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Show ffffi You ; geta i good In deal the f V C Guard AIR NATIONAL Americas Citizen-Soldier- s BEHS On Arson Charge Do Research on Box Elder High Names Football Theme Material King and Queen By Jo Markham By Arm Moskowitz A special assembly was held Monday, Nov. 10, to - celebrate Two Brigham City men were bound over to First District court for trial Friday after preliminary hearing in city court arson. on charges of Richard H. May, 21, and Darwin Hansen, 18, were charged with starting a fire at Harper on October 22 which destroyed of (he 1,800 bales of hay. GUARD Both were free after posting $1,500 bail. No date was set for trial. mm mm m mm HIGH Spring' Mattress mm TRIMMED STYLE-BR- ASS Smart? looking ,Mo Comfort ond Slrangth t No Sof)y lotModdor 'Coavortt tao v- EVERTON 24 - e vm BY METALCRAFT Inner- - ?ytf yyyr Pair Bound Over third-degre- Join Your Local Unit ff fffi 4 Seniors During the past two weeks, Box Elder High school seniors have been working on research themes. This is a project of the English IV classes and is designed to teach students how to use the library more efficiently in gathering material, how to organize the material, and how to write it up in developing their subjects. Subjects for the themes were chosen from the field of science. This is in line with present day philosophy, that the survival of democracy is based upon the outcome of the science race between Russia and the free world, especially the United States. The Federal government and the school systems are pushing science tc the front in order to win this race. Box Elder High school is supporting this effort. are coordinaAll departments ting their efforts with those of the science department where-eve- r possible. Assigning a science subject for an English theme kilis two birds with one stone, the stjdent learns more about science and he gets training in writing all in the same Brigham Seaman Is Assigned to Carrier Keg. $113 , ' Dale J. Skinner, seaman USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Skinner cf 236 South Second Vest, Brigham City, is serving aboard the Navys, newest and largest aircraft carrier USS Ranger operating out of Alameda, Calif. The Ranger is the first of the Forrestal class flattops to be assigned to the Pacific Fleet. Introductory Price Twio 1 99-9- 5 '""AT CO. MATTRESS Phone 27 'East 1st South TN-- Enemy Camp NEWS LIVERMORE FALLS, Maine 10 (UP1) Ernest Moilicone, 55, alBrigham City, Utah most dropped his pipe when he 1958 Local saw who had joined his two kit- Wednesday, November 19, tens in eating catfood out of a Middle age: The time of life William S. Richman, 70, died dish on his porch. It was a gray when your favorite night spot is at his home in Logan, Saturday, mouse. a seat in front of the television. after a long illness. He was the father of Ellis E. Richman. 119 East Sixth South, Brigham City. He was born Feb. 19, 1888, in Paradise, to John William and Jayne C. Sinfield Richman. He matried Elizabeth Norris, May 7, 1913, in the Logan LDS tem10-D- M ple. He was an active member of the LDS church being a High Priest in the Mt. Logan stake. Survivors include his widow, RECORD ALBUM sons ana daughters, Ellis E. Richman FREE with purchata of any Brigham City; Mrs. Duane (Phoebe) Jones, DuWayne Richman, both of Paradise; Mrs. Marian (Lenore) Mendelkow, E. la just 10 days you un Providence; W. Lowell Richman, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER learn touch typing! This is Weilsville; 24 grandchildren, two the quick, sure, easy way te Prices from just and three brothers. iaarn to type BIGHT! Funeral services are scheduled Get A Wednesday noon in the Paradise LDS chapel. Friends may call Cot tho Album mill Wednesday after 10 a. m. at the up to 2 years to pay home of DuWayne Richman. Burial will be in the Paradise OFFICE cemetery. Death Takes Father Of Box Elder Resident iEDUCiVTGi APPROVED! the close of the football season. All of the senior members of the football team and a representative from the junior and sophomore football players gave a short talk on their activities of the past season and expressed their gratitude to the coaches for the fine work they had done. Choose Royalty Final Terry Shio and Betty Huggins SERVICES HELD rights were conducted Tues- were chosen King and Queen of day for Samuel E. Snow who Fpotball to reign until next year. died Friday night following Betty Hoggins is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hugt. a short illness. gins, 741 South Third West. Betty is a very active member of the senior class and was a participant' in the Peach Queen contest last September. Terry Shio is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Masvo Shio, Corinne. Terry was a wing back on the football team this year. He did an outstanding job for the team There are few dark days ahead in scoring many of their winning for the people who have learned to spread sunshine. Samuel Earl Snow, 65, of 657 points. North First West, died in the Cooley Memorial hospital Friday at 9 p. m., following a short illness. He was born Feb. 23, 1893, in Bigham City, a son of Lucius A. and Elizabeth Wilson Snow. He wa3 reared and educated here. On Dec. 12, 1917, he married Grace Hess in the Salt Lake LDS temple. He had resided here all of his liie and had been engaged in farming and cattle breeding. He was an active member of the LDS church, having served as a ward teacher and Sunday school teacher. He held the office of High Priest at the time of his death. Survivors include his widow; thice sons and three daughters: Lorenzo H. Snow of Grand Forks, N. D.; Samuel E. Snow, of H. Willis Jr., Snow, Flwood; Mrs. Wynn (Juanita) Jensen, both of Brigham City; Mrs. Nate Four penlighf power it (Betty Grace) Kilfoyle of Kays-viile- ; Mrs. Frank (Olive Ruth) 1 Measures a mere Vz by ZVs by Bailey, Jr. of San Diego, Calif.; five grandchildren; a brother Black or turquoise case h and a sister; Robert K. Snow of Brigham City, and Mrs. George Tliorestensen of Ogden. What style . . . savings! Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at 1 p. m. in the Bigham 'City Seventh ward chapel with Bishop Dean Compton officiating. Burial was in the Brigham City cemetery under the direction of the Harold B. Felt Funeral Home. s Brigham Man Dies Following REMINDER Short Illness SUPPLY MORE thrifty Santas get for a dollar DURING Pemieys THURSDAY 57450 Smith-Coron- al PENNEYS) CHRISTMAS NOVEMBER 20 -- 21 -- 22 FRIDAY SATURDAY batteries The Price is Right on says Star of Bill Cullen NBC-TV'- a Lecture Series fabuloua ahow, "Th. Prlco la Right" ENTER BIG SANDRAN "THE PRICEvIS RIGHT CHRISTMAS CONTEST X v v.y yv: A- JUST GUESS THEIR sWN ' RIGHT PRICE!... heavy elumi num kitchenware aet 1 Westinghouse portable muter 24 piece Stainlew Steel Flat ware set 5 pc. Cannon tdwel set t Proctor ironing toar 34 pc. Sabin China set 12 pc. Buelceya I electric twoway toefcy ITS EASY1 Westclon FUN-I- TS Your prizes delivered before ' i i ' ' ' VN ' K ENTER JUST BY COMING Christmas! Simply come closest to guessing the ectual retsil value of these prizes you see on display et our store. ..end they're ell yours, including a big Sandran floor for your kitchen or any room in your homo tup to 20 tq. yards) o - what SAVE YOU PLENTY! WINTER COAT j SPECIALS! wool coats in V' plains and patterns. New p A modern chemise styling 'T or straight flowing lines. 100 I: Begins Thursday Womens Coats The first lecture will be held in the Fourth ward chapel, however the succeeding lectures will be held in the Box Elder stake tabernacle. The lecture subject for Thursday evening will be A Religious Centered Life, and Dr. W. W. Richards will be the speaker. The lectures will be given on Thursday evenings of each week for the coming six weeks, making a total of seven lectures in all. Tickets for the entire series may be purchased from any of the presidents of the Seventies quorums at a cost of $1.50 a couple, or may be purchased at the door. $16.00 Group 7:30 p. m. Penney own . . . made exclusively for us by one of Americas top radio and TV manufacturer. Ha 4 transistor plus one diode that cant break or burn out, are energy marvels 1 Tone is terrific! band grip, tkovldor - $20.00 Group $25.00 $33.00 Sizes 3 . tonor i ! n V. lit- - Group 1 Group All 2 styles Group 3 $00 headquarters for Kodak Comoros ... Film .. . photo aids. Comptett selection 0! outfits, tool V 11 i -- y pair MATCHING VALENCE 50c You get so much more for your dollar at Penneys. More patterns; provincials, scenics, moderns ... $ kitchen prints. ONLY AT PENNEY'S AT THIS PRICE! ACETATE TRICOT BRIEFS .CONTEST ENDS DECEMBER 19th A Penneys offers you great savings! Carefully ored acetate tricot briefs. Five colors. Small, or large. BROWNIE me-diu- m S00 HER NYLON BOUFFANT SLIP MAKES HER FEEL MORE GROWN-U- P A Budget outfit for making movies showing Heres a complete movie outfit ... ... an amazingly low price for equipment of its quality. To make movies, there's the deluxe-modBrownie Movie Camera with fast f2.3 lens. To shove hem, theres the NEW EMBROIDERED CHOCOLATE FASHION BLOUSES 20 CENTERS! Ol el In case of a tie earliest entries will win. $0 5144 super-versati- Brownie 300 Movie Projector, complete with preview screen. all for $32.50 COMPTONS FLOOR COVERINGS 145 North Main Phone 346 ART & MUSIC CO. 102 So. Slain i Ph. 5-- J Sizes 32 to 40 embroidered blouses are real holiday dress-up- s in hand washable Dacron, cotton and nylon. Choose from more new styles and colors. Our schiffli More of those fruits, nuts, solid pieces you find in expensive assortments. Cream centers, too! Our fine quality Mary Esther chocolate candies. more SHOP PENNEY'S . . . to 14 It stands way out and feels so nice because its taffetized. There are more savings at Penneys, so she can have a couple! sizes J i Ittwit OUTFIT HURRY IN TODAY!. t tail- - end patterns! Crown Quality $3.29 sq. yd. & .Nr. ONLY SANDRAN has new Gold Me tallies... near gorgeous Vinylwoods...over 100 decorstor color, aq. yd. (6 and 9 ft. widffts sq. yd. in 12 ft widths t oor-ttra- ONLY SANDRAN com, iparkTing bright with a swish of sponge mop. It never need, icnibbingf ONLY SANDRAN cant spot, cant staid...' defies dirt, bleach, grease, even Kids! ONLY SANDRAN wears so well. ..offers yo. Guarantee! an exclusive Beauty-Wea- r HIS C MORE CHOICE . . . MORE CHARM IN OUR COTTON CAFE CURTAINS SHOP FINNEY'S . . . you'll liv twttM, you'll mvo MORE! PHOTO GIFT IN TO SEE AMAZING NEW VINYL to 14. $9.00 - $14.00 - 516.00 phono. 1 4. GIRLS COATS indudat 4 ponllght bottorim vol 2 Group $ CARRYING CASE AND EAR PHONE TAILOR-MAD- E FOR YOUR RADIO Coio list SpociallPri Mn Mw.u 1 Group 3 POWERFUL TRANSISTOR RADIO. ..PRICED LOW HERE! ! It.ilw fj The Seventies quorum of North and South Box Elder stakes are sponsoring a series of Faith Promoting Lectures begining Thursday evening, Nov. 20, at t ;3-M- JUST IN TIME TO 4 I - ONLY AT PENNEYS AT THIS PRICE! BOY'S DURENE COTTON BRIEFS 2 fr B0 Durene is four ways better more absorbent longer wear easy to wash ! lasting lustre YOUL'L LIVE BETTER, YOU'LL SAVE! J n.l 7. LA............ t- 6 I |