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Show FOR RENT or LEASE FOR RENT Small and heat Lights Adults only. Ph PA apartment furnished 3 2182 FOR FOR SALE TYSONS PET SHOP 1957 Automatic May- SAWS SHARPENED by machine, 113 South Third Always precision work, at Mer-rellN 8 10 pd Phone PA 3 3425 tag washer est Everything for Your Dumb Friend $75 00 0-2- 5 FOR SALE 1960 International TravelAll 6 cylinder, 4 speed transmission Trade for car Ph PA Nlpd FOR SALE 1960 Dodge half ton pickup Long wheel base Low SALE Beautiful spinet ano Can be purchased for ance due. Ph. PA 3 6350 7 FOR FOR SALE 18 inch carriage typewriter In good condition Used in genealogy work PA 3 3727 er. PA 3 8192 0-2- 5 0-2- 7 bal- 3 6843 N 27-- 3 SALE Boys English bicycle, like new Set of junior golf clubs, girls ice skates sue 4, football helmet hockey stick PA 5762 3 N 1 OFF ond CASH CARRY N-- New Alterations, Repairs, pers, Pockets. Zip- LAUNDRY SERVICE 7 chg HI LAND DAIRY PRODUCTS and Delivery Phone PA Modern Cleaners 34 24 hour service Call EX Or write 2561 Fowler, OgN 1 den, Utah MILK trade exceptionally clean station wagon for lot or equity. Will Milk & AIR CONDITIONING Having heating problems? Need sheet metal work? Planning on installation of air conditioning system? Call us today! Free estimates! Cream Delivered TRY Call PA IT! 3 DRINK TOO MUCH? Needs Some Help! Youre not alone so did we! Contact its for Free! Dont wait Phone PA or PA 3 6306 pa 'I psycho 2k i OPEN x 99 full lot, for only sale price. Fruit 300 trees, city water, irrigation water, 750 gal. septic tank. Move fast on this one! WFBBER PA RFAL ESTATE CO. & Eve. PA or PA O 20 P.M. DAILY 1 tf-c- h FOR SALE By Owner 4 bdrm , 1U bath, buck home Built ins, Will landscaped, double drive consider trade for lots, etc Call PA 3 6472 N LAST TIME TONIGHT i . FOR SALE Owner Deluxe brick Two baths, built-incarpet and drapes Full basement Many extras Price cut sharply PA 3 3963 8 10 025 Ln by three-bedroo- DONT MISS THIS CHANCE! Spacious 5 rm. brick and frame bungalow, in the very best condition. Just one year old; best value weve had in months. $2,000 down payment, $94 per. mo. At $13,900, you will agree its a bargain. Well gladly show it any time. WEBBER REAL ESTATE CO. & Eve. PA PA or PA MOVE MEN NlcOffl fm enjoyable when viewed beginning at the beginrealize this is a revoand ning proceeding to the end. but discovered we that PSYCHO have lutionary concept is unlike most motion pictures and does not improve when run backwards. Therefore, we will not allow you to cheat yourself. So do not expect to be admitted to the theatre after the start of each performance of the pic- h dll (Sir iiV pw mita fvXLdift hunt tj IRVIN! WUOATE 1 Tomm Mew Col 9 dj Wednesday thru Saturday is most I FiEVER SZrORE 31! THE SCREE!!! 0 Starts Thursday for 6 Days your own home. Liveable 3 bdrm., Jl2 bath brick Only $16,500 Northeast location, expertly landscaped. Lnjoy Thanksgiving in your own home. Phone us now for an appointment to inspect it. To STEVE REEVES SYLVIA LOPEZ"!: EASTMAN HERCULES BRUNO VAILAT- I-r COLOR byPATHE SYLVA O KOSCINA PRIMO CARNERA PIETRO FRANCISCI DYALISCOPE distbibuted by WARNER Am - k SPENCER TRACY and 3 8783 O 25 27 N O 25 Full or i.ST05Rr epfrtf 'tf-i- L i Si v H-- V WAITER MATTHAU .M Mip a rAS OUR KARMELKORN ITS DELICIOUS Aki wifi aikUri pre-histo- More than 12,000 passenger cars are being used for driving instruction in U S schools PHEASANT HUNTERS would you like to hunt where you can get some birds? How SPEED WASH FINN GIBBS PA LAUNDRY COIN-OPERAT- . open 50-l- b. 888 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah 8 10 chg Fall Used Car part time Phone PA Clearance Sale 78 HM 1958 Plymouth 4 dr. Sedan 1957 Plymouth 2 dr. Sedan 953 Chrysler Imperial 1 Ford 4 dr Sedan 955 1 954 . . . DeSoto 4 dr. Sedan 1 954 Chrysler Windsor 4 dr. 1 you know, just moved to a new home? and RADIO SERVICE Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will call with gifts and friendly greetings from the com- M munity. ANTENNA INSTALLATION Completely Equipped Shop Trained Repairmen Guaranteed Work Phone PA APPLIANCE Art dealer (UPI) Schwartz thinks no bomb shelter is complete without art. Art is no luxury, its a neceshe said sity People need something besides each other to look at in a bomb shelter Schwartz theorized that art in a bomb shelter might also take ones mind off the dismal surroundings and help relax people. Staring at a bomb shelters blank walls would only add to the jitters which would be natural under the circumstances, he said He believes cave paintings served these ends for man. Schwartz doesnt think it matters whether bomb shelter paintings are abstract or representational Its more imjx)rtant, he said, to include something for the taste of everyone in the family. needed Otherwise, individualism might be lost Murals might be the most practical form of bomb shelter art, Schwartz suggested, but paintings hung on the wall would have the advantage of being easier to change occasionally For full particulars write or contact: Speed Queen Commercial Sales and Service Co. of Utah 3 pd 1 Have you, BEEHIVE CHICAGO Samuel Here is a wonderful opportunity for someone interested in a very large return on a relatively small investment. Our Prices PA PUCKER 49 TRY Need Paintings TV REPAIRMAN APPLIANCE REPAIR iAX Art Dealer Says Bomb Shelters WANTED! ROBERT WAGNER mars?9 said in Brigham City. It features 30 Speed Queen automatic washers and twelve dryers plus a large 25 lb. capacity washer for shag rugs, blankets, etc. now agitator-type- or has someone STARTS SUNDAY 72 500 referrals to 47,100 vacancies, resulted in Employment Services record of 41 199 job placements in the last year, Miller job 40 Return on Investment WANTED Female taxi Must have chauffeurs Four days a week BROS'! SOMEONE ELSES WIFE..! Strangers Wlfen WeM set is WANTED Baby sitter Steady work To take care of two children Contact Mr Trujillo at PA Starring mo A NEW HELP WANTED THE MOUNTAIN SOKEOliE ELSES HUSBAND Up to FOR AGAINST IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set mv hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, in said state this fifth day of October, 1960 LAMONT F TORONTO Secretary of State Plus Second Feature in Color 4 x ket Over SHERIFF. Experienced PART TIME assistant bookkeeper needed, 9 a m to noon, 5 days a week Will lequire typing and posting experience Anyone interested write brief resume, P. O Box 604, Brigham City Clini OeuoLns Kira T TIME! seekers. Their record is better than average Miller pointed out that trained counselors had conducted over 17 000 interviews in the last year. A lot ot these were in connection with the aptitude testing program involving newcomers to the labor market However, many others involved job counseling for the physically handicapped, the mature worker out of work through technological advances, and help for the misfits the labor mar- pie-teste- MEN WITH CARS Est Watkins route Customer service We assist you Average $2 21 an hour Full or part time Write 1201 South Main, Logan, Utah Features Monday thru Friday at 7:20 and 9:35 p m. Sat. & Sun. at 1 :1 5 - 3:1 0 - 5:00 - 7:20 - 9:35 P.M. Job placements and allied activ- ities of the Utah State Employ-- 1 ment Service dui ing the past 12 months were a busy part of Utah labor market activities, said Douglas Miller, manager of the Brigham City Employment office Dunng the past year the states 12 local offices have tilled 41,199 non farm jobs, and 25 400 farm openings, he said During the corresponding period ending a year ago a total of $39 424 non farm jobs had been fill ed along with 26,732 farm jobs COMPARING the two periods is difficult, Miller said, because the first one, from September 19&8 to Sept 1959 was a recession period while the period just ended covered parts of strikes in steel and copper industries GORDON H RFFVES, However, in both periods, these Administrate non farm placement totals meant O Dee Lund Attorney for Administrator that Utah employers had asked O 18 25 State employment offices to fill NOTICF TO CREDITORS Estate of Agnes M Kilgour X it Ison , De one out of every four job vacanceased cies which occurred in the state Creditors will present claims with Miller explained that job placevouchers o thi undersigned at 31 irst SecuntN Bank ments were up during the strike Citv Bldg Rngham Utah on n htfote the 9th day of Jan period of 1950 60 because of a high uary A D 1961 JACK SHI MWAY rate of growth in Utahs electroAdnumsli ator nic and missiles industries O Dee Lund Attorntv for Administrate Even during the period of labor N 8 15 22 ch disputes, estimates of employment in Utah found the work force INITIATIVE PETITION growing month by month, as these Initiative Petition Number One new plants called for more workers That Initiative Petition enIn titled An Act to Establish the out many cases, Miller pointed employment offices played a Qualification, Appointment, part in staffing these plants Our Promotion, Transfer Demojobs, he said was to assist in tion, Suspension, Removal, Discipline, applicants experienced screening and Job Tenure of Deputy applicants to the thousands of jobs Sheriffs of the Several Counties of the State of Utah Based which opened up on Merit; to Provide for the THE STATE Employment SerEstablishment of Merit System vices assistance in filling all types Commission in the Several Counties and to Set Forth the of jobs during the past year showDuties thereof, and to Improve ed up in the Agencys testing proLaw Enforcement by Profesgram Miller said sionalising those Engaged m Over 14 300 general aptitude Law Enforcement as Employtests were administered last year ees of the Seveial Counties Results of these tests helped has been duly filed in the thousands of young job seekers Office of the Secretary of State within the legal filing realize where these occupational talents might be, and eventually period for filing same, containing the required number we feel, will result m improveof signatures of registered ment of the states work force voters and that following is a full, correct and true copy of through better use of their abilthe ballot title to be shown on ity the ballots as Initiative PetiAnother service tied in with job tion Number One and subis proficiency testing, placement mitted to the electors of the Miller said Realizing the value State for approval or rejection at the election to be held on of knowing how proficient a job the eighth day of November, applicant may be, manw Utah emAD 1960 ployers are asking that all job seekers at their plants be preSHOULD MERIT SYSTFMS AND MERIT SYSTFM tested before being referred to COMMISSION BE ESTABjobs by the Employment Service, LISHED IN THE COUNhe said TIES OF THE STATF OF During the past year we have UTAH FOR THF QUALIFId over 8 800 of these job CATION FMPLOYMENT, AND TFNURE OF DEPUTY HELP WANTED Alfred Hitchcock 39 ONE MORE WEBBER REAL ESTATE CO & Eve. PA PA or PA ture. Utah Employment Service Make 41 ,1 99 Non Farm Placements 1 FOR SALE Two each, extra large building lots Agricultural zone, Perry One 170x165 feet, $1,550, other 206x165 feet, $1,750 with water June Christensen PA 3 6624, or Taylor Agency, Ogden the Pictures Pick of ALIO 3 $1,500, LEFT hav asked that no one be admittHITCHCOCK'S ed to the theatre attar the start ALTOGETHER DIFFERENT SCREEN EXCITEMENT! of each performance W'M' A'P gpnuygi m 'V S ' I f This, of course, is o help you enjoy WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house Needed right away Tom Nickins, Roi El Motel, Room 13 N pd an this FOR RENT Trailer space Extra large lots, plenty of parking for extra vehicles Shade and playground June Christensen Phone PA 3 6624 BaJMMiMadiijrpr-M- I WANTED TO RENT PARK YOUR TRAILER FOR RENT or LEASE uifii'UMaijM Ends Wednesday chg FOR RFNT Basement apartment Stove and refrigerator $75 a month Ph PA 3 2903 505 South Fifth East N 1 l FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE Sheet Metal Heating Air Conditioning Phone PA A-- TWO BIG DAYS N-- SEASHORES Superior Dairy Phone PA 3869 5 h h HEATING Grade A Pasteurized CREAM TOP and HOMOGENIZED WE NEED A LOT! FOR SALE OR RENT 1957 Mobile home 40 ft by 8 ft Two $2 300 Or bedroom, furnished $60 per month Phone PA For Home Delivery Service Phone PA food N TRAILER SALES trary N-- S&H GREEN STAMPS ch FOR Mrs S. L Moskowitz 10 WANTED own1 SANITONE CLEANING Utah ISSUE YEARLY REPORT CHICAGO (LPI) The vast ma jority of Americans get along quite well without tranquilizers despite popular belief to the con- 0-2- N-- WE LOAN Carpet Shampooers at no cost with purchase of Blue Luster shampoo Brigham Furniture 31 North Main Phone PA THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Brigham City, Tuesday, November 1, 1960 David D Stiles, director of Market Development at Abbott Laboratories, reported only one in 20 new prescriptions for private patients was for a tranquilizer type drug He added that m manv of these cases the tranquilizers were taken for discomforts unrelated to mental conditions, such as various of nausea in pregnancy and N ch FOR RENT Small 2 bedroom types after surgery house Unfurnished TV anten WILL TEND infant in my home Stiles said the tranquilizer marna PA 3 2754 l 323 Ho'iday PA 3 8658 N ch ket has tended to stabilize over FOR RFNT Basement apartment the past two years WILL TEND children in my home, Two bedioom Furnished Ph Monday T riday Phone PA 3 3180 LEGAL NOTICE PA 3 6018 l chg N-- l Probt and Guardianship Notices Con FOR RENT Small furnished apt suit Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers for In CHARLOTTE DEAM Trained, exAll utilities furnished Prefer formation non smokers Ph PA 3 5016 perienced, licensed operator in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ogden has opened her second Estate of CHAKLFS RhEVtS Deceased Creditors will present claims rest home Has room for one with FOR RENT Unfurnished vouihers to the undersigned at 31 First 2 bed ambulatory and one bed patient Bank Stturttv Citv Building Brigham room home l1- - baths, Willard I tah on or belote the 20th dav of De Home like atmosphere excellent PA 3 3547 cember, A D I960 3 M Pick-U- p WILL TEND children in my home PA 3 5421 l pd pi- Ford One SALE-1- 957 0-2- 7 l N-- PA QUILT BATTING White Miracle fine Celanese fiber quilt batting for only $1 50 per pound at EVERTON MATTRESS CO 24 E. 1 So. Phone PA 3 6431 FOR 27 DOUBLE GARAGE AVAILABLE Well move it for you. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE mileage. transmission Traction differential Call PA DRESSES coats and suits hemmed or adjusted Ph PA 3 6429 N 1 chg NEW two and three bedroom duplex apartments Unfurnished EXPERIENCED Baby Sitter 545 East Sixth South Would like to tend your children N-- l 7 3 chg while you work or shop Can give FOR RENT Trailer house good reference Ph PA Lights and water, TV, washer, dryer, furnished Ph PA 54 WILL TEND children m my home. N-- l North First East 8 ch In Willard area Ph PA 3 3590 3 FOR SAL- E- 1959 Chev Bel Air. Black Standard shift New tires Two snow tires $1 695 cash Or best offer Call PA 3 8723 14 West Forest RENT Four room unfurnished apt Will accept two children 505 South Sixth West Tranquilizer Sale TGnds to Stabilize I i '4 a Vwtvt - 4? 47, u A l vi 647 South Main Motor Co., Inc. Chrysler - Plymouth Valiant Jeep Phone PA 56 |