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Show . ' , ..o , , . , " I.,. j- - '1 , for .. - , , - . THE DESERET NEWS ,. ' , ' ; . - - ' , 16 , . ' . .it - 7 i I A . i ' , , , e2leveretlitwv ' ' i 1.amlobommo.......,........ a HOUSEli, . . The. Stos7 Thee a TOUltr - , .. - wead ' '1 .. . dNaa: and, :co.. dy."1": lute:sr:di mor11,,,. ti bit! did not find Stepho. t -- ho- mil;o.. I a the seen. had overheard. JAberty I returned In great splendor to Par-lits debts, his 0 00 and having gem bled .um . i then won a large 'away lottery, for TOTO11(0 bound on a nilesionof and the kidnap, hanging of his father and her child by a !pc of 16 women be' Ste pho la heed of guerillas led Drees a Creole whom the elder w as . H. father. of tr av led- South. 1 v,r.,L,....position.- " i lkiOlrfh0111.0r itt,discharged B ill p .. 0 En tr(31.. e c t ,K it , ., i1 ; 11 e- t' - , i, ..: Sick in mind and body. Drace made hie way back to Bothpege.a lita made himself as presentable as ppesible be- - NInsleoo, ( ) t 11 21 ()) 1 11 l 6 r f - - 1, :14 2 .. ...Vt. Jo. ' $ sat". 1 wp, .11s L74,7,. :111g t .1.; g: , ,,, 1 ai , 1q11 74 - SS BEDIIHEEv.sitonli Es, ,1 VI A 7' -,. 7)41 4 SERVICEABLE STYLE F(..R THE JUNIOR GIRL Mother's troubles are neverendin, for so it seems, if its not a new suit for Tom. Mary has outgrown her dresses and needs a new one.. The wise mother will not choose a style that entails too much unnecessary work or ex' pense as children need so many 'new clothes. In this style -- for little girl-the rather "grown-up- " you have one that would take but -two afternoons to make and would cost about $2.30 figuring a striped homespun at 81.00 per yard-an- d Iinene at 50c ter yard for-- collar -. vestee and tristbanda No. 1557 cuts. In 16 years. & ee 8 requires 2$4 yards nth cow material with yard -trasting. Price 1e, ;tamps or coin (coin preferred). 1 ...11 - v0"... I 'I.-,I- ' ' - ---.. ti: "PIO, e4k1"' 1: .."Illt,ie, ' 'S an'Irs. -I ... .6.. 41101010MENEMIE" 1 A, READ. - -- - r- - ,RoaRi,md, ftipmeimmlEammommer : . , ' ; 1922 ' .,, OCTOBER 3.1ONPAY . i '' I .. . . . , , " - .. , 4 . , , . . - 2 , - .. - , . 1. . t , .. ' ' ' V., 4 Se........... , ,I .,, .0, .1, 00,- ...NW .V..4 REDDY AND 111;kr1FLEDDI INVEST'. 4 11, ,4 HY THORNTON W. BURGESS. Heedlessness is tempting fate; '1';'',. ';',.' t ) - tr 1 I for piracy. Virgil I , 1 by Liharty fore hat entered the house; fortunately Ere you act investigate. )I. , t ;A' ' Old Granny Fox. too, the attention of Tye!, and the ..., ,,, 914 moment a Oen!ral wha at that centeral .,,?; When told Foi Sammy Reddy Jay on Colonel Josh. who had stopped off he had seen happened over at I what 4 girl kt for gambling. a to them X calland whosnowed pay a appetite 1 Farmer Brown's.- - and how one of attracted Virgirs astoniehment-when asked to walk out ay - to log beauty. who had fL,411 wail a chlIdren Reddy's asprisoner he with tp, dinner. though R, yielded attention. proved to be barrel! back' of the hen house, Reddy alacrity to the pressure of hardly knew whether to beileve it or.i ter of old Stepho la Vitte. Sollowinif lornas(bun4rawirsthhaanlheurinng his arm, He tt A Its '.. not. Tou he : see, I very Val , 4 , : l of Istelnue- - A riot. during which, Virgil Vittes lett -- Sammy- Jay.-- always' c..), wI doubtful know He of -La. . e ,,,,,,rd end hogre A-groans Tycia . 49 man trim banging.--th. mischief-makea what just warned inquired: ei I the police , and is. However.- hi hunted Mrs. up ,.Nw Orleans:. - 4 And 'ow iIs flier Lucy? '" t ij If you know Utl,..? it means to be passed by: Sc111' 7 311 molt leave; ' and they talked it weer. Reddy-. plltbcreolowIN 4..... Vista that he and Liberty northward-.., ilrfAVot as Dower. said Josh. "I am grieved "Midam." I think told the I Sammy Bumblebee. '.4 , ..,. .. i ' the city by the to Impart to you a dtatreasful piece of skit it tee t,o-eakl I VIM itirutriq , discovered a news. She le soon to be married - to a- hound. . surt,.; 'OUTS lir in trouble Of of o la h calWee ..!Irne Resinoliantment--an..... Retina-11:g . . Icte,s,ber.tz to the at Step iy s a man named S p ian., -case of some lend" ,..'''1- li decided, -Sea tt,t,tt 't On. IM so awry. Colonel Joals.7. . uncle. Gen. , eV I Dinittant. aided by Ittaittel bland staked la II visit his sex las selt--Mra. 7Tou Litho know as Reddy7 . re,nstet,tits to Itte nett at the root ot is, troat.tet asti Ust moat et tie landing' 1 caw, setmeky- toid the truth. Elptva el"' calemity. . '''', , el blethpase. do Sa m is not there that a. a him my ircreiy hing r ittelelt 11.10.14 ecsegna,, ailltatcogap.enes - , nurn's '''''nPcins Poc frrtIt tkatet.t 'await aattatip mat as rtastatii tAatiantt atial Raba the matter with hinar Ma getttng--usuJay --- -t were kos.pitahly.entertatned-by---"IVhet'''''' alAwatrottgat 1..n.nag,--atthere for nothing." "Isn't broke. le her' old genrat and his young General inquired fool him again. But th4ty the wealthy MOO TrUdi the l boa p,old ,eyqcoudl himbut money. borreerealaaersi, 1 a aunt. Liberty LibertY 4 ; wife, away from hat barrel. get do Y ou know what hip calling is ri rnu" 'True enough. But liaten: I Soy the the general. aball SO 4 as hundred dollars from he was there it would be Ionic five the Hound. I. barking as he barks you, sir. This fellow Is enlighten fliCtOrY- -he ItedilK4 ,Iiii-to a ..A a build to find out about that and left Impossible ' his a dealer in oys t ors. the-- the excret- aonly whe!n bet- has some one Peet s taid. With a bangrnan s rope in and ;eerie of t h sea.. you might say. And " 1 heard him when he first alerted out harr ol. and li ho vas- la it. if any one 1 a swamp. '' ; ê canottVIrsil explored ' Was and be was trying which :non only that, but he deals in crawfish Fox! Fox' Fox!, cull have to , lead him awayr upon on open bunt.07 poThrtukt.i Am well. Timm Vox! at the top of his lungs, L crawfish. sir. ataaasAaBmAll-hOUVI''. , whi:intred Mrs. 1 neatly. "It you tan t her heart he end found my had home. my thought Ste 'door your .. run run over to that Through him &Way lead. shells 4 i told I her that a would after ate ', few minutes he to bark fliitt Dut It a ny one is i n Nadine la Vitt.. carn and from week to ,.....MY the way he does when began he has found! barrelAll aud ;week she l'aladins tout her, need to do Is to will you me After a- brief visit witn off. !It. wham one but the he was chaeln ir. but ca etz.,..aat, h tela fellow of La,: Price le captured by tothree not get at him. If he was not t,nhusaandassay. from 1here barn him Copied rint at a I look into the matter. do while Vitte's men who pwar, An sir. d jump ing you he must have been chasing hU pe none- - - of that-- children has been I advise him to keep alive in an old cabin. out of my way. one of What- are we if come atter. to re located him. and conducted hero, toonah up Nadine enough and do mita th about ity"crawfish, te groin,' to 7 him on foot fthrough the swami- her warning I gave them. But you at Drew co. 'Wilt are going to there and the never can tell what a youngetel By ADELE GARRISON, safety. The next day. General-- ...., find out my he . whom to do." would 13oyce. will marry she but crawfish. I would happened." said Mrs. Reddyin-he- r As Swim slept in his not ;alualoyo oysters Copyright. 1122. by Newspaper Feature Service. Ina Bowser walked over to the barrel owed much. believed it if she had not ea- most decided way. .. .. hi - chair. - I Man. stared me eniffed at it He wont all the Nadine halted Tone and with her own lips, lips that So for W a y around together they started : it sniffing. Then he re- who wanted to talk to him. the dirt' e alada-m- . WHAT: LILLIAN' SAID worshiped. reassuringly. and we breathed Farmer Brown's. They went the turned by "".;111 he had to where i At Natchez. Virgil struck COMMAND. dont lump at conclusions." he same way the young Fox heti gone. been Vaasa- pardon my nearness to k from the band of a man who attempt"I told said that sitting again sat down to you , profanity. bushel' along the stone the significantly. I t was keeping ed to stab General Bethpage. watch. ' 4 LID to My eyes went involuntarily Tycle's 1O1POtti7 Went out to old everything was all right so far. But wall on the edee of the Old Or3 . Stenho la Vine. halood him . and with her elyes lian's face as ;clarion's weak little voice, the more quiet and peace of mind we chard. When they reached the end (copyright, 192 by T. W. Burgess.) his tryst with N a- - aJosh. he, b egg ed the General to Thursday he kept made her plea to see her "Uncle Rob- can give this little lady, the mors swift of the stone wall the name. his drop her they were not far dine. When be told was The next story.: "Bowser Is Led ' ert." To the nurse, of course. th name' will be her recovery.' from the bentouse and they could see man her nzallict. but it was sweeter to him wn v " . Dr. Pettit Virgil. ehe knew' heto kill the ,.. than any sugar ever grained in hie nleant what and twinkled. was nothing. he Marion, eyes what On there. Thece was because going ., threatened father MillISM nor know I did not or knew she moon?' the for of I ask a guessed ... barrel etanding,on end. Arose the "Suppose stabbingwould had interfered with the care. A physician becomes a sanctu- queried saucily. After dinner they were in the par- top of the barrel was a. board and on General. Virgil said he aid the m of ior critical a in Is he me when saw to "You want break my wouldn't wh,ti a it charge ary - , the board was a stone. they close equipmaks her his wife. but she Beauty Contented' , ' 4 a g stop at case. Wit to me. with my intimate neck climbing for it. and that's what by and watching that Sitting the gate. vagabond an old carry-all ,, barrel was ' :. iltutild not be. A ! - drawn by a staggering You are always coundeut Pattern for this model may be knowledge of Li Illan's soul, the name of I should do immediately. the physi- Bowser the Round. Ho wasn't harkhorse. driven The next day. repenting of his soft; i 8avartn on the lips,of her little cian replied. with the smile which hti ing now. hut it was plain to see that that typist beauty bee been by a ragged negro. There was obtained from the Deseret News ; Item Virgil se t out to wreak o ventiteeloput to the btettteet b ut passenger in the hebilimente- - of oh,awag fraught with startling rererveis for ohildren. H. is at his best he was very much Interested In that cents. Enclose 15 cost. at 7 price gOatiCe on Stata p ho the murderer or irs posubilitisa atter How would she react to with little people. seeming to shed the barrel and was . scarecrow . topped off with a yellew --keeping a sharp watch Price of pattern with order and tRobert flIrgGQixMid$ Oriental entreaty"------cotton aloofness in which be socially on it. stiff to disguise--- any . address. most tatial6 ., ,, ..;. men on earth save one. and this man that her poise under and Marion is very fond Neither Reddy nor Mn Paddy could wrapa I ti . Soul 15c. horrid Sizo 9 '' , was the exceptioni was matchless. but she had of him- himself, : understand how one of their children ! sold clothes my of poverty? rtnallY Fort I. Hopkins &Sao . been through what was probably .,. Blesolecould "Tycho. what did be in just tell barrel that cried possibly you:" d my flew 'fork to a negro preacher and i , the General. "I know most terrible suapense of even her ,01, d'7 1 as as I. all want you to break your They must find out In some way If A. In lottery tickets. It seemed that tthe knew my name. Now itlook well life. and she could not con- ctek. wouldn't was It must he some really but I'd love to see you climbing ono at him!"I og d of the all I flitures to of color her rush myself the pa trol looked In one was pillid at They went out into the barret. They it," Marion said meditatively. and it mostelse who ' 4 ' the hell to meet him, multiplication table, didn't see how cheeks at Robert Flavarirt's name. But for i Safest whleti means, ae iI r41:1 in she was visualising the .1It hesvoice I COuld possibly miss. but I did. as cue bent over was an evident ,,, ,:: vonient tears. The visitor kissed con. know. find out Shout t f 1, Intl - :, climb of the rather hert , upward dignified. "NEW bes me and to for. win agatn. wasn't laid Out OW child. and shook hands with the men. ' for Very carefuliy they looked physician. that her mental warmer V'IA A fellow never has but one real fling. titer Of course you shall ate him. dear. awkward or Farmer Brown Brow o'r family medicine became to visible ' the ..,,,tot e, suddenly picture for' ' . of a ser"titthilatntothonleedenol&rcoYmtmoriastroen,tocP,Ii to certain pinnacle H. gets Neither was to be peen irvMadge w ill write to him right rest of us Boy. i tune. slips off. and spends the rest of or military," said , the Ft7317?" -I Paw Miss Ione& the nurse. bite her where. Bower the Hound was taitad to get back. When. !away:' I was not surprised at 'ber quick at"Sit down. sir." only one In eirht and nelthr of them I gholwliefeenittfrt!ddling I that she knew oral And then, surveying him I:lowlier: feared although fooled had quiescense. really the 111,C-rin I. they of Lilian and but relaxation came to Shuttle slowly bedtime wee permitting no longing of her own the strain to which he had been Long after too mans, throe to donbt tiott from head to foot: you please vtrxiye subjei. ,; him room, or one the other. '2 her to influence way state as to whether or"Will -I not you regard outright, a laugh in which Dr. Virgil, you know I've got to hit nn But if Marion at this moment of res- - laughed yourself a human being?" ' , annoyed second of a permanent nature. on itoration to her had asked for the most Pettit, after a palpable .'General." said Tycis. "Please don't ; something bee resumed kis-- pro- participated.-gut now I've, that the coalition is, quit Jerold hlm. for I'm sure I think thing in la manner a moment afterward, . ' . be must be ;gambling, what am I going to do. If her mother would 0 have tried to achieve fessional I n much the same fashion as he- would ' ' i CLEANS KIDNEYS hungry." go to sleep. : III tell. you of a , the impossible tor her beloved. "My dear. I shall not scold him; but you'll not a cloak around his shouldrawn !have -Mark me: I have observed. or , !plan, I don't sea anything about him she Can't telegraph telephone? !dere. that IlL!OPIPt with thousands of others. that :Then he'll tome calla for congratulations. quicker!" be quite enough excite "This . nothing digs a deeper after rainy-daThe little voice, though weak. was in- mem. forwill. . "Liberty" said Virgil "tomorrow weld money this --afternoon." he said auand eirous than menagerie. flexible and imperious. It was Wat like over go and have the and ; Mrs. anthem. you may your run When your- kidneys hurt 0-man the pariah of known the thoritatively. is that It surveyor poor y thum 8h be to is Marlon , insgetent. you off a suit of clothes." ' South, and especially the negro, will the office telephone for yoor tie. hack feels sore, don't get neared anda . the moat docile child Imaginable. use "Hy dear relatives. I thank you for sell stomach with messages. Then if his cookstove to buy a circus , phone or telegraph proceed to load your that she hes her you attentions: and as to your : ticket. ?t ow comes, rny plan. and mind i though one can see wish. I will take you home, as I lot of drugs that excite the kidneys these little dominof and inheritance full Uncle eptrit question. Howard. protoo let me say, you I strive to keep it from being at and irritate the entire urinary 'tract. , anyway. Thins are 1ance. But I rPmembered that the fa- .paps the farm. so nicely there is no need of your kidneys clean like you man are my claims as to being a hu- - !sudden,: Attention! You buy a circus, moue artiat Keep Jwho lovea her mother tto gressinx somewhat vague. One of the and I'll go along as Miss Jones. if you' That ; your your bowels clean. by flushing staying. keep 0 ...... war,. snont, ttlitt net. please." 3 I. 11 things I discovered about myself its the one thing I am really fitted for. tAnSiLtsiA7 , there with a mild. harmless salta which first g-in the was 'child's enshrined and adoring highest waste to did When a nurse The his side. and we eat?" You never saw me crack do removes the body's urinous ,t stepped whip, heart. . out and veturned with a , i our while be her :outof stimulates thorn to their normal setts'. pieceycl of ran gave hearing. A Tear. . 'coke that looked like i you?' the instr1 ions for the , night. And ' "Don't believe I ever did.' The function of the kidneys is to a corner frosted broken Off a marble mantlet Lilian heeita'rel a slicebd. ari1-- knew ntry eyes caught and heft,- - Lillian's in "All sight; you've ,get itemethi-i- lir. they tl.lere. The filter. the aloof la 24,.houra . General . come to of vision was a he had her and that there look forward to. re;ief; If Dr. Pettit were giv. ... Yes, Ill : laughtng. strain from it 600 gains of acid . and the way hot eet kavarin might inter- ing'rne permissien to go home, then. he Liberty, we are always giad the , so we can readily understand to "Well, waste,. see a you. on of. It. turn. so of the and is his anticipated no danger to his small pa"And bet an, elephant vehement summons, the unreal- - 3 pret I the vital iMPOrtalleti of keeping the ita if I mayanrway. so speak, that spires of the plea that was tient no sudden complications which i probable rene'eal our a card," 'gaid Virgil' I lives: and when. In not kidneys active. ome. c Ids on one hut of his heart and "Alt. make my presence and support you would my own:perhaps. lips with your always drink can't of lots Drink watryou ,, gilded worries you enliven us. Where one intrusted to me. I am not an emhe A V, her. ineeessary to Lillian. SAY too much; also get from any pharmicist have you been, anyhow?" Dr- 1 bezzler of elephants. I woulttnt bet a from Slarlon's side and came voice broke in Pettit's , deep 1 4. &bout four ounies of Jad Salts; take , been "I've on a Besides. sure IShe rose garter-snak- e me. wherever thing. there abruptlyY la" nt water Shottla in a glass good I'd T, a tablespoonful te1eI will be "Of course. is. "'Will you. Auntie Madge it quit gamblingthat his gesturing with possible for 'ton to let , , before breakfast each morning foracta " First I went to It isn't Wise to ezposan graph or telephone. Marion," he said. :me know A he result of your message to to ths I'm qukting. will rnissa you see the 1rne Bayer" ' ring, Red, ter pain in general. Aerept few days and your kidneys races. and gave oldMemphis, a my constitution to Atte shock. of a she asked, and I knew what 'And yodelkirti have your uncle- as , from Skinny Is ma,te Hughes salt& or 6n tablets ou ars not get- or iy "I,..iver" package whiS44, eentvilis famous two --- -rl , . Men, goad package hundred a !soon for can he night." sure as the i fineThis here." change. on covered. get card question quiet the entrieu:---Loa'Robert'?" acid of grape and lemon Juice, the to With answer ten at t the have flay(: genuine' startled' the wits ting looked up kith thousand. Then I proeitict been followed cost few rents. Druggists also combined with lithia, and has 'Umthe hArg8 to Lexington. withbs- sr 't ont - two if I do not get blew oyes, and for a dismayed instant I (Copyright. The Bell Syndicate, ii,Ittis of 24 and 10P. Aspirin is the my bank aceount leaking uaed for generations to clean and I knew bad leaped !phone now." I returned. "If get him years an41 proved eefo Iy Mithota. for Inc., 1922J fear shared the that like a amine roark of Bayer :Nianufacturs of nee'to also --cart. But why linger when nothe Into her brain. Was thAreason for the !on the telephone I will come back and cold. headache& toothache. earache. :, late, clogged kidneys: ineaceticseidester of Salicylienciel.- -no kling i can be swifter than hast---i- ? : trails, the acids in urire so It isend-luing Dr. Pettit smiled I tell you before I go home?' teenrrew neu the lisetalbeent Another lumbago, neuralgia. rheumatism, physician's lament. approach g of Irritation, thus longer a source bladder weakness. .,.., Jad Salta is inexpensive; cannot In. . . , . efferveecent .. Jure; r makes a delightful i S Herriman drink which everyone tANY-PLACBy take now and then to keep ,.. should - active. Try ' .... their kidneys cleanthe and 1water drinking, I - ,:,--------alao keep up - ,' whet be. !,...., - , and ro doubt 3 nil will- wonderand -s.i Alko .... Ch11779:Cr z,x, al.:5 yew cA) bectrouble Logi? tv LititlitaX -- - loco: ........ ,3Frt came of your kidney -- - -- tk 1,1.GO .54 PoRs4,4t4b , A1 601106 To , kache.Adv. Wicf.1 Thwr Ba 0 . -- , 6110dt olik , ZIL111114 6,44Ds AliRol ' .. A4Row IMO 41)1)6115s -' PlAct., is '' .T A14 ; 0, , THE,. Att. too , hilitamx: se... 0 . E. -. --, . I had : joined in his adventures MOO Of eheattle. a now friend. a I0Ohirinsatiable sis with but family good of strik', A a Ne- tiiting i Jow4--when tetribarrassed by n lemished skin d - Nkmaol ,- .,:fi , , The-patte- 1 ' - - , .. .. ck-crawling Res ft , - --- i a hr . ' I I) . It - 9 . - .; . i - , ; -- 7- - , 7.1 , 9. , le him.-Tyc- .. thet"-nlac- - ... t , wee-41p- 1 . cussorsALTs . commanded 0 , , . I i am 9 i 4 - - I the-wo- rld ' P i ,,, . , 0 I y - wog-:all- i - ' ; ; tilf.-th- I .. , ring-maste- r. 1 , teed r. Ir C? i g 0 0 & pAYMR . . i tht I , i , ,; .! ., . hat-en- ough - i corn,.-re4.1- , f' , . - CO traf1.--bu- again-"Pleas- - .. Ab' i ,. . .. L.... , a .41 i - N, - is,, L. . , - , n. "" , . - HOLDING A HUSBAND e; , - , f" - - ' ;II ---- -A .. l'-- a , , ' -- ' r -- I d rn r - be-- - nrrp-Dolf- - - - : ,,, I 1;1 , - "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin . ' -- mid-de- I i t - y- I . - --- Bur- fHERE. Willa-wate- ,, .,, , , -- -- ,--titts., I::: 5er Peter Rabbit Club ? ,. ' lifttOtot VMS ,' ' -- iI 1 4 - ; , rl.. 1 t , , a r I ''' . il , ' x . r, c .1 - ' . , i 4 ,. - 1 1 ,- .4 : - ; I, . I I, r - 1 t - - f: t. I i z4 !"I . ' ', 1 0 1 ,'- , t, - .. - 1 ,'' '' '1 '' ' tl, P f I1 ; . ;, r- - :cle Htareo ow to Join op to ''' , I , , ---, , r- 1101 41- . - - 11,v,tA,fr- ---- 4,. ,, . Aeotrr' 1 11 i i .- . . . - 1 13 Years -,- 4-- ti... ( . 1. ...,.. --, e tou LJ, , OF: SIC141 ' A & w AltvLsz HEARD: Te4146e-- 4 --- 6 J ' . 4,-, 44,,,--.,- Ot.EA :. . 11' e ., ,& ......6. :, ,, . et ' - t Ifrll., ,., -- . 41.-.- , . ; . .1. ' -- - s . ,......... ,, , . "r.... I . L, i.,.,2, , 1 . , v , . s C .., ."' : t, A , , .....; , I-- - . Ac5r so 66ccp, , , . ' ' CO . I ' f BILL ---' frR-bacr- I -, It.:4 ., . it,..v , . , - . , Az : e , , 40P4k . : , , , .,.., .,..... y e, - , 1 ., , 44 I itt, ' CA,Itht 0422 ; (0 4,49 1,... , Fooem Swim ,, iftg , ..,... Mt I : - . - ,......... - , INP . omovvvtt ... ' - . . ..- - .. i , .ciatirrtgaitgA ewe. motel. tf of, Illw . Cre;kg v .. 1:--' , .... all.4;.. ., - 41. ,,,,,..........r.,,,..y I .. ', 4,0N1 . .I, ...... i. .t1 "CI , , I 'A HritZ SEVEA VISYTS! .... ...,, fat I 7 oi I,-- , Sterrett)I By Cliff 41P 0 4,' . , t,fi KES GEA.T. .,.0--sr.,.- ,I..... 4 , s; , . ... t' y1:129e. eztlAti. - ?...-- . 477"- , ,J A.,.: , , ,.....n , ,t11'.. .. - , "I- r- ' . :;":,,f, ;-- kills-- . i . , - - ..... 1 5, I t - . I , , ' ,,,. , I! , . ),- '(:) JAN :--, 1).! 0 ',ismer. - ' - 6, 00 ) r7----,--- .- ..- ' VER y . 5 ,,,,- - ViiW v,r.,01- -i- 1.-- --.---- ,o, rto,,,,t t:f " . f..t. her t. Ire - . -- N f 4 , 41 0 - i. .... .7., 7- .;4 ,. - ., . - ROSH1,4 tcc.,,4--- - rj, 4 , a--- .,.. . . - -'. 'I; 'Cr . . ri) ,922 . ,, .. ., ..' ' J 11 -2 4 t ! REFOStti Y:ILW6 DocToR . Le m, . - ,,,;t. - R3LLY:5 - , riA,I ,,, : , , I (1'4 4, r, S'imntszl 1.;) ft.. , t. per ' i. , , . , , f t - 9,....f,..,.,, . ,,,,, ::-- - . ' SIMATTE CZ 7 . i . - ii IN 4. f 1 I' I.S 40.3:, F0111 ,, atete,tr any !.rancts '- ., ,, , : . tip , . ,o, - Oat . . - a a - ...''''. Z. ,,, . 1 ,. , . -- iltrNt! . . ,I r,,,.,' 4 1111 . . )bog . ,, , HE'S NO DOCTORHE'S A BUSINESS MAN. . . '3,..:,,e'.. 4,,Avi , ,, , . . v4IUIM - ---- I 4:11..4, - ,------ ...x t , . e , . I , 4., -- 0 , , ..1, . ........ tgotl 1 - ... ; . - , ,,37N27-- -,,.. ........ .......... ,,.. dirfr i ', ct report imme Chin n.enlherrt should nf address. age and beu ,r.tote.seddrfrpr. y'.,ur names ot oldie tot Itabbot ttorieayee hare road 1 two 1 had romot to you hi The Thurror i, I,. of Be a .lre to write plainly and t; Nowt" your member. .11 trw n tvveli ',, yuu tolc.... In Iktutos.T03. W. tit folk's. 1 -- f- ig- - ""4-- .42--7:r.- ,,,. ,--, ,,, ,., ... ,..4. ' i 74 6 Or of age esa :33.n. the Deseret Newt' le being derte1 IND it the ware" 01 your home send The tre4 te cower if bee,...et )4ee delir.. i bteg Pow 8 ifb not already ia HER 11111bacrip., t".7,71c116 rriTirrd 11 Your die., 1100 ta strW7it to Ike with' Or ogle, trict ; - , ' k 04 E 1,.,4..4' .I. ,,, : :1 tk 1 - ' ,4t, ,..4. . . ,r,ettilons. i r.rte-- 1 ' 4, t ter 44 f 3 s ) . , : , , .,. ..... , ; i - litri-osin- ,. ' I 4 (-7- ,,, . 'rho Peter Rabbit Club is ahrmt organization' over the 1.091 in pottuier this' I...art of the country. stertd thousands of Not only are there - 10,44-ieenrolled in Salt Lake. but fame has aortal to all the clobes tho ter of parts . rito-VBura the about Is charm There St, tie, which pbeer etql,, Bdtilre News for the Dearret ape. Pt rile - 'eta' benefit' of the club's' child rnern. fascinate, and - rorLthat entertains young at the same time educates mtn191 in the habits o7 animal lit. If the club accent. around hemmore than till. it plished benothing worth while. Rut In atidi, a nitid wirilovor7e ,,,,,, it oroviave tainMent at frequent .0( Intervals tor flab. tidruiro!..s $110.: , t ,o,i-- t, serve to bring 'Mem to. ser ' for ot.elnl contact under - "0111.111 ; 0 . , , 4 ....... ... - , , , .1 ; WOO' i , ' a '1011st kui a. ,.,aR AT tv . .0. KfiAy ,, a ' & ,,gb, fd, , , -- it 'luau ! , --, 4' -- , . . yoch --,. caP..--rt.feRi- ,, .4)1, ' t ' Itr '1- 7- -- - - . o. por.porr-f.e,,',,r,t-7,41.r- , r - . . , t , 0, ....W.I.,. .i . . ,obo. - - -- - t .. 4.. .. -- - ..'; ILA.. , .a. - ..- .- 1Poy. . - ., 71 .. . . . , , , r ' tt' , |