Show t 4 4 A OUR POSITION following Is a copy ot of the letter sent to tile the political par ties by tills this paper it explains itself brigham br ighani city utah 4 sept 26 gentlemen tills this is to inform you that the columns of the box elder news are open to the political parties of the county for the political cam laign matter at the following rates rates given here the columns will be desis bated republican column column lean column etc and contain at 4 the lead of the ali respective coi nans the that t they ire are edited by the depre of the parties besig noted and do no not in any wise 4 reflect the policy of the paper further we reserve the right to exclude any matter of an acrimonious personal nature anything reflecting upon any church religious society be ne association or charl chari table able institution Insl luion Contri contributory butora to abl these ese col will kindly findly take notice of our position and govern themselves accordingly A copy of this letter has 4 been addressed to represents lives of the republican demo cratic and american parties yours truly TIIE BOX ELDER NEWS CO by |