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Show iiidittogmiig Thanksgiving AfCentral ' 2't . Phillip engineer, told police he climbed to tower atop the Williamsburg Bridge high above the East River because Jpe wanted a lofty spot to th';hkThihgs over after 4 qqar-re- f ivith his sweetheart.' Li i t (UPI a Casona, r ! . 4 Lofty Motives NEW YORK Mi Ccnlral schrol children ; are talking about the Pilgrims and our first Thanksgiving. They have had' Tut?' drawing Pilgrim fathers and mothers, and their iey;Vi an,d Indians.' Mrs. Jand Linfoid spent a few dtiys' in the hospital 'this week, fnends ftciyliitl Ole Godfrey By ller'boys and girls all miss her and wish' her a' Speedy recovery. Merle Grover ts1'' taking her ptaC.,f cl mg g;turfj the Stars' ' 1,1 The kteond 'grade' girls 'and bays in Mrs. "Eyres room are learning inter. sting things about the stars' Some things they Mrs. Merle C.raghead, left, and Mrs.' Ruby have learned are:' PREVIEW BANQUET DECORATIONS has to WAIT at ,No oneSinclair Stars' are l;ke our sun: ire Godfrey, social chairman for Beta Sigma Phi sorority makes a last minute check with Service! Oles not have do round, points, new rushees, Vanet McBride, center, DaLone Jensen and Marilyn Christensen, before the and are huge.5,;' faraway We take pride in. offering you Deep in concentration were all. students at Box Elder .SSHHII; QUIET PLEASE pledge ritual party and banquet to le held Tnursday evening, Nov. 20, at the Third Ward very A film strip about the stars clean rest rooms. to end first and examinations their school week as took . last Thursday Friday j High they yecie,atio,n hall, , hdr 'been 'presented.' Pictures and home work as the usual term school. of classes jthe assignments Monday's brought about the Big1 Dipper and the k v Plans I f H, . N , Lovely Decorations and Annual Banquet P-- T Ndrth Star, are complete. We new1 quarter began.'; i K are north, directions, Are Now Complete for Sorority Pledge Ritual learning ' Choosy jiQuth, east and west.SINCLAIR5ERVICE Jen-for . are complete the direction of Mrs. Erma WHITING, Vt (UPI) A thief NOTES' 'presented 'Thg'second grade Arrangements HOSPITAL the' iiiuklc'for ' the November Dealer in Sinclair Products btoke into the T. R. Bissette apthe pledge ritual party for son, Mrs. Ada Hewlett, Mrs. . . PTA1 meeting.' It consisted ' of new rushees of Xi Alpha and Merle Craghead and Mrs. Ruby . PHONE $64 pliance shop here and ignored following patients have : - 704 South MoiiV"' television .sets ai well as oesH of and Beta officers Thanksgiving songs, and also a been admitted Other Epsilon Chapters Sigma Godfrey. Meat Cooley but stole a radio. It "was under the Rhi sorority to be held Thurs-- members are also assisting with cpjal reading.' Rosette' during the past hospital direction of ' Goulding, morial " day evening, Nov. 20, in the party plans. ' hl ' '' WCek: ' Third ward recreation hall. confer- Jtui'rr Mae Armstrong,1 Lasca l , The Tarcrt-Teache- r Tonsillectomy patient The ritual, conducted by The beautiful young lady went ences last week were very suc- Kyre'and Begy1 Atkinson, yera Dixie Sanders. 3, daughter of Mill!i ,dvas the, accompanist. ' ' will begin at 7 p. m. to the office for cessful, with a report of very Mr- and Mrs. Marlin Sanders, a was This guinea pig morning with banquet to follow at 8 her first psychiatrists 11 By Letty Hunsaker visit The doctor look close to 100 percent attendance. found ' ' by the children irr Mrs. Brigham City. p. m. Lact week was test week at ed at her for a few seconds, then The tew parents who were un- Atkinson's . class. second Surgery patients grade Theme of the party will be srtd. Come over here, please. able, to come at their appointed Box EldcV High school and over Harold Arbon, Brigham City. 600 students finished is brown. Mack and white. "Smile--Postof Fulfillment He promptly up what his arms time aie being contacted thi It enIt bashful also is Irvin Jensen, West Brigham. but very with lovely decorations and fa- around her end put rea was felt to be a successful term. kissed her. As w cok to assure complete Mrs. Amy Sato, Route 1, joyed by all. It will be named vors planned by the vice presi- he finally released her, he comTwo days vere taken for the port. Principal Ross Coombs dents and -- social chairmen of mented briskly. That takes care and the entire faculty express soon. tests, certain subjects being new f'sh have also Some been Tre. Ada Mrs. Calderwood, probienr.-lNow!' bth chapters. , whats appreciation for the interest and added to designated for each day so that the aquarium, two monton. there were net too many tests JPlans forthe fvgnt arejundcjp.vuurj of the parents. ,, r attendance Bob ana fish. one fish Medical patients Miss Eden Andersons second-giadcoming on any one day. Learn Pledge to Flag Darlene Jones, dangter of Mr. All the students at Box Elder is starting a new unit in FARMALL 450 DIESEL . . Nearly new Mrs! Faye Moodys third grade and Mrs. Earl Jones, Brigham attend sever) classes each day of so.ual studior in foods. The stuare our and girls studying school. Seven examinations in dents are organised into a com- boys City. one day would be too much of mittees with ihe different groups town in social studies. They have Roy Showell,' 'Stone, Idaho. how to find their house Mrs. James (Arvilla) Powers, a strain, nenre the necessity of FARMALL 400 1st CLASS .. . studying a certain phase of the learned . .fl YCJ on a map and are now finding , tests on different scheduling the unit, such as sugar, meat, Brigham City. ' what in stores are our town, Mrs. Lois T. Hunsaker, Honey-vill- days. They have a miniature XMAS Decorations these stores sell, and who The school day was lengthengrocery store in their room to what owns MADE WITH YOUR 1 OWN1 HANDS SUPER "C" the stores. food. overhauled of in the buying study Mrs. Florence Stumm, Tremon-ton- . ed this year to meet the requirehelp Uns week being Veterans ments for the seven period day. EXCELLENT 'JFAMU.Y pR GROUP PROJECT Study About Grains u Day, they learned the pledge to r CSS' i Mrs. Varniek (Birdie) Hansen, Twtnty minutes were added to : The students of Mrs. Wintles the flag and the meaning of all . and five minutes were k" the V' - jtsday with SUPER "A" room are studying grains, overhauled the colors, strips and stars of Brigham City. order to v- i Vonda Hall, 14, daughter of taken off each class inextra many samples of the various var- the flag. the room per-imake for v. Mr. Mrs. and ieties being studied and displayCarroll BrigIlall, Mrs. Peter-en- s fourth grade I. This change has increased ' j,V 'I ed. began multiplication facts this ham City. both student and teacher load, fourth VTnifred Mrs. Nelsons Mrs. Ray (LaRae) Andersen, : . week. They hope to properly . SEE US. FOR, GOOD USED, EQUIPMENT Vv t Off su causing a quickening of the hr.s also been studying understand them in the begin- Clearfield. gride manbetter and demanding i: pace f grams, particularly corn. They ning, so they will have no trouBaby Kelly Armstrong, son of agement to prevent confusion. brought the project to a climax ble with them later. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Armstrong, GET STARTED ON yOUR PROJECT TODAY & by popping rorn in their room Mrs. Munson's fourth grade Little Valley. and having a Pop Corn Party. class ' is studying about the BfeqthtakinitDfviolfpr.j ph'Uta(). ( I in Mr. NEWS and The 6 Box boys girls dauy farm in social studies. Actually GLOW ftrni Fly me Jip jpjCanle Base,. They're Evjiyn Kays room have been They are learning how animals ' Eajy, Fun and inciting ta'Makei-TlieInexpensive Brigham tity, Utah making booklets on simple and people prepare food for the Add u Festive Spirit Any Occasion, They have done some winter. November 19, 1958 Wednesday, research on he subject, and In science they are learning for rnat$uu) kit and mfornohn. wop in at anThe are births following made their own illustrations and why they and all plants and nounced from Cooley Memorial original covers. The students animals heed air and water. hospital: I AM LOOKING t have found this a very interest- They had interesting experiJohn Delbert Anderand Carol FOR AN ASSOCIATE ing science project. antask ments conducted by Ada Cox, son ximz Honeyville, girl, The two fifth grades, under Mike Heath and Connie Kimber, Nov. Spackman, 13. IN Mrs. Kay and Mrs. Lynn Clark to prove that air was very ALL MATERIALS AVAILABLE AT- Kenneth Lewellyn and Earl-en- e are working on the PTA proBOXELDER COUNTY Thompson Varner, Logan, 1 gram for the month of Whats My' Hobby? boy, Nov. 14a. - IIE SHOULD fE: 'Pupils ih Mrs. Tingeys 'ifth Jack E. and Colleen Hansen -been' have grade in Bradford, 1 enjoying Rrlgham City, girl, Between 25 and 45 years old. Some people are willing to lend ca 1 1 e d, Nov. 14 project interesting a a if have think thev hand they 2 Highly ambitious and aggressive. CORINNE, UTAH What's My Hobby? Each chil Don C. and DeNece Pierson chance oi borrowing two later. ias invited to bring a hobby, Barker,: Brigham RFD 2, boy, 3 Desirous of earning a minimum of display it and prepare a fehort Nov. 14. t $10,000.00 annually within 5 years. talk to give to the class. As a Robert Alma and Karen John' result 'We1 have seen and heard son Smoot, Qwiune, girl, Nov. TO THIS MAN I CAtf OFFER: about many unique and unusual 14. : 1 A Professional Life Insurance Career as a hobLies. These have included Jack Mencell and Shirley Lan-various Coin collections, a brace- don Neff, Little representative ,pf Utahs oldest and largest Valley, girl, let collection made of foreign Nov. 14. Life Insurance Company., ft It i coins, rock collection, stamp colA comprehensive and individual training pro 2 and Mary Elizabeth Jimmy lection, and scrapbook, foreign Lindsay Barker, Brigham City, gram in all phases of Life Insurance sell- dolls, match, and preserved parMARTIN L. ROBINETTE C.L.U. girl,' Nov. 16. ing including Family Programs, Eusiness asite collections. ' Included also M-- ' i LaVar Vernon and Elvira SuInsurance, Pension Trusts, and Estate Plan- a were numberof v interesting san .pomingue? Ilansen, Bear Stop in for a chat at the Benefi' book collections on travel and ' ,ninfi: , cial Life Insurance Office, 301 ,. River City, girl, Nov. J7. scenic wonders. A definite income during the training period. 3 Annex. Ogden, First 1 Security Pheasant feathers' and ' Irish going to make a turkey with 4- The stimulus of working with a group of exUtah, or call me collect at Export potatoes are the interest this real feathers for table decora7527.. enthusiastic men. 2 perienced 3? X oi week the Thanks-givinthird at grade pupils tions is their, homes at tS in Mrs. Owens room. They arc time. ' v e ' It; Lincoln OLFS A - BEHS Students Conferences i. ' Complete First Termof Year Termed Success 1 ' Co-rinn- USED TRACTORS ' e e GLOrCANDLES (I . vege-taole- Spectacular, f i r - - o k i Brigham Truck &to'-CAND- tE Elder BIRTHS md-chin- Glo-Candl- Implement Co. 1 BEAR RIVER VALLEY CO OP 1 Xmmmk i , 11 g 1, s - A Few Decades Past ''yl . . . i ".i ,esi&& ' .r-W- h n a newspaperwasTrarity l - '(V a IN MANY AMERICAN COMMUNITIES! V- - Then a newspaper was a thing to be marveled at the Press fight for freedom were fresh in mind. Although newspapers are common in our country today, should not be taken for granted. If ia a wonderfuVfact that almost all of our modern communities have their own hometown newspapers, freely edited by members of their own communities spreading the news, stimulating the business of the community, and keeping their readers informed of important event? elsewhere. It is well to keep in mind that a free pre?3 and a free people are an unbeatable team. lr memories of their-existenc- get both, a beautiful gold gift wrap plus a superb gift decanter filled with Kentucky's finest bourbon, at no extra cost. Just slip off cellophane sleeve and give. You - It you- If you car" cV. jj - i e ' can give a betfer bourbon...give it! fr jxi r r : L p J iOUR HOMETOWN 11 NEWSPAPER IS A HERITAGE TO PROTECT! . W KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 60UR8QN , e. WHISKEY 85 - FROOf ANCIENT AGE 01SI1LUNG COMPANY, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY Ut o' PRESS ASSOC (ATI OM T 4 WHY MOftSWAY I AST (AM CITY. HTAI N |