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Show irt t .'),;,(r-- -- .... , -.- 4, 0,4-.0 dd.. dd, dr-e-d ;:.,slu,-.'4:.- ; - , . . i , - a ,: - . --- r 4 SALT 4 4, E . v. OCTOBER :NION'DAY NEWS t' ,tenders lot the gonfales; by .beating Wyoming "U" 60 'to O. Colorado "U" beat the University of New Mexico by the score of 3 to O. Denver "U beat the same school a week agö by the count of 41 to 0, so- Colorado fans '','. relegate the state university tol the second rater pile. Other teams of the conference got In action in games having no bearing on the conference race. Denver unt- versiv bear Nebraska Wettleran by tile score of 3 to 0 and Colorado Col- State Normal lege beat Cunnison hoot La to O. T he etrong Col orao not ...Slines eleven did play. 1 C. game played on The dtah-13- . Cummings field was the uerster of in- as terest for Utah fans. The gime played under perfect 'weather condi- Hone, and a huge crowd was on hand. entire- - National Golf Zug Crawislipon Greens ., -- . . 1.4 , .6.. A-- 1922 16 ... .alh. -- 4' fMelody - . ....,,,,,,,... A. di ft 4- - 4- - .,, f: 1AntliNtSTON. Oct. til,Al though iccep oft the gems" sign" es the national Ampital grimodal worked against Aroxey's arm,' and others. they have no terror for whirls now have "Tide lit; ;Veit 711met" in Karei:In:ry national 'roll epidenile has spread ::::":11,rliamrot.titne.--: bznia used dniiy by senate ntraches being for practice with the niblick. mashie and putter. Flying Colt ballahave so endan- greed 'senatorial oilier. stindosts that arrangementa Are being Made to limit the Intsn's use 414 iggirast , n practiee clock eourse. rifler approved fashion. with little rasps. tiara's eattudh other soli bug atmosphere. r. - , , , ,,,,,,, z W -- -- - st ; . ; s'vh!s'e,litil''''''f2;14M leen: 177 i:hige - ' , i I Sen rat' 95 222 ft 721 120 2;1 ..17n 648 137 221 ., - ' ;' -- atunts" a, v 1' Ilyat! :14Co . rrnan Lake '., Wait. Portlai,1 Hood. SeatUr bill'. salt Lake Salt 4.14,,11.11, i . .. ..190 Lake !.all 11.11011'. Brazti, horr. Seattlf, - . . . , - -- lt Ire eft, 31,d) ' SAn 175 649 9', :1 S 15 41 104 35 , ..1.76 471 132 2:5 . 155 573 111 192 .119 ?St (.7 130 .164 667 55.271 91 IS0 . 142 543 171 6..4 99 199 121 455 75 145 63 107 20 34 P9 174 169 549 194 187 136 249 172 44s 193 205 1ti4 507 97 160 . 642 102 201 1 . --- , 4 . ..., itinitouncil Can 7 10 7. 51 :02 54 12 43 19 26 5 0 9 23 27 S 1 4 6 4 21 4 6 2 7 a Sa 25 & :7 9 6 39 - 2151 3: 9 24 9 ;91- IS 21 24 lit plow-hors- 1. 1 , a,nother It. , .2 13 .262 .214 .342 .358 .352 .7,12 14..1.. 3110 323252 32 .335- 4143 1: 349 314 343 .2AS .29.4 batttng In b hOW the contenit nmers again An :t 11;, dawgregat,,,, :tra:d l 14Ui im i. ,,,,,,,,,,, 11..1, :iil, ..et,;:tresiei:otanr iit:.,,,e, 4 monutnnts , t,el theTh,:d t ...: ..21. 4flat ttie li,es ,,,,,,,,,, above way tt, 1., i''.e ex et,!lott of s ugte l,,, n.t,-her- av,rg.. it.- - N. awl Nir)i-- 1n- In. 1..LI.L.t.9.4ts al.. tim fat:ur 1,,r hlro,,st ee,,y pia,a salt .213 the ',e4gue. tho itess ent,r,1 14 t lielatio hest t,:tter Duffy 23 W,11, .331 "aY -Ill !r1 froht 1.,t year with s 14 la I of 4... per,entarceDuffy lost Fl '24' Lut :.,tle th:s ear. and finished in .140 9 21 ''e' ttirt I,,s,'e .1:11 We ZU, P:P1,,I do annhunee that 21; .299 311 Pt-h- ., to,...1 e.tit ftlaehni,1- -4 248 .11 DI .311 40 the rtft,tt Atli neck-racPr for bat.19 .310 27 17 324 h nonors Is fi,t the twd have staged tl,r.4 .310 ..31't 52 15 a :67 Is ith a t"1' KS1,i,o finishes ..""M 309 .:41 9 4 0 142 or .oc6 ift h; times hit b 3 .306 .21.4 I 'arc! Waotio:4Pr g,ts se,on4 to biro with 2 51 4176 h!ts !n II 194 13 12 ..367 .a7b Ctrif.1 up, 2 .304 0 11 14 1: . 302 ..i 34 3 2354. 9 0 9 9 1 1314 14747 01 .333 .271 .212 .219 .314 .137 .314 .316 .214 .311 .313 A 4 ,,,, .'21.r,-- .t:61-.- (1 25 I:0 13 Thorpe. Portland I' '15 452 55 gan,olon. eac--111;40,HE. Seattle. knit Lake 16 :3 fi 195 7:1. 106 1,0,,e. P3 173 614 Ryan. t i,J.., .. 1:5 430 44 ,orr. Sar Seat.le I71 670 sit Twombley, Los Anatia9 . ...... 34 4 1: 6 i' o,r ! .1 37 4 2 a 131 1 2 St 1 47 10 '3 11 28 26 44 It 14 I 2 166 1 250 4 232 3 314 S 147 ,0 16 3 271 6 211 8 .182 1 22S 5 212 0 It '29 32 IS 24 6 3 12 10 23 47 22 14 31 26 19 4 261I 4 2 . - .304 .324 .2" 32 '3" 'n6 .29t .7.77 .94 : .29t '29 4 1 0 42 35 22 6 5 2 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE ILEADERS .3 FOR SEASON OF 1922. .297 .7 ..!92 k .1:1 23 t 1 1 - a r 1 , . . L 2200 224, 63 L5 1 t,eeone. - Itr I 30-- , 1 -- " ft ng ,a, an :' . fa, 14S L .. I 1 ," 11 7 25 r. -- 227 199 129 200 149 1576 10'2 173 2,,a 830 144 247 126 532 36 105 17 47 7 14 119 211 166 711 .145 502 70 149 .and ',01..1. Vernon . lit adhourile. . Salt Lake K19.1Y-INSPor tland t arn..:1, Los Angeles ,... ... Rodie. Vernon Sihittiael, Sa craemaito ... .. 7 5 2711 11 High, Vernon -- ... .. 170 614 1,talt 221 201 108 l - i;:1 ,Trh1,,,,,f,s - a 4. .331.11) .331 --- - 0 35,3 i the itaitat bc,:. tbe gemoation tnt world S his.;1,g et a r,t-nee t thr to,r,r,r C,,7:;:147,";;0;d-"o'LA,,1 i9r 11,4 ),Its the sno,r uast nine, to,rn, hrg. laving 28- - .318 .332 6 .314 .403 .343 .311 .325 ..32e em, ;t 349 48 1 3'3 13 13 29 25 14 13 1 1,e5 , pt7. 104 242 354 r, VPrIMT1 Smith, VerT,r, Kamm, s;LL f kirleg4. Anit. .2110 .304 7 , ......... Eldred, sehn.idt .2'7'3 ' I ? K,i1P.-,11,,- ... IrNai .. I :; :,, HOME HI NS. 83 4 , at a After going fOr .296 .264 39 Strand. Salt Lake 13 ffi 162 e style of ball, con- steady, .;49I f .294 10 20 :4 Portland 4S 531 h.gn: 76 163 tent their sate lead. Utah 6 .295 Sand. Salt Lake 41 :el 52 lat 21 la.!Essfee. Los. Argeles .. 1404 with a Ilitleflashy football opened ; in the .Z94 0 Pool.. Port:and 121 n') 125 412. 45 1.41y Los angia,es 3 .269 12 5 125 Ler la. Salt Lake final quarter that completely 314 59 13 21 Mart,11. Vernon ..... an Fran. cil Kamm. 2 .214 I 63 0 47 1:4 15 27 13 liesiard. Oakland the Inexperienced "Y" men off 6117'1 hom .315 1 257 28 .293 28 5 Griggs 91 12 123 212 ICS o echo state the 1.ps and credited Angeles feet IS ... 14 Salt Lake .322 2 4 , 1 .293 1. ffrkirk, 9 34 29 114 14 30 points in the one quarter. u"l'an 11" Ahltele2 .Z91 .23 6 71 TRIPLES. 134 24 124 46o 1456 1,,ekrri,no,. .... It was a sensational quarter for the ,Sarthy.e. ..ZI7 .259 4 Brown. Oakland 0 -1- 43 441 44 192 31 Uda ll team. They Seemed to h it a 35 .245 .219 0 1117 5 74 151 5 15 6 4 14 9 14 liaa k a. 'Vernon Wietrad. Seattle ,,,t,IK l,o i to anything they have stride superor 14 22 3:5 I144 11 6 .:Vit .214 Sand. Salt Lake .1 Hawks VPrnon Grand ...... .241 .247 23 21 6 247 $ been able to produce so far this year. 174 617 9:171 41 .... Lake Salt la Strand. mkalirellunt,fltS.?..kkr:nrid,isco 14 2 161 t .744 ..175 7 13 12' 434 5o 124 14 I Forward passes and big gains through High. Vernon .321 .214 17 15 6 168. 3 12 Kamm. San Francisco Barnes Seattle ..... -.- 111 291 47 112 17 the line and around ends 3.111.1hled 5 4 .7z8 2 6 11 4 64 6 :03 Los .24 21 51 Vernon Twombly. Locker. 44111. Angeles a is at to almost It them gain .214 .21S 64 21 313 11 10 10 59 741 Oakland , 204 141 LanP Cooper. 0!eattle noticeable fart that during this time '27 VI .244 .311 4 11 0 2.53 Los 38 19 149 701 St San Carroll, l Angeles n Francico i N...S.tnitp hr .211 .211 13 20 of advantage the team work Wa2fault- - 34 ; 2 117 I 45 103 262 00 ..... la Sacramento DOt BLES. .... r n it, 13 41 2 110 .279 .224 4 42 143 22 less, although the outfit contain e d a chamhlat a ..... L ee -1- 62 1014 Lana. Seattle .321 24 61 66 :22 t 2I 0 75 9 192 .279 number of eubstitutee 10 M A regular of th Writh lodge. .41 keep themaelvelt in proper r n n d t n n Pick. Sacramento ... Poole. Portland .271 .... a 46 Srare by periods: o o o 38 44 134 le Distriet D eputy Nathan Horn ha s, ar- - The fans are expecting an Interesting F10,k. Los Angeles Crimpon &LW'S. n Salt Lake .396 Pt T 21 4 153 .278 0 30 309 .129 Vernon 41111 Hannah. 76 Actie teem this ftnal quarter ft was tal.,. ;ranged for the initiation of the largmat encoun ter Kamm San Francisco ii 11 49' .274.294 of R tas1111 the Eldred, Seattle 4, 1,114 game of ejlich the Provo sc.hoo l ,7 1in- mines -t-hat' ha 4e been ;: ' P';art.4,1"randien.t.;;....... 17 it'll .279 .:77and 1 Lewis,. Solt Lake Twitchell's c'hSac,6plitlet: could he Just proud. !Tilietsday night will 23 be 'honored With a,' worked for more than 500 yara( have Murphy. bacraniento .274 .316 9 172 2(i 5 11 54 132 Smith. 135 479 guest. .... Strand. Vernon n 0 reached a depth Pt 2200 feet with tee' players worked hard and agamst the, 2. licials 'from troichdovvn. N, SmP,11 ,. i'.bil'nenitat and dance et the liOtel 0 .274 12 2 49 5 9 14 0 21 Salt Lake SP2f112 .243 Fie:d goala. N. Smith 137, yarfpL the .274 which at 13 f1143 : at be of 5 1 0 will the tne richness 29 straight football of the Crimson 23 presida grand, I stkiek. Salt Lsak. II It022. Portland increasing . V iinp wit' Substitutions, B. Y. ..277 14 12 .274 NI 111 ed threatening. 9 l'35 5 3,1 174 624 The :311eSer far the principal speaker, ' Sheehan. Fa ram. nt,1 workings clescnd TOTAL I,. OITA. OISE 2 .214 .31S 29 I 45 PI 6 23 for Morgan. Dixon and edininually broke Bowman. l'ohner powerful st 141 Strand. Salt Lake 7 .211 17 5 2 116 155 Lit 44 150 30 for itunn11. llownian for Parkard. Ran-THE FOLLOWING, PIAI-- R. ILATT:-.1Seattle BLO W .100 IN Tilt; C o Asr S'Airoof,h. Verr.aa 259 through Itahs defense Eldred. Seattle 2N .249 24 .272 4 5 73 1:.9 .,, 27 119 110 Dixon. Ptah for Fuller. SEASON. LEAGUE :01 Nlorgan THIS .1,ten tri' ck ne;lfor it was early evident ' Vernon Smith. .240 I 4 .272 14 I 4 78 214 74 I,S 12 for ,,..,, Clark . ., for San Francisco 3eppson. i n A n e --. -7 1 1 44 4 Lt.., .,i. U141.110 e to b '49 0t0 .143 I.,nditoore. L os best weapons., clock. Whitnes tor Lee Champion for N.1 Sislia. Salt Lake .249 .271 " plays wore 30 li 11 , I 231 611 75 102 24 Angeles...110 '245 0 0 5 0 0 Salt Lnke 47 64 (.74 Chadbourne. Vernon .141 7 .271 -.- .147 I The fast, Utah backfield woo hard to Smith. N. So(ith for Aampion. .t ee -. 7A 210 30 Bg 11 ', ' 1 1i Hagen Pools. Portland eeny. tian Francisco. 313 241 3 s a al' a4 .!' A n" "C a:42 - FWerai..1 Sat: d a 244 349 11 14 .270 113 67 9 106 193 ;1:1,..mcci time to get for .11.Whf'. Hancock for 3,loYle. Wirth- - i 174 I; stop when It Sacramento San es3 Francisco Har.pton. 0Connall. O. 16 '1 4k.t4 .20 .342 Ellison, San Francleco Smith. starte:d. The 'visitors were Ptubborn, lin tor Stevens. Jeppson for 1 ti"ItIt' n I 17 2 0 0 14 0 I 214 ; : .274 a71 .. Freeman, Port land 4 8 0 Jorgenson for Hanenek. Moffett frit Na- - pp,s. slcrumento I Knight Oakland I f, however. and fought for,,. every inch. Is 0 . (.43 n .244 24 .249 3 14 217 - 13 41 198 772 11120a lloti Martbakts for Jeppson. Idughes: piThder 14. Ango.,es 94 HI( lit salt Lake 1 a 17 '22 2 3 .6 it. i ,(141,..-a9-, 1 '.SOS n n AS 4 A67 '27 7 VP 214 for Ilurren. It, hlting for Tauter. Lano Seattle tt leg 13 0 kElibli. Snit Lake .., 0 0 I I cmiciand 0 I 20 0 SI YoLing Star EI,, .296 3 .247 41 1 m9 30 144 2 21 112 4 a , I A. B laser n a 1 a Of fletale. Heferee-- A. Chadbourne. Vernon 2ftft 1..k.. ... 4 ! i. 44440114,Ey. 642 .23i 1111,E11.1311111t 1,11132 n ... .247 I 4 0 3.1 13 2.1. I1R 8 .. o B .2 Sraftle 19 o 4 211 . Y U. , 4 Lake 2 OrPn Wilrt. Ileadlinestna- n- coleman. Portland For 4 Salt .A44 .1o3 ,51ack. Strn San Francisco .244 '.,324 137 a 0 0 II Reddish. 0 0 Davis. San Francisco .... la 12 0. :VI 121191 47 II 22I 11.3! 2a14 143 .244 0 .1160 .144 i4thi). 21! Lake Kamm, ,,.19! .242 114 4 111 Los Angeles.... 91 323 25 84 14 111;414win. Sixth". Salt Lake Young, playlng tackle for the "Y." 2 244 .219 I 4 17 4 4 44 A4 4 17 sat JAnes. was a revelatidn. Timn aftfir time the akland Oconnsil, an Franetsco 3 5 45 SO 149 .245 .... 1 131 I 4 25 94 IL 211110r. San Fran aelikk., Salt Lake rangy giant broke through aml nabbed 121 I 140 131 484 4 SI IA .244 .232 :2 122 21 crone. It Lake Seattle laud. Crimson runners. -- ilindd", Partridge' . .' 4 .297 ' 22 .243 2 114 4 14 '''' 122 114 Sacramcn,-4;,; 414.57 11.9 gchanst, SES. 0. STOLEN .ear r - ' IN. a. ,..... .t3 also played well for the losers. Part-8 4 7.3 .245 I .242 6 4 42 --4 . 174 32 Crandall. i,P A, gP:P, .. - ' 7,4 .1 .;,,., i Ap Lan Seattle .:ks: 4 .241 11.1..,; 1 I 44 115 14 12 2 ridge was etronz on defenue ml inadel 31 r74. Sfattl 47 C '4 .211 3 4 cnnper, .24 47 23 5 two of the Provo teant's thrio: 79 144 42 I( 41' Lake 44,1115080. gall . --Oa Brown. kland or,h4P7 0 .244 .244 .7., I 4 0 . 44 11. :3 ift 178 downs on end runs of 3:t rind 15 !Krause LOP 04.4lan4 A rati,t4 LOs NIcrah 4 .4 1 7 33 .4 97 4 2S :7 ,25q 2 14 Rego. Ang,les ......,'yards. The Onfr n'ther firs1- down Ntollalts Sa,rarnento n ' illiNtiLlimir-----n 2 2 4.4 16 I .256 .320 41 .,., San Vran,14,, )7 ss tbe-remade by the 2 creonn11. San Fr,nclsco 1 4 24 101 14 .2:7 . 0 35 27 Settle lenurnbe. suit of igraight football in tAti second Carroll. Los Angles 4 I 143 214 21 50 i1,6 4 ' :"2. 424 121 o il Se,,.. 3' Kamm San Francleco 1121, 1 ,.., 4 1.0 21 3 254 1:5 424 44 1A9 :3 quarter. Ow 417)111 32 . San Franc o 3 2 5 2 45 .215 t li IIITVIIIIIGHT. gall Lake 13 144 14 :7 times. Ttah male fillet down Kil, 111.."""11 !I Ay 294 74 33 20 10 6 43 .254 247 nun 742 24' Brubaker. 4.a1;an.1 There wore none of rtah's players ...0 2 2 9 0 IOS .254 .293 147 135...36 53 12 I ypile. Fan 5'. Francisco Witir.. Oakland who siod out conspicuously. Smith' 11 A 3 100 0 .252 7 24 47 194 75 50 13 NicAuley Lot,. Angels Find Champion, alternating at quarter- King. Portland 1 I'S0,1 777 744 s 2 IA 744 43 -7BtLE.K.,44414 Lake back. both proved fine ground- gain43 ti '' 7 11 eroi Loa 29 nge:es .250 .274 144 437 AA ISO "0-- 22 Wolfer, ForVand 'r:e.'111r ers and Smith'e drop ktekintr Wan 99 7 2 ISA 4 45 145 23 .254 .252 Woh. 4 Tnbln, Seattle '''')Iofi wita! . n hi the gh nrder. his Ono try for -s. 1 31 Seattle field goal elearing the bar from the 35 : ) 4: 3; k:::of. 1; o: 21 :,,d: :: French. Vernon epAdams. se) ...dtxm,--..67.....yard mark. gP ES. 1 TOT I. .."5,1 7, prick Whittled,. who has been out of oh . -4 ai 1 ny 4 4 4 .4 .244 Vernnn 4b4; III 13 27 atrand. anti' practice dtle to it:Out:tea for some 7 33 51 23 3. 0 0 :5 32 0 242 .407 979 1Sutherland. Pnrtisavi ,I.,24 walla. snit Lake tfme. got fn Cle game for a few Min- 4 4 0 .241 72 .24o 144 :3 42 In Arlett. thtkiand Eldred. 3 0 4 4 7 I. Wen and looked great. Whitney made 4 .241 .061 A. S. 1:81oQuald 2t lel ' Kami. San Franc!s.-A 4 4 4 3 9 9 .26A .142 VI:1 e Mill pair of touchdown' 29 25 t Faeth. Vornnn and roo!e 1,,rland 2.9 24 0 .214 .754 554' 64 132 14 7, 3 173 gaerament0 ..S .1 rearce. showed great ground gaining ability. Vcrrcn smtth so 0 17 4,4 13 33 .236; I IA .2!4 . 44 2is Leld,r, Vernnn nand. Snit Lake Harvey lianenek and Clare Hagen. 233 .249 .... 4277 1,1484, 1'3'4 2420 2 A. I 3121 3 144, Alte7, 83T1 Franc-1a,- , .,, others of nail's injured, played in tlrgir Lo .211 .731 ' 1ardnvr. Seatt:e 4' ,, , ,-The game. 3 0 3 0 Winn. itfikland 0."3' ,313 42 61 15 I 3 113 30S : 21,) 111 341 Danish Tenor En Route Schulte. Oakland At.F. ' A 2 3 41 .. : Second Quarter :Manger. Sa,rarnento .... 41 145 14 24' 4 .2111 4 4 3 4 14 2 11 44 VIHome Visits Salt Lake tiLE1411441.1312a. Salt Lake -1521 --'1 - 224 , 1 1 301 S 4 - 7 - 2 Vr,inr-feeIs Scoreless. 0 - a 15 31 i NI Ilor --SanS4cratrent0 . 1.71 51 III 121 4'12 121 15 IS 14 .225 I M,GaMitan .0 tm mtylI P.T1104 roo. r,1,,rnlegiAte1 ' 1 i 0 0 2 21 .121 44 47 In 24 la nd Utah re,lved and war dield, An ex27;t I 1111cittlet,,n, , wt,,, wilt he. rememhere4 hr A5 6 114 9 6 10 .124 . 31 21 19 "... tF,,r. Anee1,6 change of punts followed. After a t5-- ; flughe,, A A I 0 0 10 13 222 2 9 loa!!e!,. S.,61tip yard penaltv Jewheit ran for a inmany mind- - levera for his apnearaigee 5 1 0 , 14 17 9 5 53 161 111tz,., tp.Calan,i,Pn7tianel ::.) ...,n7 yard gain, Smith eAded 12, Jeitkes WVeara air., t in this loca.11y ahont fLv 4 2 : 2 72 35 101 211 10 and Lee went oloer for th first totieh- :2 Leere02. l',,r,laml , , Announeement for a h",iof vIsq city 0 2 0 S 26 44 120 217 t 3: :74 down. Smith added point. Ant,o . 6" hint, ; -, ix male .hat he will be heard In con Utah received again and made first , lives, Ward SarurdaY r4 ; '3:1,(.1:1:4."1,!.-17.1- ' ::: leert at i.e 41r;ind at 8 hail I; 1; 4; 3N 14 L' down twice. one Reutn zeln by la o'clock. Oil 21. IVO . ) Jewhee. Utah was. held and Partridge t 11; 51 After f!evoting sev,ral years to ; XI a I; ourstore.,-,-- 41, 4 41, far "li" kicked badly. Talfer-foUtah i wors and in.,truetton. NIr -- - '117 ret Itren100.. ,141'.1,1,1,1 211 2 3 0 1 13 44 94 :1 kicked over Poe.. rartrldge punteebi 7 skto1i1 is on route to ropenhPgen. tien6' a 71 111 7 111 41 121 27 , 6 9 from 1:renwr 1,,t1, la net line to middle of field 71, the lioy.;.1 Opera to mark . A z 0 4 0 4 6 24 104 ,I 22 26 2'1 and Champion rotirrnod 45. yerde :4'ott, San Frander,0 la a th tast summcr litir1rjin -5 1 16 43 77 tank the bell over Reratn but the try , ,,, !Noenc,r It 23 A1 .7A4 111 ipany. choice a P"loIST vi l'h the Lis .p.14;e1es sft.,- 2 37 7 17 0 207 5 :A 218 SPIa. (go point failed. a rrAIP ii 2 fay',;n1.1:- r,6 0 7 1 2A1 .. rOtony orchestra.hls rendi:lon and 5 27 0 34 ''. 1,7110r, ,,lichnd Neither teem fenred in the otecond ).i ,re 4 11 "A4 4 0 impression of 4 11 nuarter and the visitors appeared es IMat!4111. SA,tittlititrt ..... 14 54 num'oer. A Wagnerian 14 214 9 4 1. .24'7 ,tiretation .2A2 :7 41 irt,Pn . ceptionally strong: on &sten s. steyene f 1.;,14 , i i ; 4 17 Anie'o.t. 29 39 iri .306 I is,.,1.-p- i inr Utah caught" a name aend went over e "4 0 40 54 124 5 . 12 .. Baltimore Victor in but was called bark for Utah off aide. 11,, Vrn,,r1 417 21 4 4,1 118 Utah kickesi in the third quarter and 81111,hell. 84A Frane1se0 , .0 27 16 01 21,11 .... n ' 0 42 Series 4 P3 112 11 74 FilbtrilfITI. Junior after a Y" punt, nd runs took tho ' l',ort:and .11 .... ,,,I,-) 6 sl ' S 11 line. 0 R. 40 0 It 111 .... hail to th, l')4 Jame., Vfrtiost a A A 05, IAA . 10 t, 114:04, ,v 1 21 22 ennt Utah onmo offer but Chatnnien 0 5) Nino,. 15 14. Aknifelels , sT rki 1, 2.1prt tt,t :F, 7, : LI 19 a 64 14 160 .161 '2 A 0 21 IA Dually- wont over. Talifer'a try failed. ,. 14 , I Cit1'1,1. I ATZEllit. late 44 ir,"' .11 li ai IS, i4' i .1 i; I ti .1k57 ..:" imwe Lasky ' Partridge for the "1"' Went "round 1 .,,,,,,,.., 1, .. , von thf plr, .r IA II' .4 Yard's. , end far knocking throe, right :., art S.Itiot t,11, - l'Itr,a i Arr,r, reiminIn Men enekOn- ' en route, Ile l ..; : i: ,, 3 O.,- 4 . S4a.1,,ras, ...... 1411 4441 4 12 20 00 I 17 A r0 pc; , dS Ooklan,1 gain followed ilia with a , , .., fivt galF(s11:7-4.1-, around thoitameend following receipt ;(4Ntf,,,. T.. A.(frak. .. ai. asz,rnt1: n Yn 44 22 1 .1 cr 3 123 0 1 of a lateral pane. Another attempt at 21,',..., Anteleo ': 1t4 c Lyons, , . ; et, ,.,, n 6 ' in,e...,,v," so 4 q 11 ; I I 11: 2a g2 2 ..1- ,a lateral paos WRI blocked and dowkea .1,14 FltPrv. Si,ramento ta, bI.1a.,1, 'i,, , I II 4 S 0 31 ty" 0 .1,14 festoons,- recovered for rta h. I).'.1. Vernnn. eAt games; t 411 4i It "4 .3 caps,, ,y Itutterte'.--li-nt',i . ''' 71....N.3 4 lo ,..1,11 44 tat 2 10 30 Soatt 0 I 1.....1 .233 Tanfer's atthmpted drop, kick from 14 . t, ' 1,,efollit, 1 1 1 g 45 93 4 14 txya Artorooen 172 tv the 11,var4 lin at the start at the see- 1, ra ,Sheehz,,, 7Ier,itt ar,1 47 107 ond quarter went wide. "Y" kicked end.140 .212 THII14,490. . t I 4 0 3 31 3 P. ''' 1.! ' a Utah pane. Champion to Stevens. netFinals of Wornen's G olf .114,7c P;1"mli,VePor-trannr,t1..1 : la ; 7 ted. the "V" 20 yard". Jowkes went .46 .11 ' sectre. a A tot 10 and 2 04 5 2 I 14 170 ICI far Protooth I Sarramento. Will End Today Ig yards Meet through A - 7 The Time Ifi Right to Order Your Engravea 7 0 14 124 I'voton. Thvettoinft 4 24 II I 20 Smith 4tilesod the. goal try. Jewkett , - .,r, t . .1411 ktEUE14.,-.11tal- t -1 batik Lake kicked following fiartridgea ,;. ,:41 far&A. fi , e ontler, Portland 141 .1 t Greeting :0 NO Nottfterit t r,:an.ht:!. I . :7 1,4; 44.111,-.a- l YPIWI drop at this; point following two .. , ,'112A 4 I trtiolk-sv- q. 1 Ar .1 A oultytake-,r .I4 ..., IL, N t'.v 14,k 1, ,,,T, n three-quarte- , , rrEim THE 38 27 0 ;41 214 6 261 12 213 55 3 15 270 14 371 24 323 11 237 4 26C 4 0 23 62 1 24 25 27 .20 29 234 1 41 13 313 5 256 11 191 1;3 11; : 0 0 321 10 267 8 381 1; 1;i1 340 El 4, it STRAND. Lake LEWIS: Sat 1,h kf, Hale. 1v.)r!!,,r1 .1013 Pc. B. 7 0 44S BEST I ,261 .261, .261 .11779 193 -- 215 27 It. TB. PM 20- ;roll . . . Port-,a0.- . ; 1. 34 7:49 wYtitt217S'a4rKa.titi''.1, t O. S' II,- la 5 ..163 kranc:, I,2, . :95 :217 11 U. 92 ).:,, f.:',$, 1.1111son.Pian Franc.s.:'o .. 1.,5 717 115 .. 112 C.axiand "Hie. -.1- 8,5 .. .,1,-- 350 51 nan IMaotill tireesatt. Portland - R. 4S 9; ;5; I, f. - - r A r 211 2514 2132 2392 41 35 36 32 71 57 2'.:4 1 17 14 44 !,47 112 2O ISS 152 52i , Lake Salt helly., San Vrdt, Ativ!-flu Ft tit,;',..;f4s4r. 114,,,,,;,- - 361 . :0111,,ILS, ilkory:;:311...-- - 1 Turfman Loses- 400,000 Francsat One Crack i 1,LV11. kale Lake I't,r11ard .1,1ro,q1. Scat ti. 1;7teus. take a at Pr.- and guece liosw rood. new tangled for j ;,4,!rt'itl Prn'ra few or Fn pact the stage now where I'd take up a Mt of fanev .. t r, vou can n;11. ..... 143 a i ... Srrilt Vrnoti hut,,rn. :4ar, Frar.tsto lrrs, 111,har4son and lai Phin a inulid of theatres and g.,,o- nersalarin g their brief ptay In New ' ' York: "Fin - entions to pc4 your town t t h7r"s'I'-'ai..'- 4, 1144,6,' ti ...- 243 61101 70 44. 3..1 It It 742 13t 249. f; It RIND. Nalt Lake S a thte-rver- 111 343 256 w 91 PR. PC. Final Batting Averages of Coast League Players. - ic,,--- b .202 6711 290 670.1 11$ 111 201 204 .292 97 .219 l'28 113 7.25(0 2796 110 210 119 310 229 269 2450 6113; 3021 71 2704 1,1 3:2 119 11911 122 2914 762 17213 Sit HR. TR. r. 916'1193 4.32 )1 sa.:16n.kn10 1 ,Pc U. .200 6912'1011 '2063 .202 1092 1070 2071 6121 10 0 1976 917 1920 199 61:;! "'661e6 1" ,,6611.L0 , strriNG. 8. SR. Lt AR ..... ,. ,,, r; Fran03 .... Porliand. r, p,ore" , ' i - 4- - . Bees Finish Second in Team Batting; Shand League's Best Batter By Good Margin - Sim 6,01.T LAKE Tr - t BUCKET A, A. Aá ....,,.0.1 1 Pave II Hopes to Boost Stock by Beating Solomon 1 A r,z5;,-A,,- t. 14 -- Lark of four coiricol ,' . a.'' in the weight rarr1e4 by Dauphin in n stake4 at Long- , it"e to the 15.vard line and after a Saturday rola the horse'e own Jefferson 14 Cohn:1134,45e for er. "r penalty Whitney went over , francs the money and a little more tendoded polnt. it...,,,Sen:itirlh, Y 200.000 francs in bets. Dauphin tban ball to the '''.goal line. a ,, gain by Nell Smith !being line W.-- I Jockey Sharpe had weighed out 'or- torting !t. on the hut girth snapned. 11.. Danghinei rectly. esam ne,v Militinb. th s,ored the drop ki.1;T1-.nand was niacel. Thn substitute girth ' R, Y P. kicked oft Just before the whia- - was Pound to weigh 120 grammes less' FoNAnD AtAl.oDy !. a !le 1,;ew. oi Dannhhin. h,ch than the original determined yetniK plin,lier !was emoted at midst of 11 to I in the Twelne up and eummary: . who l' ",-- I I" '1,t,th il tha led from start to finish. muttiels. 1 I.... th., 11.1..1'. , tab. I ping In a canter, gam.; It ia m,...4.1., tiitt, fl uni 'lli de leppson le Ilard1'. to alatt a good .1gt 1""ng Brith District K Powningli Nlanha,tan ,I,h, The lo- - , Howitian ... peNt:rteloonn ,. Hancock I la, hsn ,al niaob maser !,.,,, .1.........i Ja,,,. seioI Arrive Official .re Plurren Tuesday pi,,i,i,igs Pr"vide rt ."'In the Wet4 e'd 4"'I'le Moyle M iitir re Stevens District (Irani Preeldnt 31 .1. Fink.. : the opposition tor Malody innIght In a( i'll!er ii'.1!enseein and wife who are gohealtiled to 'six round headliner Both sr o rugged it, x. '' - .a - JjA. :VI' ,, -- '. those young players h,le, my heart pita went out to r;eeins to me betsupthinet bat.. ter conit hav been done' for them than jut ilooc them In the fan. a wet st,o, nee, rey needed ih etne-n- g and I wanted to give it to Lh,t11 II forgot all about the I b., , '' teturning rwPretetterr gougs. ; Utah Strong in Fourth Quarter. Capitol-Groun--- 0 to rilliTain the private ,ca pile chartered for trio trip wanted Iowa to win, hereon-Pim- y around hoys and girls adl rive me in Iowa.' phe said --.Hut when-- befre ' Of . Fears to NEW Y6111C, Oct. 16.-The now rye Peen the first game of my life. that football is, pretty sat,tt Mn. D. N. Richrough stuff." years old. ardson. eighty-el-giwho brought great, grandmother. relatives from Millen.- twenty-fiv- e Port, Iowa. to pee -her 10 a boys win ihe,r tog. accrtntIIIIlard.1011 IS NtaySaturday thg over in N.M. Turk a few dfVt. new angle following' Saturday's round of games. The University of Utah flashed on the boards as 'a team to be figured on in the rating by beating the B. Y. U. by the score of 49 to O. The Utah Aggies,:conference 'champs, beat the "Y" eleven by the score of 41 to 3 a week ago. The showings made by the Crimson and Aggies indicate that Utah is at equally as strong as the northern school. ' In Colorado the Aggies of that state N - . , " , , XKY Mountain Conference football dope took an :IO' ' , , : Family to Game let ,.. S Years Takes Her, -- .. ft.. , I owa Fan of888 Cob. Aggies Loom as Prosp ective Conference Champs By Overwhelming Defeat of Wyoming Cowboys. . , , . , 6NCE MORE PROVIDES COAST LEAGUE'S BEST BATTER 'CLUB. 01-4- OVER B. Y. UNIVERSITY TEAMI - . DESERET TIIE - 4b UTAH GETS EASY VICTORY IN FIRST CONFERENCE TILT IR , ' .. MANoNCENSuSTIFS OVER GRIDDOFE . I - . , , ' ' - -- - ,i,,..,',,,..,o,4,,, I,: .. ,) , - ' - 14,3 , ',,,r,7--' J . ,' , .. 4ft...,....,a,,,,Aii74t,,,,s, . - I.' - W..1 ....,' i.., - -- 1 1 i 4- (1 i hit-tar- P 1154 1!552' $1..!cttbis"Inte.. - -- 1 r 111111P1-311,- , - in,-,k- 1 O - ,,,, 1 - I th-i- 4 , - --. A 1 I e, I- 7' 4 NV:114 ( 1 . 1 I . ;(11 . 7141 11111 113 ' , , ., I 1 -- , , 1 '2 plre---1- - 1 1 - 1 ?, , 111,MEMIIMar 1 I 1- f I -- r klIL;: el ' d 4p) a: ,,, el,. , rt ' - a - I - ' .1011n ball when Utah attempted a pans over the line. Smith. returned Fartrktges kick, .1 -- , - A1,......,....,..,--..,,,..,--.---. - -- -,' - -- A A . , 1 ' A 1 .. 1 A A 1 1 . A '4' L,' ,E,.:.'4,3, 115 64 A 1 A 1 . A A 1 L! Cl . 1 1 14 . . -- I A 241 1 1 A Hailowe en Novelties'., . fr 13 11 ,,or It A 1 1 A ostumes, 1 A , I 2 - "I 1 .... 0. . 1 . s,,iRi. , A 44 ', ,,,,,-1- P . . ic it II ' . A .., A ; -- -g . - A ( A ' :' Zjille; 0, ,,1, W, ni .DEsERsT B - , p ,J'hone 'Was. 0901 . . .... . ,: . E. South 1111m0f4floM- - - - . .. - INvall,te. t"ol Ange!os ...; - 11;9114C- I snit Lake .10I es, pleCARE Sail Lake V.-no- - I 1; . - SS I 1;74 7 7.4 4 Si '1 7 .1 4 t IS -4 1 " 4 142?1 n 1 l 1- it 144 1 " " .- 11 4 1. n I I 0 7 a 5 8 A A A I S A 2 I A f. A ., - ..1 !,11ro nit,:: 111. 7:r., Pa, NI- -, f : l 0 vi am Won ImN : , I, tylf-,- 4 ar.4 Mr., ,ArrI ,ayun! -, nt 1:n ,;,, c Al '., Nt- 7,,c flta;!;t. Mr- n'he, ;oft, .,,, b,, Mr .1'I atter a har4 ,or;.; 1,y he h 1'1 1,4 tw o ar, In thiallat,r .1.4 un1.1 tho ftnal two I or arro von 1t1 .... lilt .2441 whteh lira. rayne wop.. A i ,,,t,r,,i 1,i,1.1tv, !r,,,1,11 to fno, Mrs, .... .... I A 1 , i .... 1,, i 4.1 I 2 ,tr-- tt'' j'A:,r,..-- o'- iO3,- ... Of, a i , --, I t It, - Cro::risrteol Temple - , .. 4--4 i A A WMPANY- ; !' , . A A A ' A , . - , decorations, lanterns, masks, etc.you are especially invited, to call today. . .7z...... ; .......... Whatever..: - 0 gli : : o A 1 -- ' I, 1 .,,7 of i , Whitney for 'Utah then --took a .page from Taufer to the Y" mark and then the vistitorot a at th i ,-s- , A . you boys and girls headed straight for Everybody's scrambling for the first of all the novel Hallowe'en things. And you can't blame 'em at that, for they really are just wonderful. on Whitney Looks Good for Utah. . for your -- 1 -- F.-1- Jumpin JimminyI i!, ,4 . ,- 4 -- , - '' 1 1 4 -- ........ .: 29 1 - t fil 39: 41; . Ve-n- - :1 11511 4 , . A .. Z'''';'' i r , - 10 , a. .(L, 7- . 1 . . - 1 44k tak A 1 1 ( I Pt -- - 1 '11111. ;117 77e, iefeel 416g; lb., l' 111,.. VI"' 1 1 -- , -; I :k. ,ir- k, 11 1 , .!113 - ' ' ': V . -- -- - - - - - , . ,, , - tl. ,. . , ,-. a ..4,;,,;,', - |