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Show Squeaks Tracked Hold That Pose, Mister I page Flee NEWS ELDER OX Services Offered Brigham City. Utah November 15, 1950 fednesday, BALES BOOKS, restaurant checks, cashier pads, punch checks, printed to your order. Sale For Shot gun and rifle; SALE V guns. Mount cun States lSALE Red potatoes. Call 5 o'clock in the evening. La Harper, 113 west Sixth 364-J- . north, or phone jS on all makes of first oil condition; round oak table. U. & 124 South Main or J. BREITENBEKER Dodge coupe, ELECTRIC Smith. Phone 990 pullHeavyweight evenings. . Phone SALE ets. Call OE jffl-- Kenmore oil SALE heate- gallon tank and One boy's balloon White sew-m- g machine, $10; Crosley $40. Shelvadore refrigerator, Priced reasonably. OB SALE Estate coal range, years old, good condition. Phone Lowell Lemon. tubing, $40. tire bicycle, $10; 84 S. Main m ML EC Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM 495-R5- ., DELIVERED YOUR OT Horse Third TRY IT. bobby Bouncing now, $14.95, at east, Brigham. 61 south SUPERIOR Phone CLEANING URNACE 'i Vacuum. All Make Furnaces'--BHIV- COAL Be APPLIANCE Phone "ONE" LECTRIC Unfurnished house; garage, $55 a month. 163 north Second east Phone RENT pollsner . for Coal & AppliaNorth Main. F18tf-c- h News-Journ- al Classifieds Get Results 97. RENT Heat light and water furnish' ed. $30 a month and up. Syca more Motor Lodge. four lines oi -- ess, per calendar month, one month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents per line per month. AND BODY ORCHARD SUPPLIES Auto painting, body and fen-i- r Approved quality insecticide, work, wrecks completely re-n- it materials. Anderson spraying Get our bid, and save, Produce Co. irt's Body Shop, at rear of Main Motor, 604 North SEWING MACHINES ain. Repaired. Prompt service. Work guaranteed. Bate Sewing work Machine Service, 54 So. 2nde W ee Gordon . B. Nicholas for free Brigham. Phone mates on stuccoplastering ind cement work. Ph. 487J6. PAINTS AND GLASS Home and automobile glass, MN0GRAPH RECORDS shelves, installed. Genmirrors, Peter Cottontail, Third Man eral Paints. Brigham Glass and 'eme, Crew Cut, Theres No Paint, 85 North Main. Ph. 696. Stan Kentons new REPAIR in Modern RADIATOR and all Hit Parade tunes, Complete auto radiator service, Brigountain States Electric. cleaned, repaired, ham Radiator Shop, back of 380 N. Main. Writers Ringside T To-wo- typewriters, adding cash registers nled machines bought, sold, The Re-e- r f Supply. and REPAIRED. Office 'actric Electrical M22-ch-t- wiring wiring and contrac-commercial. Industrial and 'idential. Estimates given. Ph. ' 120 south Fourth east, 'tersen Electric. L HIETIAN BUNDS lwiow shades. Call us estimates. Large stock THREE BEDROOM win-shad- es Phone l, FURNITURE MOVING For local or long distance effects, ,N?RY DRY CLEANERS moving of household estimate. ' and Dry phone 79-- J for free Laundry L,,net' - Phone S. A. May & Son, 62. Daytime holidays -- HOME United States NOTICE REAL ESTATE BROKER 140 So. Main Phone 6 or call Salesman 349-- Leaal Notice and Guardianship Notices. District Consult Clerk of ourt, Brigham City, Utah, or respective information. for signers Probats WRECKER on Sundays and Call 906 or 54 1W. SERVICE ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Box Elder County, otgta of Utah, throughout the entire-year- , ynless otherwise designated, all locations being from SLB&M: 21523 Dewey viile Town and Elwood for Town, Deweyville, Ut.; .4 eec.-f- t. municipal purposes from two unnamed at spring areas, trtb to Bear River, as follows: points and io amounts SPRING AREA No. I N. 1330 ft. and ec.-f.25 1230 ft. W. SPRING N. 800 ft. and W. 1010 AREA NO. 2 ft.- both from E Cot. .15 sec.-ft., Sec. 27, TIIN, R2W. Spring Area No. W. N. a and ft. at. point i, beg. 1320 ft. from E!4 Cor. said Sec. 27 is embraced in the following traverse: N. 600 ft., E. 600 ft., S. 600 ft. and W. 600 ft. to beg.; Spring Area No. 2, beg. at a point N. 600 ft. and W 10(20 Cor. said Sec. 27, is emft. from E. braced in the following traverse: N. 500 ft.. E. 500 ft., S. 500 ft. and W. 500 ft. to beg. The wfeterwillbe colllected by means oc rock and tile drains and conand veyed in pipe a distance of 2900 ft. to an existing pipe line, and thence to a concrete reservoir and distribution system of Deweyville and Elwood towns where it will be used for municipal purposes. 21961 J. C. Stauffer, Willard, Ut.; sec.-f- t. for irrigation use from two n well bet. 150 and 350 ft. deep at points and in amounts as follows: WELL NO. I S. 1128 ft. and W. 2030 ft.- -, .5 sec.-ft- .; S. 1033 WELL NO. 2 .5 sec. ft., both ft. and W. 2520 ft from NE Cor. Sec. 15, TON, R2W. The water will be commingled and used from Apr. 1 to Oct 31 to irrigate 25 acre of land embraced in N Vi Mid Sec. 15, and for year-roun- d incidental slock watering purposes. 22031 South WUlard Water ComNo. 2, Brigham City, Ut.; pany, RF-.223 sec.ft. for domestic use from Maple Grove Spring, at a point S. 605 ft. and W. 970 ft. from E4 Cor. Sec. 1, T7N, R2W. The water will be recovered by excavating and opening an old existing tunnel. It will be collected in an 6-perforated pipe and conveyed through 3in. pipe to a 20.000 gallon etorage tank, and thence to a distribution system supplying 25 families located in Sec. 35, T8N, R2W and Secs. I and 2, T7N. R2W, for domestic purposes and for incidental stock watering. 22152 Michiko Shio, 7th ( So. & 8th West, Brigham City, Ut.; i sec.-f- t. well for irrigation use from a bet. 35 and 100 ft. deep at a point S. 54 deg. 3 min. W. 889 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 26. T9N, R2W. The water will be used from Mar. I to Oct. I to land embraced in irrigateSec.40 acres of R2W. NE!4 26, T9N, Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications, with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit form, with extra copy, end filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol. Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before January 12, 1951. r Joseph FOR .'.V WTieirda Ik attachment Isnt C. B. WILLIAMS Phone M-G-- M Women Make Complaint Kentucky Moonshine But .They Are Lenient Wipes Out Family TWO PRACTICALLY NEW brick homes, both completely furnished. S. L. Jeppson, Bridget Carr and Eddie Bracken studio . . . are shutter bugs on stage 12 at the Right now where they are filming Summer Stock. they are trying to get a snap of the agile Gene Kelly who is explaining a dance routine to Judy Garland. Department Of The Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Lake Land 6t Survey Office, Salt City, Utah, October 13. 1950. of 2455, eection Under provisions R. S., at amended by section 14 of the act of June 28. 1934 (48 Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the CLINTWOOD, Va. (UP) A faof Park application od John J. ICunzler EL PASO, Te. (UP) The coun- ther and his two sons, who died Valley, Utah, Serial No. 07 15 78, there will be offered to the highest bidder, ty attorneys office reported on the same spot in at a public sale to be held at 14) o'olock these Incidents in addition to almost Rock Gap over a 25-yeof December, 6th m. a. on the day Blowing 1950 next at this office,. the following its usual routine business: are buried on Cumperiod, tracts of land: AM of Sec. 10, T. 13 N.. R. 14 W. A woman came in to file a berland Mountain in Kentucky, S L.M., at not less than 83.00 per acre. near here, all victims of moun640 acre NEUNWl lz See 18, T. complaint against her husband tain moonshine. li N.. R. 14 W.. SLM.. at not lees for hitting her. j than 82.50 per acres 360 acres. the father, Dewey Muiline, Bids may be made by the principal Where is your husband, so was killed by law officers who or his agent, either personally at the can him officers that up? pick sale or by maiL raided a moonshine still in the Bids sent by mail will be considered 6he was asked. Gap 25 years ago. Twelve years only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bide must Oh, hes home minding the later, Philip 'Mullins died in the be in sealed envelopes accompanied by while I came down Gap from the effects of poison certified checks or post-offic- e money children orders made payable to the Treaeurer ous liquor. she replied. of the United States for the amounts here, Word has reached here that must be of the bids. The envelopes Another woman reported that Aldon corner marked in the lower left-han- d 'Mullins, 35, died at the No. 071578, Public eale bid. Serial my husband gets drunk, then same spot in Blowing Rock Gap. Sale. 10 A. M.. Dec. 6, 1950. and A coroner ruled that death was The highest bidder will be required he gets too affectionate, to pay immediately the amount thereof. then he starts to spank me. caused by too much whiskey. d Any adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, there anything I can do about or objections, on or before the time it? Order your stationery, office and designated for sale. Still another woman came in business forms, envelopes, etc., Any contiguous owner claiming preference right must assert such to file a peace bond against her today at the News-Journa- t. right within 30 days from ths above husband. The man was put in sale date. ERNEST E. HOUSE, jail. Manager. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Department Of The Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Salt Lake Land 6t Survey Office, City, Utah, Oct. 13, 1950. Under provisions of eection 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat, 1274; 378-W43 U. S. C 1171), and pursuant to the application of Harold L. Kunzler of Park Valley, Utah, Serial No. 071603, there will be offered to the highest bidder, at a pubhc aale to be held at 10 oclock a. m., on the 6th day of December, 1950 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: SWV4 Sec. Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 503.04 SLM, 3, T. 12 N., R. 16 W.f acres at not less than 83 00 per acre, and SEV4SEV Sec. 4, T. 12 N., R. 16 W., S L.M., 40 acres, at not lees than $2.50 per acre. Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at " the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to Bids the sale. the hour fixed for PORTRAITS must be in sealed envelopes accompapost-offic- e or checks certified nied color by We specialize in natural to s the money orders made payable of Ohe United States for the portraits. Roll film developing. Treasurer Ths bids. the of envelopes Photo Art Service, 68 S. Main, amounts must be marked in the lower left-han- d No. Public sale bid. Serial corner Phone 945. 071603, Sale, 10 A. M.. Dec. 6, 1950. will be The highest bidder required COVERINGS FLOOR-WAL- L immediately the amount thereof. car- to pay adverse claimants of the above-describe- d Any Linoleum, tile, broadloom land should file their claims, pet, Congowall in stock. Expertor objections, on or before tha time FurniMain for sale. North designated Installed. ly owner claiming Any contiguous ture, phone 250. preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale 1-- 4 News-Journa- h one-hal- for VETERINARIAN date. service, Veterinary Complete always available. Hospital facilities. Dr. Hendrik Main Furniture, 250 ph. Versiuis, Tremonton, R.F.D. 3, NOTICE ED MATTER 1 miles west of Elwood school , 3962. restaurant checks, house. Phone It The N15-17-c- with basement apartment, located In Seventh ward on a f acre lot Coal furnace with stoker. Price reduced to $9,500.00 and possession can be given imme' diately. DIRECTORY S2.00 Directory LASTERING-CEMEN- Small furnished apts. for two or three persons. . BUSINESS advertisements of 5T0 PANT a. e floor Rat Beehive nce, 68 DAIRY 504 Small children in -days a week. 4my Will serve hot lunch. Mrs. Fred Eliason. Phone 809-- Clean and Repair WILL TEND home,-fiv- ot FOR apt h Offered Services WRITE BOX 643. Brigham City . For Sale Real Estate And service on all home appliances, guns, etc. FOR SALE OR RENT Six room Guaranteed service and repair home. L. E. Turley, 612 North parts, lowest prices. Phone Main. 163 for service at your home, or bring them to Thompson FOR SALE Three room frame house, could be easily moved. Hardware and Implement. $300. Phone 2342. Tremonton or call at Leslie Jensen's, Brigham Route 1. Fresh eggs. Seventh and Fourth east Phone r, with 50 912-M- REPAIRS SALE OB the filllifted the a trapped ' At Mountain States Electric PUBLICATION Bids eale. the the hour fixed for must be in sealed envelopes accompae post-officchecks or nied by certified to the For money orders made payable Treasurer of the United State foe the amounts of the bide. The envelopes FOR RENT Unfurnished i-rmust be marked in the lower left-han- d No. "Public tale bid, Serial deluxe Peach City Apts. corner 071445, Sale, 10 A. M Dec. 6, 1950. will be required bidder The Ph. 723-- J, Dean Keller, highest 35. to pay Immediately the amount thereof. Any adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, FOR RENT Two room furnish- or objections, on or before the , time for eale. designated A23-tf-ch ed apt. Call 409 W. Any contiguous owner claiming preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale FOR RENT Furnished i date. duplex apt. modern, clean; ERNEST E. HOUSE. Manager, entrance; private garage, 75 north Adults. Ph. 568-J- . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Third east PUBLIC SALE FOR heater; I Cafe, north Phone 448 SERVICE . 724-M- 01 SALE OB CO. Washers, vacuums, irons, etc. We fix anything. Just bring them in or phone us. phmae Will LOAN 43 So. Main Farm all "C", used jB SALE toma-- L I months, with two row god potato cult; also has Ntt cultivator, fertilizer 701 West Forest, dais $300 L & NOTICE FOR N15-17-p- d apt BRIGHAM hot chilL home-mad- e Quick service. U. Alcoholics Anonymous Helped Us. Rent or Lease TO $25 in town. Short FOOD BEST to from Leo Manager, wo-Bict- n. east. Phone Wil- Mackey, Phone 882-R- ted, Utah. SMALL LOANS baled Roland straw. - failed a-- $300 tied Wire kitten. E. HOUSE. llhll.l TO STOP DRINKING? v n MO HI) FlO-tf-c- truck or Chevrolet at $250. See at Brig, Phone 62. wm. Laundry. cg SALE ERNEST F Roto-Root- Pnel at eaie data. i (UP) Wanted Electric. jJjfsALE 1M0 Choice of Ford companion and housekeeper for elderly Lovely home and salary. Phone 469 It United State Interior Department Of The To trade 70 acres; BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Journal Salt Lake Land At Survey Office, 580 pasture for small acreage City, Utah. Oct. 13, 1950. near Brigham. K. ssotion of E. Under AnderJ. SEPTIC pravhiom section 14 2455, tanks and cesspools of the S amended a by son, 548 south Third west, act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat, 1274; pumped. Roots and debris 43 U. S. C 1171). and pursuant to the Brigham. cleaned from sewer and drain Harold L. Ku ruler of application of lines up io 12 inches. No dig. Park Valley, Utah, Serial No 071445, offered to tbe hlgheet be there will Help or ging tearing up of lawns. bidder, but at not lees than $20 per Call collect 027J4 Logan. at a public aale to be held at HELP WANTED Salesladies for acre, 10 oclock a. m., on the 8th day of Sewer Service Co. thU office, the Debutante Fuller Brush Cos- December, 1950 next, h kind: of tracta metics in Brigham City and following AU Sec. 12, T. 12 North, Range. 18 . other communities in Box El- West, S.L.M., 667,30 acre. may be made by the principal der county. . For further infor- or Bide the ot hit agent, either pereonally . mation contact Mrs. Guy T. sale or by mail. WE SPECIALIZE IN Bide eent by mall will be considered 593 Whittaker, south First only H received at this office prior to refrigerator; SALE Used .Client condition. $70. Phone u. A One month delivery, so order early. Lowest prices. The News WANTED ift f1 i preference right mutt meeert right within 30 day from the above Wanted WANTED Down PROVIDENCE, R. 1. When a grease job eliminate the squeaks Gauthiers automobile ing station attendant hood and discovered STATE PUBLICATION-PUB- LIC M. Tracy ENGINEER. N SALE United State, BUILDING FOR SALE Department Of The Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Lake Land fc Survey Office. Salt Notice is hereby given that 1950. City, Utah, October 13, inection Z44, Brigham City Corporation Under provision, of R. S.. a, amended by ection 14 ot the tends to sell one frame building, 1934 (48 Stt., 1274; act of June 28, 43 U. S. C. 1171). and pureoant to the size of approximately 17 feet by Hereford 24 application of Park Valley feet, now located at the City Association, Park VoHey. Utah, Serial r be offered to the Cemetery. No. 071424, there will sale to be to purchase highest bidder, at public Anyone desiring 0 day held at 10 o'clock a. m on the of December. 1950 next, at this office, said building may leave his bid for the1 same with the City Re the following tract of lend: AH Sec. 4, TVp. 13 North, Range 13 not corder prior to 5:00 p. m., De West. SL.M. (641.00 acres) at leas than 13.00 per acre,13 end All Sec. cember 7, 1950. S.L.M. e 10, T. 13 North, Range Nov. (640 acres) at not lees than $2.50 per CBide may be made by the principal or hi, agent, eft her personally at the eale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered office prior to only If received at thissale. Bide must the hour fixed for the by accompanied settled envelope be in e or money certified check Treaeurer the to orders made payable for the amount of the United States The envelopes must be of the bids. d corner marked In the lower Serial No. 07)424, bid. 'Public eale 1950 Sale. 10 A. M., Doc. 6. will be required The higheet bidder thereof. to pay immediately the amount Any adverse claimant of the abwi described land should file their claim, or ob lections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any contiguous owner claiming , The next day his wife showed qp at the jail, with a pie and twq cakes for her husband. Play thru any radio or TV lot FOR. nm wear a s look Hare's youthful, stream-.- , lined figure. The ChfunpionSupport la a flexible, one-pie- ce band woven with a special surgical elastic with no buckles. Its comfortable, easy-to-we- ar, Time spent looking for filed papers is costly time lost. Insure rapid office procedure with time-conscio- Mrs. Donna Bosley FREE to. TMI For Your Listening Pleasure t OUR RECORD SHOP WILL BE' OPEN UNTIL 8:00 P. M. Every Night Until Christmas , Ray Grant Trained Fitters Jki HOW TO KEEP COSTS DOWN our filing systems. Call 3 now. Look Trim Now, y record-syste- , feels right. Dont delay RAY crashing through and PLUS 6 of the latest hit tunes ... at a "record" low price, $1 2.95. You'll get RCA Victor's new "Victrola" 45 attachment, and you'll get your RCA Victor "45" choice of a brand-nerecord, from the latest monthly single releases, every month for 6 months. A complimentary subscription to Picture Record Review Magazine is yours too. Come in nowl This offer good only for a limited time. opportunity your door I... the CHAMPION Everyone ia JUST DELIVERY MODERN IQUmtHI MOUNTAIN DRUGGIST STATES ELECTRIC .6- - izzmzzizz 1 u it GLAMOUROUS I'M GLAD WE'RE WOVLg REMINDER OFFICE SUPPLY NEWS-JOURNA- widow L ADS GET RESULTS by JACK KING |