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Show A, . Garden, Field and Grass Seeds Jr - ' c j t s Stock of Reliable Seeds is joti Display ' 5 - NowJsMhe.time tojjuy one of our Standard Hand Seed Planters and save over half your time. Our Jine of Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Hand Cultivators, etc., is complete. t' . . j - CASH PRICES THAT TALK FOR THEMSELVES The Most of the Best for the Least for-Ca- sh TELEPHONE NO. 1. KAYSVILLE, UTAH f A bunch of kfys. formation at this officer FOUND Fresh and Cured 31 Full New Assortment of 1 A full line of Rakes, Hoes, Lard and Sausage S h ove Is. ourspecialty Forks. . and all few days. llighest price paid for anything butcher can use. last-we- Kaysville Meat Market ERNEST LAYTON Chipman, Crop. THE IMPLEMENT MAN" Ihone CO-- Kayivlll Roller Mill. V.g.it.bl. and Fruit Canning aaubllabmant, and groat Brick Plant add ataadlly -of Fruit and and . Haa a County High School, Churchea and naw Opera Houa. City Watar and Electric Lighting are inducements for lnreatment Horn of tha Rafles and ltr"up to data printlng" plant. For Sale or will trade Kir young stock, a top buggy in good repair. W. E. Gailey. A GOOD BANK ACCOUNT if "in a reliable business man' U hank, is the bst insurance against can you have anything the butchot use. Chipman will buy It of you failure. A" business maifhrmld and par the raah Be As Careful tolm V. Burnett of Delta, is of his bank account 'as of his ill the iitv attending to business reputation; careful that there natters and calling on old may be no opportunity of adverse friends. -tf criticism iiLeithcr, Vehelp snob customers, with greatest, pleasure f'iMiss Bessie Larkin is rapidly overmg from the result of an operat ion for " cSSHJANK .npp,-n.li.p- ' t Perfumes just arrived. t returned Sunday. FARMINGTON, Elder Robert Barton wlm ree rut lvret u rued frdniLrniission t o j Japan, w:ill spealyt the meetin hmso ndav afternoon. t C, D. IKutledic PHYSICIAN and surgeon Seuutoi John has Office and Residence on Locust gone to the range to lock after 1 be-ThornlW- he slrectncarJiamierjie.rstatu)n. oI wheep lev -- - Stew art RaneJi-eompan- -- 1 y. Electric Repair Shop John W; Burton came in Tues day fiom Ins sheep camp and re Sewed Soles, Ladies 50c. orts a great spring for lambing Sewed Soles, Gents 75c. He returned k In tin Heels Straightened 25c J same dav . his-she- ep All Work Cash. Sam Hanson Mrs. John G. ek. K A Y S V I L L E P H A R AI A C Y m Miss . PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Laura into bloom. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. ton of Downey, Idaho who has been Emil Whitesides, who has been visiting in this of Davis for part the past out of school for the last two county week or more, returned to his weeks on account of illness, has home Monday returned to school again. morning. Miss Clair Gleason, a student Dr. J.K Morton, who was inni jured m the wreck on the Bam- a the Ogden High school, was visitor at school on Monday. berger line at St. Joseph some Tuesday, being Arbor Day, was time ago, departed for southern as a holiday. A picnic observed California Monday morning had been arranged to one of the Chari, s IVak near-be canyons, but bad to be from Devonshire, England and postponed on account of the cool will permanently reside here with weather. his brother Joseph 1eak, the George Morgan has been nursul paper hanger and painter ing a sprained wrist by reason of been thrown off a Mrs, 0 F, latello, who has colt having he was riding to school. ben sick for sometime is still ill. Alex Griddle has left school Thatelver and ehild-re- to assist bis father with, the of Logan, were the guests of work. On account of the spring Mrs. 11. II. Blood for a part- of early dosing this fast- vv oo k. 4 fewer been have year pupils Mrs. W. L7Robinson of Ash-to- forced ter leave than usual. A debate w ith Syracuse ;IIigh Idaho. w ho has been under has-be- en school tlie treatment of I)r arranged for the W. Ter.(. near The future. team has not rill has returned to her home much imporved in yet been chosen, but it will health. probably be the sarnie pupils -who debated against Bountiful. Mork-o- rr the girls' dormitory Tot the Dav is Gounty UnuTiery "is Kaysville Fire Department. nearing eompletum The addition to the plant made necesThe annual election of the sary for the installation of pea Kaysville fire depatrment was machinery is also vv ell under wav held at the city hall on Thursday evening of last w.eek. Earnest C. D.d toulo,. of Nt. Anthony, Blood vvas reelected chief; Wm. LJalio, who last fall th puriursed la i in of George U. Layton on the Foxley assistant chief ; Myron V. Mountain, road, vva.s here foF a Phillips, secretary and Loon M. treasurer. Vacancies in the part of last vveik direitmg the Strong wore filled as follows: company work on his farm. He intends Ole Jesse Simpson. Ralph Layton. to bring his family here for the Snath. Edward Wray and Keith summer. .C. E. I, a) M Barnes Still - Co-o- p Kaysville y ' i We 7 riers are-headqua- for the famous Western Seeds from Barteldes Co., Our stock is complete. r Denver. n Younveed a HoeTRakeTShovel, Spade or Fork? Wc have them? any kind -- of-oho-rd - you desire. Our line of general mdse, is complete and -- mold and vlaughtrr Molin', ar rived from New Voik Monday, ae. ompamed by Elder Green. "Davis County Shoe Doctor Kldeis Gretii and Baines hav e Barneshe. KAYSA4LLF non amisMonTo the east-- " Members of the 7 Kaysville has an efficient fire construction ern slates t.u the past two years.. crew who h , Telephone 9 J tole-Tdepartment and good work has is building a a I WAYS .been the rn le when th h f I of were needed., the services A: tah Power day s Light about ; Company, . half,a mile south op' the D. A. R. G. railyv a vv depot , Kaysville Brick Company are Mopping at the Kay svilfejio-The Kaysvillle Brick company t.l. hen the line 'is eoinplefed will not be able to eominenee the two , 9 tower tiansmisMou line 1913 j will uun form Grace, Idaho to campaign heforo the first of is an important factor to be considered whin ha ing your There is veryv indication .May. .llt Lake Uitv. ' lhat the f prescriptions filled. will make a big j t .Tlleie A' .Os a good attendance .run this company , is good deas theri year rtt the itk. jyalk 111 ietia Wc: absolute! y for hidsuhstit utionl each piesexiptumi.. bold at the ihufili vestry on Friday country. the building prospects Carefully and correctly filled and aur'priccs ai e just as reasoft evening. Notlnng 'was decided in Salt Late" and Ogden arc good able as wc can possibly make them. t that time but there- was a feel- with much building nowon hand. ing among the property holders Last week the sent a that '.the ' improv ments ought' to cai .of brick to company Montpelier, Idaho, be made. There "ill be another and one to Helper. Utah, m admeeting at an early date when dition to the daily shipments to the matter wTU be more fully Salt Lake. " ! MEDICINE MERCHANTS."' . discussed and it is probable" that There is now only 750.000 brick - ' Layton,' it will be decided to Utah. in the on the yardsiand that includes all 'put k. walk. grades and small lots. -- h t-.- -o-f 'Reliability up-to-dat- e. Kaysville Co-o- p. Our Footwear Bept. IS READY FOR THE SPRING OPFIMIMn Our customers often say Our shoes cannot be ecefed for style and durability i Dpnt fail to see the line. ' Prices Satisfactory -- -- - THE LAYTON DRUGCO., Stewart-Burto- n -- General Merchandise "7 Jk' J V the the ounce. n, UTAH AIL 50c to $3.00 popular odors. Crawford, trained .Layton, Utah. nurse, who is nursing her at the ssb request of the railroad company. Dandy lions are in bloom aud The injured lady is quite old and the apricot trees arc bursting feeble. 2 KWSVTUE wealth ' Mrs. Kinnett Earl was quite seriously injured while ing to pass from one ear to another on a Bamberger train at the Kaysville station oneday .lust as sTieattefifpt-e- d to step from one platform to the other the train started and she was thrown between the ears. She would surely have been killed had she not been caught by the conductor and drawn to the home of idaTFdrm. She is ajf-tl- other Garden Tools. James In- - Fifty bushels prime Idaho Rural potatoes- ,- suitable for seed. bOc - a bushel." h. H.-Icy wood, Layton Thomas Muir of Clinton, has leased a plat of land from 11. J. Sheffield just east of The Keflex office and w ill move his machine shop from Clinton to the site in a MEATS K' Seeds J. SHEFFIELD & SONS DEPARTMENT CASH STORE H. Go. ' |