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Show of the Pacific football to family, church and kitchen, as game beone slogan puts it fore return.ng to Logan. Most observers agree that it The uni ersity marching band will be many years before male will be included in the tour and voters are ready to grant females will perform at the football game. voting rights on a federal basis. 9-- 1 Student groups from Weber colLike all other changes in the federal constitution, such a change lege and Snow college will join the Both fine arts and football are USU group for the tour, said Dr. Switzerland BERN, would have to be approved by a (UPI) Swiss men, who take a dim view majority of voters as well as can- on the program for participants in Twain Tippetts, head of fine arts of the equality of women and tons in a popular referendum. Alumni and the fourth annual fine arts tour at the university. have steadfastly refused her politUtah State others of the public are invited to scheduled Nov. by ical rights, recently added insult join students in the tour. Dr. TipUniversity. to miury by deciding that she Taking Chances petts said. TOUR participants will visit mushould continue to receive less pay HOLLYWOOD (UPI) John Beal A TOUR FEE of about $30 will than a man doing the same work. seums, galleries, ballet, musicals says he has never taken so many and round trip transportation by cover On m San Francisco. plays as he did during the filmThe Upper Chamber of chances will go to bus, hotel and tickets for all Who Saturday, Nov. 12, they Ten Walt of Disneys Parliament (Staenderat) refused, ing e shows. Students will pay for their River story in Stockton to attend the 'by 22 to 16 votes, to ratify Swit- Dared, a Colorado a he plays zerlands adherence to Internation- which al Labor Conference Agreement Number 100 which sets forth the Beal, who portrays Maj. John principle of equal pay to men and Powell, who was the first to exwomen doing the same work Powell was plore the river, said, The decision mpans that female fearless. I duplicated one of his woikers in many industries will go (pats, hanging by my left hand on dinwing only about 70 percent from a bluff 2,000 feet above the of the wages paid to men in the river. That was at a point called If I hadnt been Dead Horse same jobs ADVERTISING SERVICE JOB PRINTING lucky, they might have renamed The Lower Chamber of Parlia- it Dead Beal. PA BOX ELDER NEWS AND JOURNAL also ment (National) at ) Great Country Newspapers althe has approved agreement Complete adveitising service for all Box Elder County ready three times, trying to force Three bedrooms, full basement, Commercial Printing Quick Service Quality built-inl2 baths, $14,730. the hand of the more conservative minded Upper Chamber. Three bedrooms, brick veneer, APPLIANCES But the negative vote was the built-inll2 baths, choice SW no Phone PA third time the Senate has said BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC location, garage, carpeted and ALL GE APPLIANCES and probably marked the last time Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Dealer drapes. tor many years that parliament Rent an Ironrite Automatic Ironer for only $2 a Week on Box Elders Only Ironrite Dealer will be asked for a decision Three bedroom, brick veneer, the matter walk-ou- t ll2 baths, basement, APPLIANCE SPORTING GOODS THOMPSON HARDWARE In industry, it has been a cus1360 square feet. 41 South Main, Brigham City Phone PA tom in most parts of the country RCA TV, Radios, Record Players MAYTAG HOTPOINT to pav women less than men Bausch-Lom- b Colt Firearms Scopes Browning Automatics In politics, Swiss women had no GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS rights whatsoever until last year cantons w'hen the Window Glass Plate Glass Ltti Heavy Sheet Glass V and Geneva of Vaud, Neuchatel Automobile Windshield and Door Glass INC. Phone PA Mirrors Cut to Size gave them the right to vote and MERRELLS, 81 So. Main PA to he elected in cantonal elections AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS Other cantons may follow soon Mrs. Mclntire, PA But a maionty of Swiss voters still PA Johnsen, CUSTOM TAILORED AUTO SEAT COVERS fnmlv believe that women should Tailored to fit any make or model of car stick keep out of politics and Choice of fabrics and colors EVERTON MATTRESS CO. - 24 East 1st South - Phone PA Tuesday, November 1960 1, U.S. SAVINGS BONDS & STAMPS BUY Now paying n5 3. cw. ... at maturity USUs Annual Fine Arts Tour 3 Set Nov. Females Curtailed By MaleSolons In Switzerland THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Brigham City, Utah 6 4 9-- Special Introductory Price e means in addition to the tour ticket. Reservations may be made by caUng the fine arts office at OH USU. Events on the fine arts tour include visits to the San Francisco Museum of Art, Masonic Temple, GUARD ALWAYS! Episcopal Cathedral, Fishermans Village, China Town, the Royal Ballet of Great Britain, musical O Captain and Des-tr- y comedies, Rides Again, Nat King Coles Im With You," Golden musical, Gate bridge, Sausalito, Palace of the Legion ot Honor Art Gallery, and De Young Gallery and YOUR ARMY NATIONAL GUARD USU-Colleg- one-arme- d ferftOimtol '0-27- and BIG 5 DIESEL, DRUG STORES 36 South Main e '. s, a PA GLENS REXALL DRUG Brigham Citys Largest Drug Store Free Prescription Delivery Registered Pharmacist on Duty at All Times INSPECTION FARM EQUIPMENT PARTS s, 0 M & l. r-- A-- V - ' -- Jl $ 4 Jh C - " rW ? r . . French-speakin- Liau you cant beat the IHTERNAnCHALB'275 DIESEL B-2- 75 YOU FOR THIS HOME! Only $500 down, no qualification, immediate possession. 3 bdrm brick, full basement, caipet, curb and gutter. $15,600 YOU Mafch your payments to your income with the IH INCOME PURCHASE PLAN We CAN QUALIFY & Implement Co. PArkway Just South of Brigham City Airport in 2 and Assume existing loans. have several other listings ried locations. Brigham Truck BABIES & CHILDRENS QUALIFY FOR A GI LOAN? We now have GI loans tor some homes running from $13,150 up. They are covered by both Gl and FI1A loan arrangements. GI LOANS include a $100 down payment (on homes up to $16,700), lower interest rates; and you can qualify with less income. These homes are 2 and 3 bedroom split levels, bath or bath and V2, ranch style, with or without basement. Contact us today. CAN 3 bedroom homes in va- WEARING 22 South Main THE YOUTH SHOP Quality Always Costs Less BAKERY PRODUCTS AND Phone BARBER OOGOO00 9 90$0090090000000000000 cant vote if youre not registered Even if you had previously registered undi r your maiden name, you liavi to under your register again He sure your new name. married name is in t tie book! MOVERS1 If you have moved from the precinct wh re you were previously registered, you have to register again Make sure your new address is in the book! BRIDES! read this VOTERS! If you have (elihrated vour 21st birthday sim e the iasl elect ion (or it you will be 21 by hied ion I ) v), get your name in the book MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES see your Voting When you graduate from high school, they put your name in the school yearbook. W'hen you have a telephone installed, they put your name in the telephone book. But you and only you can get your name in the most important book of all the roll of Registered Voters of your precinct the Election Book. And if youre not in the book, you ought to be Because, if youre not registered, you cant get in the polls come Election Day. You cant even vote for dog catcher-mu- ch less mayor, councilman, congressman, senator, or president unless your name is in the book. You dont even have the right to complain unless youre registered and vote. So dont cut yourself out of this years key elections. Get your name in the book. A lot of your friends and neighbors are already listed there. If you know of one who isnt, take him with you when you go to register on this Roll of Honor of Americans, And then well see you at the polls! Otlutr for "the word on CHRISTIAN REFORMED On the Air KBUH Way of Life 8 A. M. KLO Back to God 9 A.M. Be sure youre registered! how you can vote. GOING AWAY ELECTION DAY? Vote first by Absen- tee Ballot Wednesday 7 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. Rev. Cornelius Kuipers At 652 South 3rd East a m. 6:30 p m Sunday Worship Fellowship Hour, Tuesday 7:00 p.m. 634 South Second East THE BIBLE CHURCH Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Evening Bible Message 7:30 p.m. Young People 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m., Bible Study 8 p.m. - DYEING - LAUNDRY - FUR STORAGE BRIGHAM CITY LAUNDERETTE & DRY CLEANERS 22 W. Forest One Day Family Wash Service White Shirts a Specialty Approved Sanitone Service Free Pickup and Delivery Phone PA We Give S & H Green Stamps LADY, YOU NEED A WORKBREAK We Never Close Do All Your Washing Simply Dryers 5c for 5 min. Huge Double Load 25c Single load 15c LAUNDERCENTER E CLEANERS - 5th South, just West of Main 330 South Main - Phone PA Everything You Wear We Clean With Care Whites and Drapes Our Specialty Pickup & Delivery Service Exclusive Gold Strike Stamp franchise for Dry Cleaners in this area. COAL SEED FEED FERTILIZERS MSP ISWmil HARDWARE MENS BUILDING SUPPLIES CLOTHING 74 South Main ZUNDELS Phone PA Complete stock of Mens Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes and Sportswear Kuppenheimer Florsheim, Arrow, Dobbs Complete Boys Department MOVING STORAGE C. R. JOHNSON TRANSFER CO. C. R. Johnson, Jr,, Mgr. Local and Long Distance Moving, Storage, Packing, Crating TRANSIT CO. Americas Finest Agent for 807 Forest St. - Phone PA Days or PA Nights 131 South Mam Phone PA Wholesale and Retail Dealers Alfalfa, Grains, Pasture Mixtures, Corn, Garden Seeds Custom Cleaning and Treating of All Seeds HORSLEYS SEED STORE CONTRACTING TYPEWRITERS Rentals ADDING MACHINES Repairs CASH REGISTERS Rented Sold Bought Repaired REMINDER OFFICE SUPPLY PHONE PA All Nationally Advertised Brands Handled PLUMBING HEATING SOFT WATER SERVICE CULLIGAN SOFT WATER SERVICE - 48 North Main - Phone PA Soft water service, Self service rental units. Home owned units. Industrial installations. Complete line of water conditioning equipment READY-MI- CONCRETE X HEAVY CONSTRUCTION FIFE ROCK PRODUCTS & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ready-MiConcrete East 5th South 1829 Wall Ave. Heavy Construction Brigham City, Utah Ogden, Utah 620 x Phone PA Phone EX AL CAZIERS CONOCO TIRES BATTERIES SERVICE - 301 So. Main - Phone PA Expert Lubrication - Washing - Polishing B. F. Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries Free Pickup and Delivery SAUNDERS SINCLAIR SERVICE f 704 South Main Phone PA Sinrf2Jfi Accessories - Lubrication - Goodyear tires and batteries. We Give Gold Strike Stamps At the Sign of the Dinosaur SIGNS GENERAL CONTRACTOR EUGENE HANSON PA 49 Grandview Rd., Brigham City Well custom-builyour home. Plans are available. Sales OFFICE EQUIPMENT SERVICE STATIONS Max Johnson, Mgr. CO-O- P Feed Seed - Fertilizer Wholesale and Retail Gasoline Automotive Accessories Phone SH Hardware Corinne, Utah NEON SERVICE FUNK 22 SIGN AND NEON SERVICE Signs of All Kinds McLaren Funk, Proprietor West Second North PArkway WINDOW SHADES DRAPERIES FOR YOUR WINDOWS by FAWSON-YOURYard Goods Cafe Curtains Draperies Beauti-Plea- t The new Snap-o- n Rods Klrsch Drapery Hardware 66 So. 1st West 6 .m, to S p.m. - Closed Mondays . Phons PA FVERYTHING Custom-Mad- SHRUBS LUMBER HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL BOX ELDER COUNTY Martin Senour Paint Hardware Plywood WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Phone PA MERRELLS, INC. (custom millwork) d The Box Elder NEWS and JOURNAL FUNDS 10-3- CHURCH 304 South Second East 11:00 A.M. Worship Wednesday, 8 P.M. Phone PA Hershey Julten, Pastor DAY-NIT- TRUST CHURCH COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Sunday School . .. . 9:30 Adult Study Group CLEANING IE MUTUAL 217 So. 4th E. Rasmussen Phone PA Representative of Financial Industrial Fund, Keystone Custo-diFunds, One William Street Fund, Wellington Fund, etc. S. M. Tri-Stat- HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH 271 North First West Lincoln School Divine Worship, 10:15 A.M. Sunday School, 9 AM. Donald 1. Ranstrom, Pastor, Phone PA BEAR RIVER VALLEY FIRST 11:00 A.M. SSI BESTWAY BUILDING CENTER ( formerly Phone PA Lumber - Plywood - Sheet Rock - Knotty Pine DeVoe Paint Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Chain Link Fencing - Roll Roofing - Shingles - Windows Prayer Meeting 7:00 P.M. NVESTMENTS LUMBER 504 South Sixth West 10: 00 A.M. 157 ROSES Complete Selection Patented and Shrubs Fruit Trees Evergreens Complete Landscape Service ANDYS NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER PA Perry Special Programs Sunday School Training Union Worship Service SHOP INDEPENDENT WASTE DISPOSAL COMPANY Service Offered Daily, Weekly or By Appointment for Commercial and Residential Establishments D. S. WRIGHT South 6th West Phone PA ANDSCAPING 128 So. Main Phone PA TROPICAL CAFE Visit Our Beautiful Tropical Room Regular & Hickory Q Dinners Buffet Lunch Smorgasbord Also Catering to Special Parties and Banquets CHURCH SERVICES and restyling Free Pickup and Delivery GARBAGE AND RUBBISH REMOVAL Cafes & Restaurants PLACES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH You East Side) HOME REDUCING CHOICE EATING Phone PA South Main FURNITURE JOHNSON First in Brigham with Electronic Permanent1 After Summer Sun, Your Hair Needs Reconditioning. Deeper Waves, as Sott as Natural Curly Hair LEWS BEAUTY SHOP - 51 North 1st West - PA in me book 86 Refimshing Upholstering Repairing 35 Years Experience Antiques Our Specialty 142 North Main (Rear Entrance) PA BEAUTY SHOPS - HAIR STYLING - BEAUTY AIDS 1 Norge and Philco Appliances LOOK YOUR BEST Always Convenient Parking BEAUTY AND CARPET CO. AMERICAN FURNITURE Northern Utahs largest selection of carpet Mohawk, Firth, Beaty 5 Years to Pay Also Custom Furniture Nothing Down Materials shown in your home Be slim for summer fun Stauffer Home Reducing Plan Thelma Hess, Couns., Tremonton AL Brigham Zenith 779 is your name n 1 FURNITURE AND FLOOR COVERINGS SHOP Plaza (Rocket Bowl Building PA Troy M. Miller PA Watch for Announcement of Special Meetings Maxwell A. Pohl, Secy., Phone PA Phone PA LAURITZEN UPHOLSTERING Add new beauty to your old furniture by PASTRIES o ELECTION . . . Amity Lodge No. 23, F & A M Stated Meeting: First Wednesday of Month SHOPS 509 Rocket MILLER REAL ESTATE 98 North Main IF YOUVE MARRIED, MOVED, OR COME OF AGE SINCE THE LAST ORGANIZATIONS FRATERNAL URNITURE RESTYLING & UPHOLSTERING We specialize in beautifully decorated WEDDING CAKES AND SPECIAL PARTY CAKES All varieties baked goods fresh daily from your local bakery. FOOD KING BAKERY For Special Orders Phone PA BARBER Phone PA FINEST IN NATIONALLY ADV. HOME FURNISHINGS FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS All Types of Floor Coverings Floor Polisher for Rent 31 North Main BRIGHAM FURNITURE Phone PA APPAREL The Home of World Famous FARAH JEANS Outwear Any Other Two to One SANDERS J, H. Miller PA O Farmall Tractors South of Brigham City Airport CL g We Have Homes With Gl Loans engine work, for pennie. per hour Ruggod 32 hp (estimated) to handle more jobs better than eve Exclusive differential lock ends wheel slippage S forward speeds match job and field conditions hitch handles more tools than any other Live" Hydraulics give fingertip tool control Constant-runnin- g pto adds use to pto machines Rugged design assures lew maintenance, long life IH comfort and convenience make it all easier Diesel on your farm. See Arrange to try the new how this new IH tractor will do more for less on every job. BRIGHAM TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. International Harvester Parts and Service e T Paying more but getting less? eliminate the guess work. SMITHS TV SERVICE, Call us. Our complete service check Day and night service, all makes. 335 North Main PA Quality and Service Art Our Objective |