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Show I- Gty, Utah November 17, 1959 Tuesday Morning, THF BOX flDFR NEWS, Brigham 0 HELP WANTED Single man from WANTED 55 to years of age for ranch hand, familiar in feeding here-for- d cattle. Room furnished, no board. Prefer LDS. Write Box l. S, o Box Elder LOST Bear 65 SALE FOR FOR 0 SALE FOR O FOR SALE 0 SALE FOR, O FOR SALE SALE LOST and FOUND Fishing box on bank of River. Reward. Phone 0185-R- 0 FOR SALE 1958 Chev. Delray, 10 FOR SALE Speed Queen convenMUST SELL sharp black 57 Volks THANKSGIVING SPECIAL FOR SALE Good clean 1952 Ford WANTED TO BUY sedan. Can see at 167 and 45 rpm tional washer. Phone 689-- J after amatic. See Homer Tingey, Ph. just completely reconditioned. F. off all Stereo, $25 DOWN and About South Third East after 6 p. m. Record stock ftom Thursday, 732-6:30. Make offer. B. Wiser, 839-CASH PAID for your old piano. $50 per month Nov. 19 to Sat., Nov. 28. Includes evenings. Call Ben Grant, Phone 1365. H for GOOD this low-loSedan Pontiac 1959 FOR SALE WANTED Lady to work in rest Tabernacle Choir, Lords PrayO HELP WANTED Rambler, no answer. Phone 977. 795-J. New Tires and Battery home. Phone SKyline er, and mileage. Call Spirit of Christmas, MY rugs and chairs look like HI LAND DAIRY PRODUCTS WANTED Full time female cab album 1714 Messiah.. PHONE new. Clegped with Blue Lustre. driver. Call 741-CENTS GIFTS, New Theatre So easy to do. Brigham FurniSTEVE ROSE FOR SALE Boat motor, 35 hp. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ture, 31 North Main. Phone 250. Bldg., Tremonton. QUILT BATTING ALAN E. BROCKBANK--- 72 N. 3rd West Phone 1211 Evinrude. Call 1136. fine Celanese wants to keep books at home. White Miracle fiber quilt batting manufactured Phone 2979. Brigham City, Utah FOR SALE New Voice of Music Invites You To Watch Us Build A by Stereophonic records. Call 1166. EVERTON MATTRESS CO. 24 E. 1 South Phone 27 FOR SALE Fireplace wood. Get Nows The Time To Get before stormy weather. Phone These Customer Approved homes have been developed over FOR SALE 392-Utility trailer, very CHRISTMAS GIFT PHOTOS or 392-the last twenty years in which we have built over 4000 homes in 84 bed good condition, 16 x 44 x Utah. You wilt be pleased and surprised to find we use materials Experienced men desirous of qualifying for promotion with COMPTONS STUDIO with directional Phone FOR SALE We have several used lights. and construction features usually found only in homes at much 102 So. Main Ph. J No. 39 Tumble plows, recondi1553. higher prices. tioned and guaranteed. Brigham Apply in Person FOR SALE Brand new WinchesTruck and Implement. Remember, seeing is believing, so come in and see for your- -' ter Model 50, recondiFOR SALE Completely shotgun. South Main self. Then ask John Weigel, our representative, about availability 672 Retail value $134.95; bargain at tioned television sets, $45 up. and prices. $105.00. See at Brigham Truck Breitenbeker Electric, 69 South after 6 p.m. Yours Very Truly, Must be neat, furnish transportation, and willing to accept superand Implement. Main. ' 80 ACRES IRRIGATED Good modcril brick home vision. If you feel you have managerial ability and meet above with good outbuildings. This Get mild, odorless, skin color COOK WANTED tc-place is only about 7 miles qualifications, appear in person between the hours of 12 noon and II & M Ointment for mild skin CLEAN CAR from Courthouse right here at crackeven irritations, burning, 1 p.m. and 5: 00 and 0: 00 p.m. at 675 South Main Street. in Brigham City. THIS MAY ed, itching athletes foot, (fungus Continental Real Estate and Insurance Co. CAFE JESSIES BE JUST THE PLACE YOU infection). You must be satisfied Sales Agent HAVE BEEN LOOKING or your druggist will refund. Perry, Utah FOR. It may be possible to . 1050 South Main Brigham City use your home in trade. 56 FORD F350 Dual Wheel TWO BEDROOM FRAME Phone 1970 P.O.Box 447 modern Neat, completely $1295 two additional with home, jmmm bedrooms in the b asement. SIMCA '58 Large garage and patio. This built-i- n 2 car garage, 3 bedroom brick veneer, full basement, 6000 miles place is about ten years old and oven, fireplace, (1950 sq. ft.) 1 year old. $27,500. range and is in good condition. $1395 Tremonton. OLD BRICK Two bedroom, large kitchen, 6 room home on 1 acre. $10,500. Garland. 55 CADILLAC 62 garage. Landscaped, fruit trees. Southeast Brigham loNew homes, 3 bedroom brick veneer, l'2 baths, lull basement, fully equipped FEED SEED FERTILIZERS COAL SERVICE ADVERTISING JOB PRINTING cation. carport, $15,700, FHA. Brigham. $1895 LOTS MORE CO-O- r EH HIV HEAR VALlttk We have choice lots in Brigham and Tremonton. Mu Xonnson, 11(1 BOX ELDER NEWS AND JOURNAL Phone 1000 Yes we have other attracFeed Seed - Fertilise Great Country Newspapers homes tive for your inspec55 CHEVROLET Wholesale and Retail Gasoline Automotive Accessories Complete advertising service lor all Box Elder County REAL ESTATE we can always tion. BUT Hardware Phone 2001 Bel Air Model, Corinne, Utah Quality Commercial Printing Quick Service use more. We have a number 17 North Main Phone 1493 $895 131 Phone South Main of QUALIFIED prospects for HORSLEYS SEED STORE Vernon Pett, Phone 465-- J F. Jesse Petersen, Mgr. APPLIANCES Wholesale and Retail Dealera good homes. ALSO LOTS alfalfa. Grains, Pasture Mixtures, Cora, Garden AND RANCHES. FARMS '54 DESOTO 1190 wwtnfw elnsnlnf Phone BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC pHwf FINANCING Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Dealer ALL GE APPLIANCES V8, with power We have the best of facilities Rent an Ironrite Automatic Ironer for only $2 a Week. WINDOW SHADES DRAPERIES $695 for financing and we have a Box EldeTS Only Ironrite Dealer INSURmodem, FOR YOUR WINDOWS by FAWSON-YOUREVERYTHING APPLIANCE ANCE DEPARTMENT. THOMPSON HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS Yard Goods 10 Cafe Curtains Custom-MadOff on All Stereo, IliFi and 45 RPM Records in Stock From Draperies Beauti-Plea10 CARS 41 South Main, Brigham City Rods Phone 163 t The new Snap-oKirsch Drapery Hardware 49 to '52 Models Thursday, Nov. 19th to Saturday, Nov. 28th. Includes Tabernacle MAYTAG RCA TV, Radio, Record Players HOTPOINT 9 a.m. to 5 pin. Closed Mondays. Phone 474 66 So. 1st West Bausch-LomChoir Lords Prayer. Spirit of Christmas, and 2 Record AlFirearms Colt ONLY Browning Automatics Scopes $99.50 PARTS INSPECTION bum Messiah. FARM EQUIPMENT Hi-F- i, News-Journa- c-- w SPECIALTY SALESMEN WESTERN HORIZON HOME WAITRESSES WANTED 5-- NATIONAL ORGANIZATION LlanL BARGAINS 1 'iV, EXCHANGE 1 THANKSGIVING SPECIAL e n C B. Williams b AUTOMOBILE GLASS, MIRRORS & GLAZING BRIGHAM TRUCK BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. FURNITURE 24 305 526 FURNITURE BABIES & CHILDRENS WEARING APPAREL RESTYLING & UPHOLSTERING INSURANCE BAKERY PRODUCTS & PASTRIES Auto - HAIR STYLING Fire Truck Life DEE ADAMS, Local Agent Res. Phone 905 685 South Main Brigham City We specialize in beantifully decorated WEDDING CAKES AND SPECIAL PASTY CAKES AU varieties baked goods fresh daily from your local bakery. For Special Orders Phone 857 FOOD KING BAKERY BEAUTY SHOPS 649-N- HARDWARE LUMBER - BEAUTY AIDS - S BLUE PRINTING MARGARET R. EVANS Phone 1300 J or 1782 Copies of all Tracings, including House Plans Phone 170 LUMBER (Bestway Payment Plan) Lumber Plywood Sheet Bock Knotty Pine DeVoe Paint Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Chain Link Fencing - Rool Roofing - Shingles Windows LUMBER HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL OF BOX ELDER COUNT! o Martin Senour Paint Hardware Plywood APPLIANCES WEST1NGUOUSE Pbone 8 WFRRFLLS. INC (rnstnm mlllwork) MENS CLOTHING Reasonable Fees Prompt Service Leave work at 218 North Sixth East after 4:30 ptn. CHOICE EATING PLACES Cafes & Phone 858 74 South Main ZIJNDELS Complete stock of Mens Furnishings, Clothing. Hart Schaffner & Man Shoe and Sportswear Complete Bovs Department Florsheim, Arrow, Dobbs Restaurants 128 So. Mato Pbone 83V TROPICAL CAFE Visit Our Beautiful Tropical Room STORAGE MOVING Regular A Hickory Q Dinners Buffet Lunch Smorgasbord Also Catering to Special Parties and Banquets C. R. Johnaon Jr Mgr. C. R. JOHNSON TRANSFER CO. Local and Long Distance Moving, Storage, Packing, Crating CHURCH SERVICES Special Programs TRANSIT CO Americas Finest Agent for AEROMAYFLOWF.R 807 Forest St. Phone 1684 Day or Night Brigham C'ltT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 126 East Forest 10:00 AM. Rentals Sunday School .... OFFICE EQUIPMENT Sale Prayer Meeting Repair 7:00 P.M. Training Union. Tuesday 7 P.M. CASH REGISTER!1 11:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. TYPEWRITERS ADDLNG MACHINES Worship Service . Sold Rented Bought Repaired CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCn Rev. Cornelius Kulpert PHONE I REMINDER OFFJCE SUPPLY E. Ou the Air 652 S. 3rd AU Nationally Advertised Brands Handled Sunday Worship 8 A.M. KBlH Way of Life' Church Training class 10:15 A.M. SOFT WATER SERVICE KLO Back to God 0 A.M. 4:30 P.M. PLUMBING HEATING Vesper Service HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH Lincoln Elementary School, 271 North 1st West Divine Worsihp ... 10:1$ A.M. 1:00 A. M, Sunday School Dnnnld T. Ranstrom, Pastor, Phone 1932-COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Church Schol Morning Worship Hershey Julien. Pastor CLEANING - DYEING 304 South Second East 0:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Phone Mt - LAUNDRY - FUR M CULLIGAN SOFT WATLR SER1VCE 48 North Main -- Ph. it Soft water service, Self service rental unit. Home owned nulls, Industrial Installations Complete line of water conditioning equipment READY-MI- CONCRETE X HEAVY CONSTRUCTION FIFE ROCK PRODCCTS A CONSTRUCTION Ready-MiConcrete 120 East 5th South Ueavy Construction Brigham City, Utah Phono STORAGE 4 J L k i i A 23 1957 MERCURY 9 Pass. Sta. Wgn., Pushbutton Trans., Power Brakes. 1 958 PLYMOUTH 6 Pass. Sta. Wgn., Torqueflite, V8 Engine. Best buy. 1 955 CHEV. 4 Dr. Sedan, V8 Engine, Standard Trans, New Paint. 1 959 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. Belvedere, V8 Engine, Pushbutton Tran. 800 mi 1 955 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. Belvedere, V8 Eng., Auto. Trans. One owner. 1 954 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 Dr. Beautiful Turquoise & White 1955 DODGE 4 Dr. Coronet. Radio, Auto Trans. Best buy. 1953 CADILLAC Cpe. DeVille, Mechanically Tops. Priced Low. 1 954 DESOTO 4 Dr. Sedan. A fine medium weight family car. 1 954 CHEVROLET. The best 54 Chev. in town. 4 dr. Powerglide. 1 954 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. Sharp and clean. A swell second car. 1 953 CHEV. Top condition for model year. Very well cared for. 1 953 PONTIAC 2 Dr. Beautiful green. Come in and drive it. 1 956 MERCURY Pheaton 4 Dr. Hardtop. Youll like this beauty. 1955 Hudson 4 Dr. Newly overhauled engine and trans. Low price. 1 954 Dodge 2 ton Truck with well kept cattle bed. See it today. COMPANY 1829 Wall Avn Ogden, Utah Ph SURE 0?V mis OT3 Wm TOO D . , WELL TRADE AND REMEMBER LOW COST BANK FINANCING 1959 FORD 2 TON CAB WE SHEET METAL 330 South Mam PHONE CLEANERS ROOFING Everything You Wear We Clean With Care S HrATINO At BOB SlirET METAL ROOFING Whites and Drapes Our Specialty Pickup Delivery Service All Type of Roofing ami Sheet Metal Work Exclnslve Gold Strike Stump franclse for Dry Cleaners In this area FREE ESTIMATES B&IGnAM CITY LAUNDERETTE ft DRY CLEANERS 22 W Forest 93 North Main Phone 161 Robert C. KHvIngtnn One Day Family Waah Service White Shirts a Specialty Service Banilone Free Flckup and Delivery Approved TIRES BATTERIES Phone 92 SERVICE STATIONS .. We Give S ft H Green Stamps 801 BOl'TH MAIN Ai. CAZIERS CONOCO IfcKVICE MODERN CLEANERS ft DYERS 89 No. Mato Phono 89 Washing Polishing Expert Fabrication 8 Honr Berrien Licensed Sanltone Cleaners B. F. Goodrich Tire, Tube and Battetie Furs Cleaned Glased Fur Storage We Give Gold Strike Stamp. Free Pickup and Delivery. Ibonc 1048 Wo Give BAH Greeu Stamps Delivery Servlet 87-- f ; BUILDING SUPPLIES TRI-STAT- E LATEST HINTS ON REVLON MAKEUP AND A NEW LINE LN 51 North 1st West LEWS BEAUTY SHOP Phone 75 . Tremonton New Theatre Building ALL USED CARS PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE AND FLOOR COVERINGS Phone 154 LAURITZEN UPHOLSTERING Add new beauty to your old furniture by and restyling Free pickiiffanddeliwry Materials shown in your home The Home of World Famous FAKAH JEANS Outwear Any Other Two To One 22 South Mato THE YOUTH SHOP Qnalltv At wav Costs less 9l GIFTS ORGANIZATIONS FINEST IN NATIONALLY ADV. HOME FURNISHINGS FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS Hoover Sales and Service Special Prices on USED FURNITURE 31 North Main Phone 250 BRIGHAM FURNITURE 119 So. Main years of friendly service Auto Repairs Goodyear Tires Garage AAA hr Towing Service Phone 23 067. 43 GENTS 6th South and Main Brigham City R 27 CAR INSPECTION JOE CARR, Inc. ' vii r. I Amity Lodge No. 23, F & A M Stated Meeting: First Wednesday of Month Watch for Announcement of Special Meetings Maxwell A. Pohl, Secy., Phone 1005-- CUSTOM AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone 300 Phone MERRELLS INCORPORATED Sales and Service John Deere Farm Equipment. Complete Parts Department for Your Spring Repair Large Selection nf Used Farm Equipment FRATERNAL EVERTON REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 140 South Main Phone 6 qr 714 IMPLEMENT CO. 27 North Main AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS TAILORED AUTO SEAT COVERS Tailored to fit any make or model of car Choice of fabrics and colors 24 East 1st South MATTRESS CO . Phone & International Harvester Parts and Service Farmall Tractors DARRELLS GLASS SERVICE, Perry, Utah, Phone 0395 R2 Skilled Mechanics Complete Glass Service No job too big, none too small Reasonable Prices Prompt Service GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS Window Glass Plate Glass Heavy Sheet Glass Automobile Windshield and Door Glase MERRELL8 INC. Mirrors Cut to Sire Phone WILL A TAILOR BED Priced Exceptionally TO Low-Pric- m 647 South Main Brigham City, Utah FIT & CHASSIS YOUR NEEDS To Sell ed 7000 Mile 2 Spd. Differential Deluxe Cab 5 Spd. Transmission 172 Wheel Base MOTOR CO. Inc. Phone CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH JEEP 81 -1- 146-1247 |