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Show Free five NEWS x ELDER PAGE rigM esdBY- - of Borers i MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) Sign on the back of a truck loaded with concrete blocks: City. Utah . October 31. 1951 There are no termites in this load." moths around OANGMOUS ALWAYS Oct. 26. Meeting commenced at 7:30 p. m. with First Lt. Viiga Harding presiding and conducting. Opening song was by the con- gregation and the opening prayer was by Ella Bingham. The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. Roll call showed 13 daughters present and five guests present, arid seven excused. The lesson, Thy Came in 1831 and also Utah Central and Other Railroads" was given by Meiva Ann Whitaker. Ivy Fuller gave a report on the D.U.P. convention held in Salt Lajve City and announced the contest for the name of the next 12 publications to take the place of Heart GETS EM! Moths know no season . . . Dont take a chance . . . When we clean your garments we include six months' protection from moth damage with Monite Insured Mothproof Cleaning . . . Free . . . Get the best cleaning the best mothproofing. Send your garments to us today. Throbs. Two violin solo was played by Marilyn Steffen. A sketch of J. M. Iverson was read by his daughter Seretha Smith. Bulle tin No. 16 was read by Estella Burt Magmus. A song was sung by Erma Hansen and Erma Steffen accompanied by Geraldine Steffen. The benediction was offered by Chaplin Mary Rose. Thirty-ongood cheer visits were reported. Refreshments were served by Seretha Smith, Anna Hunsakr and Mabel Nielsen. in Jim eastern's NEK CL la e J39 PHONE Elder Richards The opening meeting of the Beehive camp of the D.U.P. was at neja the home of - Seretha Smith, OUR FINE CLEANING PLUS MONITE Opening Meeting Of Beehive Camp Of DUP Held On Oct, 26 54-- M rwwnnn I 1 , last s THIS ' Day fi BUY BEFORE THE BIG t - meettestimonial ing for Elder Sam Richards was held in the Sixth L.D.S. ward chapel Sunday evening with Richard G. Hansen in Bishop charge. Opening song by the choir, conducted by Lottie Tyson and accompanied by Merle Malm-rose- , was followed by opening prayer by Arthur Steffen. Sacramental song was by the choir while sacrament was being prepared by Larry Anderson and Arden (Jensen, assisted by the deacons. Ob the program Eldon Malm-ros- e sang accompanied by Merle Malmrose. A talk was given by Alberf Thorson and the choir sang a number. This was fol lowed by a talk by J. Edwin Baird. Nichols Faye Richards played a guitar solo and Presi dent Glen Bennion gave a short talk. The book, "Jesus The Christ was presented to Elder Rich ards by Vern Wiser, a member of the Seventies quorum. A purse collected from members of the ward was presented to Elder Richards by Fred Forsgren, president of the Elders. A response was given by El der Richards and the dosing song was sung by the. congre gation. Concluding prayer was offered by Homer Tingey. Elder Richards reports to the mission home, November 5, and l will depart for the States mission immediately fol Still Meet Goal 'an f U IRONRITE IRONER Box Elder county can its 1931 U. S. Defense Bond drive sales objective if prospec tive bond buyers will make their purchases within the next few days, Charles IL. Smith, Utah (Defense Bond chairman, said today. Since the drive started Sep tember 3, Defense Bond sales in Pox Elder county as of October 20 have reached only 19.50 percent of its assigned sales ob This jective, said Mr. Smith. does not include sales of bonds by postoffices made in October as they report to the Federal Reserve only once a month and there are some banks which do the same. , ( I urge that everyone give to the serious . consideration, purchase el a bond in order that Box Eldei) county can show In a direct .way that it is suppbrtr ing our soldiers 100 percent.- Remember, Defense is our job, too. "Bonds purchased by November 10 will be credited to the county, said -Mr. Smith. , UNTIL CHRISTMAS i'0". .ip meet Entertains Partners Party 3 . . WINTE- R- i PROTECT Jane Russell, who carved a permanent niche for herself as top Hollywood star, prepares to do another good carving job on this Thanksgiving turkey. Miss Russell, currently appearing in Howard Hughes His Kind of Woman, will soon by seen in The Las Vegas Story. Young Folks Enjoy Halloween Party At Home Of June Larsen s Bond Buyers Can n Book Lore Club Book Lore club entertained their partners at the Howard Cafe dining room on Thursday Aprons and overalls were the evening, October 25. , . costume last Friday night for A beautiful of large bouquet the Jaycees and Jayceottes when the they held their annual Hallo- chrysanthemums Mrs.centered Tin-gey Blythe ween dance at the War Memo- banquet table. Mrs. Westenskow Helen and rial home. were in charge of decorations. Included on the evenings enGames were under the dlrec a treasure tion tertainment was of Mrs. Bernice Andersen, hunt that led treasure seekers Mrs. Dorothy Jeppson, Mrs. Josie over all of Brigham City. After and Mrs. Camille Ben the hunt the group square danc- Jcppson nlon. Couple winning high score ed at the Memorial home. was Mr. and Mrs. J. Oleen PalmRefreshments were served to er. Mrs. Beth Baird was high lady the 20 couples present. and A Elwyn Seely high man. On the committee for the evening were Mrs. Gail Maddox, Live Display Attracts ; Mrs. Edward Frost and Boyd MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) De Sheffield.- partment store personnel searching for a missing Omaha, the largest city in found him riding cowboy ip Nebraska, is the worlds second a display window for an apprelivestock market. ciative audience. largest A farewell Tax Raise! Down Will Hold Your Jaycees And Wives Hold lowing. TO Beauty And The Feast. Honored Sunday West-Centra- YOUR IS . Miss June Larsen was hostess to a group of friends at a hilarious (Halloween party held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Larsen, on Friday evening, October 26. The young folks enjoyed a spook alley, treasure hunt and scavenger hunt. Games were played and refreshments were served. I Sewing Club Hear Mrs. Chester Johnson Mrs. Marcus Smith was hos tess Thursday evening, October 25, at her home to members of the regular monthly sewing club. Special Invited guests were Mrs. Lavar Kump, .Mrs. Larry Wehrle and Mrs. Ferrin Jensen The rooms were beautifully decorated with fall flowers and pumpkins. Delicious luncheon was served to the group. Mrs. Chester Johnson led the discussion on color and design during which time the ladies were engaged in sewing. members Regular present were: Mrs. Hay W. Oldroyd, Mrs. Mack Stoddard, Mrs. Wendell C. Kotter, Mrs. Chester Johnson, Mrs. Royal Reeves, Mrs. Dean Cheney and Mrs. Otto Jensen. YOUR TRACTOR Wrong types of oils and greases ... or a neglected cooling system may freeze your tractor on an important job this winter. Youll be safe if you bring it in for a complete checkup now, and let us do everything necessary for lull winter protection. CLUTCH ADJUSTING SPECIAL . Guests, who all arrived in costumes, were: Diane, Sharon and Janice Christensen, Mary Alice Johnson, Reva Hailing, Arlene Donna Fay Roberts, Monsan, Robert Checketts, John Jensen, Lowell Hendricks, Sheldon Nelson, Max Hall, Mack Watkins, Max Robinette Dick Watkins, The phone number of the News and Bill Barnes. and Journal Society editor is 771. for This Month Only , t Does your clutch dip, grab or chatter? Have it dismantled, checked, ad adjusted by our expert service men. At this spe- cial 111 introductory price ....... (Pari, Nfdtd Extra) , , 1 SERVICE i JUST CALL 300 A BRIGHAM TRUCK AIID IMPLEMENT CO. - . Ogden People YiSif In Brigham City Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. (L. ery,, Edward Thirkill of Ogden, and Bernice 1. Johnston of Washington Terrace, visited in eveBrigham City Saturday ning with Louise Ingram. The group had dinner at Maddox Ranch house. Army May Get Romeo A CHARLESTON, S. C. CU!P) ICassanova Remeo is registered with the selective service board here. I forrme AUTOMATIC IRONER A THE WORLDS ONLY. COMPLETE IRONER Give her freedom from her hardest household chore . . . hand ironing! Give her the only an Ironrite ... complete automatic ironer. . . . Ironrites exclusive roll with Twin End design the Two identical, usable, open ends assure ter 100 ironing of everything! No need for a hand iron at all! Shell sit down and gently roll out the loveliest ironing, every week, without strain or effort. Only Ironrite gives fullest ironing COME INI SEE IRONRITE IN satisfaction in a fraction of hand ' ironing time! Come in and see for yourself . . Jet us help you make your finest let us demonstrate gift selection wonderful way of Ironing! Ironrites pump Feather-Lig- ht ITHACA Pump 50015 g SERVICE FOR HEALTH instrucPrice includes complete free home on the tion to assure full ironing proficiency ! i Ironrite amazing DEMONSTRATION! AMAZING Good price- ALWAYS BRING YOUR Stevens 311 Double Barrell P R TO GLEN'S MOD- ERN DRUG. Attention Pheasant SPECIAL Iyer Johnson Single Shotgun Hunters Gauge Listen to the Rexall Show Amos and Andy ,$2135 every Sunday over KSL. 5:30 P. M., CBS. GLEN'S VJ0UKI 410 health is a less asset Provide full protection for your family by consulting your doctor periodically and using our reliable pharmacy service when necessary. TIMEWAY PAYMEN ONLY J57. DOWN BALANCE ON EASY one ARTHUR G. PURDETTS. GLOVER WIGHT STEFFEN FARMER EASY CREDIT TERMS THE WEST THE BEST BUY ON GUNS IN Winchester SHIRLEY W. ... Hums ITT HERE IS MORRIS W. The Republican party, as always, is striving toward sound, efficient, municipal government and the furtherance at all times of the health, safety, welfare, and prosperity of the citizens of Brigham City. The Party particularly pledges support and effort toward the following objectives: FIRST: For the maintenance and expansion FIFTH: To complete the sodding of playof the electric power plant. To increase the output grounds and park areas in north and south portions and revenue therefrom through the installation of of the city. additional equipment as required to meet the demands of the community. SIXTH : To promote the safety of our citizens with attention focused on dangerous culverts and ditches. SECOND: For the continued development of the water and sewage facilities of the City to the SEVENTH: To guard faithfuly the, public end of providing sufficient culinary and irrigation and to allow expenditures for only those mafunds water and adequate sewage disposal. terials, facilities and services necessary and essential to make Brigham a modern progressive city. , THIRD: To give the citizens of Brigham City the benefit of any increase in City revenue from EIGHTH: To investigate the possibility of a d utilities by a proportionate decrease in municipal swimming pool and the construction of the city tax levy. The Republican Party is definitethe same as soon as funds will permit. ly against any increase in taxes. NINTH: Our candidates are pledged to serve in their respective offices in a spirit of True DemoFOURTH: For the continuation of improvements of streets ani sidewalks within the city, incracy, welcoming suggestions from the people and cluding completion of the Forest Street beautificaserving the citizens to the best interests of the mation project. jority regardless of party or interests The Republican Party wishes to commend Mayor Lorenzo J. Bott and the present City Council for their splendid record of achievements during y : the past two years. t . , city-owne- MODERN DRUG 20 So. Main. jy-- y Z VOTE REPUBLICAN! |