Show sunday Ser services viges at the services in the tabernacle sunday prest W V C horsley presided singing the sun lias has chased the night prayer by elder adolph reeder singing again we meet around the board the sacrament was administered by the bishopric ot of the third ward elder J W peters read the section of the doctrine covenants Sin singing illig Rec redeemer teemer 4 elder nl nephi eahl anderson who recently 1 returned from liverpool england said that lie he felt like life lie he had been in a dream and coming back to the old scenes and faces had awakened him explained that ho he had been engaged I 1 in editing ahe millennial star and N consequently had not had very much of the usual missionary experiences the british mission Is composed of thirteen conferences with an average of 20 missionaries in each conference i two years ago the elders elder were withdrawn fi from orn wales bec because ause it seemed impossible for them to make any headway in that country tile the people were entirely indifferent Indin erent to religious teachings teaching about that time ev evan an roberts arose and proclaimed himself a prophet A great revival took place through the whole of wales this undue however has greatly subsided and today to day the people are more rational last july a conference was held ot of all the elders in ili the british mission numbering at that time the largest meet meeting til of the kind that has ever been held ari on british soil bradford was the place selected tor for the conference because of its central location and the ability of that branch to take care of the great number of elders assembled I 1 never experienced perien perlen ced a more more sublime spirit than that which prea breaded ded the conference and I 1 hope that influence will remain with me all my life ile he mentioned all of the elders from brigham city that he had met and praised them all for the good work they area doing ile he reported that the work in the netherlands ther lands mission is very satisfactory indeed complete liberty is found there and the elders are en themselves to the fullest extent la in switzerland the people enjoy real r liberty but in germany the officers rs have been so diligent in enforcing J forein the law which jr valt la in j that country against the latter day 1 sainta that they had td withdrawn und discontinue their public work S I 1 V bailiff of logan who now presides over that mission says that greater progress has been made in germany since all public meetings were discontinued which would be equivalent to saying that instead of opposition hindering the work of the lord it serves to give if new impetus in brussels aud and belgium there are ft a number of elders ailt it work principally in selling bibles the speaker explained that a good many of these catholics have never been permitted to read or have never been taught to read the bible the elders are therefore he doing work that has been much needed in that country he visited with prest grant and athers the con conferences ferencek feren ces in copenhagen nos Nor koping Stock holmi aarhus and aalborg lie he described a visit to king oscar on july ath an account of which was sent home by prest grant and reproduced in ili the deseret news the mormon choir in came in ili tor for special praise it Is generally conceded to be the best choir in the whole city of and has been made so EO through the efforts of elder thor f C Nl clelen elten elen who spent a year there doing missionary wol woi 1 the hoir san sans an anthem ani liem benediction cesier Dene diction by elder nels hansen |