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Show fT t V'1 wm- Y Irf at WHITE HOUSES u tion. n This, with tho fact that the aoaaton of Congreea will doubtleaa he a brief one. ha materially caat a damper on what promieed to be a eeaaon of unprecedented eoelal gaiety. SOCIAL SEASON - Houm recep- on of the Whit ABANDONED , The deflnt'e announcement from the White Houae was received wltbreret timste-fcoweve- r. same At - the official and th enabled it to. aeta arrange diploma'ic held In functions which with conflict not eo a to nee at era President and x n y a rramtementa the Mrs Harding might make Kvn o, the aeaaon promise to be a dull one. so much so. In fact, that most of the prospective debutantes s this decided to remain season and make their appearance will what under hope next they be tir.ghter surrounding for Entertaining Dull Winter Expected. Plans (Hr T'nltersal 5er v'ce N. W.A'HINGTf 'i he Tb lt sub-deb- er Chew a few Pleasant Tablets, t Instant Stomach Relief! Five Armed Safe Robbers Blow Open Sox Park Safe fr Clear Your Skin With Cuticura 1&wm) flat. flfMwnt Htiim Ma. btxAwwm imjkjL CgpecisI to The Newa ) SALIVA, Oct. 14 Superintendent of Tublio Instruction C. N Jensen and Prof Lofter BJsrnwm of the I'nlverslty of Ftah, vtelted the North Sevier high afternoon. school Wednesday They were en route to the Garfield-Piut- e teacher inatilutw Dr Jeneen wa tha principal ofth schools of Sallna for two years grade when he first began teaching. Mr Bjarnson was superintendent of the county schools 1814 and 11. he-vl- er yft K I HJgg vt'aimyitsw.'H p n Hj &pai liursday 9ligjtlf H niST ANNUAL (By International News Peri TOKIO. Oct. 18 Major Hara on mander of the Japanese armed gu,rd tn Siberia .ha admitted turning vti k aJnmuniUon to the Rue sian white forces loot August and assumed complete responsibility for hi' act, exonerating tha general sta'f the Blberian command of compile:1 In the plot when bla court martial oper. at Kumamoto. v Hara described the negotiatiori. d d not daring ,tbat he had money from the white force hr hi part In the transaction. He sajd ma' aa far at be knew the whites wand the the rifles held. They thought Czechs had a large number of cars t (89,600 shells which containing turned out to be mostly grenades and shells big Hara added that h did not know n what Chang received out of the transaction but It la believed that the whites sold him sli hue the ribe ammunition. These munitions are X pected to be a big factor in cortem-platewarfare of the Manchurian war lord against Wu Pel Fu who delcaed him some time ego. asBy some it is believed Hara sumption of responsibility is a blind for the purpose of biding a plot Inwhich th court volving higher-up- s martial will be unable to reveal ' See the Model 1 Dtm orislration Hornes No.l vl46 Oakland Avenue 4 Nol241 Kelsey Avenue South State St No. 3 x670 Open Daily Fron 2p.m. h pany will reopen and pres the suit for divorce she dropped In the courts of New York against Flojd Olotibach. her wild mustard ' chauffeur-husbanshe announced . Upon arrival here today. she wa served with a summon In a new divorce suit Instituted by (Ilotxhach in which a division of the community property Is a sought She was also served with subpoena to make a deposition In ths case before1 a notary on Tuesday. Bh declined to discus the case ex(By International New Service ) a formal statement In cept SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 1. Mme which through she declared she had Ui her Margaret Matxentuer, prims donna poeeasion evidence which would en- of the Metropolitan Grand Opera com-'abher to successfully prosecute her divorce suit and sxplalned that It dropped only In order thatV shs mlglU singing. attention give her whole A young woman Stew holds the Glotxhach which position of secretary one IIEURALGIA the forth sad orbitdacbtI1 I melt and fhelo tbs tapon -n W VAfoRy U4 Ytafr w jOwr 17 MiUicmJm le IP Armstron rec-ne- Tao-Li- d Jor Every Floor in the House Expiration of Irish Amnesty Order is Ignored in Dublin (By The Associated Pres ) DUBLIN, Oct. 18. The free state government offer of amnesty upon i V 1922 Caeeho-SIova- their surrender of persons October 16 NotedPrimaDonna Ammunition Sale t . charu-pioheh- tp Girls! Girls!! OCTOBER To Reopen Divorce Suit Immediately Japanese Officer it be known today House Five armed Oct IS CHICAGO that the program of soclol act vitles. la"e last night, apparentomialiy beg.nhirg in December, has safe robbers ly in search of 128 800. the recepts of been cotrp.eteiy abandoned ox city series Kven with the n.ost forur,ate con the Cuts. White In which the M yesterday sai was llartiiiy it i, Taleaceose, Cubs, the National league club, won Will not be able to enteraln this winne--I Acid tomach, heartburn, full new. If ter Her recovery la confide y ex 1 tie title surprised and bound the and you eel bloated mck or uncomfortable pected. but shflluld she be abfe i leave gm watchman at Comlskev a park dol-j few after eating, here U harmleaa relief physicians will forbid blew open the safe Onlv the eick room tape's lipp4n" settles th atomach her undertaking Ihe atrain of presid- lars in change was In the safe. and corrects digestion ui moment it stomach Visits Head School rotfBte4 awwaeh - wrfattt State roata but a few centa at North Sevier High School Keen It hthdyH Adf anydrug atora Whi-- a it 15 Oct - MONDAY Is Confessed by n of Mr. Harding Illne Causes - Cancellation of ! W' THE DESERET & I Jr fi 10 p.m. Illegally bearing arm a. holding stolen property or retaining premises unlawfully occupied, expired at midnight. Beginning today the military authorities are empowered to punish offenders, with death, deportation, imprisonment or fine. and the constitution of new courts to deal with such offenses esn proceed forthwith. The government's offer apparently has been Ignored and yesterday there was posted surreptitiously throughout Dublin a proclamation purporting to be Issued by the .Republican army executive warning the public that anyone giving information leading to by. the punishment of Republican new court will bw, regarded aa a spy and dealt with wccordlngly. while those acting aa member of the courts will bo punished for their offenses against the republic. This floor is a part of the room The floor of linoleum is a pleasing contribution to the color scheme i- J your Sir Walter and the Spud 4 J rt- YOU can have floors, - f your walls. Linoleum gives you this opportunity because it is made in so many different patterns and combinations of colors. In addition, the linoleum floor is easy to clean and It is always smooth, always quiet and resilient, and warmer than either wood or tile. Rugs are laid on linoleum floors as on any other permanent floor, and an occasional waxing and polishing keeps the linoleum fresh and It is an attractive floor that never needs re- IRELAND, they still point to the place where Sir A Walter Ralpigh planted the potatoes he brought with him from America. The venturous knight was much impressed with the edible qualities of potatoes and touted them highly to his friends. But in spite of his efforts to popularize the spud, it was half a century or more before it became an article of general consumption abroad. Y N long-endurin- new-lookin- Today, a new food product becomes nationally known almost overnight. Modern methods of distribution quickly place it in thousands of stores. Advertising tells the public about it in the newspapers. People try it, like it, and shortly it is in general use throughout the country. g. g. e) carpet inlaid, tile inlaid and printed designs. home. Armstrong sLinoleumRugs For people who live in apartments or who have houses on short leases and consequently do not wish to install permanent linoleum floors, Armstrongs Linoleum is also made in the form of bordered rugs. Thirty attractive patterns feet to in four sizes from 9 x 12 feet. 6x9 How to Lay Linoleum on Wood Moors lx summer the moisture in the air cautes wood floor) to expand. In winter they dry out and contract when the heat is turned on, with a tendency to open up the cracks between the boards. Vourlinoleum floor, therefore, should be cemented (not tacked) over alining of builder deadening felt which haa been previously glued to the bare floor boards. The feit. takes up expansion and contraction and give you a permanent, floor. The added service and waterproof, wear this method gives arc well srorth the extra cost. on every Advertising keeps your information article of human need, whether it be food, clothing, articles of household utility, necessities or luxuries. up-to-snu- -- Decorative floors of Armstrongs Linoleum may be selected from a number of plain colors, several Jaspe (two-toneffects, also parquetry inlaid, through -advertising are putting within your reach many of the boons of modern life. Without advertising, we would lack many of the comforts and conveniences that go to make life what it is in this year of grace. rative Linoleum Floors, which contains twenty-focolorplates showing patterns of Armstrongs Linoleum suited to the different rooms in your house. You can take this book to any good department or furniture store and show the merchant the color or design of linoleum that appeals to you most. He w ill let you see it in the piece and also give you estimates of the cost of Armstrongs Linoleum laid in youf ur finishing. By the same means American manufacturers ! color and design as well as on ff Armstrong Cork Company, Linoleum Division i Lemiartn, Fritjylcai& WwrKl., Advertisers deserve your support. . 4 1 J Patronize them. Denver Office 725-2- 6 Symes Building fseiks CffCtfly Wtisstk eo (As bmrljKp back - 1 - |