Show LISTED MIS it is ent Tely useless tor fur us to ap 1 real to thac ahr scavengers ol lot IL tah he e prem Ires sto to if fi tease lease from their presetta ta conot ion of na savory matter tor the tion of Zep depraved raved appetites bec aase aleal assria writers to tofu ache I 1 und of readers t at lure love their product ious ire are beyond reform and crove lo that of lmh bib but we e may masa ask asb kle isie public either alther it tu to refrain irom imm rea aing the scan aca n d ital n and 70 gons G ons here mentioned OTSO disregard statements ilius put forth this is particularly neta our aur fag the flie partisan wattage TIOW mw in pro it newspaper mews renters readers delight rn per perusing pern Sing mAing false imports of public speeches private acts intentions and other anid md of course abey will lay buy and read fhe stuff that thatis Is dealt out by the tellow TeT Iov journals TO ro suit their taste cut brit t how ahu desire to obtain 0 the news leaah bacri investigate the views and ana utterances of public men and candidates tor for office ice should utterly ate aid disregard the messes of false hood that are dished up daily and ot of I 1 fared as narrations of fact and reports ot of occurrences and speeches A little investigation will soon bring to light the unreliability ot of some partisan papers in reference to political affairs they not only distort 1 and iii pervert the utterances and motives of their political opponents hal deliberately invent the most outrageous falsehoods false hoods to bring reproach I 1 an opprobrium upon their antagonists in order to accomplish their official defeat let the public beware dt f such degraded and degrading journalism nalls iii it is injurious to the public mind it panders to depraved desires lit it seeks to bring ruin euln to good men land and to aid lad bad men to reach public station the th only sensible way to oppress such abominations is to let them alone when their perfisity Is discovered their infamy laid bare their fly so ro paten abat alt all can behold it they should be utterly ignored by every respectable and fair minded individual what is the use 0 of r reading e tor for reports ot of public meetings and speeches mere tirades of misrepresentation and abuse the information desired Is not obtained and the reader is deceived or disgusted it if reporters of public doings boings and sayings are permitted io fo make comments and express dissent from the doctrines or declarations or of public speakers they ought not to be allowed to interpolate their insults and ana slurs and misleading ejaculations ions into the body of a speech or a description of any ny assembly the value of a report of political matters is in its accuracy readers of the public press want facts not fiction the actual remarks of a public speaker not the ef fusions I 1 of the reporter they cou could id be reserved tor for after articles or paragraphs it if they emust must te be presented at all but every newspaper however partisan it may be should aim to present that which Is said and done even by the opposition just as it happens instead of 0 that which is fabrica fabricated teI in the fertile mind ot of a jesting reporter A contrary course injures the paper that permits it no one can rely upon anything that it prints doubt is cast upon upon even the actual news that it publishes its opinions soon come to be valueless they are tinged with a bitterness that badly flavors everything they present the public tires tire s harangues they run along easily for a time but they end in public repudiation and contempt we appeal for truth and correct accounts of political movements as well as all other happenings during the campaign that has been opened tell us what actually occurs and what is really said at the conventions party meetings and other out the froth and fury and fumes and buncombe manufactured by he par aisan reporter or insensate editor do not decleve the public with startling headlines which are not justi justified fiet by anything in the body of the report or ther article pitch into the enemy if that must be done in the part of the papers usual usually afy devoted to such matter but deal bartly with all parties and factions in detailing their proceedings this will be much more satisfactory to the public and will be of greater profit to the publication we warn the people ot or the stata against belag being influenced and an led dl edl the dark beahe by the monstrous exaggerations and I 1 wilful fabrications that dal ly I 1 appe appear ar in certain scurrilous ous sheets published purposely to mislead them to prejudice them and to lead them astray from the truth some people will bs be humbugger humbugged hum hurn bugged the thereby teby edly but let the masses of the people of this state when they fled fimi out that they have been hoodwinked and ana inis jofs led make up their minds to repudiate entirely such publications ani and refuse 7 Q to read them even it if offered as a gift deseret news |