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Show I Mother Knows Best i f .V:-- .; The following un ths from Cooley hospital. ' are Memorial NEWS, Brigham Gty, Utah Morning, November 17, 1959, 3 he s. Harvey Lavell and Anna Beth Nebeker Kennington, Brigham ty, girl, Nov 10 Glen Porter and Ruth Jeppsen ensen. Brigham City, boy, Nov. Q,; A, THE BOX ELDER Most Y. Treed role PLAINVILLE, Conn. (UP!) A Cornell University survey of of Gen George Custer in "Tonka 194 guls in the 9th and 10th gradis played by Britt Lomond, who Penny Perry, 11, climbed a tree to es indicate' that they follow their last played Capta-iMonasterio, rescue her pet kitten, but firemen mothers advice more than just the villain in the Zorro TV ser-it- had be be called anyway. Penny couldnt get down. doing what their friends do. flew Arrivals !'XA N (UP1) Tuesday adolescent gills buy the theory Villain to Hero that mother knows best HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-TITHACA, ; 0 Wallace Dean and Dorothy Lou Nowell Olsen, Providence, twin boys, Nov. 19. Wesley Dean and Mary Fae Andersen Harrup, Sunset, boy, Nov. 10 Thomas Robei t and Esther ouise Peterson McMillan, Brig-tCity, boy, Nov. 12 Tarrell Raymond and Narlene ea Clark Freeze, Tremonton, ill, Nov 13 Keith and Colleen Petersen Nut-1Brigham City, boy, Nov. 13. Vernon and Diane Dalton Drew-s- , Brigham City, boy, Nov. 14 . Carl Edmond and Beverly Car-- I Ellis Cobia. Ogden, boy, Nov. 14 KNOW YOUR TOWN Mrs. Merlin Jeppson of Brigham City League of Women Voters is directing activities a the League begins to study and publish a Know Your Town booklet. Among the people interviewed for the project are Radio Operator Sneddon and Chief of Police John I. Johnson, standing. Bobby Merin and Betty Braeg-e- r McNeely, Brigham City, girl, ov A CENTURY OF QUALITY 14. Monte and Janice Andreasen hournos, Tremonton, girl, Nov 16 League of Women Start Know YourTown Booklet Brigham City League of Women Voters announce the beginning of a study period at the close of which they plan to publish a Know Your Town booklet, Before the local league can become affiliated with the national lergue it is necessary to be a provisional league for the period of a year. During tms time they study, interview various people, delve into books at the local library and gather information for the publishing of the Know Your Town booklet. Chairman o fthe project is Mrs Merlin Jeppson with the following committee membe'S- - Mrs Dean Kenny, Mrs. James H. Cole, Miss Anna Erickson, Mis. Arvol Smith, Judge Ida Merrell, Mrs. Margaret R. Evans, Mrs Grant Allred, Mrs Jack Sargent, Mrs Raymond C. Swanson and Mrs. Donald J. Morrow. Plans are for the booklet to be composed of eight chapters including 1 Town characteristics, LUCKY WINNER Baty Morrison (left) was the recipient of a k y to suit given away in Zundels long prize serve its grand opening. Ole Zundel, store holds the suit for Morrison to inspect. four-wee- Local Navyman population and commun-munitlife 2. Town government 3 political parties and election, Personnel, finance and equipment 4 5 Public health and welfare; 6 Protection and' public safety; Streets, public utilities, housing and zoning, 7 Recreation, and 8 Education. First unit meeting on the proposed booklet will be conducted Thursday, Nov 19 wuh the usual and evening sessions morning scheduled Morning session will be held at 10 m at the home of Mrs Grant Allred, 625 South First West. The evening session will begin at 8 p m. at the home ol Mrs Blame Rich, 810 Eliason Drive. The lessons will begin on town history, give-awa- Takes Training In Air Control ' IN EVERY BOTTLE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON. HgH A PARK k TILFORD SPECIAL SELECTION The 6 nest tatting whiskey of its type" 1 -- i RESERVE J? 86 PROOF. PARK I TU.F0RD, HEW YORK Daryl L. Gee, chief radioman, JSN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Letho L. Gee, of 51 Noith First West, Brigham City, and husband of the ormer Miss Francis A. of Oakland, Calif , serving with the Tactical Air Control Squadron, participated m a Pacific Fleet amphibious training recently olf Camp Pendle ton fcalif. Purpose of the operation, known as Eagle Eye, was to insure the continued readiness and high state if training of the Pacific Fleet Amphibious Forces. This particular exercise was unt que in that the assault and build up was conducted entirel yby hell from the USS copters operating book Princeton. Mac-Tmg- characteristics. Plans are to publish the shortly after the first of the year with courtesy copies sent to all persons interviewed as well e to town officials Brigham Soldier Completes Army B-l- -G Training Course INVENTORY CLEARANCE Pvt Wynn J. Bott, son of Mr, and Mrs. Melvin B. Bott, 540 North Third West, Brigham City, basic elec 'completed the ironies course Nov. 5 at the Army Signal school. Fort Monmouth, SALE SPECIALS GALORE THROUGHOUT THE STORE N 188 $ The Ideal Christmas Gift Reg. at $3.98 ROBERTAS J. Bott was trained to assist in the maintenance and repair of integrated fire control and guided missile equipment. He entered the Army last May and completed basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. A 1957 graduate of Box Elder soldier High school, the 20 year-olattended Weber college in Ogden. d Do you believe in Brigham City? Whenever you travel business or pleasure We do! On the sound foundations of this communitys economy, a new and even more prosperous economy is being made. First Securitys fundamental business philosophy is attuned to the progress of this Cares and tensions fade away like magic when you go Union Pacific Domeliner. on for extra comfort and relaxation ,go on a luxurious Union Pacific train. Its a wonderful way to catch up on your rest ... to enjoy delicious food at reasonable prices . . . carefree relaxation in the lounge cars. . Heres another tip with Union Pacifics Family Fares you can take your wife along y for just the fare for the round trip! one-wa- community. We want to make it prosper. Every linking service you need can be found at First Security Dank. For information, reservations or help ith your travel plans, see your nearest Union Pacific ticket agent. w .. Pvl lacvrtr Iona Utah, N K f.de.4 D.poa letwenc .for dependable transput tut'um - passenger and freight CcrpcraMM V t |