Show N I 1 hansens shoes are letter BUY te warts iron fence cheaper than wood will last highest awards maids fair st loua 1904 afro BY ir 0 over dellins of iron fence shown fm car cats loille low 1 ces will surprise ill and see us P W f no south soth main st brigham our funeral appointments are first 1 i 9 class and we are ready at all times to carry iq out orders in a thoroughly satisfactory i 9 manner mannen aw I 1 we have made a close study of embalming and our method is according to the most recent scientific discoveries and modern I 1 practice 0 d S J we have an elegant line gf f caskets and ef mi i ii um I 1 M ladies gents misses and youths suits together with other burial supplies aw we have the finest hearse in the county to offer our patrons our prices are guaranteed to be positively right STOHL FURNITURE COMPANY FEE cj JIAM r TONS OF THE WISE MEN easily convinced its the unexpected that usually r cologne cathedral claims remains Remain of happens happen s you know said the slow first worshipers of savior boarder in the cathedral church of cologne 1 I guess rigi fr rejoined the la Is a large purple shrine spotted with landlady at least I 1 know the money n gold and set upon a pedestal of 0 brass I 1 expected irom from you last weel week 00 E JOL in the middle of a square mausoleum materialized as et faced both within and nj without with jasper the shrine Is said to contain the remains of the tha three wise men who went to bethlehem in order to LEE DUNN DUNK YARDS CARPET AT TWO THIRDS ITS VALUE worship the newly born savior and LEE DUNN whose bodies according acco iding to tradition 40 HEATERS INCLUDING COLES HOT BLAST were discovered somewhere in the VORTEX HOT BLAST AND SEVERAL OTHER east brought to constantinople and WE HAVE REAL ESTATE STYLES AT PROM FROM UP 1 PAIR NETS interred in tha cathedral of st sophia when became bishop of WE HAVE REAL ESTATE KEEP RE EP FLIES OFF YOUR HORSES CHEAP 1 milan the people of that city obtained CUTTER 1 PLOW FEET PIPE OF DIFFERENT the privilege of matlog milan YOU WANT REJA REAL IL ESTATE SIZES OTHER THINGS AT YOUR the resting place of the sacred relics when when milan tell fell into the hands at 0 YOU WANT REAL ESTATE OWN PRICE Fred frederick crick barbarosa A D the influence of the archbishop of co BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS 0 o osne ne prevailed upon the emperor to just arri arrived ved 1 allow the remains to be transferred BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS to that city they are generally call yi rl 1 rr r r T avs w 1 i 7 their names iii imes which are caspar mel 7 twenty tw diey five live acre six year old f I 1 IRON RO N BEDS RUGS CARPETS AND ALL KINDS OF cheor and B balthasar al h ar are writt crt in pie orchard harai with fifteen acres ad HIGH GRADE FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES purple characters upon a little grate dit ional farm band in in the bear river that is adorned with a remarkably QUALITY considered large oriental topaz and a profusion valley three thousand apple trees of pearls and precious stones over eight room modern modem farm house good against the shrine are six large silver barns arns arid and out buildings ten work CALL AND SEE U US S branches branche s perpetually illuminated with stands oe perpetually horses twenty cows ten 0 wax candies this celebrated shrine olson furniture co 0 Is said to be opened every morning bees es full equipment of agricultural 1 1 at 9 when the wise men are implements and everything that goes UTAH 4 seen at full length each having on his with a first class farm CITY B BRIGHAM 4 head an elegant crown of gold richly with jewels GET IN LINE FOR THIS IT WONT LAST LONG s STORE OF FAT SUSTAINS LIFE 1 two and one half acres peach and hibernating animals exist on their cherry orchard in prime hearing bearing con reserve of adipose tissue five room house 1500 A N t k some animals which hibernate or IR f W retiro retire to winter quarters lay up a WANTED WANTED WANTED A L z m supply of food in the autumn and pass WANTED WANTED WANTED the cold season in a state dif terling avint but little from ordinary sleep from AIM mi which they occasionally awake and one two and three acre tracts satisfy their hunger but others are close in have immediate customers dormant during the whole period in taking no food these retire to their winter quarters quarter provided with a adue due WITH US LIST properties WIT supply of fatty matter a consequence mone money YI money money ej of the abundant supply of 0 food they LEE DUNN have been able to tb procure dying dirin g the preceding months this serves as a reservoir of nourishment adequate I 1 have money to supply you all to the supply of the small expenditure FINE FEATHERS that takes place during their torpid state on the return of spring they are aroused from their lethargy the their T tat fat being greatly diminished in animals an joseph ose lmh Is y N T a 9 motion thus is altogether circumstanced suspended voluntary so y ir jl also is t the process of di digestion several of the secretions are arc suppressed national bank brigham city utah room 22 first the senses are sealed up and the circulation cu greatly diminished in rapid ity the hamster the pulse of which 4 beats per minute in a state of at activity has it reduced to 15 in its we ale still selling dishes torpid condition the dormouse 40 whose pulse Is so rapid as scarcely to be counted when in its normal state has it reduced to the same low yes ves and lo 10 s of them tool too standard when torpid make flue fine birds says the proverb our customers will tell you that our prices can t he be heat beat and hut but they also form the distinguishing 4 that we have the best newest and most up to oda date assortment to he be some the flowers little arel darling universal favor I 1 feature of many of our fall hats for seen in the valley ites of these the mignonette is one ladies we have some very tempting our jelly glasses are going at per doz we sell TUBS at its original home was north africa i IT OUR REGULAR PRICES and from which it found its way to italy bargains s in in millinery that will he be apt REMEMBER WE HAVE ANYTHING A AND ND everything YOU and chento paris here lord bate to make the fair sex envious of then them WANT IN GRANITE WARE TIN WARE galvanized WARE man met it in 1742 and being enam which r 01 also lentil they hear the low prices CROCKERY WARE ETC AS WELL AS ALL KINDS OF ored ol of it brought some e seeds to eng land ft abere hero he was nas thus its intro practically put these beautiful hats HOUSEHOLD furnishings ducer delighted with its within the reach of any woman we ing look and choice fragrance frae rance he are inviting the ladies of the comma called it mignonette or ell dar OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST ling the strange thing is that anity na to 0 call ca and d inspect these hats though this word Is french the plant if they are able to resist I 1 the charms chams Is not known by it tn in france in that of our new millinery then we must stohl bros furniture co I 1 country it is styled ae reseda odorant llave have wis misjudged its attractiveness which is merely the french translay tran sla lien of its scientific name reseda beil 11 4 TREMONTON UTAH od orai orata mrs M E campb Camp campbell t t 4 4 one door south of robbins bakery N L LT cassea sens s shoes are better is main street brigham city |