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Show mw , I j - WANTED Japanese woman to do general housework for family of three adults. Beard, private room and bath. $25 per week for capable woman. Apply Mrs. Bartlett, vptf For Rent or Lease PAGE NINE FOR , i?!L ay la 024-tf-c- Offered 2559 WANTED m BILK PLANT Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM MAN TO WORK IOR DRY CLEANING Swaner, Ogden, Utah or DELIVERED h TRY IT 8 270-W- aPPl8S-William- s, 026-tf-c- Wonted ... and for 37 of p trucks. Guaranteed parts cheapv A & A Parts and Service, RD Now S. Ogden, Phone 257G3, Ogden. pd SALVAGE Trucks. Best price later. Any pick-u- WANT EXCELLENT WAGES SALE Used saddle. phone Ogden 4034. Just FOR SALE Used and For Right Man recapped right for teen ager, $30, C. B. tires, Brigham City Utah. pd regular or winter tread. FOR RENT Strictly modern furGood working conditions. Williams, Phone 6. E. L. Petersen Tire Co. For 38 E. nished apt Automatic beat CARPENTERS WANTED Experience not necessary 1st South. work on new senior 112 FOR SALE 1 used water. Adults and hot high only. Forlaje refrigerator. REEVES RELIABLE school at Ogden. . 19.24,26,31ch East Forest. Phone Apply at Mrs. Dredge. A. "sale Dei0100 and George Whitmeyer CLEANERS FOR SALE Kitchen table and South Brig. Sons, 2759 Grant avenue, Ph. APARTMENT FURNISHED chairs. Washer with 0280-RPHONE 31 Citv Phone 9062, mangle. FOR SALE Kenmore, Utah. and Ogden, cabinet Will sell reasonably. Phone Suitable for couple, heat1049-J024-2, wster furnished. Phone model, electric sewing ma131-or call at 135 south chine with all attachments; Services Fourth east Electrolux vacuum FOB SALE cleaner PIN BOYS with all attachments; UniverFOR RENT 2 room furnished Taken Down WILL TEND small children in M Shed DON T GET HURT sal electric mixer with all atAnd Stored In Barn opt Phone 264. home. Any hours and my We WANTED regret that we cannot tachments; Admiral wide 21 radio cooked meals. Transportation H, long an accident from hurting keep with record player; Mermaid you. FOR RENT 3 room furnished ft. furnished if necessary. Phone 2x6x18 long, However, we can ac(ten an keep steam iron for wet or dry ironMust Be Over 14 modem basement apt Elecpd cident from hurting you filumber for roofing: tric range, frig. 62 south Secing. All in excellent condi1x12x16 nancially. Are you completely 112x18 tion. 2 piece dining room set, covered? 370. ond Ph. Good east Is your policy comFURNACE CLEANING rafters lumber for roof. table and buffet 23 south prehensive and does it include 5econd west 2 furnished room FOR RENT the W for rafters. medical Milclause? Have We Vacuum, Clean and Repair See Ross Norr ' lers Insurance protect you. 2x61 for wall plates. All Makes of Furnace apt Reasonable. 95375-- north THE AT 1040 Second west Phone now, Ring 1)00.00 takes whole pile. GARAGES DANCE-BOWFOR 1 BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE SALE L pd All lumber under cover. MILLER REAL ESTATE Phone "ONE" before Now, sets winter let in. Phone 0297J1 FOR RENT Two room house. AND INSURANCE us erect your Particle,' whether Ic epth NEWS I0X ELDER Service HEuP 'JfiMlWVl&Jf 411 Hrn Wonted Help Wonted nf h 6 Offered d SUPERIOR ' DAIRY Phone 540 Carf 024-26-3- 1 WANTED - Private Home For Care Of Elderly Person Will furnish hospital bed. No. 643 Brigham City, Utah P. O. Box 416-N- Wages d 6.00-1- 1 ;dyli TIREl J. -- 0-3- hi PETERSONS S1.2S eeph H. jird east. now. HONEY s quart. better, 40c one 10 in your container, Peterson. S9S south lroner, Also boys cycle in good condition. $15. 39 IW 547 after 2:30 P-l,rth Second east p Glad-iro- SALE KLONDIKE Phone GARAGE Main Apples. You bet FOR RENT Furnished upstars Delicious. Phone 0382-R- . apt. Phone 536-lpd A. P. Dalton. lard. FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfur nished apt Heat, hot and cold water; electric range and reFor Rent or Lease Peach furnished. frigerator FOR RENT 2 room furnished City Apts. Phone 723-J- .' apt. Phone 450-. are they Brigham City G. A. NELSON 0-3- 1 05-if-c- h MONEY TO LOAN on watches, This Is Your Brigham City guns and diamonds. Brigham Loon Company, 38 E. First So. Phone 448. ch BUSINESS PIRECTCm -- reference guide to Brigham Citys Safes and Service institutions. A handy Furniture Moving hliances rent Beehive Phonograph Records Stok-s- , FOR LOCAL or PRODUCTS, distance long Furnaces, Radios, Washers, moving of household effects, Beehive nail phone 79-- J for free estimate. Appliances. Wav Hr hnn ial & Appliance Co. Phone 1. ture and caibinet work. Cadi D. C. Cornia, 506 south Second west. Ph. 530. AUTO SUPPLY CO. service, years friendly jodyear Tires. Garage. Auto fcHAM 0-3- 1 ipairs. Paint And Body !o X) 4 PAINTING, body and fen-- i work. Burts Body Shop, North Main. ildrens rt "Your Complete to teens, yarns and needle work, Ladies CLEANERS RELIABLE ENGRAVING DIAMONDS So. Main Ph. 23- Ready-To-We- ar lecialize in Quality Cleaning 2 South Main. Phone 31. CLEANERS. Finer Cleaning." Tex-inz- e Cleaning. Fur Storage, to ley pane 86. 0 hive COAL & APPLIANCE lone L Dealers in Utahs fin-- oiled stoker lump and stove. coal, p YOUR SUPPLY PAL Now! lone HO. d tie ve he ;ls fa R slack, d Co., DEAD OR ALlVlT prices paid for horses, and carp. Call us imme-latelafter death of animal receive more money. PIES TROUT FARM, Ph. 5mm No. 1, or 2215 Logan. ftrical Service by ia- - vn an fix anything. Just them in or phone us. keitenbeker electri c one 1190 Laundry & Dry Cleaners BRIGHAM GLASS and PAINT SHOP & DRY MESERVY LAUNDRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. 85 No. Main Phone 84 S. Main 62. Printing Lumber & Hardware 9 Good Printing Merrells, Inc. Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon for all your . printing needs Coal . poce Cleaning clean all heating equipment. service. Phone 420. Ilde pi Larsen Sheet Metal Fes L J for Prompt and Expert Radio Service. T. Howard , Smith, 107 E. 6th N. Phone ' future Office Supplies TYPEWRITERS, ines ffjjjrfrn and Adding Mach- Cash REPAIRED. bought sold and Office. 649-- Sales Books - Tickets RESTAURANTcheeks, manifold books, salesbooks of all kinds, tags and tickets.. We can save you money. Order from the Phone 1000. News-Journa- The Reminder I COMPLETE LINE of SLIPS, restaurant checks, Home SALES tionally Advertised books, ledger sheets, manifold Jmishinga in Box Elder Coun-ortand ali PrintlTLg forms office Main .Furniture Co. Pmiwu needs. 'one 250. l, Service Stations words JO' describe, this very """modem brick home. This place was built by the own-- ' er for his abode for .the next half century,however, circumstances has Changed all this. The owner, due to his employment, is now re- -' quired to leave Brigham. The total price for this place Is $17,000, an4 is a buy, especially when you consider that all floors are covered with beautiful new carpets of course the kitchen, bath, and utility room are covered with rubber tile. Water softner, disposal, beautiful electric range and refrigerator (just like new) all stay with the place, in addition to the very attrac tive draw drapes. No steps to climb all on one floor. Nice location. This place is . shown, by appointment only. fortunate have been enough to list two good irrigated farms. If you are interested contact us at once as the fall plowing should be done soon. C.B. Williams 140 South Main-PHON- E 6 YOUR CHOICE... News-Journa- MADE DRAPES, Vene-- o Blinds made to order. fPeting and linoleum d Hadfleld Furniture.- fir Coverings - l, Orchard Supplies JJJKoEDQuXmWcWe, Ande spraying materials. Produce Co. , Mark Brightenburg's 1 Price Each $11 00 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US . I MILLER Paints And Glass MK and GULISTAN Car-- F glass and Rugs. Gold Seal, home helv ten and Mirrois, Armstrong Lino-- n an I rob General paints, asphalt GIms a and Tile. Free estimate Brigham ooni North ber tile floors. installation. Ph. 696. Furniture Co. Ph. 25a Paint 85 North Main. 4utome Three new Brick houses. Each have two bedrooms with full basement Large lots, 60 by 165 feet New cabinets, electric water heaters. Oil furnace. New sidewalks. h Utai Real Estate Im-plat- orks. ), pd N-2 1 We REPAIR RADIO MerT&BoyTWear - 0-3- FARMS PHONE 1000 NEWS-JOURNA- . w Hail- Phone This olderhome has been remodeled Into two n 1 c e apartments. Furnace and stoker installed only last Priced at $6500, this year. place is a very good invest-- . ment. Located one block from High SchooL Reasonable Cost Moore Paints Benjamin and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances , neck, DUPLEX O Better Service Good QUALITY MERCHANDISE. Blocks, fair prices. service and the Friendly Store for Men. makes and (vaT Ph. 696 8 EARLS FOOD FARE. Open a. m. to 10 p. m. Fresh Fruits Repair Service CusVegetables Groceries Meats. WASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, tom Cut Refrigerators, Small Applianof Store A. The SHEFFIELD I. G. ces. Beehive Coal A Appliance. Quality Meats and Groceries. 1. Phone Frozen Foods. Fresh Vegeta120 low prices. bles. Every day Radio Repair South Main. Phone 69. on all makes of ushers, vacuums, irons, le. Pittsburgh Plate , Pennvernon Window Glass Mirrors For Every Purpose Kawneer Store Front Metals Pc, Glass Blocks Auto Glass Replaced WhUe You Wait Work , or Shop. 430-W- Markets SERVICE ou South Main. Phone OF KING Wight Coal Animal Collectors PTED Ighesf ' SMART STYLES in Coats, Suits, Elite Shop, 56 Dresses, Hats. Your . pd most 1 -- SUPER DE.LUXE MEANS A LOT OF EXTRA CHARM - SETTING News-Journ- al 0-3- 1 in our opinion, ,the best Is, ALITTLE EXTRA GLASS DIAMONDS DIAMOND 37 mers :VES Diamond Housa" KEEPSAKE Return to For Sale GLASS SILVERWARE PALMER JEWELRY Clothing ireads. Paints And Glass WATCHES . end Loje GIFT SHOP itfitting from tots & All 'HR epm hat office. 0193-R- MtiOMlhf recognized lines of at'Jollyette. dance, man's Holstein steer, ly white with black yearling. Contact Lynn ing, Mantua, Utah. ELECTRIC Viatel tutdewei blue FOUND MT. STATES Jewelers LOST Record Center Brighams h Child's tricycle a t Howard HoteL Call at News Journal office, identify and pd pay tor ad. Complete Line 45 F.FM Record , Repairs F181f-c- FOUND CAPITOL repairing & Lost and Found RCA DECCA Clean. for Appli- pollsner Coal ance, 68 North Main. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Radio, Ranges, Freez-i- , Furn. Repair, Rug Refrigerators. Hoover Vac-iNorth Main EXPERT RUG Cleaners. CLEANING, furniT!iture Co. Phone 250. XX) floor ELECTRIC uIDAIRE to pd FOR SALE PHONE 741 M 164 No. north First east. 113 Inquire 1040 9 (Be sure its a Klondike and not just a cover). Immediate delivery. Erection on your own property now. n actically new, $50. ial sible for bills contracted by anyone but myself. Jack R, Larsen, Howard HoteL Brigs 03 thru 3L ham City, Utah. , oporti tely Personals AS OF THIS DATE, (Septembe 28, 1951) I will not be respond Better Service ALL WAYS Phone 155 180 So. Main REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Ph. 1040 51 So. Main VIRGIL By Len Kleit 1(i |