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Show -- , f s4 - - '''...-..-- - ' - . ' ' -- - - ' , 1.,.. .. i ,. 1 ,, , . tr ' (ri, ,.1'. i - ,,, -- - - - - t , . ,,r , - bcootiosearinumendaes- - ' The marriage of Miss' Viola Pe- . tarpon daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hugo D. E- - Peterson. and Or.00 - - Aro . 's , , -, , ' . , - litCe4 . -- . , , --- . - --et Miss Mr , , pAcr4ric, ' A; bailee" banes EMMA ., ., IVED.IN'ESDAT NOVE3IBER - 25 1925. : - , - --- - ,tardai. that Karmen lie ha taint proma eantaaay 'wafture isee' In Oak Litho City, lag up oar bastaama Ws haw. balk Ire. an a reem!eier eAgoltille134111- - 'ild- mute limbillity and we aware, OIND - RIL - - ' 5,, ' - - , with Anaa $ea 1.utk treat' An Mae. Pria, 11.4.1 "1 318,1166t .. StnIL, - 3- ,,,,., - - ' - ' ' Li ... - , . ' ' - BLACKFOOT. Idobo. Nov. 25,-- - - ai, .....',-- I ,I- ,.... ' '- -' '., - '. - -- '. , - ,- . - , , , - - lin., ' 0 , -- , , , - , , . , - 1, - wind-coli- 1111 a. juDGE.colisEtiTs - T - , VA ' To RfilliELAIIDER T.:e, , - '' ' --, - - , ---- - ' .. - -- .. , , . .,, , , .I 4 - - ; ,..,' ' ,- 4 I.:, , . ., , - . 0A. ' ' . ',Milt ' , . .' ' ' ..... .. - . C sot-fire- d .....---...4,1-- eile ' -- ---- . , . - - az ey - . - - ' aim, , - .. , - - - -, - , , , , ' ' '. 111 - , , , , ., ; - crtiTmEtIT ' -' .. PIES-' For , e - - Itclikte - .., . - . mid gaga Pill& , - - - - , setts able , - -, '' ' - -- - - cooiptiri;--,t- ' m--.iltsoolo. da.1411" 7- ,Paris medon. basuliont 1.111114116 , 4 '' - - ''' 44 n .11 dwIllt and sawn& &Moe for pale' seems go with sack tab& Taboo with polo pipe, 759:1111dia; tam glOn Get him Four druggist; lollf!,!!Preti14,. mod stamps or roomy W'''''''' ill'ild101111 - - et the sad easy task of a Moment. - tali - . - . I - - ' ' ' - est Illooney .. '' ' ' ,' ' - -- - ". .2 ' ' '-..- ays.d. , - : ' - ... ,'r 0,-- fr - . ',,(-- - , '''''';- ,', ' . :: '., -'4 , ' , i- , .,.. , , - 1.,,...,,, N; ', ,,, , c . ,, ,,, - , ',.- , .:.: ,'-,-- - - , - I ..,. i ,,Z....,.,,- '4' ',,, - ,., ' - , ; 1 t i, ", .i ",- .,)4.4.4 ,,,,,4..;4" ' ", ..eifee ,., ,, eloe,-,-.464,. )....:0,. Nt , ' f.', - 4, , - '..!", - .., , . 1 ,,.',..,3 , , , ,,,,e . , : .' , ;) 1 - , , s my health "land For months and months I was not regular end had terrible pains. They used to ailed my side so I could not work. I am now and strong enough to do my housework have two dow, babies to tare for besides."-- Mrs. T. H. Agate, Walpo, Y H , , , :, , ',,,,,, ... ' ' .' ' , -- ' , .., ! .. ' ,,, RUN-DOW- N rot volatile such CelloPowlml lo ' keisell ' t ., ' , ''. , .. , , - - . - -- ' .; 2. ;;-- , . m..laAm.,A - .. , , 4 ' ',, , - -1 , , . , - "- , - ' e'''t ..,'-,- ''': , ;, -- : - -- 1: .' - ''.-; ''....- , '' ,.,. t 7..tV . , ... ; -, . , I , . -- ' 't 1' :: ,' . , , Air. ,,(4. ..."' . , ' ' - t. ,,..,,,,, - -t- ;.' ' . -- i ,, -, - s . - , ., 44,, VI "...i e .' . .,..,..- ',I. , ,t, ), v ' ' r r t. ,I J . , ...; t- - - , t I " ' , ' - - . EXTREME NERVOUSNESS Maley cases ariessositby footsies disorden erhigh erel assay Male. died bY Olo Composed. II t I -- , i ... J s VegetableCompoundis Justly Famed - '7 ' - y '--- , - II 1) 11 ti '' I. i ' ,.. , , ...........a.,..m o a ...o.t t.,,,,,--ti- r . , ,Irir.rui...et - ' I - . , . . .. , IA, , - ' , r0.,i.,..t......r.. .. , : . , :.- - ...., . . . , . , .Z.Ak AL.5'.V : P,Z 40i.,,I...141 - - .,, tt' '..,, . -- - . . ., - .4. ?''' Oee,, , At, i'..."1. r .. r,... i ' , --- ss - , , s ;' - - - . -- . ,. 1I .1 '' 7 ,, , ''.; ,1 f. 15 - - :, I I ir- r, ! 4 --- - - ' ' - I ,, ',;.;. "..1 ; .1 , Remedy------- - .. l . ' - ,A,,,,,,, A '1' . i ' ,,s, - .7. ., ,," ,,, ,,, , pA.,,.! , - t - . . Illtillt, ilillillitfl , - .. , 4 , ,. ,, - - li II i 1 -- ' i - - . oTitz:z ram:Gime NO - , , hemile-systess.Th- : t r . - , ! - - , ' i , - , - a as-- i' - - 9 ' ,,, ,,,,,.. ' 1 n --- 0., r i , . ' r. -. ; ; t ' ri' '4 .5., 12,-- . , - .7. : II ,. , y - -- tr I -- , - ' .. ' , it , 4 fl.''.., ' 1 'I , , - , .,,A . - ' , t',,,' . ' ,1: , ,., , ' f4 ' ., , , 4; ',- - i - - : '' ...,.,..,, - l," e s ; ''', la - - ' ,..:,. , ,',- .., , .g 1 , , ' , - . ; .,f , ,,. . - . ., . ' - - ,.. ' : ' .' NERVOUS, SWILLS, AND PAIN IN SIDES , , , ,' NOW WELL AND STRONG WAS A MERE SHADOW , , , -- cannot fl i i In 7- "I wa s nervosa-b-oil kdhomnatios.begin to tell'yoU how much Lydia E. Ifirstetarted with the Compound I was pains : Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped ., sides and sickly after tny last baby was born. mere shadow, Sty health seemed to be itone.,, me. Before taking it I couldn't stand on my ,. 'rhs last doctor I had said he would give me no Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound re- feet without pains running all through mymore treatments. That 171111 when I gave the - - - stored my health and made me well. It is the wbole body from my waist 'down just like , best medicine for aick women- in the world. doctors up. Now l am a hcalthyrobuet woman. any work. I wish I could tell the world what a wonderful It surely did put me on my feet again"Mrs. r threadi pulling. I was not fit to do Mrs. Rusk ' James Mike, 419 :Now I am well and strcalg.- "medicine LydiaL Pinkham's Compound la- "Cheery Short, Dotter; Otglo. , ' ' ,, ' ' , '.. Fullerton, 525 South 2nd ..t:trec4 C1atrile149 Po. ar.A.Josee,S17ConevAtio., Norfolk, Va. '. 4 - - - '. ., , ,, '''. ';;::': . - , '- 4 ' - . "; , .. Ni: , ' ';...-'---:.. ,. Ni& , ,:" ';' , 'N 10) . ,...' ' 'e' '' '. '. - V,4:4-'i- F...;--.4- , s , . ' ' ,' tu . ';1 e, , , - - - ' '..''''.. A. ....:., i , :. - - f , ,'' ,t - , , - 4 - , '- ...,;(.-, ' , ',:, P',, '1:1:-V.: - -, 1 , ,..., . . - . , ' "When -' ''- :,..----tc- .' - ' - I , , . , , w , ,:ve ' , ' . , t , 'is :f..- . - ,lllyell . , ' ; ' .. .. , , - 't . .' - .. .., r; . "I, Vtable . '- 4 II . ' ''. . . , -- ,, ,,, si.. - - - , - WEAKNESS 1:FTER CHILDBIRTH ' OVERWORKED WOMEN -- - - OPERATIONS AVOIDED -nervecenters - Many operations aro botessat7'L:,-A- t this period Many "Men who ., , Overwork labires-thare not. sad redsces the vital forces of The Vegetable Couto , . have been kit weak and run-do-- Vbgetabitt Compound has relieved many cases ,r:, have been restored to health and - ' idter operations have hoes advised. ', visor by the Vegetable Compound. , posed will stressthea you.. ' ' :'' . z. ; 'BACKACHE AILMENTS OF VOUFKI GIR,LS--- -''.. FOR WOMAN'S ILLS Crimea OF LIFE When entering womanhood manyBackache bc elites as indication el Magyvt. oasis Why wafter from any aliment core. through this mon to women when Lydia &Pink. some isorloor feminine derange. critkal have been greatly ' young girls have been benefited by the specific tonic Wheelies of the - ham's Compound has such a greet s. meet. Many muse Miro bees re. by'. the Vegetable Caw. ' , . lirrsd by the Vegetable Composed. Vegetable Composts& woad. recordforovercomingthesetroubles FOR WOIVIAN'S ILLS IIAS RECEIVED SUCH WORLD WIDE ENDORSEMENT AS -. : . ,(. - ease& DESPIAIDENCY, MELAttCHOLIA Tb18 18 so leldkaltle st 8 weakened meditates el the isomds gaim ta.r which the V vounpcsead - A - '' ''' i -- '4 - , . -' WOMEN This latle"tos toshestrItio. 114 blood 1,,,g soweteal wasitaealk The WEAN, , .',:. ' ,).. ';' : - '''' , 4 . , . Ill ... ,, . ,. ," , ' i - ,.- ---,, , , , ,.. These are the: Conditions for which Lid& E. Pinkham , - , I.st tkid it has impnyved , , ' - ' N IMPROVED WONDERFULLY - "ItlEALm E Pinkhato's Vegetablit have and ., - ', ' - - , - - - . ,- . ' - , . - ''' . 4k4 '1,',, ..,,;g , . ;,. f 4',; . . - ,' -- - , . ' -, , ' ' ,' , .. . , , ., , 1,,, 1 fr'' , - ',.,,,- - . j-7-, , ' . , ' ..,,..?, ' : e - ' - -- , ..,... - .,,-,- ,..,,,.:.;,0: ' ; ,,... ... , ' e- I ;. ..f.i, , - .;.4.',' i',;......, ,,s,,.) . ' 4, ' is ,4 - '',,. ,., e N'4 ' e-- .i - .. 7.- -, '',,, .,--- A '' ,-- t- , ? ..--- '. ,.: A, ,,4 4 -- - ::1- - , . , . ..'.t - , .. '' - ',,',..... t,,,,K, ... . - , . ,. - , ' - - T't .5,- ,?. , ' ' It , -- ,.. ,.,...!iii ,' .. ' , . ,.. ..4. , "" - - , s, . ' . ....,. ' - , ,"' '''l , ,, , -- I , ' :.,, - ' ' , , ,.. - :!'",'""4 ' U , , . '',. e. . - l' . 7 - .', - - ' ., , ,.. - , t- ' . 0 ene , ' ' , .o.,7,, ,,,- - - . t , , - : .. ''- I - home :iii e-' mine,.'''' or dream lovely thmabout anybody, , something big) get an ambition , 11 Well-show yolk! ,4 ', - n ..,. - - , , , ' - - ' a- . , ' . , - 'a L ' , . . , , . t , Ile"- - aturch tiotices - --- ''..- - ... ',' -- That,Roy eGi t ' "How aut 1; with A.'"':;--;-- ' ' Clanneeo le . Eald W oe. 214---1- - ,, - - All A lling,Women- Will Be Interested in the Following Unsolicited .Testimonials . .. Stake Relief societies will bold their annual conference thictle3 . Nov. 22. In the auditorium of the Blehons , building. fourth ' Soon Members of the (polar& Preid4enel Lrl11 1r! preseat Pinks board members will meet at F ale' and at 10:10 cm.) officers. clam leaders and visiting teachers. The general neeetingforall members win be held at 2 p.m. in the First ward Special music will he dupe'. rendered at all assehoes.' It II ex. all lie. ponied that In addition-t- o lie f society workers. etsaibers5of I stake the prelitlencyt ,high council ' and bishop, of waedi will - attend. All interested aro invited. ... , ------ ----. ilad.e.elipic, appfiration -- Ibrgra lohaal bow packed is bandy, callopials 4 Liberty .' - 7 r U. - - '' This Dependable and Proven Rook ady for Piles is r- - . -- "- , r . - ' ' s 1 -' -- - - - -- , E. Pink liam's Vegetable Compound Ills Than By Any Other Medicine , , .'' ar. 4 ,.. - -- - '10 ' -- - , . . &,,VP prehlohis ... III - . , oi!, it' , ., A church party will be- given Wedneettay evening' at the Tint Presbyterian church in observation of home missions' week. A play in ' demonstrating of miaow' work will be presented at T:St o'Clock under M. Gaunt Mrs. th c, M. Wreck has charge of a ay. (1st hour and refreshments to fol. low. AU members of the church and trienda are Inytted to attend. . .; , 4 ' , . thy Dayton eoseprise the committee in charge of the arrangements. ,. , " , ' will entertain at a banseuest WedneeditY evening at the Newhouse hotel, Mies Seth Ire111.- - Chairmen. Mies Prances Rawer and Mimi Doro- - , '. . , ' ' ,.. - . - , . - Miss , Covey. Miss ,......-.- -- 1- ..... ,. Merritt' Ilebkor;--Mis- o eell'ereer and Mies Erma Murdock. . , e ; le, , ,4 Members of Gannett Sigma sorority of the University of Utah Packages Everyottent -.) , The annual birthday banquet of the Phi Delta PL national physicsA education sorority. will be held Mt-urday evening at the Elks' clubhouse. The committee In charge of arrensements Melia, Sure ReUef the Lola Hansen. Miss Mae - . , ' - . , 4 , ''- - - 0 ELL.,tm S 75$ -. P1ZSL P7 25$ and o .. .. eJ 0 , - '' - , fo-e-VVorna- water Hot , , " - o me - B3i71.,37illa . . - , 1040 6 BEtuusit W 41111'4 ,' . v 2 t . , - -- is tukst ISSIGerMil ''' ' - - - . ore - aurettellet FOR ILIDIGESTIOU .. : .,:,;, - , N., - 4 -'-' , . ,od . - -- - - - - 0 ' .,L, , UTAH-GRAN- dv , - . een10 Ftua- , . - , -- , : ' . - ' r - . . - ' '' - : . - r TEL anksgiving-Day- - - GELEs -- ' N M. I clrip - , ' '' I -I o - Thursday - ' ,T , The P aris Will -- ' . - , , . - - ' -- - ' ' t' ,, . E.-H- our8 - - . ; - . - , ittn.- wirtain s ' : - 1 - - ' t - '' , which-115,0- - - ' ' 4' --- year's 4 - r ' -- -- - - iited 0, . ' , - - k'' 2. . ,.., . , , - Irgr -. - , ' - ' i ..,, , , ' i., ,' - if tj - ' r r . --7,- ' I. ' 0' Lakethe - '. , it r - 0: ' -- - - 0; , ' , GrA. .t: ',- .1 , . - , ,.. 7 . ..,,,,, ' : , e , - , - . 4 , - r. ' ' - - ,, r - , . ' , 4; , - - r - ''' - i - , people - I , '' - ' ' ' ' ., - -P . for our OWI State and the vast . of its Mine", fields and industries. for the bountiful crops Which Utah has just i harvested. -- e, coated-tongu- c. I 0I ,,,, -- : . .1)1X)LarTHAN'elirKt-YruLo- . A f ' ' cam M011 weath and the Peace and f - l' . '. 0 . , - i - , FOT OU'T-lrrt- at , . . .' , . -- - , - , - . ' . , - , . ., , ; , - - .--- . ; ' ' ', -,- - , . -' .'. , ';;''---- , 1 , : - ,i . , $ 4 , f , - , ,,,... - - ' : ; . elvtIW'-1- ; , - 0 $ .... , ,, .- . ,' --- 0 Ity1 1 ill., , : . ; - ' , totek Kind Providence ' So Generoust Y,. Manifested ' 0 s ,', ' 0 - ,,,, - - , , Boities. of , z r . ' - t -'- 4 .. - ' -- ,- , , f.,r,, r During the ' itoll ' - ', 7 , , . For All the 4--, ' , ,. -,' i ., -- .01' - -, , . 10 h . - '1a0 1 -','"----- - - - ' IHANKFu ' - - - - le, , - ) ''Vbt , 4,...4,.. , - , 44. ,,.,, s (AP)-; A bandit ithrghareway teannditalgreveninon the Mutt Moreland to Blackfoot. - P.te ..s., 1C - 4 . 'roar otl), , .... ... ,...o.,-;A...--- 0 0 ; Or v - - ' , - . '' - .....,. s. 'W--- 4s e Romania. A. Ilimsky b Reroeuse , 3. a Favorite .Mormon" "Come. Come Ti , .Hymn, Saints" .Arr.Por Organist b Ain- Old Helode-- .......,,- Arr. by Organist 4' Hosanna!): .....- - Paul Wachs I Us44-7- ' "Three deam'ooet-rsA- 1. Prelude and Fugue in D. -S. Bach Minor - , A ' 0 .. ' ) Sisiiftil. ::.-.- ,, . .. 4 ' . , - ., -- ' 'f"..11.,. ,,, - ' 1 a, a,, - I ' - - - ' : t 71,7i r.....' ' ,1"- - ,- - 1 - .4 , r, I i '. - 0 ' - Baby -or Child ' ''' , 1 ' - . ; -- gie ' ., - Victor McLadlea. hate:atom ri ., .,..,........--.- .. - - - - , ; '' 0 1, - Dep2 n- da bl- c Laxative for Sick THRSDAY ORGAN - RECITAL Et013t S , 1' Thursday's tabenacla organ program - with Organist 44,4 sss, linter Y; cannon' at the 001311016 ,.,...... : will ' G ., National Anthem. - ,,, - --- - ' aad --An' 'nor Gims rht ePrisisil"valea R;seu::',. ---- ---- 0 1.4oei M - - - I -- , Cal i forma Fig .SYruP "'Winds of elltatit." P1111.011. Viola Lima. Q. ,. -- - . - I . - - For Eli HarreY Stout-- i rakilalailsoe.,a.11LILiwIssml,amiLlulall..Nalkm,,071anctiLle. On Friday Afternoon 1 I - - soli Bader ASISRICAN .,,":'t ' - , 0 , sa 'VP Wast" - Katioa ' ,Illtersow rICTVIIPL PaltartOuriT - NAPALM - Vino Iron learee.7 Spacial let IS adage so.--Jouraey tareedis Daaartaad.- Irlet.ORT--Os- ba Daniels' sod Haarlem goad la "Levare ta Quardatmcit Um Stigmata nelitsdr- .- A. Kil1SER' FIREPROOF STORAGE CO.', , - raWrailMS-VanSeo- ttle $ oy- , , , - - ER1 -- 111 ' ' ' 1 Ttm4wol To Be Held - '' : SALT. Latila-.Light"'- - '" wtt' a nia, Sind resod Bated. Thelma Jefferson. mut aanow Baces. comma . . .. - Ted 1144 Ill II , , , even- : 1.01.11111 brAaclota'aCletatalstIstur... Pre.anst soeIaKilits4 . - .. --- 11... , , - ', ELI HARITET STOUT, Ahnira Eldredge, daughter When bahr is constipated., has' . W. Barton lvben returning from tied Mrs. Y. E. Eldredge. feverish breath, Funeral serviced for EU HarveY, 0 1 maiwere Arco Baird as Randall he Orrin A und aPProaphed the bridge . or diarrhea, a half-te$ former Malt Like business over the big canal on the highway ried Wednesday morning in- the spoonful of genuine "California giout, his g home ot the died Salt Lake temple. Elder Stephen man who at leading Into , Blackfoot noticed a moves the rig Syrup" promptly , Cal. at the aide of the bridge 14 Richards performed the cere- p,,......11,",,!" ' ' ' '' , poisOns, gases, bile, enuring food daughter, Mrs. A. R. Chadwick In Mrs. withparked John ' ' .' ,, ' the driver's hand extended ' mony. A reception in honor of the Henry waste right out. never cramps and Center of for Salt be Will V Sunday, Calif., of. Oakland; him to stop. How- i for signalling or THANKFUL "'"es7...Ini.!. overacts. couple wilibe held bridWednesday eve- Babies love its dpd over, aa Mr. Barton's lights struck par- Hansean. held in Waterloo ward chapel lertH A wonderland. of unexcelled - 0 taste. , ning at the home of C. P. Mrs. the parked ear he saw , Scions ' that the I ents in Oranger.t The couple iviltimatall,.. ,, - ,.1 . ., Ask your druggist for genuine day, Nov. 27. at 1 Aim.. under. di- . Sav0. driver held a revolver in' his hand. 1I make their home in Salt Lake.happy LAIMO4V. and a city of ..., "California Fig Syrup" which has Threttio ()bon dyl)ems.Billbp bneP Jacob Matti& 0 4.,a prosperous:. healthy, age. Mrs. George F. Mrs. so -Mr. Barton stepped on the gas ' 0 , , full directions for infanta in arma, viewed at the'0 - people. Charles - - -' Aas The alunmas chapter of the Chi dim Mrs.J. Allen, Mrs. fast 7 ' and children of all ages, plainly home of his daughter, Mn. W. O. ' , ''s .. ,, mrs Etch.... adandpossaihotbiteLcrose th.ebridge Oakley. enter-time- d will 0 be You Delta Phi Mother! bottle. on , I sorority i ENUI1111 ' printed A... Mrs. Robert ---' etoteon avenue, be- - A .,, Mrs. We did not A. Mr.. Barton's car sPed away must say "California" or you may Sperry. dee and 12:3A Saturday afternoon at the be TNGRA'rEFUL wotdd Madsen, Mrs. pan., Fri-- , V ' 0 A home of Mrs. Walter S. Payne, 4871 Harry the bandit fired two shots. both ' an imitation am. fig dtwayer'll . get Miss rimy. ' Az Adelaide ' Miss of which penetrated Mr. Barton's .'' ' customers to our thank and our ant- Douglas, street, at 3 o'clock. The Mildred Dern. 0 , pause ' Silt th was born Lake Mr. Stout 0 . hat. He drove immediately to the amisting hostesses will.be Mrs. H. , 0 - sheriff's of Seeks esteem CI, and n Pictures, for' for their the of t4 ago.2the-so.,...' high a , ' theists M. Jones and Mrs. W. G. Cook. largest office and accompanied years ..., .; 0 -. -The annual of deputy back to the scene, but no - Hmles Stant Irian Icaa a Premineni ,."f,':1,"4-'e"l'ea--"Irb;(7foreov. 1b2t Mrs. C. H. Blanchard will read n-all has' Ideas to Advertise Utah store ita this business $ Delta enjoyed ,lhe be- Epsilon Mr. the trace of -the bandit could be found and Stout, , zelections from her late books- . lawyer. A pioneer ,.., , , ADC" Bealrice A one. held and the annam la Ulan and . ,: I came "IdelT pavement left no Ara recent meeting the following UniversitY of -- Utah' .- , ,...... tr I aseA111!""nard Kip 1., All commercial organization' aub-of- neighboring 'Weer throutli---discernible tracks. - -- - bial 0 2..,Ilistoryevening were elected; Mrs. Walter Wednesday officers to was been informed that her Rhinelander 0 room --- -of the Hotel M. at $ - father was with several idemitication , ., N. Payne. president; - Mrs. H. for years 0 - - part, negro but anewered mit suggestions and pictures to be I'the ' Jones, vice , ,,. , preadent; Mrs. Tr. O. o'clock. The A , implement butanes& He moved Unit be did not cart Rosa Chit- - used- In organizing the 1926 - F. ' ' thee Pacific Cook. treasurer; Miss Julia Tatelor. of the arrangements Miss ' ' hi Keeping With Custom coast four about to .,, for the munity advertising campaign for' teker, former chauffeur 0 , , Mrs. Higgs, h- is- - 'Anna, Laws &obi. was subscribed Years ago.' 0 testified today. . , Rhinelander. Helen Z. Johnson, terms,. El, - , are the fol lowbs g chit - 0, citizens of Salt Lake. While 'hill Surviving : --Close ': lison, Mrs. Arthur L. . 0' .' "will : A. . as 'of ,IL lead will Jr.. Stout. :dreni Stout, 9 the metropolis . , A- number' of ginner 0 , ' PLAINS. N. 'T.,'Nov. 24. cPy ', parties will be toastmistress. wnrrE Utah and the gateway to numerous' A. L. Stout and Mrs. Sperry. Salt (INS)---A- n , amendment to the scenic 4 precede the Charity bell.- - lir. and 0 will tho W. Edmonds and Mrs. : D. spots. advertising 4 Lake; enAirs. Beverly S. Clendenin will Mrs.' Morris brought by Leonard Kip as heretofore, feature the resources L. , and Round ' charges Chadwick. Oakland; P. W. P tertain at their home on Arlington daughter. Mias Betty his quad- of the entire state. it is announced Rhinelander, : against dalleand 34rit. Stout. Montpelier, I 0 roon bride,- Alice Jonea Rhinelan- ; 'drive. Dr. and Mrs. E. IL Neher will leave soon ler i sent by President Bac- - ' E. Marsh. York, Wm; also 20 0 : Plinks, Ae der in which it is additionally al- in a S.letter will entertain at the University where they will be 0 ' or-- I to -the other Clendenin by Man-eo- n erly ' six . Mrs. and Willard grandchildren. club. Mr. and Mrs.-3,, , leged that Alice deceived her boa .. : ' 0 C.Weeter , sail ,, i children. will entertain at the University Januare, 2 for band as to her Negro biood by "ei- 0A . , ' 0 will - ALL Justice 1Pnee." was granted . club. Miss Prances Lewis will be spend trig month. ' '' , by I le OYER ,(40 TO MEET. . -- . IPOREIGII RIDERS COMied. 0 hmitess at a dinner at the Lewis a tMorschauser today in the. Rhine- - , largo part of the , Eng- Mr. : ; home on Fifth East street. AB lander marriage annulment trial. 042 A meeting of the ' Nov. CHICAGO, - for la society-tenefit Fraternal will en' B elgian and S'reneh govern Men til 111101116111,11111116.1116. counsel for e 1611,01L11636111. , sad Mrs. L. B. cornc ant b. PISOnelander; vigorously op- ail over 50- will be hell at 615 I - Mrs. d their crock army uues-- 1 tertai- n at a dinner. Mr. ,.. street. at 7 : - 7 a id ood to copilots with thel motion at dinner- willCaptain and lira. Jeffs posed the - amendment are 21. Visitors ' at. R. .., United States army team from Fort which declared Alice did not volun- Thursday. Nov.. ,, , their home on north West Tern- at entertain at a dancing parte e . Ridin the Chteago Kansas. , welconte the Riley. Belvedere . December I. ,. . , ell tarily tell of her Negro blood. pie street. Mr. sad Mrs. IL Harry club's national borne show lie- - -- ' It was later announced that Of Mt the roak mitted,a, the west ing Madsen will entertain at supper , hued- einftif.iff December $ reRhinelander-will be , Major and Mr.. George S. Gar - PH and dancing following the ball at from horses the ,Leonard D thorou g hbred Is the WAS. 680 , f!called to the stand next week for Alnw)st es anthracite. Was.very Captain and Mrs. Thomas W., - 5461,1115 United States and Canada - hare been their,honin Da Ninth IP East str44,-- - mull limit 8 . In On , , examination will entertain at a tea danthis point. the show. entered . . - Mrs. lindrew T. Jacobsen will Junta tante December 4 from 4 td 7 .' . , entertain Saturday afternoon at o'clock at the post hop hall. , -- 'her home. 222 D street, in honorAn-of is Mrs. Rummell Hodgson of Los Mn, Paul W. Warren and Mrs. geles. who Ls spending a month J. J. Waterman will entertain at . 4 s in the city. a luncheon next Tuesday at tho ' 0, , tea on Temeast Bouth Wang shop - Mrs.' .1.- L. Towers arrived Mon- - ple ' - . . . s , t ' street.. , , ' ' s day from Berkeley. Calif.. to spend , : it' ,. 1 0. ' ., t , . The holiday' with her parents, Mr. . Mrs. D. I. Hanley of Bohm. Ida, 1 . ": and Mrs. J. W. Stewart., v. 'i, announces ho of , the engagement , her daughter. Mary Irene, to Wil) . . liam A. Davin of Balt Lake. The , 11, , :take - ,, Place In the 4 maLage will ... , .... -,,. ,.... ' early winter. , , , , ' Mr. and Mra. 13. P. Rohlfing and i small son. Durant. left WedeasdaY , , . for Aspen; Colo.. .to make their .. . ... s, home. Ij 2 , - - ' , , ' 1 ' :SHIPPING ' , , , . v. THE bESERET 'NEWS ' STOnAGE; ' ''-- 11- a - ,,, 1;1 ..,.. and Mrs.'. ts7t, born, Mayor and Mrs. C. C. Neslen. Colohel and Mrs. W.. a,,Ideicssksp, Colonel- T. M. Anderson. C0101101 and Mrs. F. L. linudnen. Dr. and ' Mrs. F. Bascom. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0 How- ard - Mr and Mrs. F. Mr. and link J. A. B00 lint A S.,. Kimball. Mr al. coins Kerte mr. ., E., W. Gailifber, ' lie. nag DM' Mr , J. Ratilata. Mr. and Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Gior Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. H. OMcMi and Mrs. Leon Sweet. Mrs., Downie D. Muir, Mr. C. P. Deerfield .iusd Hell Members of the are: Mrs. I, E. Gel, g A. E-Kimball, Mrs. A. 11tre M. hirer'. or,"1,"',e,l"1:, f,nri-,.Robertson. Miss ee., .7. Mrs. L. W. ' , ,, Mrs. Fanny Wright, Dean and Sirs. W. W, Fleetwood. the Rev. and Mrs. Hoyt tiss..,,nuss,Governor brattier - - - - by Mrs. Atel !estadsben. ,,,,attil T., W. glese.--- -- ., . , , lusted - ''' ' - took "place Wednesday Sett lake temple .. and was performed by Eider Davit licKaY.. 'A 'reception for 200 suedes will beheld Waineeday taw sing at the home of the bride's .,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,..prents 123 lit etrest. Mrs. Joseph Anderson. Mrs. Jed , , Mildred Miss PeterAshton and W U will attend the bride. Jed Ashton will be beet mem The couple .ilf nytke tneir home in,flait Lake. --- ' NTIREST tisOCIAIr circles es' ea-1 tortes In the annual elsarity ball of IL Marrs Hoopital eltagitt ball Matins to bo bold Wadaawdat ryanine gi Um- - Rotel Utah. Dancing will he 013071 in the ballroom and supper will be marred- in the mile , dining room. The roceptioir committee in: A. W. Mrs. MoultoM iddleti Mrs, Emma Moulton. -t '. . - ltdig,irThill erliktr&WHereoWlae - - - - ' - - MOYLE enter- ':' 1 - . , ' , . ,. FUrINITURE ...4- AR ASHI3T D., ITA Woad Itt 4 Prettlig aPPealt.' eti luncheon. Wednesday at Mr hems. Slid E atreet. In honor ag Mrs. David P. Howells of Los Ane gees, who Will leave Tridag for her hosed after a short visit here her home after a short visit here. "The guests were inated at one long table centered with a silver bowl of Optrella roses and holding Mnk candles in silver holders. Ce.v- - - ' , . , - ...410mt 1,,,, j- -o' - - : ' ,Er Namo.Or ' - , -'' , , ' 1 ' ' ''''''..1--' .. .,, 4. ' , , ., ,, - '' ..............., ' ..-- . - ... , -- . . , ''..."' , ... - , '. , , ' , ,,,, - '' - - . ,,. . ., , , ' , .:- , d t - --- , . , 11 , , , , , 4 , . - , ----- , ,,,. . , . - ' , ,,,A,.r.,. t. ' 1,A,;)A.A ,,,....,,it,..,4- . - - . " - ' ,., k, A, " A. ' , ..,v. . -- -, --1.-- k ,,... ., '1 . .. ,, .,,,,,..-- , t, ka., ,,, , :.,.....,,,.,,,A,-,: A - - tr,f ,... 'k.: A - ' '11'''ai4L-Ir ! At ,, t" , ,,, L., , , it, '' . - , |