, . Tha ramara Of scores It la known that rrpreeea. BaaMh Letter. If.tl am edneaday evening earriem Ha la pot my fontlanaa friend,'" I I'll horn la work hard. naa. wha had thaa vewen ar I'm eh wUllny tativec of a ptret OongrewalletMtl oreh, cinch All ar weloama ta tha Taber Imateh Kv, 1 adheres 'fernarL epecias robins hhiahtrds Piret Heath aad Fourth Kari at recta. triad da ha my aadalnf. had be amt tald Mr. Dayton, Ha ta hid a friend. ta da ft." . E attaat. J. --winf ta ridlnJcbiiiuift Mweu mow. . tl a'eteri wm ! TinL Artaug-AptJj how, 1 don't aaa wht hmlnaaa trii,.. thunk tritltee. tort nwap.gewmhlm. -ta We season. each aura ruha may tmaMkUy,It la of yawr told ma Praaanny ha cam 6h!y tcardny ; I'm same bird lad I bleat are mornin reeumq' (ha lariarca as ha I 2nH"aundnanmeiira el tawan.evrtbMU1n' With faothar naa ',L nTitn Mr Dayton yarn from hta choir aloe. tickled ta Tm tua death over your foad tuck. that thewhan wkera fhrtetlen kclenca liter- of Ike I lilted tWelac. they ara marked In soma rveneututloa Ton tmio npltnre," ho aald. Too 1 feel aa thaup h wa were pood an ouch fhlaa. Bundcfy school at . .,,r Orsltholoulata have way. I'euTI I Beeoad Choech of rhriet. Briaallri eaperlmented "2 a "Now, laa Blrney- ha aald. am II ara point ta fat Into trouble wttb that friends for ma ta ba proud of you a Imi.V Tumour by drain tha feet, or sometlmef tha eventll TH ee ml! aotne day. " Ha W were seated topethsr an tha feathers Ihfly rara yaa taa narrows ta fa tamper of ytmra m tutoAtof certain apaclmans - and AM iiidnni !r ih fimM .1.1 with ihta thinf again? Taha walked around hta deck and put hie leunpe. Without meentnf HtotH In tfc EplltoMt to, (o to m I gilirfilA watching far thalr return tha followstoixi Mriom TtinMiy iUmhih and Third ft.rEEWR, til) wa aaa how tt foaa. hand an mine. "TreaMw of aaoa par ta had ma Hlich drawn aura km Rundy XiM ing year.' Nowadays tha Uitla nummul Mufen, MiRtu, SundRf, Unrrh traa that yaa ara anabla ta kind," ha went on, boenuaa lot ma Hta hand touched mine. qioeer H Jtotito Ml9 by wdeorn N,)Urrn bered aluminum anklets used by the It AuRday r Uv--t. ErE Invited. hoe) iE av worlnf itewtuE. r a Pw rbicwEEe UU mA n. you look mlfhgr pretty when fat Id Yaeaa aad flay thy aeasa aa loll you.mad." Tou're a dear, aweet,' little hid," American orlrtdk. Bird Yr f tiv tto association Moraltty bur flaErd of fuhject, of tbs Banding toriaMMbtp ft wad rahaaraad. thara la a aaaaa you're milha mid, "end I hope you make f hava made tagged specimen aaelly of lb IlEliEtoEE. Junior Imiur f tt MRtfcEr ( hurrb. The First Churrb Ittcu tor Uf9V fto I Jerked my hand from bdnenth hi lions" la wanting aay film. Bat this m Mrs M. U. Orovrr, luptrlam p Bo Mese. Khtothts in ton. f ftotontiH Cbrtsta hs bull, in FytblEE in aaaeonn hlsts auecasalva' heard recognisable f and toward door, tha turned KvERtfif EdnrieE. I 1 pm, iuK tl EEEi Third boutba EuMep I heard his ward aa Ihoueh ha wars jrlO1 fir yaa a fair trial, aayway." dnt. pm. Trw d We hava, fartaaalaly, aaa ef thorn him kiufh, Jwl, off, thoudi our two younr faaea Mr. W L Btowr EubjEt. If thoao films coma out all rltaC far will comminctKviryMri of evrbeUeiM npsEkvr. Rots by Mr wrki Borrow nature which oswallp haada warn very eloea together. Quito "Tbs HupTEiRE FoESEEStER" Pa itrTlrri todjfe txtiRdiAC up la and da Mo boat tort aadar tha whip ( ha aalltd after ma I will And aooinf MR Mm Ourlw Uiltjr.Pyto aomathhnr warm and dlffeient T ineiudin Eeeiet day. Com End wi Ksr than, had Mm biiutoik Deuep rrotnpsiun. haeaaalty. Deter In tha day, probably, you about that contract.'' frown In Huah e plane. It bald com. t to talk Bettor lEEdcn DEk ETp and tanalnply, waa maoaly aaattnaat ms fascinated aaar, , 1 attention, my Obeytpa tt." MRltobl. 'fontloman friand about might u atar coliapaa. But bow. yaorwent Instinct; that never had swayed IK. Mark out of tha office almost dlaoy some I Cathedral, First Boalh Writ Mtitodiit Ep)rpit eh iVh. qttfeering from tha dartaf of tha thin ma befors 1 loaned closer to him. man faeawd East. Th Rt Raa. A W ta camora Frdm tha with rape. End Rrrofid Roulb Acond mad aa lira. I had dan, rny hraia 3ar each other at stared Wa beI silently bishop. Tha Vary Hev Wm. Arthur Curtis, pastor. Mora W. I haaw I wont through my aeaaa to tha praatdant Of tha company, sleep1 lita'if I knew Fleetwaed, deaa. Ieeio Buadey. Rormon Euhjrct, tt an to understand that 1 mlfht haa fop a moment, and than klae Ins Em. worship, a manner altnoa hrhliatit, conaidartn I remmualoa, to waa an, ma. hsly Trotter a.in, HnnEs polnp Huph of Our tha Into ork tha pan from Mlapsb kTh fryln ears-te- e -- that 1 waa hat a ahtld and a mara umpad whooi; It aim, moral t wanted him to klee ma rat. elork iAutor charch Idke light aad sound, hast Is vi- church nrlE. U and aermoa bribe dean, 4 P hoftanar In my woidt. Ys Wbwrt i t'Urh Topic, hie faaa came closer still I bration a wav motion of th hlr. . MonLantea CHArrER eervlee. preyer Tha wtadadhdl i dlroctar aad Mr. Nrcdod hpworth its Jumped to my feat and walked away or, m or property speaking, of tb Friday. 4 It1 pm.; IUaee f.)E pm. IcEdr MIm day. Thursday. After my trial with a now camam from hlm lervf. am. athar which rommunlon. baly Our permeates apses FAwordE Topic, Thy JCinB maa 1 waa bold that 1 need not be at Third Hi. Paul . Ninth East and To ba continued.) Sanaa of heat, tharafors I merely a Evsnlnp worship. T 44. Booth steeel, Mark Rlfenbark, rector tha dirtaria aherp. "Camer'" broke tha stndlo for' day or two. 1 waa to the heat-waRormon off InftnlM oriork tubiE 'Th given ba could tha eilraca from tiaia ta Dm. film I the communion. Ho, r am.; morning to have n rest nntll by some burning But heat- Msrcp.4 Whoa tha arana waa finished f developed. Thla new man's film preyer, LHaay end sermon. It a.m : waves, ft should be remembered, ar Mrtbodlof kplMUplI, "Pstfffw church with address. 1 II arvice flaarad at Mr Dayton for a not a of would (how whether tha previous not of tbemaely cither hot or cold, Wstorloo 41 m. Leaten service, on school, Mothodlat approval. la roply ha aaddad ta ma ta films had been spoiled through ma or eburrh, Epiw'opsl more d any I with than any olher vibration Fourth Kr1 near HvTvtn(h booth Wednesday el pm, follow him. 1 wont eat of tha Media the man at tha machine. ee oa ba demay mid to epeclal preacker, Tknreday. possess varying Hev ltottbea PlEatfortb, pee ilitrlR ad up tha ataira ta ho emce. waa aura I waa la tb right, but m 4 I a and at It am, Friday, gree! of temperature. It is our bodily tor I.Eurm J Adsms, deohBMi Tltch-- r at p - rm town. Mlao Jllrnoy.M aald Mr. I raa none too aura of tha manner which produces tha effect of V best. RundEp wrhool supErtnirnd In ItopthM. ta which burin aaa wna conducted tmylup. "Ira yoiphnew wbat ear 44 mt malit and Mffrfilnf this urbuH warmth, t IMiRfMy varies wTiL yaa toT Rather Baprtkf church. Ninth Bouth the Champion Film offices I told( By4uSXftMl!rLMM Op- terially in different persona particu- wurshif. It Em Topic, UnceUt .tract H. Lyon Beyneer T hhvonV any enrnrt," I tald him. mymlf it waa more than probable .1 4& Topic sad a larly ta those who ar accustomed to llmlwr' ICwwninffEndworrhlp, Bondny school, II a m, paetor a aold you wotild pay ma ffd a that the camera man would find- a EtwuRL" tbs Tsmporml Tto In A extrema F tha of tempera-turliving superintendent Whipple, Whet do von want to Vnow wood for aifbt woofca to ftva ma a way to destroy the pood fllma or Yewn ftspfn ' an wrerebfp veould hir Koklmo wetter Thw. im Bond Netur 'about Buhject y otherwise kffthg,4 trial. I hava drawn ihred waaha1 poison til director's mind when the thermometer hit gospel service, J 41 degrees, Tbs StatE PpirttuEt Eussclntiofi mealing, quoatlon of geaorsl Intereot to ant of tha alaht. Tl CMnE Of 4EE IUMY4ft topic, apalnat my work. It Wna, tharatora. while a Hottentot would consider that snd th ruh the Nature Notes Dept of thla paFirst cbuiYh, sf halt Hpinusl the secaf ChfUt ng .Wall." aald Mr. Dayton, of eaaraala rather n nervous Nall who an tt waa barely comfortable. IrEks rity, will bold urviffi on Run Frjrr Invited. per. Look for answers la this f. manat tall nntll thla film today Thureday, I p ra. Everybody ond day after bar trial, received n column. day tbs 11th day of Msrrh. Radiant heat, or that whlcjj If ft taraa art alt yiaht pbon call to go bach to Vempl t 1. ha'n, JJ 'ou'th"w,st transnirudth Moe datralapad.at wav' Theosophies motion THBBB QCE8-- t rough want In I wna told CAN YOB ANSWER and 1 IhliU tt wlfl I think wa had Aa soon aa 'vu-rvrr'TIONS? Tbs Thsosophleol society will hold for a that Mr. Dayton wanted to aaa ms batur pat fail unaar contract us In praat guantttias-frone-thaun, ytiMw snetUif Monday a w had mat ma b had 1 - Will the winter bcarrn stand ynr anyway. "'WTiarda row " t Tha last time at I o'clock fn Lodae Hall, room manner but a lee-- taught by th and Bib!"NaturTIjiw by R. (Hirer, night Keith decided to annoy ma with comparison with Rumnvr ektc .for and. In a similar Wohld you taka ftl a weak ? apparently IIS, from Emporium a building, tti fir tha ana demonstratlona the ef degree, moprocess Fhltoaophy . But for the I would not taka anythin." I told hi Two topico will bo of turning causing a rapid sensation I'henomena of Bplrltuallem by th pas- south Main street Life eonaultlnf Mr-- ; meat thla eocmed to b forgotten. H bewuty? without for tho Men of given. Imply. "Spiritual heat-raMrs. All Eetello Tatea welcome, to ba thrown cut tor, of three 1. Ia ermine ajnatural fur? the World - try Mr. Anna Gulbrmnaen. ..Trotter. Tou remem bar tt waa ha 11who anct when I m n0, hl on- - all ride. pre.ldeaC warmth you test btnouA conrtlpsted." Man li ho I Ready for and aleo 'Tho hand hi pleasantextended - Taka and fics ia a sense akin to that of sight or I. What d pull cat? i Theosophy," by Mr H F, Mclotyrs. headachy, upset, full of cold j fwlella yi v ; y on enough. or two moly nasal wav for a Caarsret th Claes to you? tonight Made study Friday hearing th Cathedra! Ml night, asst of ha lain. Mia NAANSWERS tN TOMORROWS Blrncy, Conprntulntlons liver and bowels, Wk up with head . Ibriallan Aeteneo. tion of the air end theTir therefor South Tempt. Ttcv.- - J Y Fonmey, .a TURE NOTES. uld. The fllma hava coma out beau sweet stomach afbreath H clear, as Rev I us Itov Ch First Church Edmund of right, Hunt, ftel Ms. Just make hot. Bclsnttsr rector; light havr No griping, no in- fects our tight or a hole make nii Sheehy. Hev Morgan CBrirn , assist-ant- e ltd ssst Broadway Bondar services. and feeling fine tlfully. Batter " lima I joould h pauaad and look- - ANSWERS - TO PREVJOCI QCE9Week-da- y meaeea, ? SBd hoped, and am; It am and I pm. Bnhject Sunday eer convenience. Children toy Csscxr- ton upon our aenso of sound TIOASi Impress F 'qtrt4kUj-wMhR ooi. I It , ta too. 10, But. ha the herree hr touch are dls confessions, baiurday after noon, to man, "Suhsltico. ? u n dsjr. ii, 50 cepta.. 1. Arc ful ara you t" h asked. confined to the trlbuted over all parts of tho body; at aH, I northern sugar maples T ara not ravangaful of Amahs? tm there no such thing 1 a person be jgffSoa j anid. "X Just want to b treated fairThough tho super maple grow, or ing "blind" or "deaf to heat. b let alone to do my Now fd Yearn OM Bat Worka at Trade ly and did grow, pretty nearly all over th Tomorrow' WHT ia the sea never said Mr. Dayton, easily, Eia of IMardffth and Feel eastern half of tho United States, and atlll? that oa can t a firl omUmes i Toanger tiiaoa P0c Butvjup W Newfoundland, tha general cut (Copyright, I S 1 , by Th EhE cRR't. Wheeler EoniEUnie and way . Are Gone. forest hat reduced ita , what I waa going to toll you waa, I j ting offasofthe Syndicate Inc.) wood itself baa been whether grove, - The etdeet active blacksmith in think I will leave tt to you Imuch u cabtoet-yofor sought threw furniture, or not that camera man who Michigan I - still pounding hta ! in etc. -- to ray In the town- of Homer th, out of focus should b fired or work, Sine cold weather tm needed to proehould Internal method for treating piles"-ha think to Inclined am not, I a duce tree map flow ba Tou aaa, to satisfy his can per- worth collecting, it is enough Into thbe only gonal deal re to take you out to din- north that tha sugar maple can ba Fscsbyteripa, ner, h used severe! hundred dollars norked for Us juioa, and profitably First Presbyterian church, east South spottfllma of this company's worth hence ia tree found the C etreeta Rev. George and cool in Temple to chiefly ing them and, incidentally, hoping Ewing Davie 4 D. D,, minister. Sunand tho Climate spoil you, and, than school am. R. L. Van Eaton, day service oi praadant of th company grinned Tvat Morning superintendent. hand, after public worship 11 a ra. Sermonett to th Junior congregation. Theme of the seen how pretty you look when youre sermon, Hastening to . the regular Communicant mad, I don't ao much blame him for class conducted Cross" Castle Data and Clear Creek going to extremes with hi dinner tha by pastor 1pm. Voung People's societies of Christian senior Endeavor, Coals are mined from the finest I was too happy to think. Attar 4.20 p m. Evening aad intermediate, alt 1 was to ba given worship 1 45 with sermon by the Rev mean would which ears th money to o much to ft at home. Third Presbyterian church, corner of Oh, I don't care what you do with Eleventh East and Seventeenth Bouth single purpose of furnishing the camera man, Mr, Dayton." I said. 'Juat ae long a heVtoanV film me companies, called pods" by eeai fish- ?' The motharn nr aald to dlstln-- 1 the best bent the least cost. more. I dont think" that any their own babe by their voices, I iMect'." ker the rv vf-a- HO aa .41, nr. would b fair, because hes bound to gulshcan make off-direct for 1 own their Mnr-ta, . me. for But If he's a good man, hats t wish that you could haar InStoref TJclUfc f hie ma try experience with olntmente you, 1 don't car what you do with spring, no matter how the young of salves dIUtore. eta, berore he tried him.' Because of their, clean, free Hece la a letter my method me. rWell, .Mr, Dayton smiled ti ag. '.ne ' am h told that me.' "I you know," Mich. burning qualities these coals Mr. B. R. Page. ao Merehell, of dewnt easy isnt It iretty Dear Sir- - I want you to know what to get a good camera man either, so your treatment has don dor me. I had we ll may be used more sparingly that nettled. Well go on suffered with pile, for many rear and with attl our work and you shant b used suppositories and all kinds of at than other brands, thus effect-treatment but never got relief until I docked for your couple of day V' Am now completely cured wasn't your fault! Now, your. .triad old1 th and am old, we' II years JI ATuiough hair talk about th contract?" fuel ing an actual saying t wt active blacksmith in Michigan, I , Td "No, I told Dayton. feel years- younger nine th pile has rather not. I d ilkaMr,. Mr. to to phone bilis. left ma I will rurely recommend lu to efl hnOW' who suffer thla Wap. Yon Trotter- and lot hfat ma ko tho arcaw ne my latter any war you wish rangements with you." t ' Thus it waa loft,' and I hope ft will lead others to try oh, I 'phoned Hugh at hta newspaper's i wonderiu remedy. -- A: coal dealers specialTour truty. Prominent of tic and asked' him if ho would 3. U LTOX. coma out and ee mo that night. I Naw Tork! Doctor Connor, find formerly afflicted yen f that you ar out of breath, peoThere are ihoueand Min t had further pood fortune sf Johns ize on Castle Gate and Clear hospital, says Many your heart beat Is never told ple suffering with pile who have treat-lutrembling to discuss with him. ,, Promptly afttl man who fopkin chew or snuff inces- or irregular, you mayforced, amok, a be of victim yet tried the one sensible way of dinner and our ha who ar door bell. rang Creek because of the satisfac- santly seemingly healthy functional or them. heart trouble. Mother wag upstairs at th lima, ar suffering from progressive or- If you feel that organic you most smoke, chew Don't be rut, . Don't waste monay on ganic ailments. Thousands of them or snuff to gulet yoar nerve you tool lab ak.lv. ointments, .dilators, ate, although ehe said aha wa tion they would never have been afflicted had it are a slave to th tobacco habit, and gHren for more but send today for a Fra Trial of my down later to sea Hugh, becan use of tobacco, and are positively potaoatag r ourself with internal method for the heeling of ah put it: I'm ia tof with , that not been for the soon would thousands -- IHIar ' wall If they ha deadly drug, nicotine. In either gat than 25 years. Next time, see man. I think weald only sup the nee of tobeoco torn you have Just (we alternatives NkHMHir whether roar ease Is of young SB wo worn left alone to diaduan my Th chief habit forming prlncipla of keep on With th or reecm eevewesnni process long etandfag one of these fuels is business ef the dangers and whether U Is occasional or permanent proeperi. I told Hugh all tobacco-- ia nicotine, a deadly pelsea Irrespective the consequencee. er give ap'th suffer you ehould send for ibis free trial about my quarrel with th camera which, when al habtt by affect . braoee nd eecmpe the danger. You can over man; tb eland I had taken in tha riawlg . cred to you. ttssnea and rilal organ ef th body. com tha craving and stop the habit No matter where yaa tree no and that Mr. Dayton waa in- The effect of tabaaoa varies In a vary abort time hr using tho folbarinfal erbat your ag or occupa'ion If metier, clined .aadar contract for end depend an cirouaiaiseaee. One lowing laSspoarivo formula. Go to : n, . you na i troebiad wlth pllaat my method a yanr.to put will b afflicted wttb Moearal dobUlty, my drag star and ask for Nicotol tab-l"tlPall, ( with cetorrb of tb throat, la-troarasont taka on tablet after each meal ABE DEALEB aad ta a comparatively short time you to neglect aald Hugh, whan I fiat shad my tola, oeetlon, eenetlpattoa. sxtrei 1! wilt have no dealt5 for tobacco, the 1 believe you've a greet Itttte aleepleaaneaa, tea of era von hava via aeaatat loft Will of will d leek With th power, on year shoulder. I'm not s nicotine poison ant of yeas system Otoora esey aaffer fragi Ate. m heart e. e vrVBEMXKV yam ganaaal heoHg wnr toVOTIE EHHT to get-o- n hi liffe. Tnat I To tof) tho WSHPE of tna arterlee, tebarealeelg bthw-aa- o ntfUe-tlNot Whan asked aboat Moot si tabtroth and nhamo tho davit.' It's nry ar ovan canaar or tha known aa tobacco heart. If gaa let. on sf oer leading druggist said private opinion that If yon worl c-ou- c-a to oea It form bares as in yon aay aastlr tahnoaatruly S wonderful remedy for the way you can't lose. Bat we'd B. Jh PMBW of anything hahlt; to bo wtrafot of thMf Doyton orar wa aald Wa ar has before. Btdg-- Marohall, Mich., Ho ad hr the maarfoctwer to re- -t yon keif Trial of yww1 the probably isn't afforing JspmfNta'rn worth. I know d too nsaaoy to every dissatisfied CiCLUnvilY CLEAR. CRUid COALS salary yon'r GATE to! e ben Why would ho think h tensor, and w woold not permit .s4 vn4iC5 B aaotoa remedy merit. Bieotol tab- . oven IM Woek to a tarribi to thla elty wader an trea- ' dre eborpowrod. r r0 pile of monay for a Iftfto gjrl fa have & In her flat rw baa dabag niwgpn L d f TP raorn. Yon'r . V earning your Bvtog a ltttSs wvar a half ton nat to, aoihr mwrirtn co er,as aad-dan- ty t hut tn lllta fn ?hrV Ht a am frt lrtrE yi I " 4 aud-dwn- n 7 voric while 'MftM Ri - you fit ha-fo- ra mfnt !tq tkad-needa- - eune-.anr- e. ,a: Iea Fleet-woo- eaa-"tta- et t ;ir-do- n. nr aal-ar- I4l)m; I. ? p nu er ,, , n ti ys -- t:i 1 -- ft iiiiiiimiiiiiaiiiaviaiinmiiiiiiiiiaiauaiii ' TJw e-- vtl shoe-last- s, g, xvilh tha-oth- but a jiaaiaiir cira pujpc-- o er " r!r' ffttoiiw. -- . plT tv tmi nd &r Tt Vh.! at -- it xf yj. idle-Th- Dodor Tells How lo Detect ; Harmful Effects of 7 obacco ' 8 in " . - -- t . hare r that -- delir : i sCii e naan ijTWLEREKSDY ae iwhM BhdV-MFhf . 1 h4f !. vC- - Y0UB 5. 0. is. 2j3 ot ton P 'V r: 0'ii-i;- : dfCAniE rto5StoSTto3rj" t bft 0 V f I J4 V s0 . X |