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Show JYU.V Lairt'iiJ Initial Basketball Drill Monday Draws 31 Hopefuls at Box Elder NEW YORK (UPU--l Brute Winick went to police to report angrily that bis ear had been stolen. They promptly sent out a description of the vehicle: feet , Red, four and one-hal- f speed, long, a called Thunderbird Junior. Bruce ip seven years old. Roster Includes Two Lettermen From Last Year Like a general surveying his forces. Coach Grant Moser looked over some 31 hopefuls as the first basketball drill of the season was conducted at Box Elder High Monday. With only four seniors around which to build a Region One contender, Moser wasnt bubbling with optimism. Or the foursome, Randall Tyson, Wain Davis, Stan Williams and Bruce Keller, only Tyson and Davis logged enough playingtime last campaign to letter. And Keller is hobbling around in a cast which will keep him out of harness until after the regular season gets underway. Will Miss Regulars The Bees will miss four regu lars from last years team which finished third in region play with a record. The only returnee from the 1957-5varsity is Davis who could turn into a leading scorer for the Hive quintet this season. Sorely missed will be big Jay Arbon. Bob Limb, Dennis Hansen and Bob Persons who carried the Bee banner into the state tourney last winter. Moser will be pinning a lot of hope on the hustling efforts of Tyson under the boards. The center in football at will take over post position on the hardwoods. He and Da) much vis should provide Coaches Vernal Harris, left, and Grant Moser look over the of the rebound power. WORST LEG FORWARD ) Williams will be couhted teg of fTruce Keller, one of four senior basketball players at Box Elder high.' football game and probably wont be ready to go on to spark the Bee attack from Keller injured his knee in a late-seasthe varsity team the front line guard spot. Keluntil after the regular season starts. Other seniors trying for a spot-oler (6-who was a top scorer are, left to right, Wain Davis, Randall Tyson and Stan Williams. for the B squad last year, was a leg injury victim in the South Hi Lite s -- IN THI History VharmBcy J -- by Bob Hills The- tdrm drug may be de- fined as any substance other than a mechanical agent used in the treatment Of diseases. This includes plant and mineral substances, compounds obtained from animal organs and Synthetic chemical compounds. When a drug is suitable' for administration to a medicine patient it is calledharmful efwhen' it produces fects' it is a , 5-- 5 8 poi-sor- t. YOU our SEE MUST of Christmas Cards. Come in early for the best beautiful new line There are four purposes for which drugs are used. 1 To increase or decrease some physiologic function for the purpose of relieving pain (palliative). 2 To prevent the development of disease, (prophylactic) 3 To help the body regain its natural functions, (restorative) 4 To cure disease (curative). n 6-- 1 (6-1- cast-cover- n DRUG 58 8 Box Elder NEWS Phone South Main (5-9- on 'PEOPLES Free Prescription Delivery Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 19, 4 South Stake Releases to the UTAH and annual convention of the Utah Turkey Federation 5 and 6 DECEMBER Y Hotel Utah Motor Lodge, Salt Lake City Attend the convention of the Utah Turkey Federa-f- c otion. Toke an active part in the organization that helps to sell your turkeys. Complimentary Awards Banquet tickets to listed members of the . . UT1UI .TURKEY FEDERATION John Morgan, Show Chairman S. f V $ - 4 n ' c y - January 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 ( n y Vi, V ' . I I ' t , I t ; - ; - ' - ' - n, W X. ?' , 6f li - MARRIEIJ CAN. UNDERSTAND, xLJ wT,,SSTa7,WT,yT imtim ... I Ow F viM ppcc o ? 4. V- .r T. 7 v V - ' fc. f yiV ' Ax r , ' i vi?' y I - ? Jt&tS f. p - w kf'v -- .L : - COUNTRY inTfeCHlSllCbLOR i techMifsaKial ' Charles; Bickford 900 Si 250 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MATINEES -- - ,4. - Mfk MWthe E- - .,v lE'-- "" y ' i 'i dOf i .y- CKMilGO K1IS1G3 i 4 V r f . r J h r T 65c 'til 6 P. M. Children under 12 years 25c WARNER BROS. OARINGLY PRESENTS JEAN SIMMONS . IN HER , ' ' MOST POWERFUL n t - - - A i f ; - v PERFORMANCE vyt 1 17r.'5i - z '' ' ' if jl CO. w ' A V r , . m . - JOCK MAHONEY-GILBER- LINDA CRISTAL eouarb fikkz t , ' , 'v ROLAND lom eseekt J SOON ! R . by MER'YN LeROT BASSING-Directe- j fM-L- J;-!- 1 ' - v ' - 4 v.. 'tArzXn7s fight for life "INDISCREET" "NAkED AND THE DEAD" -'eo! ' ' ' 'GO TO A MOVIF! Costs Less Than Any Other Fine Bnlertainmen 5. ir EFREM LeROYprodutoi! :A?wE3mN , Screenplay Vy BLEEN and ROBERT ; Goi-eoK- Runnel .v RHONDA OF ADVENTURE! IfheQun . . KIND HEMINGWAY .; sJU&S w fA the V K n kmm It u s i jjClMaiAScOP-xife'-C01,OR.ijf- s ' r 4. 4-- 'i iso stmmnc DAN a. omiraiGZmusu COHIT v Buy from Your Dealer - ' - - y v V- - vfr ex . , s ''VV'h V., ir3y wv ' V - ; astay ativl V A. v GREAT PICTURES t M , . LIGHT A P.M, 'v & IQ f v 1 -- ,V ELECTRICALLY! UTAH POWER s6 suN.iMON.-;n)BvE-a AKIjMELIMKiK jc. K " , V- - '. 4- JHE "TOP v 49 tg. j.A M..tWO g, tY t . i t electric range! , Why not make her dreams come true this Christmas. She'll appreciate autocleaner, faster, work-savinmatic ekclnt cooking.. .and the family will enjoy holiday meals every day fof triafty,' many months to come! . T a. .n Is when a Thanksgiving woman wishes . . for a modern new GIVE BETTER the Exciting Story of the legendary Arctic BOVV sni e ot 6:30 and 9:45 Shows V ; J jl vf ? J Open 6:15 P. M. Willard vs. Ninth. Mantua vs. Second. Eleventh vs. Fifth. - ! - lut time " 5 Vi- - ' i First vs. Perry - , ; t - 8 " n r it iU the Spectacle r ; i ''c I. f Art" t T . FOR THIS PICTURE ONLY! 'RANGE! I t j;fiThe Splendor,) i ' ir?K f n ELECTRIC - f .M pre-seaso- n YOU MUST NOT MISS THIS ONE! S 4 STARTS TODAY Tenth vs. Sixth. r an - fS GO OUT.;TO A;MdVlEU January 15 6:00 Perry vs. Second. 6:00 Tenth vs. Ninth. 7:00 Sixth vs Eleventh. 7:00 Mantua vs. Fifth. 8:00 Willard vs. First. ' I f a newvTvmmum in entirtamim! GET MORE OUT OF LIFE Fifth. Second, vs. 8.00 December 11 6:00 Willard vs. Fifth. 6:00 Sixth vs. Second. 7:00 First vs. Ninth. 7:00 Perry vs. Tenth. 8:00 Mantua vs. Eleventh. December 13 6:00 Second vs. Ninth. C:G0 Sixth vs. Fifth. 7:00 First vs Tenth. 7:00 Terry vs. Eleventh. 8:00 Mantua vs. Willard. December 23 6:00 Sixth vs, Willard. 6:00 First vs. Eleventh. 7:00 Perry vs. Mantua, 7:00 Ninth vs. Fifth. 8:00 Tenth vs. Second. December 23 6:00 Mantur vs. First. 6:00 Eleventh vs. Second. 7:00 Tenth vs. Fifth. 7:00 Ninth vs. Sixth. 8:00 Willard vs. Perry. V 4 WISHING I FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD !r December 4 6:00 Ninth Vs. Perry. 6:00 Sixth vs. First 7:00 Tenth vs. Mantua. 7:00 Eleventh vs. Willard. s ' f STARTS TODAY Basketball cn " ' SHE'S M-M- basketball schedThe fust-hal- f ule for play among Senior and teams in South Junior Box Elder stake was eleased this week. The first league games will be played Nov. 20 in the gymnasiums at Box Elder High school. Ten Junior and five Senior teams will compete. Senior Schedule November 20 (5:00 Eleventh vs. Ninth. 9:00 Perry vs. Second. Tenth ward, bye. November 27 8 00 Tenth vs. Perry. 9.00 Ninth vs. Second. Eleventh ward, bye. December 4 8:00 Perry vs. Ninth. 9:00 Tenth vs. Eleventh. Second ward, bye. December 11 b: 00 Second vs. Eleventh. 9:00 Tenth vs. Ninth. Perry ward, bye. December 18 8:00 Second vs. Tenth. 9:00 Perry vs. Eleventh. Ninth ward. bye. Junior Schedule: November 20 8:00 First vs. Second. 6:00 Perry vs. Fifth. 7:00 Sixth vs. Mantua. 7.00 Ninth vs. Eleventh. 8:00 Tenth vs. Willard. November 27 6:00 Tenth vs. Eleventh. 6:00 Second vs. Willard. 7:00 Fifth vs. First. 7:00 Sixth vs. Perry. 8:00 Nintjj vs. Mantua. fossYe invited 11th ANNUAL Slate First-Ha- lf Cache grid game- - ' Hisivalue to the Bee hdofsters depends on his rounding into shape once the cast is shed. f Meanwhile, Moser is searching for other talent to fill his shoes. ,, First cut in the squad is scheduled Wednesday. Moser expects to trim the list to 15 or 20 players. With the first test little more than two weeks hence, the youthful mentor would like to tuck a few serious workouts under the Bee belts. Malad High school is scheduled to provide the initial competition for Box Elder on the local flood Friday, Dec. 5. Other praetiee encounters will find the Bees traveling to Payson, Dec. 10; Pocatello, Dec. 13; and North Summit, Dec. ,19. The Hivers will return to the local court Dec. 20 for a game with Preston and after a Dec. 23 game at Malad, will complete their slate against Springville . here Dec. 26. , Following is a roster of boys who turned out this week: Seniors Randall Tyson, Wain Davis, Stan Williams, ahd Bruce Keller. Juniors Ray Midget, David Rees, Steven Stumm, Eldon Bott, Vertis Anderson, Delbert Tingey-an- d Alan Tingey. Sophomores Paul Morrell, Ver-iSmith, Kirk Gardner, Jay Stuart Chris Pella, George Gov-er- , .Charles Anderson, Brent Anderson, Harvey Morgan, Johnny Johnson John Gunderson, Dick Barnum, Gary Larsen,. Reed Conger, Phil Jensen Steven Richards, Alan Jensen, Marvin Koby-ashi- , and Steven Ward. Managers are Jon Leonard and Stuart Tracy. , 1958 For Senior, Junior V . Under New Management i 4 ( ; i 4 4 i 7 |