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Show r r t PAGE 2 Mrs. Glen Woodyatt Honored With Shower , BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, October 31. 1951 wwkly Bwppr, nubllilud in at Brlfham City, Utah IIH, publlolwd A CIm. W. Claybauih. Pabltahr Robt. M. Croaipton, Mangling Editor CUdjrt johnon Advertising Manager 1 Published every Wednesday at B righam Utaa, and entered as Second Claaa Matter at the post office in Brig ham City, Utah, under the act oi March City, Mall 1879 lder ooun Subscription rate In Box ty, $2.25 per year, payable in advance: in combination with the Bos Elder $4.00 Journal, Fridays) (published per year) 12.00 for 6 months; single copy 5 cent. Outside Box Elder coun ty, $3.00 per yaart combination rate .7 $5.00. Mrs. Glen Woodyatt, formerly Carol Ann Yates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Yates of Hanper, was honored guest at a shower on Saturday afternoon, October 27, at the home of Miss Barbara R. Larsen. Miss Jewell Jensen was A delicious luncheon was served by the hostesses to Misses Jeanlne Spaekman, Joan Noirnan, Colleen Johnson, Sharon Young, Francis Petersen, Doris Simonsen and Mrs. Carolyn H. Bywater. Many beautiful and useful gifts were presented to Mrs. Woodyatt. Miss La Priel Wight " To Review "Moses Bridge Party Held At Mrs. JM. Rasmussens Helping Her Community By Helping Others Mrs. J. Howard Rasmussen was hostess Thursday evening, October 25, at a prettily arranged bridge party at her home. Guests were greeted at the door by a huge-Jacolantern. The rooms were also decorated using the Halloween theme and beautiful fall flowers. Bridge was the diversion of the evening with high score going to Mrs. Marvin Peters, Mrs. Quig Nielsen drew cut and Mrs. Glen Andersen received travel ... prize. members present (Regular were: Mrs. Wayne Johnson, Mrs. Mrs. Wayne Don Rasmussen, Johnson, Mrs. Wayne Loveland, Mrs. Armour Jensen, Mrs. Quig Nielsen, Mrs. Glen Andersen and Mrs. Marvin Peters. Special guests for the evening were: Mrs. Willis Hansen, Mrs. Ed Ward, Mrs. Lee Andersen and Mrs. Winston P. Nelson. V. , SCOUT 38 Nov; 3, , GET YOUR CAR READY FOR THE COLD DAYS AHEAD; with our complete World community First regular monthly literary ImFriday with Civic for section meeting meeting to be held provement club will be held on4 monton Methodist at Thursday, November 1, at 2:00 oclock In the oclock in the War Memorial The event Is home. . United Council ot church1! Guest reviewer for the after- men and the meeting t. i I noon will be Mrs. LaPreal Wight all women, regardlea Moses. who will review affiliation Mrs. V. V. Phillips, literary Everyone chairman, urges that all make a special effort to attend Thurs- their society Items for 2.1, and Journal to 77L days review. Accurate Sling Shots LEVELLAND, Tex. (UP) Two Levelland men claim a sling shot hunting record by killing 104 rabbits and one badger durperiod. J. B. ing a seven-houRobinson, 28, and B. Mason, 36, used discarded oil tank nuts as ACCESSORIES BACKUP LAMPS For Safe Driving 7 FOR WINTER COOLING SYSTEM CHANGE-OVE- R Drain And Flush Out ? , Radiator Inspect and adjust Fan Belt, Thermostat and Heater .Hose1 Connections. Inspect and adjust' hose - ! f i connections, hose clamps and water pumps. Refill system with cor ; rect t i " i' If SEE US FIRST! SEE US NOW! anti-free- solution. DRIVE IN TODAY (EV Youngsters Enjoy Kathy Larsen Honored Halloween Party On Birthday Anniversary Little friends and relatives of Kathy Larsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Larsen, spent Monday afternoon at the Larsen home in honor of Kathys sixth birthday anniversary. The group enjoyed games and birthday refreshments. Many lovely gifts were presented the guest of honor. Children attending were: Brent Arrival Of Daughter Announced By Bosleys 18 North Main EXPERT FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS z ammuniton. Frost, Bruce Hadfield, Bobby Taylor, Douglas Hunsaker, Leslie Keller, Sonia Knudsen, Kathleen and Margaret Owens, Nancy Christine Burtcher, Kimber, Kathy Usatuck, Karen and Susan Petersen, Janet and Judy Hadfield, Gayle Reeder, Marilyn Hansen, Dorothy Hansen, Gay Olsen and Vickie Larsen. LET US INSPECT YOUR WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND CHECK YOUR BRAKES. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bosley of Ogden announce the arrival of a daughter, bom October 29 at the St. Benedict hospital, The Bosleys h ave two other children, Billy 5, and' Fay, 2. a ..Mrs. Bosley is the former Hansen of this city. Lor-7ed- Monday Evening A Halloween neighborhood party was held Monday evening in the Eighth ward amusement hall. The youngsters dressed in costumes enjoyed their supper and games. Those present, along with many parents, were: Chad Bowles, Tamara and David Brown, Margie and Mike Boyer, Ray and Dean Forsgren, Pan, Ladd and Nanette Hollist, Dean .and Alan Freeman, Marilee, Karen and Terri Walker. Marva Marble, Judy and David Christensen, Darrell Johnson, Kathleen and Nancy Ann Valberg, Judy, Durrell, Kathy and Stephen Nielsen, Kathy and Susan Call, Dean and Alan Jen-se- Conference Of Fourth Ward Relief Society Held Sunday Evening v DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS WRECKER Relief society SERVICE SI TODAY Fourth ward was held the ward chapel last Sunday evening. Bishop George Niel son and Counselor presided Clark Rasmussen conducted. The congregation sang the opening number and prayer was offered by Abbie R. Madsen. Relief society president Pearl Hunsaker, expressed appreciation for the fine crowd present and the presence of Mrs. Rose Young and Mrs. Alice- Norman of the stake board and Eugene Wright of the high council. Hostesses at the door were officers Maud Beecher, 'Alta Shaw, Geneva Wright and Maggie Lee. The singing mothers chorus sang a number with Mary Hotter directing all the singing and v Denise Orchard, Barbara Jane Ethel Romer accompanist. Sustaining of officers was conJensen, Clyde and Paul Morrell, ducted by Secretary Amy PhilAlan Thompson, Renny Bott lips. Jay Stone and Dale Smith. President Hunsaker gave a Visit Louise Ingram ,.u report of thephst- years" activities and introduced Counselor Douglas F. Ingram, Layton, Mable Forsgren, who presented was a guest at the home of the program theme, "God Is Our Louise Ingram last Sunday. Stay and Strength, our ever present help In trouble, therefore we will not fear. io JST TEMPESTUOUS OF.fTjJE Doors Opa Ua7 i J THURSDAY "PICKO THE PICTURES conference 5 AND ?! miDDDI UORLDS CHEAT LOVE STORIES! ' this theme Mrs. Sarah Ras- ENDS TONIGHT CAPTAIN HORATIO HORNBLOWER BIG HALLOWEEN MIDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT Open At 11:45 P. M. TWO SNEAK PREVIEWS THUR. - FRI.-SA- T. fft The only honest to Rockne football picture ever made -t- his is the lowdownl MU Tom OReilly Morning Telegraph -CO- Short Subjects . ........ Feature Short Subjects ......U.J" Feature Short Subjects ......1 Feature -HIT' CHARLES STARRETT y.vv PORCH m.1n.mm 10 ? it . Plan rriaM01 SUI r MW . the To -- well, if : . rn iir foot mussen and . Mrs. Elizabeth Schow gave short talks. The mothers chorus sang the J ' concluding, number. Benediction was offered by Laverna Jeppson. Many baskets of beautiful flowers adam-e- d the entrance and assembly . hall. , NfW I G. M. FI r BE PREPARED 1 j,C.Pem Line Of TRAFFIC LIGHT FINDERS For Safety First DRIVING LIGHTS For Winter Driving OUTSIDE VISORS For Better Visibility RADIATOR OVERFLOW CONDENSERS " tVa 03302103 G0o Q O CD G Q and SMILEY. BURNETTE1. . DESPERADOES" i-- m JinX ? 9:00 9:30 HALLOWEEN WEDNESDAY "SNAKE 4:00 p.m. NIGHT m Matinee Until 6 Children . Adults 75c After 6 P.M. Children Adults $1.20 Including MIDNIGHT DOORS OPEN Taxes SHOYY AT 1130 P-- Phone |