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Show three PAGE The moon is the oldest celestial body to the earth, being only 240,000 miles away or roughly, 10 times the circum- - NEWS IOX ELDER Utah liighun City. November 15, Sunflower Camp Holds Gathering At Home Of Mrs. Vera Earl Maddox , November 10; New Officers Named The Sunflower camp of the U. P. met at the home of Mrs. Vera Earl Thursday November 9. Jennie L. Jones, camp captain presided and Phyllis Owen, first vice captain, was in charge of the meeteve-nin- ing. Come, Come Ye Saints," was the opening song and prayer was given by Emma Hansen. Dream of Love," and Repaz Band, were played by Prudence W. Sheridan on the accordion, followed by two readings by Dixie Gordon, entitled My Nel and "Little Peters Parley. Mrs. Owens announced the lie, county convention, which will be held Nov. 18, at 2 oclock at the Fourth ward chapel. An nouncement was also made of the Christmas party, to be held Dec. 14. Small gifts will be exchanged and ladies should come dressed in old fashioned cos tume. Eighty-fivgood cheer visits were reported and the lesson, Pioneer Mail Routes, Car riers and Contractors, was treated by Karen Wilde. The closing song, "Oh Ye Mountains High, was followed by benediction by Louie B. Anderson. Light refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs.- Vera Earl, Mrs. Kathryn Olsen, Mrs. EvaDene Stokes and Elvire Hess to 19 members and two guests. Lillian Felt displayed different types of Christmas cards and novelties which will be sold to help camp finances. RINSE ELECTRO WANT A YOU'LL for uding, riming, draining ADJUSTABLE PRESSURE WRINGER adiutt for all fabrice ftfOt AUTOMAGIC TOOI UDIRON, SMrl BIGGER LOADS guponifrotiofi white porcelain tub in Gladiron make piece it told to ore 0M, kow little U e dote), how jgg jt-to-iro- HEAVY Priced as keep floor clean and dry DUTY MOTOR and mechanic! Convenient Terms $99.95 as Low COVER G n BEEHIV E Mrs. City, president; Cox, Bear River City, Wanda first vice Mrs. Mary Rose and Mrs. Le- for the ' holiday Season , January. thy and friendship at the time of the death of our beloved hus Third Ward Primary band and father, we wish to express heartfelt thanks. We wish Officers Hold Meet especially to thank the ward At Alfred Frye Home bishopric, the Relief society, our friends, and all others who asThe regular Third ward Pri sisted in any way. mary teacher training class was Rotesta Hansen held Wednesday evening,' No and Family. vember 8 at the home of Mrs, Alfred Frye with Mrs. Madge Phone your society news to Hull, counselor, conducting the to Mrs. Charles Klmber, society meeting. The invocation was offered by editor, Phone 192. after which Arlene Kunzler, minutes of the previous meet ing were read by Mrs. iDoris Si monsen. The lesson was ably Plans Marriage flavored with GENUINE ' parents. The young couple will married Saturday, December A reception will honbr them lowing the wedding. , USE Betsy Ross OUR Large Selection DOLLS injury to small fingers. Baby Coos Toni A ! ; delicious Beautiful Tapestry R0CKEI2S: Curly Coos Dolls. BOY 27-INC- H momzmg colors. The Corinne camp of Daugh ters of the Utah Pioneers will hold a meeting Friday at 2 p, m. at the home Mrs. Lovina at Corinne. A good attendance is desired. Cra-ne- r. PLASTIC UPHOLSTERED PLATFORM ROCKERS love to use this kijli chair for feeding their "hungry babies." with Mne and ivory baked enamel Has a movable tray and foot rest Rubber tipped feet FIRESIDE CHAIRS COOS DOLL GIRL BABY No. bVi All-met- IT a stunning plastic What a wonderful gift fireside chair. Choice of gray, ivory, red or yellow. Lay away today. Only- - 5M9S Tots Plastic Platform All-Electr- ic ERECTOR Use Our Layaway Plan tall ON LAYAWAY SET ROCKERS 11 50 A gift to delight any child. Just like, the grownsups. car wth platform JJr and milken Opens Pops out - to deliver the plat- - can to Finished Lovt Price! in white enamel $1 .00 Holds it on i JONEL ''SCOUT" cotpUng cars! Set lncmae. Layaway 5-U- ... n .TO-- SIAM TABLE RADIO , Stunning new radio styling in a very compact unit. Yet it brings you standout tone quality and reception. Best of all is Available in its low budget-price- ! Walnut finish, Ivory or Black Bake-litA grand utility radio for your home! See it today! Automatic gate goes M.25np when train has passed. MODEL PHONE 63 $3G95 PAY Others as as $17.95 low 68 South Main ruJ .nrATIOttS TO SCRVE YOU BETTER WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE LATE R SEE THE MANY OTHER GIFT ITEMS WE HAVE TO OFFER , MEGffiEILILS. Firestone Store $99.50 TO $109.50 Lay it away for her today. 5x11-1- 3 . SJOSSING GATE light goes on and ' iowers as train ap Proaches not too late to get this beautiful table for your Thanksgiving dinner, and it will delight any woman who receives it for Xmas. 8 ft. & 8'j ft. FREIGHT gections of MAHOGANY DROP LEAF EXTENSION Its . e. Uonel 5JL Builds windmill pump, airplane beacon, pile driver, etc. Has electric engine with gears, pulleys. Instruction book included. Underwriters Listed. Sacrtly Stylcd-5r,- zrt MILK 53)50 and $050 CO fioGufi $24.95 Little mothers pUT A new, comfortable, and very practical gift, designed with the locked rocker. A very little money ' will hold this until Christmas for you. with long silky lashes. Heads are plastic. They have sleeping eyes Attractively dressed. ir inches If you have any society news, phone it to the News-Journsociety editor. The phone num ber Is 192. sob, even Heres the biggest doll sensation in years! They coo, cry. rubber bodies Skin with made Magic are Dolls Coos scream. Baby and powdered. stuffed with soft foam rubber and can be bathed only 449 doll-e-hicha- or (IB I The gift for Dad and Mother, a comWife or Husband fortable, sturdily built, closed Adds beauty arm rocker to any home. Choice of har-- " Corinne DUP Camp To Hold Meeting Fri. . Character . . lunch- two-cours- e - PLATFORM -- Tiny Tears v Musical Snoozie & SHERRY any article until Christmas. LAY AWAY FOR XMAS NOW! bg eon was served to 38 members committee 16. by the following fol- mehabers: Mrs. L. A- - Richardson, .1 chairman; Mrs. Searl Beecher, Miss Iretta Peters, Miss Flora "Hansen, Mrs. Earl Ferguson, Mrs. Lloyd Hust, Mrs. Norman Jeppson and Mrs. L. D. Wilde. 'Members of the V. F. .W. past presidents club met at the home of Mrs. Joannah Petersen last Thursday evening. Mrs. Genevieve Jensen and Mrs. Ethel Caddy told of interencountered esting experiences on their recent trips to Arizona and Mexico., Mrs. Petersen served a delicious light lunclfeon at a long lace covered table centered with a chrysanthemum arrangement. Other lovely fall flower bom quets filled the rooms. $7.95 . SEWING MACHINE The perfect gift! Actually sews doll clothes. Needle guard avoids loannah Petersen Ts Host To Her Club PLAN LAY-AWA- Y , its always Always give furniture wanted. See our selection of hundreds of gift items priced surprisingly low. A very small deposit will , 68 North Main Phone ONE BRANDY , given by Mrs. Amelia Welling, after which the benediction was given by Mrs. Leah Jensen, Pri mary president. Delicious light refreshments were served to the group, using the Thanksgiving theme. Hos t esses were Mrs. Opal Frye, Mrs. Mildred Perry and Mrs. June The Sego Lily camp of the Romer. Daughters of Utah Pioneers will Holmes Marilyn hold their monthly meeting on . who will become the wife B. E. Ladies Faculty Thursday evening at 7:30 oclock at the home of Mrs. Bernice Earl, of Albert Romano, December Meet At Beecher Home 16. 36 south Fourth west. ; The November meeting of the Box Elder Ladies Faculty was Forthcoming Marriage held at the home of Mrs. Searl Of Marilyn Holmes To Beecher recently. t, Mrs .Dale Rasmussen, Albert Romano Is Told conducted the meetHorsley The forthcoming marriage of ing. Mrs. LeGrande two lovely solos, Friends Marilyn Holmes, daughter of sang accomMr. and Mrs. Wendell Holmes of Mine and Homing, of Brigham City, to Albert Ro- panied by Mrs. Dale Rasmussen. mano, son of Mrs. J. Romano of Mr. Lloyd iHust entertained the movies Seattle, Washington, was am group with several of his nounced today by the bride-elect- s of local interest. , ex- results Sego Lily Camp Of DUP Will Meet Thursday COAL & APPLIANCE dawaiian Hospitality at The Jollyette dance club hold their second dance of the season, Saturday, November 18, president; Mrs. Arlene Ficklin, ona Yates, both of Brigham City, at the Chamber of Commerce You'll be surprised at the S. on S. the Honolulu in arrived vice presiTremonton, second News-Journrooms. cellent returnand dent, and Miss Louise Jeppson, Lurline, October 18, secure. 10 m. tlassified ads at p. will begin Dancing Brigham City, , secretary and ed on the same boat November treasurer. ' With their headquarters at the Present at the meeting were the following nurses: Mrs. Amy Moana Lua Hotel, in Honolulu, P. Jordan, Mrs. Arlene Ficklin, the Brigham City ladies flew to Mrs. Ann R. ' Huohs, Mrs. Ruth the islands of Maui, Hawaii and Reeder, Mrs. Juanita Stone, Mrs. Oaku, where they toured the Winifred Ryan, ' Mrs. Elaine islands and enjoyed the Hawai Ward, Mrs. Wilma McCullough, ian hospitality. Miss Louise Jeppson,' Mrs. Hilda They inspected many of the Anderson, Mrs. Sid Davis, Mrs. industries there and enjoyed the Jane Jeppson, Mrs. LaPrele Ridd, beautiful palms, ferns and Mrs. Wanda W. Cox, Mrs. Lil flowers. lian Felt, Mrs. Nova Berntsen, and Mrs. Agnes Sterling. Card Of Thanks The next meeting of the or To those who by their acts of ganization was scheduled for kindness expressed their sympa With Mrs. Winifred Ryan conducting, the Box Elder county nurses met Friday, November 10, at Maddox at 1 oclock in the their regular for afternoon '' monthly meeting. Guests at the meeting, who were introduced by Mrs. Ryan, were Miss Cynthia Curtis, state ' president of the Utah nurses association; Mrs. E. G. Richards, executive secretary of the United States Nurses association; Mrs. Grace Webb, state chairman of private duty nurses, and Mrs. Iiattie Soleman, state chairman of public health nurses. Mrs. LaPreai Ridd, chairman of the nomination committee, new announced the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. Hilda Anderson, Brigtyam e Now you can have all these THOR Features with the door- - prize to be given 11 p .hi. sharp, it was learnin ed today by the committee .. charge. will All members are urged to Jollyette Dance Club Will Meet Sat. Night Brigham City Ladies dome After Enjoying Box Elder Nurses Hold Monthly Meeting At Inc |