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Show Barbara ocial Telephone 771 December Wedding Plans Made December wedding plans are being made by Miss Roxalene Ridd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ridd, Brigham City, and John Edwin Belliston, son of Alva F. Belliston, Nephi. The young couple will exchange wedding promises Friday, Dec. 19, in the Salt Lake LDS temple. They will return to Brigham City and the same evening be feted at a wedding reception in the Fifth-TentLDS ward recreation hall. The bride-to-b- e is currently employed as a registered nurse at the LDS hospital in Salt Lake City. She is a graduate of Box Elder High school and seminary and Brigham Young School of Nursing in Provo. Mr. Belliston is a graduate of Nephi High school, has fulfilled an LDS mission to Uraguay, and is now completing an accounting course at the Universiay of Utah. Following their marriage, the newlyweds will reside in Salt Lake City. h Catholics Announce Clothing Collection St. Henrys Parish, Brigham City, will participate in the 1958 Catholic Bishops Thanksgiving Clothing Collection for the needy overseas, members of St. Henrys Altar Society announce. Wearable warm used clothes, e blankets, shoes and other items are needed by the millions of men, women and children in other lands, those in charge explain. The general public as well as parishioners who have items to contribute may bring them to St. Henrys Catholic church, 380 South Second East. , ' Berlin , A Tale of Two Cities' Announced As Theme for Civic Improvement Club Lecturer use-abl- Nelda Parsons Is Sorority Hostess Regular meeting of Xi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home of Mrs. Nelda Parsons. President Leah Barker conducted. Communications from International were read. It was announced that the state convention of Beta Sigma Phi will be held in Cedar City. A report was made by social chairman, Merl Craghead, on the rushing events ,fun party, and tea. Announceprefential ment of the pledge banquet was made. Director Phyllis Owen then introduced DeAnn Ebeling and Jean Davis who presented the lesson, The Sense of Sight. Mrs. Cleo Dixon will present the next lesson. After repeating the closing ritual, refreshments were served by Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Davis. Hostess gift went to Mrs. June Sholty. Clement Sons Celebrate Birthday Anniversaries Birthday party fun was twofold as Gary Lee Clement and Scott Lee Clement, five and three year old sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clement, celebrated their anniversaries last Friday at the home of their parents. The youngsters played table games, pinned the tail on the donkey and fished for gifts in the fish pond. Luncheon was served from one long low table centered with a birthday cake. Many lovely gifts were presented to the excited Clement pair. Guest list included: Johnny Bruderer, Ronnie and Kim Hunt, Michael Nielsen, Lynn and Lewis Watson, Steven Landon, Brent and Annette Nelson, Jolyn and Dewayne Jensen. Public Relations Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Bingham, Honeyville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Gary R. Stacey, son of Mrs. Christina Stacey, Woodruff and the late Fred Stacey. Wedding date has not been set as yet. The bride-to-b- e is a graduate of Box Elder High school and seminary and is employed at Lee Service, Accounting Brigham City. The prospective benedict is a graduate of South Rich High at Randolph and just recently returned from an LDS mission in Australia. He plans to enter University of Utah winter ceme Aileen L. Nelson, Society Editor Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ridd, Brigham BETROTHED City announce the betrothal and approaching marriage of their daughter, Roxalene, to John Edwin Belliston, son of Alva F. Belliston, Nephi. Miss Ridd has chosen Dec. 19 as her wedding day. Vows will be exchanged in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. lam Betrothed Card Of Thanks v 'K ). : i , ni' y - .p'Sy'v.i-.'- V-- - 7 .; ii' V s' rvV' Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation we feel toward those who, by their kindness and generous assistance, helped lighten our burden of sorrow at the time of the death of James II. (Jim) Poulsen. We wish especialy to thank the ward and Relief society bishopric May Gods blessing rest with those who came to our assistance in any way. Mrs. Jim Poulsen and Boys. Mrs. Lawrence Poulsen and Family. r. ,' -S j vnti frimwMtrfft iflffln Miss Barbara Bingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Bingham, Iloneyville, is engaged to Gary R. Stacey, son of Mrs. Christina Stacey, Woodruff and the late Fred Stacey. Date for the nuptials has not been set. ENGAGED Class Set Thursday The second class in Public Relations in Selling Goods and Services will be held Thursday morning at 7:30 a m, at the Chamber of Commerce office. William C. Winder, of the State Division of Vocational Education is the instructor. The third and fourth lectures will be given on Tuesday morning of Nov. 25, and Dec. 2. Topics discussed at the first meeting held Tuesday morning included sincerity; friendliness; courtesy; honesty; dependability; being well informed; professional attitude; and customers needs come first in securing good public relations. Caveman Muzak MERIDEN, Conn. (UPI) Theres nothing modern about music to wirk by, according to an official of Business Music, Inc. Joseph Walthier said music to reduce boredof and increase efficiency has been used as far back as we can go in history. He added: Even the caveman when he broke one stone against another often grunted. This, in a very crude form, was early work music. It was rhythm and it helped him to get a little more strength for successive blows on the rock." When the budget needs a iff... Occupational Hazard A doctor had a boy and had to insert a needle in the lads knee to draw off a little fluid. The boys mother and the doctors nurse held the youngster while the doctor performed his in his office last week painful task. The boy let out a yell, of course, even though he was more offended than hurt. His task completed, the doctor sought to take the boys mind off his troubles. Youre a chap, he told the youngster. What do you expect to do when you grow up? His eyes wet with tears, the boy looked at the doctor with and mutgrim determination tered, Im going to kill you." nice-lookin- FREE at ROBERTAS Yes, we will give you absolutely FREE, a turkey with each $20.00 purchase. Come in today and lay away gifts for Christmas. We have a new shipment of Lingerie including nightgowns with sleeves and pajamas with sleeves. Remember the Dress Contest ends November 30th. Our budget dresses are decreasing in price at the rate of $1.00 per week until all are sold. Values to $19.95 at ROBERTAS long-legge- d $25 to $2000 Men and women, married or single, can get cash for any worthy purpose on Signature only, car or furniture. Ilarold C. Crill, Manager Phone: 487, Brigham City 20 S. Main SL Loom below $600 nod by Gty Flnooa Co. (Utah) Dr. Hawkes recently conductBerlin, A Tale of Two Cities, is the subject of the guest speak- ed a European tour for the Unier for Civic Improvement club versity of Utah and during the served meeting to be held Thursday, academic year of 1956-5Nov. 20, at 3:30 p. m. at the as a lecturer in Free University of Berlin and Thialand through War Memorial Home. will be served the Fulbright Exchange pro Refreshments between 3:30 p. m. and 4 p. m. gram. At Boothe Home with Dr. H. Bowman Hawkes, During the lecture tour, his Mrs. Matilda Boothe will be professor and head of the geo- wife, the former Ruth White graphy department University of sister of Mrs. Arthur J. Linford hostess to members of the Fort Utah scheduling his talk at 4 Brigham City, and their family Brigham Camp Daughters of were able to be with the profes- Utah Pioneers, Friday, Nov. 1, at p. m. 7 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 19, 1958 sor. 7:30 p. m. Music will be included on the At Wright Residence program, Mrs. Linford and Mrs, Deseret Camp Daughters Verl L. Petersen, program chair- men, announce. WOULD YOU GAMBLE one evening of your time . . . (at no cost or obligation) to Gaitr More Self Confidence? to Improve your Human Relations? to Stop Worrying and Start Living? to Improve Your Memory? Be our guest at the FIRST SESSION of this new class. Remember, no cost or obligation. CARNEGIE COURSE DALE . . . presented by Jack Brimhall and STARTING MONDAY, NOV. 24 of Utah Pioneers will meet Friday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Geneva Wright, 96 North Third East. All are urged to attend. At Lichfield Home Members of the Locust Camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers camp will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert C. Lichfield, 371 North First West, Friday evening, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p. m. At Ohman Residence Members of the Seagull Camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet Wednesday (tonight), Nov. 19, at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Lola Ohman, 22 West first North. Hostesses with Mrs. Ohman will include Mrs. Lillian Hadley and Mrs. Janette Perry. A good attendance is desired. At Petersen Home Members of the Sego Lily Camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet at the home of Mrs. Verl L. Petersen, 133 East Third South, Thursday evening, Nov. 20, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Carl Wold will be hostess at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Petersens home. Marx Call 7:00 P.M. and diamond clear, Samovar blends perfectly with any juice, tonic or mixer in your pantry. Make a millionaires choice of drinks with , Samovar 4 Hardtop Cruiser Is the luxurious Park Lane by Mercury. Also available in the distinctive Montclair and the popular Monterey senes The brand NEW 59 MERCURY shows you what NEW means Americans are looking at the new cars with a new look in their eyes. Theyre searching for the best combination of all the things that count in a car. The answer in 1959 comes from this completely new 20th Anniversary Mercury. SEE NEW STYLING CLEAN-DYNAM- DistinctiveMercury has exclusive body design; it is the only car in its class that does not use car. a body shared by a low-pric- RELAX IN A NEW KIND OF COMFORT Schools and colleges in the United States and Canada reduced their losses from major fires in 1357 by more than $1,500,000 as compared with the previous year. Behold! A Millionaires Bar in one bottle.. .Samovar! Dry ... This DIAMOND $ CLEAR VODKA Made from grain 80 proof. Schenley Distillers Co., N. Y. C. No car in its class has more usable room. For easier entrance, doors are wider than those of costliest cars. Up front9 inches more knee in the floor HAS BEEN room! The tunnel-humCUT IN HALF! The man in the middle doesnt p sit with his chin on Ills knees. And that lower hump makes room for thicker seat cushions. FEEL LIVELY NEW PERFORMANCE Not just high horsepoweralthough Mercury offers up to 345 but a new kind of respouse, quiet, obedient, effortless. ENJOY NEW ECONOMIES 2 out of 3 new-cbuyers can afford Mercury; The big special is the Monterey with its new Economy Engine. You get top performance on regular (not premium) gasits like "riding free 10 miles out of every 100. Add it up and you get everything you want on wheelsthe 59 Mercury. We invite you to try this great car at our showroom. ar UP FRONT! That tunnel-humyoull finde on smaller in Mercury. 3 other 59 cars is 50 riders can stretch out (including the man in the middle). NEW COMFORT p full-siz- Everything you want on wheels HiMtifrn NEW STYLING NEW COMFORT ' MERCURY'S COUNTRY CRUISERS Unique hardtop styling. y Retractable rear window. 3rd seat that face front. Concealed package compartment. Fold-awa- MERCURY S FIRST WITH WIPERS They clear a swath-includ42 the center ing larger area a section. Only Mercury has this aid to safer driving. NEW PERFORMANCE NEW ECONOMY All beautifully combined in the 20th Anniversary MERCURY BUILT TO ON DISPLAY TODAY AT YOUR DEALERSTOTALLY LEADBUILT TO LAST NEW FROM ROAD TO ROOFI |