OCR Text |
Show - - , , :,. ' - - , ,; 4 co 0.7.wil, : or liwa, lowiPoipmlleripopowx.75,0, -- - , - . - - ' -- - THIS , . DiatiERET: SEWS WEDNESDAY - , . , NEWS OF UTA .:,RD , f . . EN-..VICIN- Y I , l 1 , no.;ribs a. 16.1118 . . .. be susosted tle Seam bowler Degartmeeh - ..... 1 -- .t ' i I ilinnr Ilillit- 11111 1 , , 1110.P.01101101111116 illimomour Sammennesdh, ,, - - -- --- - . t. Cortere . met Mmes. igassidd I t , OF - 4: EaCaanaa Club. raeadity , ..- .- - , .. u--WI - Is- . -- ' (do --- in . . ery ' v ct 1"" r . Ran-trus- 1 III Lrrmi II,---- Mee-ame- -- ' . - w. , 1 Young-univers- ity . -- " , fin u,..... .,,,,h,, - , i - s" w at , - ,. , ICROUP ty SAWW. I I Deer COM- - sis I I TnAvEL-POLIC- Y an-flo- . tee or $1.00 The Deseret News is to old and new subscribers this unusual sceying Ter tall Was. 650. details skint pollas I - - 11. Ockey, , SC - - I ens , Hi 4 a pearadar tanhonothse et the Diateet as mos& Imams Os Pence - 41Ni Pant irrit eft,401.00- plata witil , , - wM blot. 940 mx -- mail-ord- er - s at LOGAN. Nov. - Isiess.re TodayTciriois, May Be Too Late! following girt debaters were chosen at the U. A. C. aftera tritent lair.' Viral Lenora Croft. Lucille Owen, Nona& Nausea. Berths Stoker and Gwen Rauch. Le- -, e'lle Owen. Owen Rauch and Nor.i mkliseetwiltere- members of the' teams last year. Debates are listed with the University of Utak, and the Brigham Young university. fitpeciallrunMillard Rob. eral services for Joseph Moon who died her Sunday of cam. car of ths stomach were held In the Rievonth ward rooms In tit tabernacle this afternoon. Interment was to thit Logan city oomotery. Mt. Robinson was born In II MI. claiming to to tho first white child born In Millard county He spout most of his life in Millard county Ineviliff bars to 1,102 to do tempi work. - T s Montpelier Takes Steps Ophter Mine Accident To Organize Rotary Club Victim Buried in Brigham - MONTPELIER: Idaho, No. 25- .-- foot 1SpeciallA Inovernent InonMontto organize Rotarykclub pelier and organization work had advanced to a point where the ritY will doubtless bays a club of that the organization soon. - Among leaders la the movement are Judge p. er Kunz, City Clerk P. L, Cruikhank. Dr. Oro, V. Ashley and othhrs. - Dr. Ashley "bade trip to Pocatello this week la the Interests of the movement. Montpelier virtually boat Its Commercial club when the banks In the city were closed during the past 14 The banks bad collected month dues from the nearly 100 members the chamber. la - . t I :: : - o' - .......;) cx-- BRIGHAM CITY. Nov. w. remakes for Pena chinFuneal former resident. who died 3 D. Bair& Priday in a seine accident at Ophir. were held in the gieth ward chapel. Tuesday with Bishop Abel S. Mich officiating. worn Ithattop Birk, ledge Spankers Fred J. Bolton. Brigham City: P. C. Gillett, Ophir G. AMMO. Canter., eine; Thomas Z Beeris Parming.. ton: Ernest 'Young. Logan; Prot. C. Border, Boxeider take Alruitzw B. FORATTIN PROVO, Nov. 15 , .. -- HE modern trust company' has become an The Family Business Counselor - SCRUM services for Andrew B. Forsyth were held in the Provo Fourth ward chapel Monday with Bishop R. kierdoek presidtns The invocation was offered by Bishop Attrs4 Booth and benediction by A. 0. Smoot. The speakers were Andrew W. N.Berner. Andrew Johnson. Pres& T. Taylor and Filehop Burdock. The Krave the Prove City cemetery trait dedicated by J. Durrent. DIPHTHERIA FATAL TO C1111111.. PRICK Nov. suffering for team than a day with a sowers attack of diphtheria. little Catherine Chart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Otierto of Helper, died Monday night. This ',was the only known rase of the disease in Hi. vicinity. Short services were lipid at the grave Tuesday noon of Julius Sheppard. Y. M. charge C. A. secretary. with interment in the Helper censetery. , - - -- i.'. I Z - III IS 1 - Every family is anxious thatrits, fmemcial resources be extended to the point of greatest usefulness. This cannot be accomplished without a defuute plan. s The undersigned Trust Companies vide you with definite plans for . vat pro-- , - t7. 7- .- --- -- i I --- , -- -, 1. fa.7111Y .Buaddtgertyoudenice.; , resources toward 1 - 5 2. Assuring your family against . -.- , quiry will be welcomed and will be, of course, without any obligation on your part. Your .... the 'loss of their property after the guiding hand has been ' taken away. . . ? 4 , I ., . M. - Is , - Central Trust Co.- - Columbia', Trust Co. - - , - , ' Tracy Pan & Trust Co. UtahSavmgs 8c Trust Co.' -- - - Zion's Sevings Bank & Trust Co. - AllofsaltLakeCity. - - - -- Ogden State 'Bank, Ogden, Utah. First Ufa!". Savings Bank;Ogclen, Utah.' 2 " - 2 - as. . . .- ..." ...: 1 ... - i.,.. - "Sr.t.s. r - , ce Z: , - - - ' ' I Trust Co. Wake': Brothers Bankers Halloran-Judg- e Mr - t i , q()11(.- . . i impoitant factor in financial transactions. It acts as a responsible disinterested agency, representing all parties. The .general use of its services in protecting the interests of all parties to business transactions is an indication of its great financial strength and ability to discharge the important duties entrusted to its DALEs-Stude- , , i In Financial Transactions st OM) , - LOGAN. Item. - cow or ?own owamorotommo. :samara... Mate. nall "We Appliouress hi earrenen. .hookelf Ordhlt fiat amok so Ilbe poseret Norms -lasimasse Met. Snit Likkg, 11101'lls Romlow rotas nod torsos of paywoonst aprty Om WI owl. mattlyeass enlisted Is osoosottoo oda. ponogom. 'Pop farther die 'toil or' latormottain ph000k. se all' Dolotrof lifooto. - I, he mo UOL Company. ',..i ow ,t - W.-W- , - , - . 0a - - Oloost" A4direme BMW --Answ- ers . tot i , ., Posion. mater mar eulteertaides le The beentret idpore, vests Om whisk I memo Se ps. royale. torsona, IbMSe, , News amid will Ac:1 : d 011001E- IMMO n, ,., at -- ds between the ages ot 111 and lawless ssisistsetiost tee et ILO assi entity' that - Well - N.,..,, . Parent-Teach- Registrar 3 bambir ty ter the Ittecos travel and podeetriaa Aneaeat policy a.4 he the Continental Lite Lamurance rem- tar subscribers et Tba Deseret Noes to moo. ezetaatvelp et the bcus.hoI , , American Falls ,. to APPLICATION To David - le.'Cliribm. , , - ' 4 L T. the of PORKtionoring Miss Olea Huff to IFIONEE11, DILL Logi WY of Payola. F. sad .Muff antfftatbott at a POCATELLO. Ntivreception Monday evening in the Edward August lien, 11, died at auditorium was ortiolted Ms home 341 West Halliday, MonRad a musical Policing nee Program rondo-rehis widow and nurvietne day. one dauyhter. Mra Frank Borgia' r ' CASTLE nts of the of this city. The funeral was held Central high school have 'Mohr Wednesday at 2 pm. the gee. James Petted a court for the punishment C. !miles offielatind. Mr. Hein has of school rule violators. Alton Wickresided in the Lost river Gantry man is judge and sine. 1224 and was engaged Su Ms hay proseeuting attorneymercantile business. EMEMBER, how it used to bo -----Lib. when you could hardly wait -' mrom- -anti01111.1. welch supper POCATELLO GIRL dance was given Pridai evening, by for mealtime? And then, sit down ' POCATELLO. Nov. 11 Special) tits M association of- and eat several helpings of everyt Elizabeth Sorrell. 11. ' tor lokiLyroceette Pure:going Mn. morsel and lir. s4 of WJ. 11XAS at Se13001 111190,10 MoroIget daughter thingenjoy every Morrell died at the family home op from the table feeling satisfied 140 South Tuesday. SurvivMONTICELLO-San Juan county with the World, happy with every- - ing are herAtthur one brothparents and commission time body and ready for anything. e r, ZUfferM Barred- .- for delinquency of taxes tothe Pee, 20 what a But in difference living on petition Citizens of of the colon, when even the of tt,104i MrTtRATDamages sight and smell of Tuesday when ItTe Oafood sickens you! Never hungry. occurred e troyed a born and damaged kATSVILLEKnysvilla 'ward Is no matter how tempting the food is bakery and dwelling at the rear Mannino a gAncing party 'Thanks-gyrinAnd then. of the old Murray opera house -benothing tasting right. in honor nitsof night its now- ln Nick, Papp after nibbling at a few bites, feel.. lonaing to .oulair Chicago. The Murray. fire depart- worse than ever. lug meat kept tho flames form spread ' IlifERRAlfMillnrd lson. sent of Oh, life is hardly worth living Mrs. Emma Olson of 4;rant word. left today forth. Stwedish mission. . this way. And yet, all in the World the matter with you is that you' Pocatello Girls Prepare BOCNTIFELThe marelagg , in are starving for rich, red blood. It '.0gdest-oDgviti I& Mitchell.- - Woods is For Basketball :Season evir..hera that Cross. and Evollso tintwell. Mot. is S. acknowledged S. S. hrIp. Nature build these . POCATK12." Nov,. healthy red- by tho mil, Mao &fillet, Smith. - MOROA lions! NThoofficers followingcoach of the bigt anttonne I have bees chosen-- t o bead the Built 1 - All you need to 'do ad that basketball practice will start mess liten's club; Erroll to get back that woo- Ellington. the gymnasium Twesday night. president:- - - Ltr.-- i E. it, Abbott.-- - stet- derful to is Dec I. After a number of practice i prestdent: JsY appetite Kingston. secretary build rich, games vairular teams will ho choson and treasurer: B. K. Farnsworth. for tournament work. Tho girl athlette manager; Ira I.,. Peterson. with S. S. S. It's have bad a successful socearball Sylvester Heiner. Oral Mathis. Olen. simple. Just it.; season this year and are looking try Hansen and Etw000d Chadwick-boar- like thousands aro do- forward to an equally successful ' gammon of control. .., Of hoop work. Several of ing every day. flee for yoursd last rear's-marare back and ready MOROANA five day carnlval to . what & & & will do. Thoae are: for tha first wogicout. begin Nov. 30 is twine planned, hr & & B. means blood with a gnmel Radii Pettit. Nellie Willake and Al- tait eneious organizations of the ma Willekw brimful new of life and North Unman wart. proceeds to de energy A meeting- of all girls Inu.r.. the setnter espeners of eves Get your S. S. S. at any good drug Medshort in basketball wae hold the H. Anderson in chairman gist. The larger size is mars aro high echo, Tueadav afternoon atViva Ifear the affair. the seventh annual nendell, Eloise Smith presided at the meet-,- 1 , I opens with a grand ball In lag and bold of the plans for the' Om high school glImnalltml, ' coming basketball soason. , - Ter a regisbatkot ; SPANISH - ":, back - nlarTillWO secured. No definite dots has for tho beettartil.annotincedbly be bold asnbouowt..plieu: It whoa ths Colon Piket c med train has completed Iii tour of. the tato sad returns to Pocatello., iit a Tb.....doeihw..,berdipera,recu Om' of Monday evening Al the time seed show it is planned to bold tho Idaho Irrigat on congress and hardware doaters- - convention, of southern Idaho i s., m..,,. Tentative Program fl. w Merlem sergeant hint-Irtitia- ij be iseit 1r IS 01 teshaull c:".b.:psemtbgbrnir.dc,,mr:wellraa6rc,stl..:..pF:n:imaed:: :Itélfil - (Special) All Idaho Meet Farmer; business and professional men. manufacturer and eattletnen ottr..titultil to the eumber-o-f ISO Were guests of the Chamber of eommeive at the -hargestmitnner tits Eccles hotel TueMay nieht. et AM aseociatious trallel. ,,. Includiss the and state Farm berneas. couny trainsportation tied light companieg . were in Pool while the county battiestrepresented. and CO. Laid Final. Reit the Mayor and mayors-Het of Logan attended as epeetal guests. with representatives from the Ogden. Primo and Preston. Idaho commercial bodies. Dr. E. C. Bransott. Rennin professor of rural sociology and ,temnomicit 'at the I:Diversity of North Caroline. was the prineinal speaker. Othspeakers were C.:- Z. Harris. vire 'Utah president. of Holstein Breeders' association; H. Y. Platt. general manairer of the O. S. L. Ernest Smith . of the Preston chamber of commerce. and Clifford S. Potter of the Utah Holstein Breeders' ansociation A Cache valley products menu' Idaho consisting of Cache celery. vegeteble minor blem- Zemo. Frequently. and benediction by Bishsoup. moisten turkey North LOrna tillywhite Will be in Pocatello Saralt.,Eaton, Bancroft-Th- e T. 1 Griffiths. Speakers were C. tithes disappear overnight. Itching op VW. Logan bread. Steithfield peas. T. Harris. J. W. Olsen and Prest T. of usually stops instantly. Remo is a TOCATELLOw Nov. 26.(8peciall Japemoo pit:Wm:Lion potatoes. Hyrum honey. W. Guns. Floral Richmond milk. Preston pieces covered the butter. casket. The directors of the Idaho 'tied gulchOver is Mamaant, most of safe. antimptie liquid that may be Providence pie. Welevilie - through C. R. Abloom. state tho metal being obtained in a sinapplied at any time, for St does not The frame hi Mountain View chew cream. U. A. C.apple mead- Cotrunisaionsr. cheese. Longa candr bows toad. an gle district. , and Cache valley beet sugar was cemetery Wall dedicated by Charles Murdock. P. P. Champ. chairman of the committee es agriculture and new Indus. tries. preskled and Prem. Robert An.1;Hyrum Pioneer of 1861 4:0 19:;& Anti,' 40.0 CO 410.N Gael UP (.011 4.0:1 CON 10 0416)1;(11862()1Nho ek." PIO PIO OttiP MO .0 pA, demon of the chamber.Alelivered the Call Of Death address of welcome. F4Agb, A feature was the presentation of AO ITYRtid. Bow. a sketelt representing, an operation upon Carts valley.. The valley was Christian Christopherson. U. Utah Anderson. and, pioneer of 1861,. died at his home represented by three woeks utter Surgeons Scott Budge C. C. Randall here Tuesday strok e. of paralysis. C1174011 V. P. and operated and reMr. Christopherson 'Wax born in moved four tumors.. The first tumor ? 'contained three noxious weeds. the Christiania. Norway, March 37, came to Utah with his potentts second a catalogue sym- and in Iddl. Surviving are kis widow. bolizing disloyalty to home products: Mrs. Andread Christopherson. and the third tatistic on contervation and production to the valley. and the following of his Mos children: the fourth several worthless cor- Mrs. Ruby Reader, Blackfoot Ids.: piove k! Per each ailment the operating Mrs. Mrs. Amber Francis. Mrs Violet Smith. togatt: Elmer surgeons Prescribed remediesThirty-thre- e samples of Cache val- Christopherson. Salt Lake; , Bdwin ley products. ranging from candy to Christopherson. Byrum. bricks and peas and an order for a dozen Christmas card!. were Fillniore Native is ed ail prises.-5 , Rest in Logan ,Laiia PrAllre v. A. C. GIBS DES wrgas. , owow , , , a 1.1.sn' 40 .11kaggl' offeLZIS1,11ard . 21 BAUME - S and nerirtivices. Alai'7 , ' PEDESTRIAN a. rig? J 1, J,t10014ie A I , . LOGAN. New Itos of ; ' - trir - ' ,Lecf.:r,e,:tb:o.,,x,.,::,,,,;c:,,,aib:sa.. Iibisso aceepted in behalf, Run' I --. , ' whose death oceneee&-tiovst a , Loa Angeles, COG, hospital. will be . held in the Second ward chariot, Satvo.'' Irkit. ibead datobbio4 urday, Nov. 2S, at 2 Moll- - e.' inter--sweet BALIVE BENOUL and feel the th will be lag' gift --wed pee immisti ...MIA death. tollow.ed lithos. ache quickly dilimapydrat se the coo, woollts 1 I illness The . to-t) 11tr6610:11 relieved. Is 1 0,1110. puma , body will arch's in this city Theirs, -- ...7 vegetable Insaime. ease 4ILY soroTsPollied bir the widow. Sirs. Keeps tube ammo, . , , - , , die again magi stilelies - Aiwa Sees a sons Williams lialuirachhels, and , 'fielltiMagin.. Igra Nietsslit 'wasCeldt.l.ereche.letb. I Mountain Home Desires ,11 born in this city , edema. Juno 22. MSS. a son of Bishop Alvin dm viont sod gaga inal , .""ecta. 6.4 swerf ' and Mary Johnson Nichois. and WkS Watertog se ottensmay Iho imolai w og ea , SSOMIISSISS in musical circles being 1111117,, Per Owe ' Odd ' 415,11',,lkiir--- . MOUNTAIN HOME. tht! con,,,,,Ltor sr the Brigham City Idaho Nev. Ij . ad Peeve Xs $, .f- tyour &es Dmigiot 1 military band to Sun removal "' I possibility of obtaining the-to Log Angelo prior in itit. He was I Girt THI ClalaINAL ntENCII Ilitusis:Ar4,6;1,I.... ?WWI acre feet of water I SurPitta married to Mims Laura Gates of ir Colorado ColoIn Del.-'1' stored in the Assorican Falls dam Borings. I ,.... in the event the reservoir Is en. ;. Surviving are. in addition to his widow and only son, the following ; I , to it maximum tAmmestostestm) ,m..ecce,14'11111rNV Ill:nil:1d ocuintrtnit brothers and stators: si considered the by , Goorne. M. 1,.... and Hattie Miettols, -Home Commerce . club Proposed Nii Mrs. Ada ST. Madsen and Mrs. It. A. could Isa used to, , for- -- ittlittjaate bet"Maittal; saco6o POISSOW Brigham 41) Cityt Mrs. Lavhts - , Gilmore. San Deetro. Colic: Mn.. Sarof inAd in the tiunervidel . , cal.elrell debts ah Corey and Quincey Nichols. Sail Aunt a , 411 betwona . Lake: Alvin Nichols, Relbtertr. lilts: . it wart pointed out. Mountain hime Ch. ips 'Nov. 1101$14. Mrs. Ines Clark. Lob AkgSISS: Mrs A eommitteo bas been appointed :of for the program tot meeting Buelab Bodes. Milner, Idaho' Mrs. whims will Matt the Batas Chamber - will con-to- of congress.twa-d.s-which Lott ie Cosier. Hawaii: Ephra int warms lin10 ono4bird &mak an effort Ittarouse ta that-Comiortoitin ; :orof atbe a adaralea Nichol Burley,. Idabel Mrs. Rob. coated. Toe children 441 adult& interest tit ltolbe Ipi tbo protect. The chamber of repreSmitb. Ordeal: Mn. Virginia Moe--, sentatives at the statehoes, Members et the Mountain Home .Sola Jr. TOW DrOlgi4 capitol, Is be- ran Malad.., Idaho; Hengist ' :- . Comoterce believe the , ing 'worked out by the committee is Chamber --- -illestoraide-duitete- e ban rraRcilelh " -' else - Rickel .1., IpLuee ebarge, C.; tu u rip s water arid. accordGov. C. Moor has been limited top the , . z to , te the could be tent ing deliver welcome. the It of mutineers, addrese . Girl Drowned 5,,,,,,, , is expected that Preis. Carl R. Gray, made to produce bumper crops one '''.:i.:-- 4 . of the Union Pacific systeh. and R. year atter the first la A. Smith. 'agricultural view of the location of the 17. it superintenITCIiING TORTURE is assumed Bolas, would bet wit dent of be the FOR the system present, Nov. BEAVER. - in addition to )(kw Prost, H. V. Platt stattaral market,. On. of th largest gatherinit YGT of the O. S. Li assembled here at the funeral of a R. R. Rice, exhibit commissioner .eisio child . filled the auditorium of the for the Pacific Northwest COMMer- 4, Vie Antineptio lAgokl Zemo ----high acimeol Monday when services eta! Industrial expOsitiOrk. to be IDAHO BRIEFSi . I There-ison- o weret held for Buelak Black. 12. who bela and in New York In Malt. also ill remedy that sel- -. was drowned Friday in the high spectedno attend. 77--MONTPELIERW. A. Lonsberry, dom fails to. stop itching torture school pool. Teachers. Princleals General advertising as tt pertain Grand Patriarch of the I. O. O. P, and relieve akin irritation. and that and students of the junior Wish to particular features of the state was and bore from Ashton Monday sirsmakes thoskin soft. - clear school ttended In a body. will be discussed by speaker from ning to vitro the Montpelier ancamp- healthy. services wereseonductod by the viewpoint of the mining Indus. meat Initiatbe of order. COUnile!OT Edwin Poke. 3f the West try. the lumbering industry, agriPoneiring you Any- druggist can supply ward Music was by a quartet com- culture. tourist attractions aad irri- tion Patriarch Lonabcrry spoke. with Remo. which generally overW. gation. posed of Will T. Morris. Fowl Itch. Eczema. akin diseaaes. comes POCATELLOA marralso license Olsen. Mrs. 'emboli McGregor and was issuod Monday to David A Pimples. Rashes. Blackheads. in Mies Bordello Shipp. mitts quickly give way to 1926 Seed Show', Moss. Bountiful. Utah. and Ruth most The invooation wail by John P. - , -- ------ 1 lia.liv)--SP- ase,s. ; ' i ) -- - - Plign TO lirSHISSFil HOSTOFLOCI1CIE2111 1 d- - :' - ,,,,,.,,, c,,,, 1 ". GICHEMIL102,1015 in the Reed betel. He said that cblittroot make as ,,. il No- r- ,....taiiIpectelY--- PROYO., ., Out .., Ideal the teases of their tamers,. ...,.,-,1. 2 bone to because their i 14aror O. N. HanaPa and Dell Webb. IGGIMI. Mow. IS. they tears (Retrial) aro laity faereatiOalat director. base re- -: than DO boys were entertained parents No flit Inas is trial" boner and the terusd frets an extended trip to, Rotary club Tuesday night. ltrth Thluthagiving tat own were oaretrwo n..04 'coast titles. 'going there especially' dinner is the d$, when loo.at. al twat, the oSna nar 514U. " a- te attend the western conference of Weber club. A boy", chores from elid Keel' ill et' wafter the batadelNatianal Association of Rears- wheel itaeg ths South Wasirington of acknowledging. you aresot- the ties Ilerbers at lionlimy"' where aretat wlectioss, and --vocal sol" as Interesting se som000ds elm.- - 'tissue! Webb gaa gat W poprr .,....,oe dancing, full of pep Illa z Vre:ItLy..FranitCowees... 11 tam. pro- - ....who n you areotot much to ia- -, sew'roWiw'n- noes take blues' It the witted and kept Starer reternoti full,' too Hanson n a root or Pita, yo yes &col oa in poor health loth- - i vinced that few cities offer the oss. , state tndustrial sichoot saprommomt LI. rum dews, , - faith aad oonfidesee la the boys of Ina Provo. He de- afforded he mid. piesses you.' the boywin liv ebe r gymnasium boo on enroll: Iportunities clam that low of those, teday. Mr. Milne saiddlftereot Item Faint of I.Saa ars se Into and orowen and bare ths natural resources that Pre- today is surpassed by low to-- Te the boys be observed here 12 "we He is more firmir of parwle agent tor ctitutterts of ita kind in the Cuitsd the possesses. ago when he was SIt . Timpanogos and " the said He school. Van Hr. Iturew declared, He, t, tabopinionthitt bidnatrial States. the Yoko. should be meets the con.1 of today are farther advanc- compared the eid method of keeping ',cribs of attraction in Utah count y and medicines with fit ed in scholarship and in warty islets these should bs Hull Widonttiter" Wiwi , tateportnteedent of fellowship Illbea dschwed that e Amo the various things discus- ot I could not snares, wore fath conrisca. ted sod at the conference was that of Sugar IS boys of today thee many aerand mountain parks playgrounds. work as I ates In the SUMO line ofwas ta-Lo W aor.,.... Sold At It was announced that Denver has , ant. I woctid consider I accept! the illpossibilittes of beg mosey under false pretenses.' Idemonstratd naDEN. 25.taporbdiand viariround Mayer-eleby George E. Browning. Tour socks ofso.) re- a seised et sugar ' and Villit Tourism Gleorre Rosh. Charles PeP16 4 bavIngTnure "tall cent bettor raid at the ranch of Mike the MOUntata Pairk dal iaJa Claude Arrrearong were istrodeoed Memo. old for at from St to 1240 the fOlOt year. salottat a sheriffs at pomade . Score of tourist barks oll. the Tweeday. Deputy sheriffs bought the a jail coast Islets visited by Mayor sugar it is declared. with IOW s; 1:ayer Elecei Daughter Of- 110d0t OS (ha sok, and tbe best ideas selectee bidding. beers Orl, barred from buYlag at from each owe will be incorporated hm Italian Opera sales floveral bags of cracked corn.. tm,rist virk hi, Provo th. tre, tanks. hundreds of whisky during '08DZIK Noe. time az. The Islip poetise of corks trove also was made bycomins. Notate atsd eabI.eT try sold YIVSl Yoodday amts. at the bleYee-eie04.0r1r. Z. Browsing Information that hie apneatod the Two gram IX MAIM dantthou Moo Mariam I messes la grand op-BRIEFS , a Stored Ingo Nob. f oarnett. .. Om In Italy. la storing tho loading slater aed A. P. Steir laerft at- a Tde gel ta throe perfortaanato of La rested Tuesday night BRIGHAM at CITYS. Prank TwentyNehorao." in a raid conducted by reU of the Merrell Lumber company. etreet Sao stioteil throo years to Porto Desuty Sherrie O. IL Mohlman and first counselor to Bishop J. A. famous Veer of D P. Steele. Illatr ball Ira set at apd Visliburn of the Fifth ward. leaves - andor Trabadolo, many stark. factional, Mary Gordian., Itet awl by Cite. Judge John A.1 Deo, too control atrium mon Sao thou wont to Italy oral to tat Hendricks. The officers allege they moo toforsoros ots month, der fart totetato of Idalateeta. eared confiscated a gnat and Id gallons of toschor. la Milan igloo appestats whisk,. fr loved LOGANA Albert fury to rowan's with Madam s Browatag Thornton fruilly of usanefacturs and &emitter et the twataolter. Two 00VPLES ILICENIFD. - ' 100es possession of intoxicating liquor in OGDEN. Nov. ILz(lipecial.1Itar- - the olletrict court Monday. Th. case Woo Prtrwaltra la 004 otwead totabor of Ilr. Browahare ?swill, to Hoge Ihenses were issued Tontedsy was appoale4 from ruts room son-t- o and Ana twice will be passed by Judge IL C. Pulpit Wood David Mary Werria Mar ht 'road opera. Ratot Dawn. Rhodes. IL Ogden: llho Montrioso mar of tbo Notropon- Harris roe Monday. Nov. U. and Leishman. , Duette tan Grand Claws ammo, of Now Portage. Brown tow'. DcuttunostL Mont. York. licenses were LOGANMarriage asughter-ta-Jarho is the of issued Tuesday to Howard Rowland Dr. O. ittronort Nrowntax. Stake Holds Russell. Springville. and Mildred La- lthwa rourplotio of how trove in Kauai) Rue Morgan. Logan; Lloyd S. Fors- Thar. Mao Browning wtH 'stank . and Bernice Masts Marcher. Quarterly Conf creme toren Pocatello, Idaho; CA Us Cart Andre. WAWA Nov. and Behecca -Christensen. Lake, Inmate ward chaps was packed to ,Mink Crook. Work Rushing on Two . . ........... ... - capacity at the two Suaday sessions , . , , Stall" conference. Charles Mu Construction Jobs ofn. Kanalle puov,,)...,aftat a anocaaufut roa- rusk of the make presideacy tour into north.re mai, Lod 43015115f. Woe. of fellowship and Stood will errt handIdaho. the burgs forte of men sell be at work spoke in the Church. ID" deiclared suessetfro for the fossteflon of the true service exttestin beyond that' under the direction of Prof. Robert . now Willie. hotel shortly. mord- immed'iat. circle of one's friends Sauer has returned. and is now pre. low to (looms A. Whitenntrer heed to all peoples- - rim, tor a contort to ha to ren in the stake tub- of the reatmethis firin. which bee - the Monday evening Elder beeld 0 Me'let..-Doan Gerrit deleing of col bat a tow- mos workles thisanweek Couneel stead& wool Their of evseiLaiie nee allowto rho warrantors "me of art the arta accomlienle-conditions at tint to the children ad Yonne People. band. coueeeta Were given at tee. TiWed eerie has beets erne soder Tim attendance wea rePorted gen. Richmond. Freston. Blackfoot east mention of the hoillnerr. In the afternoon egad. Elder Idaho Falls. Rexburg and Rigby. bleb is to be raw4 ant el Pro vireo congrietulated tho make on the varset lot mouth of the tentI McKay c ArsoNThec.artirmas s.at of a the which rho rtat tho- id full .attendanceand blink stake pr os.. bendiest Millit bete will conducted web". last Wan. atm was set soots Pearl Jones. tithe y. of Ho of soccetaci also the spoke commendably wee usleaArt level window Kneel, wardeknoel now neer.- L. IL E A. enlisted by Bernie Duren at the alto of the Ordra 'ow completion. Madeline. and business Simons, nett rolleoum set will he etre- - lag EaptDm the ,peoplo to ilOtr, trpt; ufleolma Veit. achools; dirs. watts es feet es th e 'W rit.. develop wore full? ne'OSI Lewia Belief POCittien: Mrs . can provi so for thl, wtlows-- economy andreeources M. I. A: Francis their Jennie B. Ha the natural bin of Ursa Taanday. grasp, Pron. Heber J. within Molar gave 'Ithermor. Community church &will-th- e n ktylair course,- ilaries; Mn. Ray Manses. sugar foe.. of the address opening liras Wet Irritommue iturrrito Ince Saturday morning In the sante 'tory: Mrs- - A .B. Kennedy, publicity LOODEllt Now. trend Eider McKay recalled hie first tremens', Clubs, , tine filed In the- - Seems, dietriet visit to Knab in Del He look sod , . ,........... by Carotins W. John of the breaking of Kanab ertiok darn- . PATSON-1- 16. sport Imelda, . and Mrs. Joh E. the elee.m2.9.11,t.1,.".h.,Pl.th!lt Schoenfeld announce arabist 0. K. Miller sod Thomas the marriage ntinglione. eity constable, seeking teer "mhe"Le.."....-,:.'- ";,7, In ;Z.', i of their daughter Violet to Floyd H. reeover furniture alleged to base rru've'''." ''''''''''''emsY ''''''''.1.' Ludlow of Benjamin. Nov. IS. In Salt leses taken wee-airby Ow 'Wend-paDoe. I. Dill. She asks either York of santaquin Report pi' Ward teaching woe, Lek Miss )ado tile totem of tho furniture of bag-s- made Dein Alton. Gienditio, Mt. Celle (reacr'ed 16 Deerno D- Seat" for that.91, Carmel. Fredonia and Kauai) wards. 'bower Of PaYeolt on the riele day at Mr- - and )era. Clifford Bale Vivo Kanab ward heir turaishod - - tirgellibt Plano Wt. Tomos Wave- lb, mum., .: sanotinced the ;engagement of their ' isanages6 1410 Wanbarateer.,--Ati- w At tbe afternoon gl000toll Bider daughter Enid to Jos Lawrence of MciKety praised the Church miteloo- - Spanish Fork. rito niorriags to take ' ary system and declared the mission place this week. , field to be the best training school for life avalleble today for Gaol stoprricELL0....Adens onnenoe. young saes of the Church. la, son of Esquipulla Gallegos fell i front woe burro ,si he riding.torwnrs- CALLED ON '1111111SIONte. broke me arm la potorat places- and be- ak A ..dia LEHL Nov. SLttlpeciallA face- - low tat, 16'4 well will be given in the high school Akg auditeritnin Saturday sight, Nov 211, cr000r., It. for Vera W. and Armond E. Webb. sons,os..rtetetto.....Itroot Omer of Nenhi Cromer was badly burn- ecoatni who Hove goon for the domnarn Hata, wanton. .. ,.. .4;41,..dierithumacimiti nwohillon. wbrorykivitgamsty thole of Monticello. Ralph a miles north , . Hawks of Monticello bad one of his vertebrae dislocated while helloing lift a shaft at the vanadium foo- tle as token-tSalt Lake for medical tunnies. c .- .. 4 C. , , 25 .1925 . Format' Brigham Musician ' Dies at Los Angeles 'BRIGHAM ern'. Nee; 25. (ps- A - were .150- BOIS 'dangers of I, 'keeping fit Gc,mv,urtriorae-g.-- 1 , - loseptilite- atmil Ilagateemo prcpigTioN Appal. - co.' , 1'. 1 I You Must Keep Fat i CAMITIMMIP tine t .. be tbdiktory illogartailel06 , vb. Daewoo Nowa. Solt Lobo emit... Cloyd 1.,,.6. Cirosha. 1.1POWO . . Director NY:eber Gym' B ass tifilTig Amish' 1 , - 1 , Onovidir pagporese ItTometbmt , COM to agomma vo. cootee. vat. Ilk 111111111b Algoma eibineiVell, Milelerigni" Ilde Isets Doomot ; .1 : Clistestiss soptessossassot 11 1. ilattemewil. Soma :,.. - t iI 14 4 . - ft ! I t' - ,, , PROVO i, 1; - ' OZITUARIES. ii A HO tt't 4 - NOVEUBKEI , ,L , N tr, a - 14' At 14, ',- - , - - ' |