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Show , t HIVERS ' WILL TRY FOR SIXTH NEWS three times out of four in previous meets, but the are rated the favorite by a touchdown this tilt. In the initial contest for the Bees this year, Jordan and Box Elder tied 6 to 6, and arm chair quarterbacks are still trying to figure out just which crew will come out on top In the game. One sports fan said The luckiest team will win the game, hey are both so good that thev That 'I & should both win it. about all that should be said about the game, let the best eleven come out on top as the PAGE TEN 7 BOX ELDER Brigham City, Utqh Wednesday November 15. iRhode Island Is 1950 GRID CHAMPIONSHIP SAT. the nations jnost densely populated state, Vith an average of 728 persons per square mile. Second is New jersey, with 643 to the square Stingers Will Be At Full Strength When They Buzz Against The Powerful "Diggers" - Coach Earl Ferguson will send his Box Elder JBees into the state finals in football for the 13th time Saturday afternoon when they meet the Jordan Beetdiggers, winner of the Big Eight league. The game will be played on the Utah University field and will get underway at 2 oclock, just as soon as the.D game is finished. The contest is the highlight of the past pigskin season winner. held throughout the state. In the B battle, two southern Tickets will not be on sale Utah crews will battle it out for the trophy. Millard and here In Brigham City, but they Moab will, take up arms in the game beginning in the morn- can be obtained at the gate just TODAY &THURS. TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL - ing, COVER Goer WITH RITA HAYWORTH GENE KELLY honey-getter- s at full be strength in Jhe tussle. All the players are dn top shape and geared up for 'the final battle of cantheir campaigo. didate Lee Boothe and rugged Tom Barnes wiU take over the end slots with the two atom bombs Maurice Ilunsaker and David Hotter filling the tackle positions. Lewis Knudson and Russ Nelsen will be at their The Bees will All-Stat- - e lies Brigham Tirnc before you go in for $1.25. Box Elder students will. sit on the old guard holes with steady Col- east side of the bleachers and lin Hunsaker at the pivot 6pot. take up the south half of that will side. Johnson Clever LeRon guide the eleven from the quar-bacReese spot with Phil Whitaker and speedster Oyler at the important halfback r deluxe Ronslots. nie Rock will be at the fullback spot along with Gary Mortenson.' The Box Elder Bees will begin Jordan has blasted the Bees their basketball campaign for the new season starting on December 15 when they play the powerful North Cache Bulldogs. All regional teams will play each team twice before they go down to the state tournament during the early part of March,1 , Last year the Hivers were jobbed out of a tournament berth when Weber dropped in a field goal with only four seconds left on the clock to win 49 to" 48. Then Bear River and South Cache turned them away with defeats at the UJ3.A.C. field house. Only two lettermen will be back from last years quintet. She Looks Llko aRtalBahy Forward Lee Boothe and Doyle HORSMAN Hansen, guard, will try and hold ' the team together. "TYNIE-BAB- Y Dec. 15 Box Elder . vs. North 0011 Cache, here. 29 B. E. vs. South Cache, Dec. This darling " there baby will capJan. 5 B. E. vs. Weber, here ture fho boart ol ovary Jan. 12 B. E. vs. Bear . River, young "mother" She Is 21' tall and here. looks and feels like a Jan. 19 B. E. vs. Ogden, there. real baby. Dressed in Jan. 24 B. E. vs. Logan, there. flannelette diaper, 26 B. E. vs. North Cache, Jan. dressing eacqus and there. snuggled in a warm . Feb. 2 Box Elder, bye. flannel blanket tied with huge satin bow. Feb. 9 B. E. vs. South Cache, ' ' here. , Feb. 14 B. E. vs. Weber, there. Feb. 16 B. E. vs. Bear River, - . there. - ; Feb. 23 B. E. ,vs. Ogden, here. March 2 B. E. vs. Logan, here. k bull-dozin- g Bees Schedule ' Line-crashe- Basketball Games hard-runnin- 55.19 , gin bet nsnbe ace YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE . . .WHILE WE MAKE WAY FOR SANTA! STARTS THURSDAY NOV. 23rd 9:30 A. M. Our Store Will Be Open Every Thursday From 9:30 A. M. to 8 PM. X nt an Tsons. These n ace Note! r ' lairs ' Specii Features At ecsglt a mg Different goclat Uta n Hours THURSDAY Futurt ret m card e the ake rc - re Thursday- cha st GAYMODE Tailored1-- isible NYLONS, iter t ice lr 0 32-3- 8 on 51-1- SUCS Crepe n Pebble 7 What a wonderful gift! Sheer 51 ga. 15 denier th jde Moa Gaymodes i) fro 'o the t hen rot rd mbina I tool . . . first quality, made for flatter) smooth fit, wear! CHEYf! an dBoys For Girls lea d as mng colors newly-bom- ngesti New in Mist, Dawn, Dusk, Shadow. W 9Q rved. . Sizes -- 8ies $6.00 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1(th SEE OUR COMPLETE 5 On Sale ltems.Co These SELECTION - r fad! OF NOVEMBER TRAINS Two-Stor- Electric and Windups LAY-AWA- 1 Y KEYSTONE Everything for template tor service hood lifts Car fakes Rigid construction "av toy for boysl y station has lube oil rack with pan, air reel. gas pump, overhead lights, automatic drop washpit, door, roof elevator and Wonderful 54.95 Two-stor- for young boys I Streamlined, tapered design. Seasoned hardwood top. lied Ryder ugned Fred Harman of Rea Ryder comic strip. Includes pack of shot, targets, safety pledge and badge in carton. Shell welcome ARROW of A Must Picture THURS., - FRI. - SAT. ' STARtlM NURSE'S , Authentic looking j jblue Lined 2. 1 $8.90 thrill!. Jackets Vool ZipPer Mens Heavy Men' Flan ne ffhlle tt $2.00 Plaid Sturts te but asurt me $20-0- Wool Suits Iji a Tg Special Fe0turl iinty The II,, MCIUM .... BMR I Pner (Vh. Outing Pence Flannel, yd (fit Piliov. Tubing. Flannel, H JU; 2-5- Yi-75- c fell j 'Altb ttea Outing Colorful Printed yP- - PENNfiTS - QWN electric BLANKET 71 ti Is I""- -- at levy ere SimtSecfW uo Tomscw DmcM by RICHARD THORPE Pnducri by WILLIAM H. WRIGHT Plus Short Subjects , id. This $21.75 r a mor 0 TERESA CELLI equipment to th out, 146 South Main, Brigham dlpueEn i; nylon, prettied wide nylon lace nylon net . . . embroid' or ery. While, pink .'32 to 40. V0otZipPJacketS Boy PEMDOZIKI SHOE SEKBH? dD easy-upkee- p $3.98 eure sick" tolls and delight young girls. B. IF. (Gr slip woven J. CARROL NAISH From stethoscope and wrist watch to rubber surgical glove theres a full aet of Phone 548 Vool A!pca jackets. Fur Collar V) Only sofa 0 Pocked In largo bo with handle clinical - 6 P. M. Go On Sale Items These nSS GEIIE KELLY 90 UNTIL CHRISTMAS t Thursday- Feature Special Men's suspRM-btf- a "ill1 Mens KIT A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ITEM 53.98 BROKEN Everything For Tho Young Nurso Small Fry NYLON SLIPS James Stewart in I Gun 4.95 0 0 U0S1I4 . 0o Sure At Shootin Sure To Please Western saddle gun design Lightning loader 1,000 shot repeater ?0. DRESSES 100 signal lights. Sturdily built of masonite, wood and Teak wood. i t D-- D THE PICTURES WEDNESDAY $4.98 0 O Last Showing GAS STATION 36" ESKIMO SLED A rugged sled PICK 600 dress ciearmke. y Grooved Runners Daisy Lij: s a . Has Thursday! Special Featu - Easylfa; Plus Just : dial II warmth, relax! Ewjjj boudoir UL Apprv' k |