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Show - v ' NEWS ' MONDAY THE, DESERET & OGDEN sJn.C .i.r to aholl Mfvtrf Otrm r e-rrl, I tree ret H.lfare.- TtL n-- r Jn mrmt, Tk Cltr. ar Hearese.t.tlve- HeteL nluM OffW, BiMM'Rt Alfr4 GU4IL Regertef. J . tlrV APPULMADEFOR LOCAL 1 $900 RELEASE FAMILY 1C Samuel Porter OGDEN, Oct. Woodmanfcee was released from the city hen he furnished hail . jail Saturday, for $$00 in two complaints filed against He him In the Second district court Is charged In one, complaint with reck-lea- s driving, operating a car while under the Influence of liquor and driving the car on the wrong aide of the SERVED FOR street His hat In this case was net In the second case in which at $60rt he is charged witlLJtossesslon of liquor, was bail his 900. The' esses wl;l he set for trial at the next setting of eases In the Secorid district court. R 1922 16 AND YOUR OLD RANGE DELIVERS A SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE BUILTOF UNBREAKABLE MALLEABLE IRON AND KEYSTONE COPPER-BEARINSTEEL , TWENTY-TW- O Parking Zone Marks"4 Being Made on Curbs New $10 BAIL OCTOBER YEARS t. Broad whlta )ln on tha curbing In the business district Instead of on the pavement as before, to mark off pan The work ing tones for automobiles Is being carried on under tha direction of Chief (Turtle L. Allison who says OODES. Oct. are being painted Support Sought by Speaker In Weber Stake Quarterly the parking ordinance vigor Conference for Building ouftly enforced. Damage Suit as Result And Also Organization. . Of Crossing Crash Starts DOPE. Oct. 18 Tha cm of RT Oteistoffereon. administrator vf the estate of Mrs. Ceia E. Oberg. against fhe Bamberger Electric Railroad company, la being heard la the Second (Da Arirrrr)re rn-tekt court before Judge James N. Kimball And a Plaintiff I seeking Eff&dU. at jujok ard.5 pm To - recover Jury for the damage wih death of Mrs.$54MW4 George E Drowning presided who was killed Oberg. Elder Nathan A. Tanner of the stake July i. 1921 at the Hunters cut crossThe following letter was reing In Rlverdale. when an electric train ceived DTAMldrncy nnducting th morning sesan Wed by the White House FurMr. hit automobile. Mrs and 11 Goddard sion and Elder Brigham Hayes sere killed In tha same arcident niture Co. testifying to the serof the stake presidency conducting the vice rendered him by a South afternoon session, rapacity congregaYouth Injured in tions were In attendance at both sesBend Malleable Range: Prest Rudger Oct. 19. and lderpavld01 McRap were'Vpeakers at the Weber stake What You RANGE Trt L r' RANGE Extra SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE white door double oven, splasher panel, warming large drop oven 18x21x13 large and roomy, cabinet base, mercury therfire-bomometer. Double end draft, 100-ltriple body walk E Salt Lake. City, Utah, It. Wallaca and Willi, Jones, twins. Lortn Hales and George October 13, 1922. Zinle. all 19. of Hooper, were injured in Sn automobile accident Sunday after, White House Furniture Co., noon when the light car in which they 45 South Main St., were riding was struck by a car operated by John Sooworoft. eon of Mrs. Salt Lake City, Utah. Heber Scowcroft, near the postofP.ee on Grant avenue and- - Twenty-fourt- h street. Wallace Jonee suffered a cut Gentlemen: on the head and hie brother suffered I feel duty bound to send you a crushed hand. Hales suffered an Injured shoulder and Zinle suffered a a line telBng of the splendid sersprained ankle. Mr fleoweroft took the Injured boys vice that my South Bend Malto a doctor and then conveyed to them their homes. Eye witnesses allege the leable Range has given me. Scowcroft car was traveling at a high rate of speed and that the impact We purchased the range twenty-tknocked tha light car 90 feet. sefMing It against a telephone pole. wo years ago from the Utah Mr. Edward Moneon suffered a fractured jaw and Mrs. Monaon suffered a Implement Company, then the fractured rib. when the steering gear of their automobile locked and the car representatives for Utah. turned turtle early Sunday morning, at the corner of Twenty. eighth street and For twenty-tw- o years we have Madison avenue Mr and Mrs Monson. who with - their ctefdrett were had constant service, using it day caught beneath the automobile, were after day, year in and year out. given aaalstance hr passing autoists They were taken trf their home. I'M It as not been necessary for us where received Ogden avenue, they medics! attention. to reline the firebox or set in OGDEN. Oct. All SOUTH BEND RANGES Are Equipped With Genuine Mercury Thermometer. If DOI BI.R KVD IHrT dlirK HEITIVO Of wabreakafcle malleable trow ewaafrwetlows taawrea perfect eombwaflea. Top draft coots draft eoatrola fire. awd proteeta left llaiaai lower ND RlUDRED-PFTTIUTED FIRKBOf, FOR LONG LIFE Fatra d heavy aad iln liataga. Made la weettowa, to prevent warplag teatllateg to Sara smoke aad gases aad save faeb DOt BLE LINED DOOR roRTRl TJOV H4DOME NICKEL TRIM b 411 door of speefal doable llaed roastrwetlea with haadaomc mirror alekel frame. FIRE SHOVEL Xbea yarn wish to reRCOOP AH P4T S1PPL4TT move the ashes from year boath Bead Malleable Usage, juat pall sat tbe coop ask pa a aad the whale jab fta doaet aa sboteliag aeceaaaryi, does aot spill ashes. TRIPLE BODY W4LL, ANOTHER RT 4LITT FE4TIRE 411 aar raaga 4 ellavHle polished copper bearlag hod lea aro mataL Triple wall eeaatractlea, with asbestos llaer, keeps the ft. heat where yea wait Ol pol-b- j In Addition to Our Low Prices We Are Giving YOUR CHOICE OF A FORCELAIN TABLE OR A TOP KITCHEN HANDSOME SET OF SOUTH BEND ALUMINUM WARE WITH EACH FIE key-ato- aa oaa-pie- ea BAKES BETTER LOOKS BETTER-LA- STS LONGER . Yours truly, OGDEN, Oct 19,A meeting of stockholders of the recently merged First and t'tah National bank will be held Nov. J at 19.39 am for the purpose of electing directors who will serve, until, the annual election Jn January The directors will then name the officers Director for the First and ttah g bank will be elected In tha afterAnyone is at liberty to call noon of the same day Theae directors will also name officers for the me up and verify this satement. bank. Telephone Wasatch 4275-J- . SEE THE RANGES IN OUR WINDOWS ONE LOOK WILL INVITE YOU IN . aav-In- r Ji, ',p Boy Scouts Commended T,v T U.S. Navy Students d n court-marti- t te -a- 1 Txtf I I Life-Jon- ' j j t i fr o-- i.iie:d.' i The county clerk nir Katurdat to ' 1 lie. Campaign Expenses Filed by Candidates OGDEN I i o lit ri )ct am! 19 Nominees on the tkkets un iaign Kepuhlltan expenses with the .siturda link William blow filed untv i .1 i.h Hfi retarv of the- - Repuhii-;u- n lamputgn tommitiee filed th aad expenses of the committee to date w hr h show a rneipT of 61 365 ordered her to peck her thing reived from nomtnees-o- n nd ret out. Mmraret Fnwerc filed huit T; expedliure eire $83 the for divorce .gHtnet Joseph A Fewer., m $200 for rent of head in the8econd district court. Saturday. quarters. being The nominees and the amounts they They were married irt Ogden in June, 19J7. have expended thu far, are a follows: TlrTum A Bettrap, Wr EPTHdhand; LUNCHEON SPEAKER NAMED. Pettigrew'. $2,176 Mrs Mae $lTA,r E$50; Miss Edith U Reid, $126 OGDEXw -- Oct.1.4. Frol JThomaaA. BYamwell, fT 'Arttnrr BarrettrtrJ irtrr George's Beal of the University of Utah, and M Stephen 7: of Hrrold .Salt .iJc!,nlTrA Judge will be the principal speaker, at the 1 Ltafd Rhe.s, Evans. t.n, rommerre of memberfirst thamher of th present season ship meeting -- Tfea she Bohars 4isnr wiUThursday at 7 TO pm with the Kiin oGDKX. Oet H Taking wnialub of the It Is. Anticipated that more than $fu whool census in the five wards of the members of the varloug JuncheotL-cPbthis morning Tba-r- e ot the city wl attend. port of- the enumerators must be sub i th-tii- , Lk. j - - Tf n ' Jt a .H. 1 . mpy ,4 5 P dltionofrt md lh Bnk Comm,"lonr ot th State of Utah of the Con- - - WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS. of the ho,Vf1 Itrsonrco. Loans and D amounts Trade Acceptances . . Overdrafts . . ! ! ! Federal Reserve Bank Mot k .Stocks. Securities etc, , " ' McCornlck Building Real Estate thr and Fixtures Furniture, . lalms and Notes t S. TreasuryJudgments . . 8. Certificates of Indebtedness IT. 8. Liberty Bonds Railroad First Mortgage Bonds Industrial Bond .. Belgian. Chile and Netherlands Government Bonds Couaty and Municipal bonds it Warrants . Stat. Du from Federal Reserve Bank tue from OtherRartk Exchanges for Clearing House Cash Collections vv ! 1 ... (l Jw a I ' J- - JVJL 5 Jtl , fft CiL , :.7 Cj si'zstt jo iS'soa $ os 250 000 no J AA 4. i 43 3J&039 12 Gold 0 74 21M6187 j5 on 559 s; n, j-- n 4 244.47 24n no 33 jr: 99 slver Currency Total Cash Resources Expenses Interest Paid Suspense Account McComick A Co. Expense Bank Impronsmenrs and Alteration Customers Labilities Letter of Credit Over and Short Account TotaI L liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In Fund Hurpiuii Undivided Profits 136,316.00 S ' 544 . ,, 7 7" on $ 000 00 7 ' l a- -- 3S, 33 ni II 2 $i,m,m.2 j'.n on nnn on 79 3i 'isis.:7 , Safely reposil Boxes j Trust Fees ,n,, Reserve for Taxes and Tnleresl j,, Reserve for .Depreciation of Securities 1,7 it ... ,, Trust Funds 4 Tlvldend rherk Outstanding 1.. 8f of 47 Other Banks 818 $2 97 Depoalts j... ... to R77 ya. 74 therk t Deposit, luhj.rt bv the prexent week prinripain and n.ar (onvet.tion ssu, that he has Certificates of Deposit .22 98 British frventors have developed a Demand during the va anon granted talked Ftepub.ii ir.'sm and the very substance Checks 77 fit, n that U an effettve substi- Cashier's from the s xth to tnlh grades pnn iplcs of t.art ea government, tudnts Checks Certified 12.740 27 el!u!oid for tute exfor the beet harvest where Time Certificates of Deposit 911 At2 It except peakera eulogised Uihoygh u. - jxvrnl ' sheets Savin, Deposit. 4 999.859 71 ,ii t i ot his part, final tremely thin and transparent , FK4 K Dlwri KQEK. HED. Total Deposit action on the i solution- - which follow are ne v 17 l'l I , Id Suspense Account 94 E J. bmth pa'd 7.,.. OGDUN. ht. 16 Tetters of Credit $ to 0 Hesolatlos Outlines Ma4. a fine of $5 citv court Satyr. McCornkk A Co Account 495 7 da wh n lie pleaded guilty to disturb- can govern 1i1spving P:c peLe of Mary Gassett, by using . fffh. tiveiv or.H through Ihe instru-- ' . $18,298 999.2$ tie language j of a partv oraanlxation. Not State of Utah, County of Sslt Dke: The complaint against William Ward. mentality htaftHng the altitude of Senator H M. Chsmberl.ln. beln first duty sworn cc"rdlttir to nd rubbish oq s Borah. a charged with dumping Twenty-fourthM p aforra adopted by th.t he I. Vice President; pd Cashier of th. above named banklot on Wall avenue near th and Zcmo the ' Clean, political party to be a sovran mem Antiseptic My. above and foresolntt report contain, a full, true and correct statementthat of th street, was dismissed on motion of tft jhlndlng obligation placed by tbe Liquid, Just VVhat You Need. condition of th. .aid bank at the closs of businen on tho lth day of Octobsr, of the partv upon their nomlneea. city attorney. hes fhc-iare jiwriw-t- the position of ' H. M. CHAJTBERUATN. upcandidate Dont worry hout Ecz-ear or other ia standing aquarely Corract AtUsU ... Str Louis Pastor Dies I,, K, FARVKIVORTH. imi ue n puc icn p.atform adopted at . k!a troubles. Xou can have a clear K. O HOWARD, .From. Explosion Rums , healthy skln by uslnc ZemoohUiac4 v at any armt store for' JSc, or extra d'n-- t of the upon what we be- - lance bottle at $1.00. Suhscrlhed and sworn to before ht this 14th day of Otober ly?lr,0r,' campaign ( Bv The Associated Frees Jjeve to be the immediate and paraTSeal J. J KEIXT. Zemo irenerally remove Pimple ATCHISON, Kans . rtet 19.The mount Dhijs before the people of this 'otar Public. the C. Moore and Blackhead, Don M Commission Exillre the 214 day of July, 1928. Blotches, Erxrma smt Re. Adalbert BlAnik. O. S- sisie as Ht Cathoiic.-chop I other Dent.r,! q tandidate Lout ( u tor gfthe skin Mos- Alexander or .ate of Utah. Ofllc of Bank Commissioner. ,nat near here, died yesterday from burn healthy. Zemo la a clean, th other Democratic I. Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner of the' State of Utah, do suffered Saturday night when a can H V, Samueta and antiseptic liquid. It I easllj . herehy certify andldaea that the foregolny 4 a full, true and correct of the statement of CIT- applied and coat a mere trine fot of kerosene expiqded He established The climax of he teseion camo short nsmsd company. Med In my ome. this 14tb dv of October 19' g. pariah AtPueb il ls always depend- before uiidulg lit wtieo CtpL A . H each application. BETH PIXTON.' Coa&er a war xeuraa and oaadidate abUjadT$rtUemat. ago. Sank Commlaalonsr, , i u 4 . 'y i) i a-- v i WV Charges of Hazing m.rri.Re RANGE. never make a mistake, for it is Bank Stockholders to the best range, to my knowledge, Elect Directorate on the market. serious-minde- d you have an old stove we allow you all we possibly can in ioAg-llve- To Face Trial on OGDEN'. Oct $10 miBrj BEST EVER. Oeston hotel Friday night according house to a report received by the police from R. A. Fife A discription I am sure that anyone who is ef the ma nsuspected of the theft waa given the police also a list of the ar- fortunate enough to buy one of ticle stplen which bar been sent to the South Bend near-b- y towns. Ranges will itegcMr." ls.u. of only payment trade and take it right off the sale price of the new range: By Distgct Fopester them a power of evoressfon. Elder McKay gUo commended the for attorney generaL declared he would "V stske or rather than accept resgn hi campaign tKuine a free on The m tiWntig men or me i Vfg kin offlre under a party which would fail east mountains of a this city few days nuren 'should be called Into this acto meet tha challenge of Senator Borah. of the sgo, see commended by District Forestivity because of the importance Mast Fallow Platform. Work. There are three - classes of ter R. H Rutledge In a lettsr received Scoutmaster Mark Fuller. declared there waa teacher, he said; the report teacher, byThe Frorg speaker! district forester said The who thinks only of visiting the famito make, that the people of nAcho'ce lies to obtain a full report, the leseon fires In our forests are recognised as themsflvea participated In who an evil by all citisens, the e, t an" of tie delegates to the teacher, who reads the lesnnbut t of whom hone mean to feel a lie Is as it reach given strongly enough thrft forgets a; fjctione, particularly the souls of men, and the real teacher public menace to drop their work for a th1 followers of Senator Borah, were who studies not only the lesson but few hours and go to suppress a fire the time they wanted for all givj I believe the public spirit shown bv the the ixKUvldusl members 4if the families that never in the of the he Is sent to teach Boy Hroiits In preventing the further of ih party In Idaho had there hit Ry The Abso iated Press) Elder McKay commended the taber- spread of the forest fire will In a meabeen 4 with more convention open AXXAPOLIS. Md . Oct. 19 Just nacle (choir and Directors Letr 1 sure bring about a combination of hard fought battle on the floor. And for their imprest la their soma force that may yurb the menace before the IXinchtliff, mit (hat the state earn pom-tkv assembling today of the work. Hd said he would like to plead In the future. m.ttee would be usurping powers and naval with tK members of the stake to sup. for the trial of amirthing the honor of the party If It tvort the choir and to let Director Associated acceded to Senator Borah's request and Preaa The ) (By midshipmen of the find class on Hlnchellrf and the choir feel they have Fine Paid for Issuing hie direction rather than the BOISE, Ida, Ocl 16. "Notwithstand- accept charges growing out of the recent outthe eupport of the people, by respondCheck Without Funds break of hazing at the naval academy. ing the attitude of Senator W. E. party's platform ing to become members of the organiHe said Director Hlnchchff sation. Hear Admiral Heniy B. Wilson, Borah" in the language of their resoOGDEN. .OcL 16. Frank had In miud a ery excellent and work Children .Shfr Darclng Claaea begin nt of the acadeniv. lution passed la1 Sunday night- - the fcatgr.liv Able pln wjirbv every ward choir paid a fine of $10 in the ctt court II a m. at the Des(todav annoumed the names of two Idaho Kepuhlurtfi s'ate central com eret Ovmnisit 2tst. Advertisement will receive benefit from the central Saturday when he pleaded guiif. to jm of the fourth r p!ebe mine will hoaj to the Wallace platmidshipmen choir. he suing a worthier check for $jn organization. The tabernacle who have been uniter treatHe explained that although i Tuesday. said, should be the second to none Afternoon ses- h inMued tha heck and had no ment at the naval hopuat, because form tbe aena'or denounced at Weiaerfund-i- n In hi address at sion Elder McKar, the bank, the fund of the partner of the effects of hazing speaking uponThe are U. and Meridian, ax. d proceed unbesltatJaw iaUL fedinc-Ux oplrvfoeev tit thrbnk tt'DvarTTTCT Pell CuyTATa , anT 7 Tngrymtrir Ion that many of law breakers received ed before he could ee hie partner H M Thirty-thre- e of the 44 counties were Gregor of Bremerton, Waeh their initial training In the home. to have the check honored, he was arThe midshipmen to be tried are represented at tbe cession cajled to fathers and ln rested. arelet, andthoughtless H 8tuart mothsometimes Ignorant Hawkins, Springfield Maa.v dulgent the situation created hy Senator and Bruce Robmson, Chandler, Am. meet ' that he le fighters, were at fault. Parents, he said, Borah's loss or win their .children before they Hawkins is wild, to have compelled a ing for "assumption hi political existence and hie are $ year of age. plebe to eat his dessert under a statement that a ptec of blank paperjlbe Alpine stake tabernacle Saturday President Clawson related the Incimess table m Bancroft hall, while would have ten b.ter than the plat- - afternoon with Bishop James T. GardNebuchadnezsar a dream and t of dent adopted h tne convention in Aug- ner prreldlg. The opening prayer wa ' declared the present day was the day OODKV Oi t 19 Kee Mllla. 15, am Robinson is all gf d to have put a new form k recruit through the phvsicai c xvre isc u 1, Lile-ktkin dot. 39. attempted to e m offered by Eli 3 foretold In the dream when the king- Xu ayson and Closing t, Frietnh rdom of od would be evtahitehed on rrot PmUv night bv reaching for a known as the dxtienth In a room! by Gorge K Shee ey frietid'. of Senator Borah t of Kune: oft hill the tarth, breaking lno pieces the! revolver hidden under a pl'ow of a V The paker wer 8 Rhinson m at a small farmhnutn. Jut north of the attitu.le In de- of the world. HUfon Two o nir protected agair.i kingdoms '''J th-iL' nder- - the direction V . a'e oung lr. frrf ,6V.r,J.rnLS 1L of tester 4f mi v itmtta maTTfhnK t J'hertff Krihard D r.n- mg J .1. ..f lial joj otimv Noc f. Pke rf tiie form. ni hi th. HUichcliff w'lth bam F Whitaker at unit obtained pov,Hon of the weapon i. political reun,, - u,rfut an.l opnKht life of the deThey are Th om.. K ,.-practice ju-as Mills removed the pillow Republichi. mica the organ console, tho tabernacle choir The of Mount ernon, Ind , anl Ttaomaa I S.'nitor' s r.it R r.oodtn'g. who ceased rendered musical selections with Mrs (two men arc hugged with operating a Music w'as fu.nuhcd bv , quartet to Kr.et the commilteernen t j Bernice Tyree. Mr Jessie Lund, Mrs- still, which. 'together with 20 gallons of J. Cajtoy. Itcxhuo, .Mars , liquor. Walter r Grof the sesion, told them he with duet by W ill.im Margin and his Warner. wa the Stephens. onfisratrd Both opening hdd Agne e Mr. Mary Hansen The could v of board education n daughter, to the not could pe ln ,he rOUnl5 ..onltion they 'he.r trui mitted In to5-- Jl WIlKm American Fork cemetery was of the take. Spedke-slater than Oct 31 Ihc cen-insmied that Senator grave two cot pi.es First A The only dependable thermometer for range use. No springs. Both accurate and beautiful. To be had only on SOUTH BEND RANGES. -- Jlofts feaaesdel. oloil,t' EASY IT IS TO BUY! AND HOW new grates. The top and lids Wearing Apparel Theft are just as good as the day we Is Reported from Hotel purchased it, and as for heating OGDEN, Oet. 19 Wearing apparel the kitchen and part of the valued at $?b was stolen from the The slogan adopted bv the stake. : x, b. -- Ttead some Bcripture every day was highly commended by Elder McKav Be would recommend It especially to the youth because now was the time for them to memorise gems, and If they win do this when the da vs come In which they will be called upon to speak In public they w II have a fund of scripture and gema which will give ' Get fo-r- Auto Accident Sunday - id MALLEABLE tKJDEN, President Clawson told of the tnsny planets in the universe, their varying sizes and brilliancy and observed "One man is more precious in the sight of God than alt the planets. This is why the Bon of God came down to earth to be sacrificed, because of the great and precious value of the souls of men. If we labor and save but one eoul In the kingdom how great shall be our joy with that soul. That le why we assemble In meetings, to bring souls to Christ." Appeal fee Gym Paai In making an appeal for support of the Weber gymnasium President Clawson said "When we have bad the water system, telephone, and electric lights In our homes 'we cannot do without them. When you shall have had the gymnasium in Ogden you will never be able to get along without it. 1 marvel that Ogden has been for so many years without a gymnasium It is as necessary to have a gymnasium as it le to have a home and ehildren H wehwv children we need the gymnasium for their physics development." Elder McKay made a strong appeal for the early completion of the Gymnasium drive. He said It was gratify. Ing to know that the stakes wre pu. ting forth an effort to complete the collection of the fund He Mid there are evil Influences at work In this community and a recent survey die. closed the fact that children of Church membership were yleld'ng to those influences Hoys had been found In pool halls where they come under the evil Influences of tobacco smoke and vile language. It was the purpose to Invite those boys to a better place Only a few at one time can play football, and basket ball, the atmosphere of a dance is not always uplifting and wholesome but there is one place where the young people can be invited where the influence will be pure and wholesome, He said and that Is a gvmnaelum there are some who live far off who think the gymnasium will be nothing but a play room but he declared It a place for moral and spiritual development. "The gymnasium he said, "is the beginning of many buildings need-- d for ihld community. ' COMBINACOAL RANGES, COAL-GA- S TION RANGES AT THE PRICE OF CHEAP CAST IRON RANGES .WITH ClnwnoQ sions. G cit lar' ... -- 1 es-d- w ' e - iple j - ' . I1EBBEU5X-&-AUERBAC- H , ui clea-an- ns. ip - 9. 3 mm liSf ta' W CQW ta dTfc g m i4i re |