OCR Text |
Show , , NOR'ITEERN Id gilt tTAt.--Pa- ir od,dimage la temperottr'e. 1 ilinuaril ' and Thar ayi - , . aM temperature. Airs 1) I . , .4 TEMPERATTYRKS. CrtirCetLiPW) 0' 4 CI ----- ollevierk r1.1 r ' talr. i modes. rDAROGenerally , , W. nos . ,o100.6 cz4,XAt'rV , Roof of Boston Bldg. Kiosk. 46 Maximum Tueaday ' 30 )d nimum Tuesday ...30 ed A -- , ...4?.., 3111nimum-W- W, - 3$ 32 3$ 43 nesday-.1- 33 .m. Wednesday. $4 a.m. Wednesday Noon Wednesday .....44 - t 1.11 CE FIVE CENTS . A lit. LAKE SALT , '''AITAIL 25 ' 1925 WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER strni EVENTY - YEAR f I1 'II"' With Intervention in South America After Experience Lawrence Declares.' 'Chile-Per- u 1 Fliers Tó Itluezr Charie to 1 lorlil-0111110- tv itUnless Mitchell Plan Is Used Says Pilot in Boise One To Fly in Salt Lake DAVID LAWRENCE. Nov, WASHINGTON. tinned tittles (CPA)----Th- e - , Al(SilHOPE,111 ' I I ! 1 Every move made by Gen. le Pershing viewed either or with distrust suspicion. First one side ob- tuts that he , is 1, prejudiced and then the other shows its displeasure. demonstrations In Peru came with the first announcement of the terms of the American plan, ,Now the newirpapere in Chile owned by high government officials are attacking Gen. Pershing as biased. And the truth is the American war veteran who has had many responsibilities before in his life which were greater in stop II about ready to take a, ship for - - ities. - - yearn the eontrovetwy hu been going on. Chile is in Powielllion of the disputed provinces , which belonged to Peru. In order to determine what shall be dons with the territory's referendum wee proposed by the tinited Otates. The Peruviwn Maim there can , be no free election if Chilean officials remain on the spot- - They . charge coercion. Gen. Pershing has tried to effect the withdrawal of all Chilean military and civilian officer& Now Chile claims, that's an infringement of sovereighty. What each side wants is an assuranoe of victory. Anything that looks as if it might alter that is frowned upon by Chile or , Peru as the cases may be. When General Pershing does secure the consent of Chile to withdraw her officials. the trouble win begin over again for then the problem I ... arions as to what amount of elec' - tioneering Call be done. But the difficulties of deciding a dispute of this character were ccknowledted long ago, and the Untted States government entered with a full appreciation - of what develop. Still it was not - might thought the two countries would So to the extreme they have In , demanding advantages in the refThe theory en which erendum. Washington intervention was based was that a war should be prevented.- The fairnees of the United States was admitted by both par ties when intervention was Asked for by both Peru and Chile. Tot ', the mediator will pay a heavy pen-ni- t, in in feeling just the same and many diplomats here think it would lutve.been tar better if the United ntates had passed the on to the world court. which I. eonstituted for the very purpose of treaty interpretalone ' and deeding controversies involving bound- rot - 30 s -- -- re--s- -- - die-pu- ts ary 292114 tt. queriona.--teArrtrISI- Divorce Case Attorney' s Sue Stokes for Million ' NEW TORE'. Inev, ' W, E. D. Stokes. wealthy ' man liss- - been istatie-,ti-s d set -in a 11.060,4001 libel leatittatml panto P. Nugent emit John A. , gent. hie former attorneys In leis suit ter divorce front Heise X, r, The attorneys alleged Stokes caned them thieves sled Made atatinents , ta (nag gatrinuesal reputations as lawyers. Count Salm Coming to U. S. for Tennis, He Sayi , All Aviators Plan to Link With ,Commercial Air Work and - Drop tary, Idaho is Told. - COLONEL TO REST; HEAR WAR CHIEFS Adjournment- to Follow - close of Defense Case While Officers Enjoy .Thanksgiving Holiday. - D. C.. Nov. Mt-- -; todaY war dePartslical (ma)inse denied a request ot Cok William Kitchen to chit his baby amoebae, in Detroit tiering the Thanksgiving recess of Mt court martial. Another effort will be made by the Shesaadmik court ot Inquiry to force the appearenee of Cok Kitchen to Madly regarding bie charges that the navy was i'crinsinally arg-on so smoding the dtrigibie ilcat" ito 111 fated flight to the 'middle we Minima to Mitchell on testify before the navy tribunal the ovends he already was lacing the army. , charges by - -- ' - . 1 .. N Nt. itiI4i POCATELLO. Nov. Charges ot first degree murder growing out of the death of Walter Scadden, crippled storekeeper, who wax fatally injured early Monde,' morning during an gttempted robbery of his store at Inkom, will be filed here today against Mike Noriander, 21. Fred Noriander. 19. his brother. and Frank Norton. alleged members 'of the gang. H. J. SWMien, Bannock, county prose, cuting attorney. announced. Mike Norlander is being treated at a Preston hospital for a gunshot wound. Fred Norlender and Norton are believed to be hidden in the bills between Logan and Ogden. A report received here by Sheriff H. W. Henderson stated the men ware believed surrounded. All meanoof escape were being guarded by 14 deputies from Logan, Ogden, Preston and Brigham City. Deputy Sheras Alma Marley and John Hoover of Pocatello withdrew from the man bunt yesterday by order of Sheriff Henderson after be had received word that friends of the wounded might make an attempt to raid the hospital at Preston. Heavy guard has been placed there. Officers Tuesday night reported to Chief Curtis L. Allison of Ogden- police- that a.- safe stolen In Corinne was round on the divide between Afton and Liberty. Tracks in the snow showed that two men had changed a tire on a large automobile on the dugway. It is thought that a woman may have been in the party from the finding of a woman's handkerchief and other effecta near the spot. Mike Noriander, in the bSIIPIllif has contemned to the robbery at Inkom in which Scadden was beaten and in addition, to 14 robberies in Ogden, eight in Weber county outside Ogden, seven in northern Utah towns and one in Casper, Wyoming. Birthplace .- Va., Nov,- - M.. (AP)--d- ite automobile used Woodrow Wilaatt during his oars-pa-by of the Whits House and for his faverito recreation of motoring during his later years of retirement is to be Preemood here in canner. tion with his birthplace memorial. Dr, A, Framer of this chairman of Ms Memorial city, item, Jact, has moseyed amentaaes of ths car as a gift front Mrs. Wit. w, Train Hits-AutDriSOS ts Not Seriously Hurt OGDEN. Blaine Barney, 21, ll,(0pecton Marriott,. to' at tit pito hospital suttoring from badly brulsod hip sad logs. He mid pia amusesmite woo truck by a D. $lut IL G. W. train at the irro40 tossing to Wilson Litao. Tomtits, eigb t. no is not seriously hurt. , ea H., paella:me needed a share' 0 , r -- ,0 4 7t(ING11NCI ,. Weather Drops, Threaten. '744!,"',0074 - ,A ing Mien; PromisesMeasure Will be Disposed To be Kind. Of Before Committees Are Formed in Order Thanksgiving day with its big football. game,.. activities To Get Quick Passage. and Interchange oe visit' for the . 4 e , .' out-do- Demand For Special Leg. Islature Mere Plan To Discredit Her Adminis NICHOLAS CL Lame reavrems 16,--4A- PI DI. , or tration - weather.. The day wilt be crisp and balmy with plenty of sunshine. according to latest word of the man,',.1. Cecil Alter. weather , Plenty of precipitation south and west of Salt take with a low barpressure creeping toward Support of Longworth as ometric Utah. made a gloomy outlook for time but the storm appears to Speaker Also Demanded ahave dissipated before reaching if Utah. northern Of LaFollette Group The weekly report of the bureau harvest- - In & completed They Wish to Come Back recounts practically every section of Utah. The bumper crop of alfalfa seed has been )hreshed; a million tons --KENNETICCLARX.of sugar beets have been delivered to the factories; potatoes are either Nov. WASUINCITON, sold or in the pit; apples are mostly cleared today harvested; stock are gathered from paths ware; summer ranges and those that for speedy enactment by the boutie all go to winter ranges are located; of the new 8336,000,000 tax reduc- with the cool weather turkeys ' have waxed fat, and said Mr. Alter. tion bill. has reason to be thankful and Under agreement of administra- Utah to celebrate and best of all, her tion leaders the house will ,dis-- 1 people have the wherewithal to pose of the revenue measure before celebrate. t important business. tackling any 'LP Faculty Grants Plea Even organteation of committees For Three-Da- y Recess will be held up until the tax bill is passed. according to the plays. On 'petition of students. thelfae,, As a result Republican chiefs of the University of Utah, declared today., the house would ulty the three-da- y Thanksgiving finish the bill within two weeks si- recess at a meeting Tuesday aft: No school will be held ernoon. is believIt session opens. tes the from Wednesday evening to Mone this will glee the senate ample day morning.. The previous order had been that time to conclude with the measure before Atwell 16. when tax returns Thursday wpuld be a holiday, but the students complained that one not allow, stuAside from the desire to have the day didtime to go home. ' tax changes written into the law dents -. sueAction of the was faculty as speedily as possible, house lead. tamed President by Oeorse era bare another purpose in mind In routing the revenue legislation ahead of all else. It is their intention that the vote on this measure Farm Bureau President shall be the teat of Republicanism - Asked to Talk In S. L. in the house. They plan. if the so-- 1 called house insurgents vote for the Efforts are being made to hare bill substantially as reported by, the president of the - American the ways and means committee. to' Farm Bureau address welcome the Larollette group bigt the sessions ofFederation the Utah State into the Republican councils with Farm Bureau annual meeting in Ealt take Jan. 20. There is some The insurgents then would be probability of.a new president g and elected at the national meetgiven regular assignments would be treated generally as Re- ing at Chicago next month but the invitation will be extended neverpublicans in good standinC.' theleea. C. E. Bratifitte of ChiAnother teat, in the minds of is how president. cago supporters, would be M. It is abei announced-b- y the vote on the speakorship of the house. If the insurgents go along Winder, secretary of the "tate association. that prospects point to a and vote for Reprosentativo Republican. of Ohio, that greater membership this year. also would enable them to be greeted once more as Republicatut - in Women, children Slain ' good graces. In Syria Say Refugees The insurgents themselves, how. ever, did not welcome the news. BEIRUT, Syria. Nov. Those of the Lalrollette grocp who Fourteen naturalized American are here said today they would not citisens who reached Beirut today be "coerced" en the tax bill or the about with 1,000 from refugees vote for the speakership. west of Damascus, where It Is known, however, that Many Rashelya, fierce EMS attacks were ended of the Progress's, faith intend to yesterday by the relief :of the bombard the tax bill with amend- French garrison, say that in the ments. hand to hand fighting, between the bruise and Christian volunteers the rebel tribesmen hilted many women atid children. Clemency Sought for GRAND JURY IS READY TO REPORT Dismissed Highway Corn. nussioner Confers With Probers, Then- Talks , LONGWORrIL COOLIDGE PARDONS -- AUSTIN. tion HARTFORD. Conn., Nov. EL (AP)The federal sentence of Gerald Chapman hall been commut od by President Coadt, Th etaeentive order terminating Ur see-mof 21 years imposed, in the federal court at New York for the robbery of a mail truck woo signed by the president at 1 o'clock Monday evening and wail mad. public today for service on Chan4 ar' no metal document - was brought back to Hartford by States Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn and was delivered to Warden H. K. W. Scott. The action marked another step in the efforts of the state of Connecticut - to execute he for murder oi PoChapman liceman James Skelly of N4w Bit. tam' October 12; 1924. County Detective Edward Nickel, Assistant U. S. Attorney George Cohen and Attorney Joseph Fres& man. the last named being of won-efor Chapman. were present when the commutation paper was presented to Chapman, - CHAPMAN REFUSES 'TO ACCEPT COOLIDGE SAID" HARTFORD Conn. ' Nov. 25. (INS)--- "I abeolutely refuse to an. cent." said Gerald Chapman. when Warden Scott., in the presence of two of Chapman's lawyers, Joseph A. Freedman, and Prank Murphy, both of Hartford. delivered President Coolidge's document to him N her el ,Later In conference -with the two lawvern, he said: "I've been expecting this, and of refused was course, the reason to eppeal to the United States court to decide whether I roust &coact a pardon." Chapntan was reading- a book When the warden and the two attorneys entered ble isolated out close by the new death house. , Sixteen Utakns Arrive in Liverpool on "Amite lint 'rite following Matins arrived la Liverpool on the Caned hut Paella litsamehrp company liaeg moat. calm, Nov; 1, Recording to word reeeivett tat the Church erica on Wednesday Archibald Iamb Andemen, Horan, Lyman Barker, Yard W, Mea- dows.- Anna, , A, Timirgen, Georwe kimmesik Boyd etiristian Batt. Raisin A. Mat., eon, Prawns Marion Beemailler, nOit, Hamlet C. Palley Potteet William Omani. Roll, Samuel Carl Weriblaaten; Henry Ralph 'Lich, Almon 14, D. Broom, Harold aintst , Clark. , Albert Orever, I Until - - Bomb is' Presented To Ponce At Washington Nina wAsongrroN,were undecided topolice day whether aornebedy was trytag or te Mow up their beadquartent ' practical Joke. play A man dashal Mtn the 'quad roots of headquarter this usecatsig and yelled 'berets a prevent for pott,, dropped what appeared to be a bob eat dashed out again. La the ensuing panic he secapedt. The utensil' wae a shell penal with the oldest devise tog - explosion attached to it. After first stating that here wig sn'ough exploitive in it to bave blown up the bulldtag. the police clanIPed down on news and refused to , , laY what it contained. ROME. Nov. 215.Most Rey. Edward J. Hanna, archbishop of Han Francisco. may be America's next Roman Catholic cardinal: It ts stated .here. 'rho Vatican does not deny or affirm the reports. Archbishop Hanna la head of the arcbdiocese of which - Utah la a Part, , CHILI THREATENS t per-milt- be-m- Long-wort- h. , - - - Slayer of Taxi Man, Girl Titztrrom. N. J.. It0v. Counsel for Harrison W. Noel. of kdontelair, under sentence te be leetroeuted during the week of January 10 for the murder of RAY. dr1Wer, boa Illeplarrieree :MVO the eourt Of Par gone with plea for element'''. assertiag. Noel was -i- nsane- and should not therefore be emieuted. Argument before the pardone eourt will be oompleted next week, Noel is illiessel to have killed Piero to get bin machine for the kidnaping of Mary Daly, pubeequently 'lain,. Pierce and the, 13aly child aloe lived in Moutetair. 16.--(- AP) HERRIOT CONSENTS FORM CABINET TO Leader of Radicals Will L Attempt to- - Solve French Probletn. PAstss, Nov,- is, r-IKE) -Edouard Herriot leader of the radleak iocialista and the man who euntrole the key position in the Left bloc, announced tonigh t. that he hes accepted the Invitation of Preigutent-Doemerfarm a' - Corner Stone Yields Patent Letters of 1814 NSW YORK, Nov. Lotter" patent bearing the signature of James Madison, preeldent of tiro United States; Jame Molten., secrStary of state, end Richard Ruth, attorney fren.ralIBISEUed 1114 Pwight of a water loom, were disinterred today from the corset-stond of an old street build-The Porty-socon- cornerwtone l.t4 111,14, of The old Murray fin baths, yielded a bottle of champagne, please of old paper money tow tamper coins. ' $ e that aloe twe and - PARift, wag still without a cabinet tonight to succeed the Painieve miniatrl which resigned Sunday following an adverse vote by the chamber of deputies on the goveritmnt's n- na ace' bilt , Defusal of thi various groups in the chamber of deputies to promise support for his financial plans caused Senator Paul DOVIller today to decline the task of forming a new miniolnyas it did M. Briand yeaterdait Former Premier Edouard Her. riot. radical leader and president of the chamber of deputies. was this afterpoon by. President Doumergue. but failure of his projected 'concentration." cabinet of the Left is considered !Umbria well informed circles. , ' ilium-moo- , e ;TO BOIJ silence- for PARLEY ' w , - ,.-- -- - -- - - "'Athir'irl."4111StasYtrog.'25.i-414-- 4 An expected report by the Travis ' county grand jury, which has beets Demands Pershing 4eran investigating conditions in state de- partments for the two months, held the center of pest attention in the Early Date for Plebiscite- state , capital today. The grand jury which yesterderqOr Face Break uestioned i Frank V. Lanham. oust- ed chairtnan of the state highway , commiedon must tender Its report before the present court term ends ARICA. Nov. f It was indicated that Saturday. Tacna-John J:Pershing. bead-o- !the the report would be made today. plebiscitary commiseion, Official circles also were looking said today that despite grave diffi- with interest to Governor Miriam Aculties in the attitudes and pin- as- toFerguson for some indications the action she would take re. and Peruvian Chilean the tailI of 'fertile( the epeclaiT session of the enstill was reprmentatives. hope legislature that now is declared tertained that diccussion would lead has failed to act a petition ulupon to a solution of the controversy. timatum resolution signed by legisAlthough such official optimism lators who demand a special sea. was considered encouraging. ob- sion to look into conditions in the servers asserted that they could state departments. the governor refused not foresee the end Of the threatel to Yesterday see Representative Alfred Petsch. ened deadlock, which halted prog-- 1 who called to deliver the Mil. ' matum of the legislators, but be ream Saturday., One of the highestAtt the CET- presented it to her 'Norman'. his appearanee before Iean pleblacitary officials said he theFollowing grandlury, Lanham held a con- could see no solution. He author- ference with the and her ised a statement that the outlook husband. former governor Governor James, was hopeless and that unless IMO E. nrillillOn Americana granted the demands of As the situation stands, the govAuguatin Edwards. the plebiscite ernor. continued failure to call an commission would be notified of oeseion Will mean the the withdrawal of the Chilean del- extraordinary fulfillment of the announced This statement. it is threat egation. of Speaker Lee Satterwhite thought. must be interpreted in the to convoke the assembly after De. light of the probable contents of' gambit? Gen; Pershing'. repirto Senor EdThis. he declared. be will do MU wards' note, but the Chileans purof the petition- - ad.. pose to stand firm upon their de-.- 1 theauthority dreamed to Alai by 12 legislators. mends for the immediate promul- who ask or a pociat mooloo- for gallon of election- laws. tho com- "Impeachments and Investigations." mencement of the , Arica I in-S- he , , - registratioarand holding of the pleblecite by Feb. The withdrawal of the, Peruvian delegationla...thought to be impending owing to a report by Col. Commander of the Marchand. Caribinera in which the Peruvian boundary delegation is accused of instigating the murder of a Cart: "I am convinced," the report of Col...Marchand concludes, "that the horrible event was premeditated under the auspicesof members of the Peruvian boundary commission. who were in camp within eight of the scene of the murder . facts which induced the Indians to com' mit It. - .. - - $50,000 Asked to FinishUnknown Soldier Tomb Nov. P) Coolidge has been asked by the Arlington memorial-- - commission composed of the secretaries of war anti navy to rec. ommend an approtwietisit of ;SO.- 000 to complete the memorial for the unknown soldier. - , aecretailes have haft The the matter under consideration tor I monthe..The nature ot en - - -- addition to the olefin sarcophagus will be lett tor later determination. wide difference.? opinion has developed OTOT the Pubjeet, wth many ot the opinion that the tom') In its present simplicity should not be disturbed. Others urged that a memorial should be built over it. , to , UTAH TOMATO CROP VALUE QUADRUPLES OVER PRICE IN.1924 - roe cabinet , DtES GIP GRID INATRY PHTLADRI,PRIA.- - Nov. -- 1 (AP)--- An Injury to bin Mad, re in a football dame a month ago. but bot bollorod meow' at that time, resulted In U. death of Mar.. tin A. Tobin, 21 . , Tex.."' first time sines she announced the the reedslotion Moticlag of two ot her: atmointees on the state commission. Gov. Miriam highwar A. For. mason todai stated P.," for a special amnion ot demand Texas legislature to investigatetherumors of craft in highway matters was a. "move by the Ku Klux Klan to discredit her administration." Gov. Feraruson to further comment. refused She did not make indi. cote what her stand will be on Ultimatum sent member th, of tbe Texas househerinby which is :gated a special session will Ite iteon. veiled by the members themselves if she refuses to do so. Mrs Ferguson left today for iDollese Station. where will review the cadets of the she Texas Agricultural and Mechanical this afternoon and watch thecollege ball same tomorrow between footTeat. am pniversiti and the Anglia. --- The Order Releases Convict Into Hands of Exc.. - WithEsecutive,Husband 26.--(I- BANDIT 1.CHAPMAN She Declares Oimio. harvest feast. may go forward with assurance of just the right kind of VOTE WILL BE TEsr FOR INSURGENTS Nov, OGDEN, Nov. z CET HOUSE-110CI- 0, Nor-lend- er Lions elub 'will not meet this wash owing to normia.y, tho rogolar :WAIIIIINOVON, Sacd14. biting Thanksgiving abotzlis. af California ins..Uag Day, it is aitootutoott by ?rust. P. stoked presidential ouppert today ; 4.1A4111 for ths' ogoposol tp 1ap tho Colorado rim at Bontdar canyon. o AIMS lp grersion of the dam, this aosalor LOS JINONLES, Nov. said. la aerussiwy tor the , proper 72. former Wank McDowell. development of Woo la Southern California and to protoot then cittet accountant of Ms United Mao from aeatOnal floods. It would States treasury department and at "gerdeli ',Wad girl got ber race previa s.yeemot water for irrisa- ono time mayor of Clinton. low. la dead bare today after a brief teraltbes $4 a dance Inet night. tion porpoise antfpr Metric reti t ON - IfFill3NTOff- armLIne,,, Day Coming to SL FIRST-PLACE- - --- Am . , Safe Found. get. 000UDGE ASKED. Aunt Hit Posse Surrounds Two in Hills, Sheriff Reports; - , Ar) ' -- ........, , . ic - , -,- SEAM, tladan - --- - , trans-Pacif- ..0EA1IIHiOF::- , BOISE. Idaho. Nov. air Many Dims of the United States enforces are plasmas to resign to develif ter commercial aviation. outlined opment of the service as under by is court martial at Washington. not followed in ito KM principles. Of Uouteriant. T. IL Matthews. Selfridge Field. Detroit. maid here ' last night. , Lieutenant Matthews. winner of recent the Mitchell trophy in the New air races at Mitchell irield. York. is en route from Selfridge Yield to Seattle. by automobile,- Asked 'thither his assignment to PROSPECTOR the Boeing Airplane company in Seattle vas hulk:sav of plans for another attempt at a flight to Rimini. Lieutenant Matthews andled and said: "It probably indicates experiniontal dfmrloPment MERCHAIIT HUNTED such ea has been outlined an need' ed by the , re'Ton can't blame the men formad. Lieutenant Matthew --igning." offers Famed Charaeterl Falls in If commerciel aviation 'rotator poseibilities. they are going to follow the bigger opportunities. Quarrel Over Land an Monty Toed IPOWn0 to be taking limit and: at interest In Nevada. premed to mention ono. I undimmed Major at lloossly, former- - oommandant Clover Yield. Sesta Monica. hoar resigned to take a place with FALLON. Nay.. Nov. 26.(1ff8) Toed on the Mb Ink' and Les the ftormath of a quarrel of the branch dallstso over a piece of land, near East Gobi. Nev.. Frank Wilson. famous MITCIPITILL TO NWT CAKE: western mining character. was 11111A, QVIT TVIUMEIr DAY. dead and Me assailant. Bob John. 110 son. a Fallon business man. was per, WASNINCYrOlt, 4teedmos of C41. In the being sought by posses (IMOTim Mitoholl at bin military trial soar. mountainous country whore ho fled od ea lad today with hie mongol attar the murder today. After a verbal dispute yesterday. ready to root thoir moo with Om witeasses eat& Jettison pulled a jury of staaarela before alattlait offer la gtin and shot Wilson, who fell mordittaholl woo preparod to ntidatiao a handful of stipulations. tally wounded. Johnson then flad WWI . than into the manatates. treat eeIIat WitIMINNIS hi Mt lank te AM 1114 Imo dayartFrank Wilson was known hi eV- moat wowed taatiotagy 'vintner hie ry mining camp from the Ilion. of An "almoet treasemable dike to Maraca and was laid to Indleatielso mean. hem bean in every Important field admmietratio while loomed that the trial will tun rush doting tho last two &stades. well tate Doseitsimr As adlesenamet wffl IDe Salton pate today mar flumittong oiled WIISOTI Auto to be Kept Monday, ISS witnesses filelnit A In Wiemori4 4 FAVORED AS NEXT CARDINAL IN U. S. TAX HILL C1111111tah.cloys OF HOUSE BATTLE .1 PARIS, Ni,; dressed im puispie over., pars coat vittis acrooc relies and stiffs, Imo lima allied hi the trial at few,' le will ha left' few Cherbourg title meriting aipteeeta Their stand. tha wits... accompanied by hie mettles, Mar afritolitin. S wait. Majestio It.- will embark farOn tits wrarlao to tbs. United Ibsi tallailtir the trial this aftereasta new Congress. States. H. declares his sole per the opening of the Dose in visiting the United States IPLOO011iteill. TO MOMS Is to add to his laurels am a tennis Ark Nee, STUTTBART, to discos; (Awlstoring told by etas lima, Count Salm refused the formes at the Loneke Countess Salm, ',steady primmer county ponote; farm soar Maglaad, 'trent Rogers. to Pio fleet that they bad boast reamitir tIanD4 be ponds will he Anil ritormson, Imre, I, Watowit, imetigsted at gess, W, early prosecuting attorney deolared plAPLE0; Italy. Neu . . enator litrattetemlYtivitliet ter today. . SO years proteseor of literature In , is Nettles. at deat the University, lie. wee 76 years old, T , Salm, i ,H111-15-60- 11E --m- any - WILL BE CENTER 1 , Face Ogden Pair Trat 'or Idaho govern- ment hi thoroughly tired of its job as mediator In the Tacna-Aric- a pute between Chile and Porn end be it will be,s --years ' another fore . Into rvention, diplomatle or otherwise. will N be coaxed out of the Washington author I The commercial tomato crop of Three Killed When Train - Utah tor:1925 leas worth- - more A Hits tIA to; Fourth Hurt than tour ("nieces much as the entlre, crop of 1924, and is estimated ' TOLEDO. 0.; Nov. at 12.000.00e, according to ?rank Two men and a girl are dead and 11. U. Andrews, statistician, another girl in dying an the result The 'canning tomatoes ot 1124 of a emit at Benore Hoed and - ' the Central railroad brought SItteet and' the entire tracks Michtran east of here todav. The vim. crop was worth onsiderably was hurled tee automobile time' than Sk00.00e. feet down the track and demolished yeas the acreage of tanning when struck by a fast train. and market tomatoes was approx. The deficit imatety 10,010 acres, and Mr. Andrews sald yields are frequently reported above II tons per acre. The figures ars subject to revision. The success et the crop this year was due to favorable weather. In May the crop was seriously threatened in some oounties by a heavy storm,' but the farmers immediate's replanted. Harold Arndt. fill Itichard Ward, 141 and Jetta Kalseinskl, IS. all of Toledo. Pauitne Herwat. 2$. former Bliss- field Mich.. high school girl, was perhipe fatally Injured. Arndt was first identified as Francis Willis. formerly state prohibition agent, He worked as a prohibltion asen IV ith Willis. - ' I.; , . . - - Ak At ro,,,...., - - , r- - ..r. dI', ! -,- 1i.----- ...- - ''.'" Y,,4-- ,- ,'""- .1. 1- - . , , ' ' :.E.:LI ." ... ilk, - ' , .. - , - -. , ii k't1,..n.......4,L,.......i , . k - , .,. 1 , - . , :- '-- 'l - ,t -, - , A. : -- , ,. ' 4.. ' , ,, .., , - ' , 0 |