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Show Thursday, Nov. 0 cene O.C18L Telephone Aileen L. Nelson, Society Editor Pair Will Wed in 771 Chapel Friday Oak Camp Oak Camp DUP members are of regular November reminded meeting to be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 18, beginning at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Alice Gardner, 411 West Sixth South. A good attendance is desired. e Deseret Camp 121 North Mrs. Erma Peters, First East, will be hostess to members of the Deseret Camp DUP Nov. 21, at on Friday evening, 7:30 p. m. l. A They plan to make their future home in Brigham City. Catholic Bazaar A cordial Hot Turkey Dinner Served to 265 at good attendance is anticipa ted. Public Invited to invitation Is extended by St. Henrys Catholic church to bazaar all to attend the annual set for Saturday evening, Nov. 21, in the church recreation hall. Events will begin at 3 p. m. and continuer until 10 p. m. General chairman is Anthony Guzzo.' Menu for the supper will include barbecues, pie, coffee and soda1 pop. Bazaar items will include doilies, pillow cases, aprons and various other needlework done by the ladies of the church. A fish pond will delight the children and games and refreshments will be available for all. Chairman Guzzo announces. Top prize of the evening will be the presentation of a $100 defense bond. Assisting the chairman are Godfrey Pommier, Walter Englehardt, and Don McClane. LOVELY MISS ENGAGED The approaching marriage of Miss Carolyn Poulsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Poulsen, Brigham City, is announced. She will become the November bride of Gerald Dunn Friday, November 20. Sunflower Camp Mrs. Artie Session was hostess to members of Sunflower Camp on Thursday evening, Nov. 12, at her home , Captain Karen Wilde presided with First Vice Captain LuWana Jensen conducting. Pledge to flag was given followed by invocation by Kathryn Reese. Members attending totaled 18 with one visitor. Group s&ng, Long Long Ago followed by welcome by Mrs. Jensen to Mrs. Jennie P. Carlsen, county camp president. Captain Wilde gave an interesting account of the Central Camp convention held in Salt Lake City. Following discussion it was announced that date of Christmas party will be announced in the near future. Twenty-sigood cheer visit reports preceeded the announcement that County Camp convention is set for Corinne on Nov. 21 at 1 p. m. Two minute reports from each camp will be expected at the con- Professor Regular meeting of Welcome of Brigham Wagon Newcomers City will be held today, Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 11:45. a.m. at Rainbow Room at Rocket Bowl. Smorgasbord will be served and speaker of the afternoon will be Dr. Glen Christensen, professor of child development at Utah State University. Accepting reservations has been Mrs. Drew Haun. 9 The Civic Improvement club of Brigham City will meet Thursday, Nov. 19, at the War Memorial Home. The meeting date has been advanced a week due to Thanksgiving Day falling on the regular meeting date this month. The social hour will begin at 3:30 p. m. and meeting at 4 p. m. with Mrs. Howard Mills, president, presiding. Mrs. Dorothy Olsen of Brigham Floral will be guest speaker for the afternoon. Her topic will be Festive Frills for our Holiday Home. Mrs. Olsen will present and demonstrate many items for Thangsgiving Day table center-pieceChristmas table decorations, and many other Christmas decorations for the home. Musical numbers will add to the Reception Honors Newlyweds High Priests Party d - talking's relaxed on a bedroom afternoons entertainment. Mrs. Harry Bloom and Mrs. in Leon Rees are charge of program arrangements. Heading the serving committee will be Mrs. Zenos Earl, with the CALENDARS AND Showing calendars to go on sale to be given handicapped children are Girl Scouts, Mrs. and following ladies assisting; left to right, Loraine Dickman and Linda Sue Barsballe, William Tyson, Mrs. Delmar Whitwith Kathl Ann Kennington, Brownie. ney, Mrs. Dan Petersen, Mrs. Ira Larsen, Mrs. Orville Sackett, Mrs. Mark Nielson, Mrs. Fred Holland, Mrs. Earl Seegmiller, Mrs. Mae H. Peterson, Miss Stella Young, Mrs. Edward Dorsey and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mrs. Mills invites all Civic club members to be in attendance and Girl Scouts are busy again with bors. The project is conducted in learn how to make the holiday order to secure funds to be used season more enjoyable for their various projects. Brownies of Neighborhood 7 have in the local neighborhood. Since families in their homes. been making as a com- the local scouts are not affiliated munity service project and will with United Fund they use this soon present the completed items means of securing funds for operto members of the handicapped ation. They do receive services childrens class at Bear River from the United Fund via Wasatch Council, however. Elementary school. are woven from newspapers, covered with clear plastic The average Canadian spends and used to make chairs more 23 percent of his pay check on Bazaar time has rolled around comfortable. . for members of the Relief society The elder scouts groups begin food and the average American of the Corinne Second ward. this week selling Girl Scout calen- 24 percent a smaller share than All families in the community to their parents and neigh anywhere else in the world. dars are invited to attend the event x vention Prettily Arranged Wedding A prettily arranged wedding reception with a piik and white theme honored recently-weMr. and Mrs Dennis Michael Hinkle. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A delicious hot turkey dinner was served to a group of 265 persons A. Perry, Brigham City, parents at the North Box Elder Stake High of the bride, the former Marilyn Priests quorum party Saturday Helen Perry. The reception was evening at the Seventh ward rec- held at the Perry home on Friday, Nov. 13. reation hall. The dinner was prepared The pair was wed Nov. 2 at and served by members of the quorum Evanston, Wyo., with Justice of presidency and their wives, in- the Peace performing the rites. cluding Mr. and Mis. Lewis S. Attending the event Friday eveWight, Mr. and Mrs. George A. ning were a number of relatives, Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert R. friends and neighbors, many from Beecher, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Morrell. The bridegroom is the son of A. Fullmer Allred was master of Mr. and Mrs. lleniy W. Hunt, of ceremonies for the program which Chicago, 111. followed the dinner. Program numFor her reception the new Mrs. bers included the following: Vocal Hinkle chose her wedding gown, solos by Paul Merrell, Eldon Bott a brocaded white satin sheath with and Jana Nielson: a reading by small matching hat. She pinned Vern Petersen; a mixed quartet a corsage of pink roses and white number by Mr. and Mrs. John R. carnations ut her shoulder. Swan, Mrs. Muriel Nicholas and For the wedding reception, Mrs M. E. Gibbs- of Harper ward; and Perry chose a gown of grey silk a ladies quartet comprised of Mrs. with pink accents. Her corsage Elbert Beecher, Mrs. Herman was of pink carnations. Hadfield, Mrs. George Rollins and Both the bridegroom and Mr. Mrs. Walter Everton. Perry wore white carnution bouA delightful evening was spent tonnieres by the large crowd in attendance. Highlight of tho living room was the brides table. The table was covered with a h.nderoi heted tamore ble doth bv Mis Jeumtte R. Per-- ! ry and was centered with an arrangement of pink carnations and white White chrysanthemums. candles and tiny cupids stood on either side of the floral center-piecGuests were registered in the wedding book as they arrived and refreshments were served by Mrs. Jerry Velasquez, Miss Deanna Nelson and Miss Iiene Bdhngham. Arranging the many beautitul " gifts presented to the were Mrs. Stephen W. Rose and daughter, Deon S. Rose. The couple is now residing at 2202 Adams Avenue, in Ogden. The bride is employed at Hill Air Force Base and the bridegroom, a former member of the U. S. Air Force. s currently employed at Ketchum Building and Supply in Ogden. A lovely bridal shower honored Mrs. Hinkli at Hill Air Force Base recently. Many lovely gifts were presented by just-weds- Thora Watson, accompanied by Pearl Compton, sang, "When You and I Were Young, Maggie." The history of John L, Thomae was read by Mrs. Rae N. Christensen, historian, followed by a review of the book, Corinne, the City of the Ungodly, written by Bernice Andersen by presented Mrs. Iva N. Barker, Mrs. Alice R. Rich, Mrs. Martha Jensen, Mrs. Jean Brudered, Captain Wilde and Vice captain Jensen. Meeting adjourned following the Have I Done Any singing of Good." Refreshments were served by Mrs. Sessions and Mrs. Alton Reese. Seagull Camp DUP Seagull Camp DUP will hold November meeting et the home of Mrs. Violet Jensen, 135 North First West, Wednesday. Nov. 18, at 7:30 p. m. A good attendance is desired. Sego Lily Camp Mrs. Laura Morris, 88 South Third West will be hostess to members of Sego Lily Camp DUP Thursday evening, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p. m. S Various Projects Keep Girl WHY WE COOK FOOD Cooking dots maka food mor ap- petizing, lofteni hard and tough foods and kills microbes. However, some raw foods are more digestible and retain their vitamins bat-te- r. Scouts Busy in Neighborhood 7 We keep in step with the march of medical progress Corinne Second mM Tells of Full Bazaar Agenda take that will at 58 So. Main 4 Saturday, at place Nov. 21, beginning Free Prescription Delivery Phone p. m. 7 the church house. Bazaar begins at 7 p. m. with cansupper, program, home-mad- e ty, baked goods, fish pond, white elephants, rummage and parcel post sale, plants and bazaar items listed on the agenda for the evening. Those in charge also report that ai door prize is being offered. nothings better ) than fliwVf Third Ward Bazaar To Be Held Friday Third LDS ward bazaar will be held Friday, Nov. 20, those in charge announce. Supper will begin to be served at 6:30 p.m. with boothes to open at 7 p.m. Menu for supper includes chili, sandwiches, potato salad, jello salad, pie, ice cream and soft drinks. Families are invited to attend, eat supper and enjoy the evening. Bazaar items on sale will include dish towels, pillow cases, luncheon clothes, quilts, rugs, pillows, quiet books, stutfed animals, handkerchiefs and novelties. A fish pond will be in operation for the children; baked food department will feature a variety of breads, cakes, pies, cookies, and homemade candy. A special vacation gift booth will be under the direction of the gen ealogical committee. Corinne Camp DUP A Bible produced at Geneva in After hiring the young man, the Corinne Camp DUP will bo held 1560 as called the Breeches Bible gave him a broom. at the home of Mrs. Vivian Jones Genesis 3:7 reads: employer And they sew Your first job,1 he said, will be Friday afternoon, Nov. 20, at 2 ed fig leaves together, and made to sweep out the office themselves breeches. p. m. Im But, the youth protested. college graduate. replied the boss, Very well, Hand me the broom, and Ill show you how." SLEEPY TIME? extension phone nine new 1 Is USU s, November wedding vows will be exchanged by Miss Carolyn Poul-sedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Poulsen, Brigham City, and Gerald Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dunn, also of Brigham City, Friday, Nov. 20. Bishop Dean Compton of Seventh LDS ward will officiate at the chapel in the presence of family members and close friends. The bride-to-bis a graduate of Box Elder High school and LDS seminary and is employed at the Thioko Chamical corporation. The prospective benedict is also a BEHS and seminary graduate and he, too, is employed at Thio-ko- ' Newcomers Guest Civic Improvement Club Will Meet Briqham City, UtaR November 17, 1959 Tuesday Morning, THE BOX ELDER NEWS, You Can Rest Assured That Your Children Are Sleeping Comfortably With Proper Support for Their Growing Bodies With An colors... to order, call any business office o! Mountain States Telephone EVERTON MATTRESS not WIIISM W ill Delight The Kids , kb0' ;; V QayiW TRUNDLE ffilBnraiifc, v. BEDS BUNK BEDS Matching . CHESTS $105 $105 . $32 EVERTON MATTRESS THE LIGHTER BOURDON ST! AIGHT IOUISON WHISXIT 0 4 MOOT StlMONI DISTIllINO CO., UWItNCilUia, IMP, 4 traveler of dacron and rayon and crisp all day. Perfect for the giil etays neal on the go cauc it gives two different smart looks lets you wear the cropped jacket over the permanent tkirt or w ith the elim blurt. DlutkW hitc, Navy TliU See Our Complete New Slock Of POLlMirD MAPLE WAGON WHEEL DESIGN COMPANY 24 East 1 it South Phont 27 m il For a Beautitul, Practical Gilt That flrhWHil Mt.itr mm two-skirte- XL d 3 pc. douhlc-Lrea-ite- J d suit mite, TanWhitc. only at czyoiwnui s 56 South Main |