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Show I "Gee Ma, I Manta Come Home" 1 C. m Jay Skidmore r Speaker On Thur. For Civic Club VOLUME 66, NUMBER 44 The Civic Improvement IT about )RDS J calf roup- s- jmmy The Recruiting Officers Didnt Tell Us this side of navy life, it appears Dick Forrest and Rasmussen would like to say. The sailors are in Diego naval Forrest and same company in boot training at San son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack le. Dick is the of Mrs. Jess Scot hern. )inmy is the son For Kids Maria Jn Fun OES C. Andersen Cost Passes Away Mon. Maria Charlotte RobertSchool sonMrs.Andersen, 545 south Minimum . nearlv Lincoln First east, will 7:30 tidpal Victor J. Bott one-mont- h fine In 10 Pheasant Season Will Open Saturday; i Over 100,000 pheasant hunters will move into Utah fields Saturday noon for the first session day of a three add one-hal- f pheasant hunt and, if the Utah Fish and , Game Department's predictions are correct, will find Taken Than Doe Is Estimate 2 y Clinic Here . 50-5- 0 GOP Holds Rally Rev. Gillespie And Reception whip-potato- an-U- p pn Womens Clubs Swimming To Hold Joint Opens Soon , :s three 1 $5 - -- Last Monday Eve OES v, . Speaker a average or better shooting. , Open season will be from Saturday noon until Tuesday evening, with firing sanctioned between T a. ,m. to 5:30 p, m., except for the first day.' . i. I "Average shooting as related to the past two years will find each of the hunters going afield bagging 2.6 birds per hunt " for f . the season. ' Records of the Fish and Game department show that four out of five sportsmen purchasing a hunting license try their luck in the fields. The department pre- - dicts nearly 300,000 pheasants will find their way to the game I ' Though not making any "solid bags. limit this is three year Bag predictions on the recent either and i possession limit is six. sex hunt until full reports come wardens and in from checking stations, the Fish and Game department made an early estimate of a kill of 60 percent buck and 40 percent doe. Department spokesmen anticipate a heavier doe kill the last seafour days of the eleven-dason as bucks become more scarce to find, The probable final figures I "T 4 either will show nearer a Senator- Arthur V. Watkins sex kill in most sections,, they will bold bis annual . "legislasaid. tive clinic in Brigham City, More than 100,000 dejer hunters Tuesday, November 6, at 8 p. m. hunted during the season to set at Box Elder high school, It was a new record in Utahs deer hunt- learned today. ; , f t ing history. out Watkins pointed Senator First reports on the present that- - these clinics are held to success ratio would make it ap give people the chance to voice pear that the seasons deer har their opinions directly to him as vest would- approximate 70,000 their elected f representative. animals, also a new record. the it times in past Many has been possible for. me to hasten action and even secure ; fa vorable action in some cases, Watkins commented. During his stay in Utah Watkins will pave pn off(ce open at, More Bucks Phillips. , Professor Skidmore spoke following regular business meeting and vocal selections toy students of Mrs. Leon Christiansen. Miss Kay Hodges, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George (Hodges, sang be-n- g white r Predict 300,000 Birds Will Be Taken com-fnitte- P-S- H f ' il es, Long Boys And You Can Go host to all parents after a illness. of the (Lincoln She was born annual at the tonight August 22, 1874, in Fountain Green, Sanpete meen Carnival. the county, a daughter of Edwin 6 p. m. the doors of DickApd Bob Limb Listen To Their Granddad for and Hannah Grundland Robertmg will swing wide tell how he shot his deer this year. .Orson, . . . Orson Tingey, 307 east, Seventh north, son. She was edureared and who participate, shootin each season usually with success. his unlimbers 75 eye old, there. cated years though jper will he served starting and Mrs. Andersen was married to p. m. to all children eat before John T. Andersen on June 22, its desiring to as chairman and the fol3 Generation Deer ames and main events 1897, In the Manti temple. Af- lowing members: Mrs. (Ross at 7 p. m. ter the marriage they moved to Bowen, Mrs. Albert Stoner, Mrs. Hunt Successful invited Spring City in Sanpete county Olof Zundel, Mrs. 1J. Oleen Pal- To Be ruts are cordially where lived Mrs. for five years, mer, L. A. lichardsen, Mrs. for The Tingeys they ing the entire family and out at the school, said of-- . moving then to Brighton ward George Nielsen, Mrs. Vanez WilReverend Arthur Gillespie, l - A "three generation deer Besides the usual hot in Salt Lake county. They then son, Mrs. (Henry C. Johnson and of the former Community C. pastor Mrs. to ElV. moved bunt ended in success recentEast Box barbecue, sandwiches, Garland, 'Forsgren. made pies and cakes, etc., der county. After living there Presbyterian church in Brigham ly when Orson Tingey, LorAn A Republican rally and re 12 years they moved to Tremon-ton- . acial childrens dish is City and currently director of Tingey and Steven Tingey, ception was held Monday eve protestant work at the InterIt consists of They have resided in Brig- I.I.S. mountain Indian school, will (ether, son and grandson re- - ning, Oct. 29, with Mrs. O. Dee smothered with ham City the past four years. give a major address at the Chil- kpectively, "brought home the Lund, president of the Womens Active in the L.D.S. church lurger gravy costs only five Republican club of Brigham drens Work Regional Confer- bacon. per serving. Pie, also, she was a Relief society teachFor Orson it was an old City, in charge. ence, to be held Ootober 29 and be served children at a er in Tremonton for many years. Pool 30 in the Salt Lake City First thing for he's 75 years old .After the NewhOuse hotel in Salt Lake singing, community cost. These plans follow Surviving are these sons and ' People" wishing appoint- Methodist church. his enthusfrom Alf was but Free which directed by City. judging Iheme of the Halloween daughters: J. Franklin AnderStarting Thursday, November should call there to make, as ments was Mrs, iasm man and news it release thrilling accompanied by just According to a ival, "Fun For the Children sen, Nampa, Idaho; Mrs. Lavon 1, the swimming pool at InterI . M. Sheffield one as he Alf first the of council brought from the Boyd Freeman, national arrangements. -Minimum Cost, be according Andersoi t,T IRuby Ander- mountain Indian school will 50 or so al down ! of led the in in of Christ churches the U.S.A., group probably pledge s. Reynold iReeder, general son, botl City; open to the public every ThursA joint meeting 5 of the legiance. Invocation was of nan and Mrs. S. L. Mosko-P.TjMrs. Lorna Adams, Pocatello; day night from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. the conference will be devoted to years ago. discussion of helping children mens service club of Brigham Orson is bail and hearty, fered by L. D. Wilde. Mrs. Grace Homer, Robert J. An- except on national holidays. president, Mrs. Lund Introduced a dis City wil! be held (at the Fourth as the results of the hunt ef chefs for the .4 The charge of 45 cents will develop Christian world mindedevening dersen, and Rulon (Bill) Anderness despite current internationward amusement ball" at 8;00 and is mighty proud Pi , tinguUhed groppoL guests. be Clark and Rassen, all of Tremonton; Verl' An prevail the same as last year al tensions. Peggy U 'marksmanship. This year City Chairman O. Dee Lund oclock this evening, Wednesday, m, chairman of the Foods demon, Garland, includeHthe--uspool, 'andt(Mrs, Cl deer down introduced the candidates for sponsored by ; the wives and his he, Ill uttee brought tax. and Ais;.. Jolikig .Redondo Calf Mdlhturff, soap,towels Beach, mothera of the National Guard as will the who shot first with the the Republican party just obtained to help-- ' in the klt-wi- forma. be Tickets can , only sun was coming up opening run for office Nov. 6 in the city who are conducting the defense be Dan and ,Effie Baty, Also surviving are 23 grand- at the information desk In the election. They are Morris W. bond campaign. on day. administration building Knudsen, Walt Mann, Glen children, ten Glover, Shirley W. Wight and genCooperating will be the Bus! n, Francis Hull, ElwoOd the younger Showing a brother, David Robert- Mondays and Thursdays. 4-- H council ness & Professional Women1 eration how to do it, he not Arthur Steffen, letts, Harold , Sycamore; son', Provo; and two sisters, Mrs. All plans have been compleAmerican ted and and Doris Secrist, Paul Jane Isaacson, East Garland and only bagged his deer first but men candidates; and Purdett Si dub, Soroptimist club, everything is ready for . Beta monsen treasurer iFarrrter, city the sent Legion Auxiliary, Sigma ''emice (Andersen and Jim Mrs. the . Carnival to Halloween for through slug the Tremonton. Achievefnerit program D&y big Oyler, Henry candidate. Each gave a short Phi and Civic Improvment club be held tonight at the Central-schoo- l ((arma Billings. - Box Elder county club memjuggler vein of the ' Funeral, services will be held , . and all members are, invited to from 6:30 to 9:30 p. m., bers will be held Thursday everelieving him of the task of talk. at 1 p. m. in the Thursday an- attend, Mrs. Dean Mrs. Walter G., Mann Freeman said Mrs. W. B, Howes, chair., ning, November 1, at the Second bleeding it. Brigham City Sixth L.D.S. ward nounced the program which was bond chairman announced. ' ' man. ward chapfel at Tremonton at with Bishop Richard Hansen ofElma of the sponsoring Members Klitgaard, by prepared room officers of m. 7:30 mother, Every p. ficiating. chairman of the program com- group will tell about the coming the, P.T.A. and all teachers of More than 500 boys and girls 'Friends may call Wednesday Fannie drive and will present two mov Central school have been workIn mittee which Includes from 6 to 9 p. m. at the Rogers will receive certificates and Petersen ies, "The Crime of Korea and a Christensen, Melissa ing together to insure all who Tremonton in homei for awards their activities. mortuary and Mrs. Farmer. t second picture film on defense attend an evenings entertainto m. 10 a. from and Thursday A mixed quartet consisting of production. Wivs of national guardsmen Professor Marden Broadbent from ; . ment. , time of services In Brigham in Korea and in the Utah State Agricultural colJanet G.I.s On Thursday evening, the Jensen, Ted Olsen, JoAnn serving A list of events for the eveeast. to will 545 First south the lege young speak City, Thompson and Dave Wright, sponsors will show the films to theaters, met Monday eve- people. include, tricycle riding; r Interment will be in the Brig-ha- other at Joan Flamm of Brigham City, accompanied - toy Mrs. Wanda the Veterans of Foreign Wars ning home of Mrs. Wenthe of doll clothes, fortune tellning sale Stake Youth Conference of City cemetery. County winning demonstra- a senior majoring in vocational Thompson, presented two num- and their auxiliary at the regu- ing, sugar, plum, tree, free P1' dell Hess to lay plans for the apforth Box Elder Stake will of the group at the ture shows, and a host of others. . . , . lar U. S. defense bond tions will be given and refresh- home economics at Utah State bers. , proaching ld next ments will be served. Orson A. Agricultural college, has just Miss Elaine Smith presented War meeting Sunday evening at Memorial Home. Talks will There will be dancing in the campaign in this area.-Th- e 'abernacle at Brigham City Election Amera tap dance. . She was accom- toe given Thursday noon at the auditorium, free door prizes for With tjiej coopera- Christensen will make awards become a .member of the group, e acoclock, said Vernal tion of Brigham City dvic lead- to 39 boys and girls that have ican Vocation' association, panied by Mrs. Margaret John-se- regular meeting of the Kiwanls a boy and a girl will toe given president, today, Val Woodland, accompa- club and on Monday, November away,- - In charge of special Will push the sale of bonds completed sugar beet projects cording to Ethelyn O. Greaves, ers, the yoyng dean of home economics. , people of the during the past summer. , Aileen , Toombs, nied future. sang 5, the films will toe presented at prizes will be - Mrs. J. Oleen near the In by are invited to be assoca-tio- n two numbers. present The of the purpose" the regular meeting of the Palmer, hospitality chairman. . Attending Monday evening parents are .also Invited, is to advance education toy Mrs. Mann then introduced club. . The menu for the evening will r Marvin were Mrs. f Bywater, of 'the Community 'eeting wiilbe held in any .Ladies South Stake Choir Will developing economic compe- the guest speaker, Merrill K. of chilli barbecue sandconsist Mrs. Leon e van Mrs. hold will Stevens, wards of the "Stake on Presbyterian church tence. pro- Davis. The ' Coffee wiches,' Mrs. organization pie, Ice cream and soda Mrs. Hold Rehearsal Rigby, Wed. on the Spencer, Jay an Election evening. motes the professional interests , Following the program rewater. Mis. Via Romer, Tues- tRay Couch, rtR. Curtis; General election of day, morning We would like to have everyfreshments were served from a Box of persons engaged in vocation(Rehearsal of the South learn- Mrs. Ronald Jensert, Mrs. Dean and.;, A. , Walter day, November 6,, it was 'It encourages table covered with lace table al education. one bring their children, eat their choir be will " ' held Neil stake Elder, Mrs. Thompson, . won, first Assistant Super- ed today. Payne, f Hallopart-tim- e and spend the evening and decorated in procloth and supper Mrs. In at End tabernacle the Mrs. will Busenbark, Grant Brigham dent of the General Board 'From 10 to 12 a. m. they Mrs. enjoying this activity, Mrs. Glen John- City Wednesday, October 31, at grams in agriculture, business, ween theme, e YMMIA Raulan at Nelson, and serve coffee doughnuts will be present, home Howes concluded- Mrs. Morris W.' Glover was education, Mrs. 7:30 p. m., according to Direc- distributive Wendell Mrs. Hess, the General Board son, church. fund Damon Runyon cancer of the the Community Oleconomics, industrial arts, in- chairman of the j refreshment tor (Harold B. Felt. A, President. Bertha S. It is held especially for voters Deart Freeman, Mrs. Grant rehabilitatMrs. Al- collections in the special jars dustrial assisted committee education, by Mrs. and Er Nelson Mrs. Jerry and L&Rue C. Longden, who may drop in after their sen, bert Thorson, Mrs. Ruel Eskel-sen- , placed in the business houses ion, and guidance. Phone your news to 1000 Don Johnson. d counselor will be present visit to the polls. Mrs. Roland A. Madsen and are doing fine and lots of adMiss is the (Flamm daughter wk to to the young Mrs. people. Edna Wight, Mrs. Boyd M. vance tickets are being sold for of Mrs. Mabel S. Flamm. ! win Take Care Of The Home Front' be furnished by an Sheffield and Mrs. Wight were the special .fund raising dance Nov. , chorus of young people from in charge of decorations which Saturday night, members of the were of Order Fraternal Eagles ! !, consisted of fall flowers through told Monday night at the reguCitizens of northern Utah out the halj. lar meeting of Box Elder aerie next month will have an, oppor' ss On 2919. , For tunity of hearing the man who Plans for completing the cam- is regarded by many as the Special Meeting For Funeral services for Alice Young Farmer Stated paign this week were discussed United States, beat senator. ks member urged to get be end Senator Paul Douglas (D., III.) Margaret Larsen Knudson, who A special meeting for young drive which will end will appear on (the years first died October 26, were held in toe held Monday hind the will farmers the Second ward chapel, OctoSaturday night lyceurn program at. Utah State on the use of Kenny evening,' November 5, at 8 p.m. Several members of the local Agricultural .college, November ber m. with 29, at I Bishop p. room at and Prone, in the visual education packs for polio C. LeGrande Horsley conductt 1 , , t '.. Eagles lodge attended the spe 27. lts was Box Elder high School. and conducted under dance Halloween His ! ' cial In Logan Is party appearance ing. Thd meeting will be held in faction of Mrs, Lillian (Prelude and Postlude were by cooperation with the - extension at Ogden last week, it was re? being sponsored jointly toy U.S. One friday, October g6. Renie Littlewood. A vocal duet, service Approximately 460 pea-pi- e A. C. and Cache ..Valley Civic and Cache Valley Breed ported. seirtativ$ from each of the attended the affair. , . Music association. was sung by ers Association. Main purpose is Tranquility," ards attended. Juanita Steffen and Irma Han- to further interest in artificial The next meeting of the Senator Douglas, the Demoe ' will be held in their crat who 'frequently says "no 5trating was Mr. sen. , insemination in North Box Elder Eagles n new quarters in the First Se- to Mr. Truman, was recently physio .therapist, Invocation toy J. Chester Knud- county. sen was followed by a solo and aph, Miss McClure, Edward Ward 'stated today curity Bank building, It was an- voted toy Washington newspanurses and Mrg MiU. violin obligato toy Lillian and that they are especially interes nounced. Move to the new loca- per correspondents, as the best J . Harold Felt. (Remarks were of- ted in the registration of three to tion will be made November 1. senator now In office. , Pment used in the dem-Jofered toy Lafayette Jensen and four hundred more cows in order which Included an Carlos Sederholm followed by a to in LET US MAKE justify an ' inseminator Lt. Billy Lee Home vocal duet by Lillian and Har- South Box Elder county, probably uUnl- t- Was borrowed r ache B-old Felt. After'29 Missions county. Present at located at Brigham City. MONEY FOR YOU meeting were Gennie T. J. Elmo Packer, - manager of Closing remarks were by ' Lucille Knudson, Evelyn Lt. Billy Lee, native of BrigBishop Horsley and the concludCache Valley Breeders' AssociaTurn that old furniture and ham M a r i a n (Fredrickson, City, returned home this ing musical number was a vocal tion, will be the speaker of the those useless articles into after completing 29 mis duet. Tve Done My Work, by evening and will present picfjeacham, Leona May, week, ubbard, Viola Lemon, sions as a 829 pilot over KoManila Steffen and lima Han- tures and charts giving the facts Christmas Cash. the Its surprising things rea. Vilate Hunsaker, . sen. and results on the progress of m that some one Lois Thorne. Vio-ieLt. Lee has toeen stationed in oencdiction was by J. Norris artificial insemination up to this you have need and at a profit might Lola Nielsen, Wanda Larsen. . time. Japan since February of this !0"- to you. ; t Elaine Holmgren. Mr. Ward urged that everyone services were in , year. Concluding Place an ad in the Classified Qa Johnson the ' Brigham interested in this project attend and Phyllis he a Wives Of Overseas Soldiers And Sailors furlough (After cemetery City Box NEWS Elder were page today. of defense bonds. They will head this where dedication of the gave this meeting and join the present will report back to duty at Sporepresent & JOURNAL. orpa who laid plans to push the sale ' ' . ' f the. D031 ehaPter was held at the home of Mrs. Wendell Hess, Monday. was by Rodney Taylor. kane, Washington. itUe vital activity, this year, The meeting , . Paralysis Foundation, official children JOTS 77, Brigham City, died at a. m. Monday, October 29, Be y "Jeanette and Her Little Wooden Shoes; Billy Howes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Howes, and Sharon Coleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dummer, sang "Wedding of Jack and Jill". The youngsters were in costumes and were accompanied by Jackie Edvalson, Delicious refreshments were served from a lace covered table centered with a large basket of fruits and vegetables. Lighted orange tapers glowed at each e end of the table. Serving included Mrs. Paul Mer-rei- l 10 PAGES BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1951 It Won't ladies enjoyed a special on Thursday afternoon, October A in regular monthly meeting held at the War Memorial home. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Professor C. Jay Skidmore of the U8.A.C. faculty who spoke to the group on "Growing Old Gracefully. His fine talk was followed toy a question and answer period which was participated in by many of those present. Mrs. C. W. Claybaugh was program chairman for the day. The meeting opened with regular ceremonies including flag Pledge led by Mrs. Charles Ep-leand prayer by' Mrs. V. V. d Meeting Wed. T Central School 'VL - e - Achievement Day ll , Set For Tonight . i Planned For ns Bond Drive Is vear standing j D five-point- 4-- f Planned By .Stake Youth Guardsmen Vives jiferenceln iiernacle Sun. New Member 4-- r t. Vocation Assn: , JNS of mi !lean-Up- - SO Plan Wil-tak- Day Coffee Affair J 1 20-3- 0 , igs, pins Cancer Fund Drive , v To full-tim- e iced Saturday . , " kNTi Make I at )Ff Price U OOL Senator All-'-Sd- iEY colors green, Monti1 ft , pub-F-iU- h n 29 price. La-'lar- 51 , , f i ! 27 Conducted '' : May Hear Popular Funeral Services Mrs. Knudson Polio 'i 30-da- y $ t |