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Show W9 I Universal Microfilming Corp. 1L1 Pierpont Ave. Lake City, Utah No Shady Deal ... Bond Issue Will Mean County Tax Increase cial burden to build such a home In so doing they This is the third in a current series of should take the following factors into consideration articles Intended to explore all aspects of the nursPresent estimates place the cost of a proposed county nursing home in Brigham City. Todays article deals with proposed ing home at $318,000 including the building and furLeGrande Tea, county welfare director, methods of financing the home. nishings The Box Elder County commissioners are not says this is the top figure, it may be less The federal government is expectd to pay about trying to put something over on the voters in proposing a $200,000 bond issue, intended to help finance $118,000 into th project fiom Hill Burton funds Tea a county nursing home says officials of the Utah Depaitment of Health have hike m the assured him the money will be available when reTheyve stated flatly that a county levy will be needed to pay off the bonds As quested It seems that Box Elder has a top priority for they propose it, the repayment will take place over a federal aid since it lacks so conspicously in facilities period to care for its aged Thats the progiam, pure and simple funds consumed a big share of the bill What Box Elder voters must do on Nov 8 is to decide whether or not to carry a share of the finan- - for Tooele county's new $300 000 nuising home And lecent construction of a chronic disease hospital inj Both the county attorney and the state attorney Weber county also was financed in pait bv federal general have opined that the most suitable way for monies the county to raise money is through a bond issue. Now Box Eldei county stands in line to shaie in Another aspect of the financial picture is the site Uncle Sams donations presently valued at $10 000 which was given to the But the fact remains, citizens will have to pav a county as a gilt from the Sons of Utah Pioneers. $200 000 jKntion if the bond issue passes The property already is approved for What will this mean to the aveiage taxpayer funds It can be explained this wav If constructed, it is hoped to make the home A hike in the county lew would mean an sell Patients who can afford it will be suppoitmg additional $1 annually for every $1,000 assessed valu- - asked to pay their way. Relatives and churches will ation This amounts to about $1 80 more a year for be asked to contribute for those unable to meet the the average home owner in Brigham City expense This doesn't seem like much when compaied with Pei sons who cannot receive help from either of th value and convenience of having a centiahzed these sources will probably be eligible for public county nursing home woith $318 000 d n n Volume 63, Number 45 BACK NURSING HOME LeGrande Tea, county welfare director, and Mrs. Roy Thompson, Brigham City Civic Improvement club, look over brochures which include facts about the proposed county nursing home and the coming bond election. The local club paid to have the folders printed in a move to support the project. Thiokol Accepfs Bid On Production Plant Thiokol Chemical corpoiation's Wasatch division, has accepted an $11 862,000 bid for initial construction of Air Force Plant 78, it was announced by Edward F Nauman, Wasatch division general mana- to Nauman, the conis to begin actual on-sit- e According tractor Brigham City, Utah, Tuesday Morning, November 1, 1960 8 PAGES Board Accepts Bid Of $48,447 for Thiokol Sales Reported at $124,429,898 McKinley Addition Thiokol Chemical corporation this week rejiorted that net sales for the first nine months of this year, ended Sept 30, totaled $124,-42898, with resultant net profits A $48 447 addition project is slated to get underway at Tremonton's McKinley elementary school this week The improvement will provide the school with kitchen facilities much needed for several years The Box Elder Board of Education just recently accepted a bid on the project fiom David L Phillips of Smithfield The Cache valley contractor re- portedly was moving equipment onto the scene early this week He I 9 after taxes Jan6l of $2,663 006. In comparison with last year, work within five days Some 100 structures aie included the sales during this penod were in the same, while net project at present Thiokols Wasatch division is re- earnings were 34 percent lower. sponsible for the design, construc- Earnings per share weie set at 58 ger tion and operation of the Air Force cents this year as compared with Nauman said notice to proceed facility which will manufacture 90 cents last year. had been given on the joint ven- production models of the first A TWO PERCENT stock diviture bid made by three compa- stage of the Minuteman ICBM dend payable Nov 30, 1960 was new The locaInc Diversified , establishment is Buildeis, nies, Paramount Calif , Johnson Con- ted adjacent to the Thiokol Utah declared at a meeting of the board of directors of Thiokol struction Co Salt Lake City, and division, west of Brigham City Bids on the project were receiv- Chemical Coiporation held Friday, the Kaiser company Oakland. Oct 21 The dividend will be payed last week in Ogden Calif. able to stockholders o frecord Oct. - lirsc Hunter Spends mple 'b There were five other bids re- ceived for the addition. The high HT M proposal of $58,063 15 was submit- ted bv Lewis J Peeples, Brigham City contractor. A The addition which includes a Rfl kitchen and remod-eling to lavoratories has been con- templated for some time 31 An Ogden man suffered a frost-- , when completed, it will elimi- bitten foot but appaiently was all nate an inconvenient situation in Rocket operations experienced food is now prepared in the thiough the third quarter a conright otherwise Sunday after spend-- which room and schools tinuation ot certain non-fe- e bearJ ing the night wandering ost in the F,then taken to students in the var- ing contract overrun costs, howof AIM FOR TURKEY SHOOT These Brigham City Lions club members are pointing for a good turnout mountains east Perry 10us ciassrooms ever, the problems causing these at their third annual Turkey Shoot, Saturday, Nov. 5. Showing their enthusiasm here are William Grifof 1006 He was Ray Swift, 22 added costs are presently subsidTHE KITCHEN will be built ad- fith, Myrland Balls and F. Leland Seely, club president. avenue Adams ing room jacent to the SALES FROM Chemical OperaSwift was the object of a brief which will be converted into a caf- Cache county woman mzed in the Logan LDS Temple tions to industrial customers dursearch that began at daybi eak Sun-- eteria at lunch time through the Survivors include her husband, and mother of three children be- use of tables. ing the first nine months of this son ond one w0 day and ended one hour later when daTu8hter those for the came Box Elder county's 14th tiaf- In other business, board memyear approximated and James Callan same the lost huntei walked into camp dean, of 1959, this being a to voted have bers period afternoon ButtarSi a of ic fatality Dairy Thursday ciarkston, her par- He told Deputy Sheriff Oilin Allen piovide vending machines and when she was killed in an accident Lilts, Ciarkston, three sisters, Mrs favorable comparison in the light of the general downturn of industhat he became lost while track- drinks in the district's secondary Paul (Lorren) Claik, Malad, Idu- near Garland trial activity currently being exing a wounded deer and haJ walk-ee- schools. Mrs SwenJoseph (Marinda) Mrs Gwelda J Buttars of Claik- - ho, perienced Reduced sales to the The board all night trying to find his car, accepted ston was killed instantly when the son Ogden, Mrs Frank (Beverly) Rocket Divisions, however, is red bid to provide The skilled and the less skill-- 1 slated for 5 30 p m Top items to quart conLake Salt Wainer, near City the to road auto she was driving left reservoir. paiked Perry flected in a decrease of 21 percent ed of milk, orange drink and to turn out Satui-dainvited are be tainers alumiinclude an away noith-easgiven t Funeral services and burial were in total sales from Chemical Operand struck a tree two miles Swirt who had left his home in chocolate dunk for eight cents. Nov 5, for the Brigham City num ice chest, a Remington 22 The audience of Utahs principal inducted under the direction of ations of Garland Ogden early Saturday morning was The drinks will then be available Lions third clubs annual a calibre transisautomatic rifle, Veterans Turkey this Day observance Nelson Funeral Home in Logan "The net profits from the third According to Pattolman Burtis Shoot tor radio, a Sunbeam steam non, reported missing by his wife after in the machines for 10 cents each reach several may millions, year he failed to come home that night Quarnburg of the Utah Highway There was only one other bid quarter, $926,358, reflect a slight according to Major General Max-w'eThe shoot is an affair a Sunbeam ladies razor a Weber received Patrol, investigating officer, the acoven and a pair of snow Mrs Swift notilied the improvement over the second E Rich, Utah Adjutant Gen- and will be held on the future Easouththe cident occurred when County Sheriff's department quarter and a 13 percent gam over eral MODESTY WON out in the issue gles home site, east of the city tires bound auto traveling on Utah Highthose for the fust quarter of 1960. of these prizes need The of winners whether or not to have boys course 8 The Box sixth THE Elder annual veterans day County Sheriffs way 82 left the road, traveled 100 Net profits for the last quarter concert will be and a host of other not be present to claim them, office was alerted and Allen along wear swim suits m high school and the Turkeys by presented feet along a fence line and then are expected to be better than Utah National Guard said with Deputy Sheriff Milton Bywater junior high school swimming classagain this pnzes are being offered to shoot- Jeppsen struck a large tree those for the previous quarters, In addition, there will be a turdrove into the area to direct search es in the tabernacle on Temple ers and lucky ticket holdeis during year The auto was torn to however, because of the lag in pieces, The board voted to require Events will include trap key given away every hour but for activities in Salt Lake City at 8 15 the day Square said Quarnburg profits during the first nine months p m on Nov 11 where 10,000 shooting for the veteran scatter-gunner- s these the winners must be presschools to purchase suits, rent of Members the Box Elder Gwelda Jaidine Buttars was born and as earlier, earnings are expected to them to the students at $1.75 a and spatterboaid a com- ent lack Frost made his first offi- for the repoited gather to honor 1960 will be Jan 25, 1031 at Ciarkston, a daughShooteis may use their own guns Jeep patrol and Weber year, and provide laundry service year appreciaot Utah bination skill of veterans all our luck and but wars ter of James T and Jayne Williams cial visit ol the fall and winter bly lower than those of last year, both and ammunition or they may use County jei p posse joined in looking nu, of rentdl fees living and dead Another mostly luck (or the lost hunter Jaidine She teceivcd her educa- season tn this area dunng the ear- Thiokol officials said This action came after the board The shoot is being conducted on guns provided at the shoot and large audience will be reached tion in the C ache county school and ly at the ammunition Acconcession buy hours, The scarcheis set up camp one heard the results of a survey in Sunday the broadcast of a 30 min- the opening of Utahs pheasant mnimng through had attended North Cache High stand mile east ot the Perry reservoir the matter. ute segment of the program over hunt to offei some shooting fun companying him was a temperaschool and LDS Seminary Supt Walter W Talbot presenKSL to radio those nimrods to who fail ture reading of 23 degrees, the get REFRESHMENTS also will be where Swift had parked his car She was married to Vcrl Buttars Radio Free Europe has asked nough shooting afield There un- sold dunng the day undei the di They spread out acioss the rugged ted the survey which yielded these "coolest on this season record on May 6, 1949 in Salt Lake City statistics for a tape of the program for re- doubtedly will be many a hunter lection of Frank Dallon Chairman terrain at dayhicak Do you favor To the question and later the marriage was solem- - Corinnes low that night was four broadcast to the 79 000 000 cap- hiading home Satuiday with a of the trap shoot event is Myilund However, they weie out only an the of swimming trunks degrees less than that, being 19 included wearing his tives behind the iron curtain for the in turkey H bag Balls hourh when Switt walked unaided while d iy taking swimming classes degrees, according to Charles ClifTickets be tiom into may camp purchased THE PAST SIX years this proOf the students responding, ford, local weather observer GENERAL CHAIRMAN Wynn anv Lions club member or at the Swift said that dunng the night 82 23 percent said gram has been recogni7ed as the yes and 17.77 shoot Daytime temperatures have no The parents is lost one shoe his idle and a bow percent said he list- principal observance of Veterans Jippsen said a prize di awing The court First District has F Leland Seely, club president s been in the and forties and ariow which he had taken were less emphatic, with the marDay in Utah This year even moie anfunds fiom the that for the past five days and Mon- ed three cases for trial during the are ixplained his hunting a gin being 60 44 percent to 39 56 knife and expected to attend nual event will be used to support along CWO Thomas H Maxwell days low was below the freezing month of November in Box Elder will percent flashlight a woithwhile communitv project mark also conduct the Utah National Guaids 2b In addition county Class A high Now under ot his said Allen considei a amount Swifts are ation However more warm weather hools were polled to see if they Master of cere si Following are those cases as 23rd Army Band loidside paik in Box Elder can- wanderings indicated he had nevA Rupeit, Idaho man, John T is in store for this area befoie Old docketed on the court calendar monies of the program is Keith classes sans suits Sixer hi en mort than thiee nulls condjcted yon and improvements at the bow-eiand Man Winter puts in his appearYazzie, 22, was fined $200 of KUED Uni Television teen schools replied that they had Engar Nov Ranchers aw c av the Lions fiom the ir (which built) such Marketing versify of Utah Rex Campbell sentenced to 100 days in jail Sat- ance Clifford predicts High cloudno pool eight said their students vs Edward E. et is a hi nch and storage for cooking Swift vv is taken to the Dee Me wine suits urday after appeal mg in Bngham iness and warmer temperatures breach of contract Valcarce,10 a al, prominent KSL Radio and KUFD Thete was none that suit, m., Television equipment an adequate stage or moiial hospit il wliett he was tre.il- - indicated its students went swimwill City court on a drunk dnving are forecast tor the coming week, personuhtv pie trial. a mini able wall on the south and! A Whitlock of James jury Bngham sent "I Am The Guard he said ed fot thi fi ost bitti n toot charge The ming without suits itv this week was named direc- wist sides Nov P. C Petterson vs combined choiuses of the Gt unite Iv Si ot Match expiessed hope that School District High schools will tor of the 1961 Ni w Dimes foi Box F Idei county pi opli ot Brigham City and sing stveial numbers accompanied areas will turn out in The appointment was announced by the Guard Band In Ross Bowen chan man of the lnipi numbeis Even if a person Admission is free through pi dm xn t shoot it will be intiiest-mN itional of the county chapter of .nailable tukets to watch the tiap shooters in foundation Campaign dues ate thiough all Utah Nation il Guard . . . action he said Armories, junior and si mot high fin "The New March ot Dimes al schools thioughout Salt lake V The Red Cross Bloodmobile will stop in Brigham ucady has made a suhstami il be and most civic clubs ginning in its exoandid piogiaml City Tuesday, locating ot Building 81, Intertoday, ot seeking to pi event both ikftctsl GET ON BOARD, MR. VOTER mountain school, to give residents of this area a and arthntis in addition to con chance to donate blood imuing to seek tot il contiol of c im the ni w paralytiA polio" The blood drawing will be conducted from 1 to paign director dcclaied under the direction of the local chapter of the Tin fust increase in Mountain The people of Box f i.U (nun tv through their splendid support Fuel Supply companys American Red Cross and sponsored by the Box Elder dividend of the Match of Dunes foi mote in mine than five Medical Auxiliary yeats was voted on election day All aboard1 for four months and in his pies-en- t town on election dav can make than 20 veais, have conti ihuted Fridav bv the companys boatd The hours for 60 Blood donated at this drawing will be credited district for The legist! ation special is stopdays The time plication and mark a ballot in substantially to a registering aie gieat hi ilth pro of dim tots at a meeting in Salt 8 a m to 9 p m Inhumatis figured to election day ped in all of Box Elder county s from just a few minutes at the cleiks gi im that resulted in the Salk I ake Citv Box Elder county, making it possible for an ample to It will be here today, ion about the agents address in 41 districts Voters who move fiom one dis- office vaccine The rnnv dividend is 35 cents a supply to be available at the local hospital for those disVoteis who aie physically Tuesday and Wednesday to pick your district may be obtained by trict to another within the county The 19td New Match ol Dimes shate an mu ease of five cents a News the and in need of it. Journal or are required to transfer their reg- abled and confined at home or tn otters There is no charge for blood used from up names of cititns who have not calling; opportunity for all of us to share over the former dividend of the office clerk's county to ed vote be This done istration yet registei submit a the Red Cross supply. be a part of w'ork aimed at pre- !0 tents a share The fmmer divmay any- a hospital must Those otherwise qualified The special has made several who time up to the Saturday pi lor to cians cei title ate in applying for vention of still more of the idend had been in i fleet since Aug Mrs. J. Gordon Felt, local chairman of the Red gieat Auwill need to legister aie new res- election day other tups through here since an absentee ballot cnpplers that afflict so manv mil- 8, 1955 Cross blood program, and Vince Loosli, of IntermounIts a good idea if you didnt And the envelope in which the lion of Americans today he said gust and bolstered its passenger idents, those who have not regisThe board also declared a list considerably But the tered since turning 21 years old vote in the Sept. 13 primary to ballot is sealed must be notarized I am confident that the tain school faculty, are in charge of arrangements for in the new people quai Icily dividend holdovei this week will be and citi7ens who huve not voted in check on your registration status Olsen hastened to point out that ot this county will continue to fight amount (35 cents a share) payable the blood drawing today. its last before the Nov 8 general any election dunng the past two County gent K. B. Olsen this ballots must be letumed to him in foi better health for themselves Dec 12, 1960, to stockholders of election Every eligible person is urged to visit the blood-mobil- e week said that time is running time to he delivered to the respec- and then years childten through the recoid Nov 18 1960 In the pret on board after The who who for those isn to short on vote tive polling places election day. New March of Dimes, both as residency requirements say Anyone plan vious quarters ot this ycat, a divi-today and give a pint of blood to help save tomorrow will be left waiting at a person must have lived in the by absentee ballot Ballots to outlying districts will be,unteer woikers 30 of dent a has their cents share been through the life of someone in need of it. the station, without a right to vote state for one year, tn the county Persons who figure to be out of bent by mail. contributions. paid. I IftOUnlOSn AlBQ , Young Cache Valley Mother d 1 multi-purpos- e Dies as Car Leaves Highway multi-purpo- Lions Bid Sportsmen National Guard 1 roll-awa- y d Veterans Day Program Set by To 3rd Turkey Shoot d one-thir- West-inghou- all-da- y ll Jack Frost Visits Here District Court ( Dockets Cases For November Idaho Man Draws Fine, Jail Term mid-fiftie- Brigham Man For Tipsy Driving v To Head Drive 2 C 4 ( Bloodmobile Makes Local g Stop Today v MSF Dividend Increase Voted Registration Special Sounds Final Summons two-da- 6pm y vol-an- d 1 So Give! |