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Show r Lash Out Open Region Spinsters Stuff "Cute" At Bears (TtORINNE vi OMMENTS Basketball Defense By Marijane Morns u Well, we Corinne residents have survived two days of pheasant hunting, guess we can take the rest. Ive. never seen so many hunters abroad in my . life or as many cars as Jammed the highway and main street through town. It seemed to be a safe and sane two days, how-- " .. ever. . The Claude Gilberts have company from Ruth, Nevada their daughter Sharon and her two small boys. DeVon Gilbert brought them back to Corinne after his visit in Nevada. He had quite an experience while he was at Ruth. He had the pleasure of riding on a diesel engine to the bottom of the open pit. copper mine there and then with riding back out again eight cars loaded with ore. He quoted the engineer as saying it was a cinch to come out with when , Jthat much ore now, but steam engines were used it was really a Job to keep the coal shoveled and the steam up. Miss Marilyn Holmes is at home now pending her marriage to Mr. Albert Romano, early in December. Mr, Romano is a native of. Washington and is of the, .University attending Washington law school at the present time. They will make their home in Seattle following their , marriage which will be solemnized in the Corinne Methodist church. . . . Michael ,Hun-sakeson of Mr. and Mrs. Wynn his 11th Hunsaker, celebrated birthday with a party this week. , An old fashioned hayride was the big event of it all and many . a youngster had hay down his back before it was all over. Seventeen children enjoyed the hot lunch, birthday cake and ice .cream. They were: Norma Jean 'Nicholas, Jeannette Jensen, Jane Fredrlcksen, Sherron Roche, Della Chlarson, Carol Hunsaker, Karen Cutler, Karen Jeppson, David Hunsaker, Jimmy Moore, Maurice Carter, David Johnson, . Lynn Larsen, Dwaln Thompson, Roland Reddlings, and Dennis Jones. , . The new president and secretary of the Corinne Pinochle club is Gwen Rader and Vivian Jones. They replace Mrs. Alice Davis , ancf Ida Johnson. - The next meeting of the Pinochle club will' be Thursday evening v i . r, I 1 , L. The Bear River Bears, ..who finished second place in Region One last year will open their defense for a regional tournament berth on December 15 when they meet up against the Weber Warriors. Bear River turned out a powband of erful fighters last year, and they are expected to keep on going from where they left off last season. The Bruins were slapped In the face in the state tournament when they lost the opening battle to Granite. The Region One schedule for Bear River is as follows: Dec. 15 Bear River vs. Weber, there. Dec. 22 Bear River vs. Logan, here. Dec. 29 Bear River vs. there. Jan. h Bear River vs. Cache, here. Jan. 12 Bear River vs. Box Elder, there. Jan. 19 Bear River vs. South Cache there. Jan. 24 Bear River, bye. Jan. 26 Bear River vs. Weber, here Feb. 2 Bear River vs. there. Feb. 9 Bear River vs. here. Feb. 14 Bear River vs. Cache, there. Feb. 16 Bear River vs. Box Elder, here. Feb. 23 Bear River vs. South Cache. March 2 Bear River, bye. Both Box Elder and Bear River will play three or four pracfast-breakin- g tice tilts before Thursday League. Nov. 9 , The Brigham Tire Shop held firmly to the top spot with a A Music Not Needed Mrs. Tenn. (UP) Henry Lanier cant sing, play any musical Instrument or read music. Yet she has written the lyrics of the popular song, Stolen Kisses. MEMPHIS, Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November IS, Tri-Stat- e SHOP FOR ALL SPORT NEEDS CT 1950 Health Council To Hear Speakers Mon. Dr. Frank H. Saito and Dr. Charles A. Munns will discuss culithe value of flouridation nary water at the meeting of the Box Elder county Coordinating Council of Health Services, to be held Monday morning, November 20 at the Commercial club rooms, according to Mrs. MacFarlane, , council Louella president. 'Dr. Willard West, district No. 1 state sanitation Inspector from the department of public health, will also discuss "What Public Health Means to Our District. All council members should attend this meeting, Mrs. MacFarlane stated. to I Phone your news to 1000 to LAY-AWAYF- ir' OR I SHOP THURSDAY NIGHT t THURSDAY NIGHT FOR THESE SPECIALS t. - White Star Bite Size TUNA, large can 300 - All Regular Brands 81c COHEE. lb. California Ripe OLIVES, The Jewelry House of Quality Merchandise Nationally Advertised BUY Always 19c can BEST You Know ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING , NOW! TURKEYS . , AND LAY AWAY Before Prices Go Up! OPEN 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Advertised Large, size 18, enameled A ts FOR THE MAN IN YOUR FAMILY! .This Xmas give him a E3 Reduced i spomter SPECIALS 6T08P. for Lift! PRICES GOOD FROM SIMONSENS . . . The Home Of BICYCLES CRANBERRIES, 45 3750 BUILT M. ONLY lb.-- 21c - CALIFORNIA YAMS, lb. BICYCLES MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs.- ! JEM SAVE Nil one-coa- t, self-sizin- interior flat g, oil paint. Regular $3.98 gallon can, special Regular $1.35 quart can, special . . NOW!! ON Bring in your guns for a REPAIRING 1st CLASS 95 . O MOORES IMPERV0 E arr High gloss, quick drying enamel in a sunrise colors. You can use new Impervo Enamel on any that calls for a quick drying, high gloss. It s and weatherproof. Use it on automobiles, boats, blinds, front doors, screen frames, storm sash, like it too for the ease of application. Regular $7.29 gallon can, special Regular $2.00 quart can, special . Regular $1.09 pint can, special . . 10c SLEEPING BAG! 47c - TUNA, can CLEANING and BICYCLES i White Star Bite Size . at a very low price BACON SQUARES, lb. REPAIR JOB STRAIGHT See Us First! GD EC I A ATTACHMENtS MAKES AMD BUTTONS EMBROIDERY MONOGRAMMING BEE SPORT SHOP 13 WEST FOREST REVEASI SEWING DARNING, 28c -- . 35c SEWING BUTTONHOLES OH SEWS AND APPLIQUE-IN- G Heres the new Wesco Trailmaster 34x7f with h separating zipper, waterbe n air mattress pocket. Two of them can er to form a large double bag. Warm c( 100-inc- LARD, 2 lbs. 41c coldest weather a fine Christmas gift f man. Regular $25.00 sleepng bag, fecial - ; nn FORWARD AND at. Any Amount Will Hold Your Purchase Until Xmas . D 2.5 s A GOOD JOB DONE hoi stocl PAKE requires no priming or sizing coats on celings, surfaces of plaster, stucco, brick, wafflx acoustical materials, old flat oil pants, kalsomine water paints. It hides almost any surface in out brushes with exceptional ease on all surfaces out quickly to a beautifully even, flat finish that washed with soap and water, In white and tints deeper shades may be added. Hewlett's Reduced to clear to make room for our new line of SCHWINN IMPLEMENTS THURSDAY NIGHT . ,FiImo OvorantHd 2 only Columbia i HARDWARE MOVIE CLOSEOUT Y THOMPSONS Bell, and Howell Equipment i PURCHASE HOLDS , CAN BUY! . 55720 Prices $39S ... THE BEST MONEY RIFLE VESTS CHRISTMAS GIFT LAY-AWA- , Select the hard to get" items you want for Christmas lay them away. Heres a few sugges- giving NOW tions: Mixmasters, Toasters, Waffle. Makers, Bicycles, Tricyclesj Wagons, etc. 30-3- 0 COATS - while m ELECTRIC ROASTERS . TANNER $1 will MOORES DUL0PAKE Westinghouse Store Will Be of 2 Hour Specials - From ( Ti FOR THANKSGIVING Any Merchandise Purchased At Our CLEARANCE! HUNTING YOUR GIFTS NOW your selection. Come in now complete.' AWAY lay; item of TMSEDAV $IPE(DIAILS$ SILVER WARE 5(5, 2.5 wll be allowed on your watch band regardless SHOP AND Complete Line ENGRAVED FREE! . cold meal , CARVING SET All Sizes Thursday night NIGHT THURSDAY PAY LATER 4 now for 0. C fine quality, reg. $6.50 value for basketball, gym all types sports. , WHITE - SILVER GIFT SET . 1847 Rogers gift set of berry syioon and regular $6.00 value, EARLS FOOD FARE Athletic 3 i - ..We personally select every bird sold at our store. Theyre GRADE A birds the choice of the market. Turkeys are cheaper this year place your order early. Also ducks, geese and roasters. ALL STAR & $4.50 - on the purchase dition beautiful new metal band. .Wide selection, og - ' price range. ROASTER te - 55c BACON, lb. THE TO - IT COSTS Ask For The Brands LESS 7-- oi. SPEW SALT AND PEPPER SETS 1881 Wm. Rogers siver gift sets, regular special for Thursday Night ,T Rindless Slab Just Received OLYMPIC Ml R at.:. XMAS NOW Tri-Stat- e SPORT HEADQUARTERS BOX ELDER NEWS step (UP) toward stopping proud parents birth anfrom sending cute" ' nouncements has been taken by two Logan women, May and Virginia Hanson. for After being bombarded years by such announcements,rewith a present expected in turn, the two young unmarried ladies decided to get even without going to the extreme of getting married and raising families. They 6ent the following announcement: Name Margorilla. Weight 3240 pounds. . Time of arrival 2:33 p. m. Mist green. . Color Sex Chevrolet. Nationally m - 'BOWLING RESULTS.' three point victory over Seagull Lumber anAviation; nexed three points from Andersens and the Eagles took three from the Intermountain Indian LumSchool, leaving ber and the, Indian School tied for 2nd place, with the Eagles in 3rd place. at Mrs. Jennie Gilberts. . . Mrs. Burt Christensen rolled a hot Jennie Adney has Just returned 213 score to win one-hal- f hour from Arizona. There is the very of dual Instruction at airplane first grandchild to talk about Aviation. now Jane Elizabeth Gaynard. Seagull. Her mother is Betty Adney GayThree regiments of Negro nard and everyone is Just about were raised in Alabama as pleased as can be. . . . Mrs. the outbreak of the Spanish-Amerlca- n at Hatch enjoyed the Margaret war but hostilities Armistice holiday and Sunday were ended before the troops forin Salt Lake City. . , . Dont were sent into action. get the Y. B. A. Carnival and Friday, November 17, at west Corinne, beginning at 5 the Corinne Y. B. A. church in p. m. BEE EIGH1 they start the ba-zaa- r, t- - . PAGE These Region One campaign. games will be scheduled in the News and Journal in the near future. . 35. LOGAN, Utah . WESS SOUTH MAIN MARKET ' Walk A Block & Save |