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Show - , - - - , wt, .44, 4p.PNr V41.414V11,,I.4 Dranter . ietiod too Allatvg& CAW a cavolitical ILI- - Men t 1:nellrITL) VZ3:3 '1'0E5E1:i:111' the justice 1111.1 'Vienna alb Jac tweets; rossoid tcordaksissody magegoolont LOCAUI1O PACT ; Critics of Security Treaty lanSnall143-113- : Drop Opposition After '1.1 "TILANITI Powerful Speech in IBy somata, cbsetorod brostocos Cssiord ail.botoseUsboo Clodridt) Paisstimo; "17,100 lois; 15 days io lent sod etc Minister. is Lumps. Reichstag hy Spain. bay, Groom Cenotionnapith 3P-1- MID Stop-emss- e DI EDGAR ANSEL MOVIRER Plows (Br- Radio to Tho DeseretChicago Daily tiewnt Nov. BERLIN. Strosesnamt's ulnas illintster itraight forward words to ths lewit 411.4440. !Lour Tisigibtfr mama arum vrairm C. clAntE, Wald v the Urania treaties in almost irrefutablo fashion and con. 'lured ad scam thii most rosolute admroarios ef tit necessity of soaepting these treaties.crammed with In a long speech Isms the foreign minister gars imitator's impose of tho situation Esliiiring 10 his critics. Herr Strom y - '' IT , , the optimists who Imagined that suball Versailles treaty on which arrangements. including sequentthe German American peace treaty wets base& could be ignored Out of existence by Germany. ,The fact of tho signing of the Loners agreement doss not constitute a neer German acknowledgement of mann declared that Article 11 of the covenant will give ofGermany asking the peaceful revision of hitoterattio by frontiers and that this interpretation is accepted by Austell Cham. beriain. British foreign minister.Concerning the treaty of Ter-at flere Stasemena laughed - a for,,,til'e k2ttt:at)ill :::: II 1 Nov. .4vj S v )1-- ; " ft r 1. , o n ' Folks: - - 4- J 1 , boom wink able ammo Imetv Immirr-- o y Mins yoar omit ' , borauso bs sepreleoto BOLT L , Ccsal 5t11 e 1.-ak- PARADE Nov. 25. 1,000 stud- A e . This yard will serve as die exclusive cristrlutor. in Salt City of Peerless coal, the kind ' seal! lf 01b4041 noNv open for business at Collipany Smith alld 3rd West. lik:td-s- -o Well for eight years. , E ,.. er -oal from uas youcan Peer Iess--Cbe sure you will get it because that is the onl$P, d -- 1Vh'en LI 0 u, p of coal kin-- s. you--ciid- e- w-- carry: : 040 A New Feature - 1,,,:tat,,,, ri; tilts, your titoire, furnace or open grate, Just call Wasatch 1318, and ask for 'Buzz" Vomiter,. ' Without obligation or cost to you, he will make an intelligent study of your prolgem and advise you how to get the best results from the coal you, burn, irrespective of the kind it is, - :,mhaillp vANcouvER, WIIAIL, Noy. L. R. Bolen. prominent farmer of the Mill Plain section, east of bore, visa arrested yesterday on a charge of murder in connection with the death last July of , If you are not getting satisfactory results from Polka Nab Farmer After Finding Body in River 4 ft MC department of the Peerles's Meet Mr. Pope Ho dean Mak woe" 'Met MU WPM , Awe, , k II) 1 t. 0 C , nt , t U f,,,:k. BOULDER. Colo., pproxtmately r nts of the University of Colorado. moet, of them freshmen, boiled from chapel and staged a 41 minute "pep parade," through town after calling the University band to lead them. Nearly half the student body was involved in the stampede. All women student.. mad some of the upper daemon remained in chapel. .In leaving chapel the recalcitrant student.. spurned as elaborate musical program arranged by Dr. F. C. Chace, auditorium organist-PresideGeorge Norlin thanked those who kept their eats. and after the chapel period wee over. a meeting' of the executive council was called to determine what action should be taken. Na announcement as to " what should be done was made after the meeting. but it was said. that both the executive council and the sociated students would take actIon. 1 1 , .. - (AP)--- o I , you've 0 , ) - ' 24.,.(SP) CIFLIIO1O V '111Cif , (1 Defects in the tsar steek el army mmunition now 'held In reserve ors disclosed in the annuti report of Maier General Co C. Williams Chief of Ordnance. They are due. it is amid. net alone to deterioration in storage., but to "hurried war design or hurried war ProdOctioin." and have been discovered as a result of the careful inspection system Including laborer tory tests set up since the war. The condition of the reserve stock of ammunition has been a growing r source of worry to department and o project for building up the reserre through a ten year replacement program bas been worked out which involves around 1;00.,- 10.6.4). S4 S 1 - WAiitHINOTON, lihWtilv 1 .' , oriperleano 11401 ..'; dushle Dealers in , 1.7.11 15 TIIE CTIIE 1,E30 5111E1ITS I i; - the-Wa- , ,i. ...,' ::: , , IlIntb Hotel, Salt Lake CRT. J. G. Tomlinson, Wilson , re4chf!-.,:-- memorising ftWit OWNS& ntlinnod ONWEENIr - , T 11.5, SIM. aiyo,1619 TILIA,"1 - 17-! Imam boonsalumeAS isomwAT too Ossordst, IANCAS ' 10, by sploisay tbortorod otor 12,000 isiciods Wolk drissi6 ' Oar lobos always to rInods. 1M.1 treat ies. bona loom et ado ' WEDNE3DAY ITOV11.1BE3 blockade of Rounta if It should be requamed by the league bootees elude action would waste-bet- e a weer danger againet which Gootaany haa tho right to Provide would gladly take part la a world commercial , confer-Mbut tide does ant mesa an reproach to the Halted States of aurora. The enact of lb. 'pooch wise excellent. It wee punctuated by humorous momenta as whoa. after reading is Preach, Herr farces- melon Mopped to rest and all ineest voice interrupted: "Els bee.' coeflatece." (AU right, to (CePrislit 1921 Chicago Daily Mtn t , esemacereial CidoS: difp loos sod A Isoldre pokes faills; tdin Nilo, Hangiolk alsedis. included; Mmes. Pomo' Comok Los Amadei, Calm Joresaboll 3 Jays. optics of 17 days is bobs; Goyim. days Europe is rombod ist the 'Athens. Narks, Mold Cade. Cborboorg. , boss spriog omen sod stopovers ors psrandod. toossoobis fret oleos hoolsolos Mem, a l atiolosos to assioine 111ellrist di nonsoad dorm, and sa IDLAL VOYAGZ TU1 1111471111. : DOM 0.10 le MOO CLAWS nod CRUM JAIL f -- NEWO 1 1 jest botcro lacers proves coatis. Merely that Germany has so batwings's of 'Males any "world frost &salsa kismet (nestly. moreover. will not take part overt in a agerOmida-bwoteLA001244- 0 1011TS-FOLS.O- WP 00. no tut that the Germs& comasereiti trealY wee shined $1230 le $30;00 Intiort IrAdi rime iovu Foul magma, .Of it those V; v.,' Ve 25--- (AP)--- , Waiter W. Flemming 19, whose the body , was found gloating in Columbia river. Flemming wee said by authorities to have been a deserter from the army and had been an eiblilore of Bolen for abont a year. Bolc..e said to have admitted quarreling with Flemming over the care of a calf. Shortly thereafter Bolen's 1 farm house and barn burned and Flemming disappeared. - Bolen charged Flemming ,wtth burning , the buildings. tdclog...,:....as.::.,....i:-:!:.:-:.:........:- :th.,.W..iO4..sv.00t,:..$0.4 . i THE urge to be up and doing rises in every fragrant 'Wisp of ,. , Bros. Coffpe . . . the spirit West. That 0 411 e ' ' 1.4 with irre! racing pulses. - . - coffee-lover- - . , South and 3td h Salt Lakc , 'made numerous Journey's, with Women Pris' oners Bind Presidents Cleveland. Harrison, in his SS y.arp Aged Matron of Jog, Flee and Taft McKinley Storm' Hundred Die in of service. '(.4:'-,- :' Be was asaigned to President Old Tombs Washed Up HIS SEAT FOR Tenn., Nov. 2S.- -S15,1100 McKinlWa party at the time of his NASHVILLE, and torturing Mrs. assassination. Nov. LONDON, His friends recall too. that be Sarah fitolzer.Zgray haired night More --than One hundred are nerved the bridal party of Grover matron at the county Jail her. late to have perished in the Cleveland and Representative Itue night, three women prisoners floods at Athena. following a tor. JA(30B FIELD grITS WALL Nicholas and had Longworth . twen-rential rain of an hour and AFTER sTREer of CAREER, cars in which Ad- robbed heir of money and jail keys the charge disa minutes Tuesday, says, ty miral across traveled 14 YEARS Or Dewey the and fled . only to be recaptured le patch to the Daily Express. Many , .701'7Cpouge-- 11, continent onhia return from MA. minnow after whit- - hadfreed houses in the refugee settlement Cooldmig., melt and aroused guards. raid ktiántivet Sololholes collapsed. The inmates were buried In the ruins and many were swept Ill health has driven from tho New , York Stock Exchange one Net 1.4 away aid drowned. . Flood waters from Mount 1,4,- - most active grid picturesque floor kabettos washed up thirty eight' traders. I. Jacob richt. known generally as tombs in Anagnoetopoulou street "Jakie" has sold his eat after 60 bora Five mummies and numerous in street Wail 27 years and and were vases ,ornaments years gold Hours-8-:30 a. m. uncovered. It is not known to what on the big board. Incidentally he for the seat, the high-cepoch the tombs and mummies be. got 0152,000 to 6:30 in. daily. on le record. the second It price time that he bas sot a record for Sundays, 10 to 2. 0 stock exchange seats, for the , 000 he be reputed to have paid for it in IS'S was a record then. Although he- wow and lost in Wail street. a cublryhols he a brokers branch office at the "Valdort served Mr. Field for an 1 ', tPLCII----- office. He preferred to t,perate as , a and needed only 1 enough space to apswer a few let,-'3)11 f'Alx0- - '1'-- ' : ) tars and telephone calls each day. On the floor of he worked so last that fellow memUNION DENTAL CO. DENTISTS ARE 1 -- -e bros. operating at the same post: ' .' 711111' SPECIALISTS OF EXPERIENCE - - -- I often were unable to tell whether , We give every patient the he was long-o- r short of any parbent service of which ea- I ticular stock. ,.., - perienced; akHied dentists very , are capable. And you have Some of the operations mask Chit genifit of his amociates by their magnitude proven', ndentille and lout modern methods In 6 Instance. and daring. One of his moat temWork and Honest Materials, UNION - DENTALevery For Honest COMFANY , pestuous, battles was with tbevfo.- $. PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOWER---i------ -.."mous Jesse L. Livermore. When ., , , , , ,, , , Livermore and his .followers sold Baldwin Locomotive, Field Jr bought all that was offorod, Extractions getting nearly ail the capital stock tionest-Work.-- -Under Gas, outstanding. caught The Livermore followers shortww5 forced then t 10 toes 1 :s.. L bL OIL - ...,. 0 1 ot for sure why millions of call this 'favorite ....., - Stand-- ( beverage The Recogn' ized ard Ask for Hills Bros. by name and look for the Arab on the can. Hills Bros. Coffee is economical , - to use. yo 'It - mil-Bo- ns free-lan- ILLS,'IWQ.Sil,-gQ,F- j 0 111,rd .413....00,1-7-- ff 11'14 40 0 t LI I eCqfS k - ie, g do4lo 1 dealet ot. 0 MS.Nies !,t6.1c,'fot, aft S - Mr. field 'darted as it moseentar boy and was a trader In tho old open-ai- r garb market before boring exchange seat: Me epee-elation" began with a $le bra en him when a aal li I reward for withholding-d'apodi from a bank that fatted. - . - Will hettiNCM-- , Pullman -1 - iMMOMM,. ,,,,,,,- e n' earest Cresecni in altdetallsSce Is as orisisal ranges, Pod sake hips the coles fresh. - i- , Porter for Presidents is Dead WASHINGTON. -(1 .--- ----- a Cream Doe-asia- ts 1 NOT; ' sil'r'el-r1 11ÈQUIRÉS''slittt) -i ' .. - Union Plates .$10 : Finin:s :01.C3 testa --- 25,-(- AP) the age or 41. served five Assertean presidents on their puma? over the continent. ' Murray was a particular tavork or , President Roosevelt, and aloe till , 11. , ' I.Spencer Murray, negro Pallmas porter, who died her yesterday at DENTAL ttl nion - ( 1)14A tall ) ,4 - 4 i - "Buzz" Pottlter, Retati Manager. atr. - Ss& s Yard--5t- 111'11101:1P01116 Gookeral Poke Agent, Illarry,11. Kurt., - . , -- flavor,-yot- !. rare Orthesetary (Sdo 114). . , And when you brew a cup and - know - . - ' - - -, taite that Hills Bros. w. w. Mar lortg. ff. (AP)-7Bindi- go-getti- ng - - indescribable aroma, laden the sheer joy of living . . . - sistible . :. ; redolent of , tra. YETHAN BRUER SELLS r .1Is 1-- , 1 , Po 3 3 3 - 3 3 3 I -. :- -- 50e...s Y - FREE ' w' tlf i i ,.a (1,Likt rift OA ,,...N,N . ei, -- , r: .,v, Honeit. Prices - by l Abassthelle -1 - Platte tepaind in 3 'Wiwi SZIMICE. 1"grfX-11,A- ruIt...itiATIOti N,,, rzactionsLocal - - ,, 3 21 $3 . - is).1 i1 I .6I I: I a I f 61 .01 k,.." ' il 7 ilii- - 60, ' 4 is Mit 0 |